The Value of 12-Step Meetings – DARA Thailand Does Not Teach This Model
Most rehabilitation facilities around the world teach the 12-Step meetings model. The 12-Step philosophy teaches you that you are powerless over your addiction. The belief is also that only a power greater than yourself can restore you to sanity and keep you in recovery.
At DARA Thailand, we do not teach the 12-Step model. Instead, we offer evidence-based therapeutic approaches that empower people with the coping skills they need to navigate the recovery process. We understand that many people do not benefit from the 12-Step model because they do not believe in a higher power. Including people that don’t like the religious and spiritual overtones involved.
However, we do recognize that many people who struggle with addiction may benefit from attending 12-Step meetings after they leave our facility. We are not against 12-Step recovery. We just think our clients would be better served if they were taught tools during rehab that don’t involve orienting themselves to a higher power.
Peer Support – One Of The Most Valuable Aspects Of 12 Step Programs
12-Step recovery programs have some benefits. The main benefit is that they offer you access to a supportive, caring environment of recovering people just like you. Most people who attend 12-Step meetings are earnestly working a program of recovery. They are sincere about their efforts to stay away from drugs, alcohol, unhealthy sex, gambling, and other addictive behaviors.
It is important that you associate with healthy people in your recovery. Also, stay away from toxic relationships that could lead you to a relapse. Most people in a 12-Step program is healthy are working on getting healthy – just like you.
Another thing is that these groups have regular get togethers like BBQs, dances, game night, and other functions. Recovering people can get together to get to know one another and enjoy activities in recovery.
The DARA Way
The DARA way is to include the best of the modern approaches to the treatment of addiction.
Here at DARA we think people need and deserve to become experts in their own recovery, so we use whatever evidence based treatment approaches meet the individual clients’ needs.
Our treatment protocol is one that can be considered ‘Holistic’. We help people find meaning and purpose in their lives, to help them build a stable and enduring recovery. We do this primarily through intensive therapy within a CBT framework. However we don’t stop there – we also incorporate into your program: personal training and exercise, art therapy, flexibility workouts water workout in our pool, yoga, meditation, group sports, stress management, outdoor pursuits and island excursions (to name but a few things). No two people are the same, and therefore we believe what works for you is the right approach for you
You Do Not Need To Attend 12-Step Meetings To Recover
We want you to know that at DARA Thailand, we do not believe you need to attend 12-Step recovery to enjoy a life of sobriety or freedom from behavioral addictions. However, if you feel you need ongoing support after rehab. You can always check out a meeting at one of the groups we mentioned and see if you could benefit from a 12-Step program.
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