Recovery comes with a number of challenges. The biggest is to decide to enter recovery, but others will quickly arise. The key is to begin learning and storing the tools that will further your recovery and help you to reach long term recovery. Just imagine looking back a year from now or ten years from now knowing that you have changed your entire life. This should get you excited as it is completely possible. So while you may just be getting started know that there is hope and you have already made the toughest decision. To take control of your addiction. The remainder of this article will share a single tool that can change your attitude and progress as part of recovery.
Whether you have a gambling addiction, a pill habit, or are involved in a range of addictive behaviors, there is a tool that can help you become and stay successful in recovery. This tool is simply humility. Humility is defined as humbleness or a moderate or low view of one’s importance. While this may sound like a self-demeaning trait it is not in any way meant to make you feel worthless. On the contrary. Humility is knowing that you are no better or worse than anyone else and that you will need to ask for help at times. That you have as much right and ability to succeed as the next person. The fact is when we lack humility we often disrespect people and hurt them in ways that are unimaginable. We can also ended up feeling humiliated.
If you practice humility in recovery then you suddenly become teachable and become a better listener. You allow yourself to examine your life without judgment or shame. This means you will allow others to help you and can learn to be honest with yourself about your problems, goals, and the steps needed to reach long term and lasting recovery.
The problem is that we often feel at a loss of power or importance when humbling ourselves. However, humility is the development of an honest, accurate, and objective view of ourselves in the universe. When using humility in recovery we view ourselves as equals to everyone and everything. Someone who practices humility rarely feels subconscious, but does take responsibility for what has been done or chosen, even while being secure in who we are in life and recovery. This will take practice.
To practice humility in recovery you must first learn to be grateful for the gifts you have been given. This can vary between and among individuals, but remember you are alive and you have a chance to start over, many did not get that chance. You must also be unique and not spend time comparing yourself to others. Some people can stop using and cravings end in a few days, others may take months or years. Do not compare yourself to others as your journey is your own. You should be kind, teachable, and free. Let the past stay in the past and begin working toward your future. As part of this you should realize that you do not know everything and can learn from the experiences of others. Even if your experience is not the same.
Start practicing random acts of kindness. Helping others can boost self esteem and further your recovery.
Finally, let go of your expectations. Life can throw you curve balls, just keep moving forward. Humility starts with you from the inside, realize that you are an amazing person that can succeed.
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