A drug rehab or rather a drug rehabilitation center is a medical facility that caters to those who find themselves addicted to various substances like heroin, alcohol, cocaine or even prescription drugs. These facilities vary greatly around the world, both in their location and specializations. There are rehabs out there that provide nothing more than a locked room with a bucket and a mattress, for the addict to go “cold turkey” in it. Hardly a professional and caring environment for an addict to learn his way to control the addiction and be able to re-integrate into society with ease. Then there are real rehabs, those that provide care in all its forms – medical care, psychological care, physical care, social care and much more.
Let’s look into what benefits can be found in a rehabilitation center and why anyone with an addiction problem should seek help in one as soon as possible.
Who are rehabs for?
Short answer – for people who believe they don’t need it. The real answer is a bit more complex. Practically every rehab center patient at some point denied their addiction problem and laughed or felt offended when someone recommended he should seek professional help in one. It is that same “it only happens to people in movies” mentality, that they are normal and can stop at any time or don’t see the consumption rate and frequency of the drug as a problem. Surely only weak people get addicted and need rehab help and they are not weak. Sadly this is not true and even the mentally and physically strong people get addicted to various substances. Falling for addiction is not something that can be placed in a neat frame and quantified in specific terms. We are all different as human beings, we all have our very own personalities and as such addictions are also “custom made” and rarely can be called identical to an addiction of another patient. Being addicted is an odd combination of physical dependence and mental addiction. Rehabilitation centers are for people who understand they need help, check in willingly and with determination to get clean.
What kind of help do I need?
There are many types and specializations of rehab centers. There are those that have gender, age, and type of addiction limitations. These rehabs go above and beyond to ensure a safe, pleasurable and like-minded rehabilitation course. That said, such strict limitations are not always necessary and many even believe that insights from addicts of other types can be beneficial to the addict and his recovery. Specialized rehabs aside, most offer two types of rehabilitation approach.
This type of rehab course provides many different courses and therapy types for a busy individual. Usually, the course lasts two to three weeks and consists of regular meetings in private therapy sessions at first and then get introduced to group therapy. In this kind of rehab course, the addict is provided with information, both about themselves and their addiction. This type of rehabilitation is great for addicts who have already gotten clean at some point and feel themselves slipping and need a touch-up on their resolve. For first time addicts, this type of rehab can prove underwhelming and unsuccessful since nothing really changes in the addict’s life, he is still among peers and temptations that put him on the path to addiction in the first place.
This type of rehab is much more “hands on” and require the addict to check in and live for a period of time in the rehab facility. Many believe this is the only real way to achieve sobriety as it places you in a safe and relaxing environment, away from drug suppliers and in direct contact with like-minded individuals who are also struggling with similar demons. Rehab centers like DARA Rehab specialize in this type of rehabilitation by providing luxury rehab environment and combining it with professional counselors, physicians, dietitians, and psychologists. The most important thing that this type of rehab brings to the table is structure, discipline, and order to the lives of patients. That is something they desperately need in order to regain control and become fully functional members of our society once more.
Whichever rehabilitation path you choose it will be littered with obstacles, doubts, and self-questioning. In either case, professionals will accompany you on this path, offering tools to overcome your obstacles, suppressing doubts and shining a light on the roots of your problems.
Join us again in our next post where we will discuss the benefits a rehab can provide and things that an addict will learn throughout their course, both inpatient and outpatient.