When an individual begins taking drugs, an artificial high is created. Synthetically over-stimulating the brain’s neurotransmitters, substantially elevates dopamine levels. An unnatural state delivers unadulterated pleasure and reward, thus the motivation to repeat the act is desired.
This manufactured way of experiencing bliss & enjoyment, means the human body naturally reduces the organic level of dopamine held within. In the early stages of recovery an addict may say they feel flat. A negative cycle has been induced within the body. Rehabilitation begins to turn this cycle in the opposite direction.
Creating a state of wellbeing takes time and effort. Dopamine levels need to elevate naturally, to enable a person in recovery to get to know their own way to bring enjoyment and contentment into their lives.
Nothing will ever feel as good as the first time. Even when Sober. A Human Being always changes and adapts.
What is Well-Being?
The dictionary definition of Well-Being is:
A good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterized by
health, happiness, and prosperity; welfare. Dictionary.com
The UK Government published a framework from which it believes wellbeing flourishes. The Recovery program at DARA, enables clients to build wellbeing as part of their addiction recovery.
One key element of wellbeing is connection. Developing an ability to build relationships in various ways and connect with those around us on one or multiple levels, helps us to feel good.
At DARA, our community is filled with clients from all over the world. The Clientele is consistently changing and growing. Individuals are in different stages of rehabilitation. Learning about others’ lives and forming bonds through common interest, helps to deliver connection.
I remember one Saturday evening, cooking and serving street food, at a homeless shelter in my town.
At the end of the evening, a rough sleeper, came up to me. He was having trouble doing up the zip on his coat.
He was dirty, unkempt. Hair matted around his dirt smeared face in great grey lumps. His beard long and straggly.
An alcoholic, so affected by this affliction, he could no longer speak properly. His words grunts and sounds. His actions showed me he needed help.
As I leant forward – the smell of being unwashed, rested in my nostrils. I nearly pulled back.
I struggled with the zipper.
The zip had seen better days. Was extremely grubby. But, with a bit of jiggling, I began to loosen it.
It was a cold winter evening and I found myself, pulling it up tight and close to his chin. Exactly the way I did with my children when they were little.
The caring element in me had been invoked and when I looked into his eyes, the appreciation there from my care, showed in his face. I felt good. It had only been a small act. Yet it’s one I’ve never forgotten. Always reminding me of the importance to give without expectation. What I received that night, was precious.
You can find your own way to give. Challenge yourself by trying out different things. Discover what makes you feel good naturally. Support others whilst in rehab, during their recovery. See how it makes you feel.
Be Active:
Within our recovery program, exercise is considered a very important element to client well-being. Every weekday morning. Come rain or shine. Clients are expected to participate, unless agreement has been made for clinical or medical reasons.
From Yoga mat to pool, badminton court to gym. There is something for everyone. Getting up and moving at the start of the day, can put you physically and mentally in a good frame of mind for the rest of it.
DARA provides each client with a Personal Trainer. Together with the client, the Personal Trainer then develops a fitness plan. This helps them build strength and challenge themselves as they progress.
Motivation is built in the doing and so participation is key. You don’t have to like it or enjoy it initially but consistent, repetitive practice, will enable enthusiasm and motivation to gradually lift and you can explore what you do like and add it to your aftercare plan.
Keep Learning:
Brain training has become synonymous with our modern world and at DARA we like to help you train your brain, whilst developing your knowledge and expanding awareness.
Daily we deliver a psycho-educational program to elevate client awareness. From Co-Dependency through to Neuroscience of Addiction. We work with you to help you understand your personal history and addiction from a more receptive and pro-active frame of mind. Our program is CBT based (cognitive behavioural therapy) and will help you to challenge your thinking through the process of your stay.
Be Mindful:
Mindfulness is a useful tool.
It’s about taking a moment to become aware of what is going on around you or in you.
Being situated on the beautiful Thai island of Koh Chang, our facility enables you to immerse yourself in nature. Deliberate on a daily basis, your addiction and recovery, whilst being accompanied by glorious sea views, stunning sunsets and sounds of the jungle.
One of the tools you’ll be shown how to do, during your rehabilitation, is to scan your body using mindfulness. You’ll be shown how to listen and become intuitive to its needs, as you work through the challenges which have brought you to DARA.
Finding new ways to well-being through addiction recovery, may be challenge but residing within a framework and facility, whose sole purpose is to assist you in doing so, could be one of the best investments of your time.
DARA is here to show you how and to help you make the change.
Would you like to find a new way to well-being? CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Addiction Rehabilitation Assessment.