Inpatient rehabilitation is considered a very positive way to help those with dependence issues overcome addiction.
In-country rehab establishments:
When considering which rehab establishment is suitable it is natural that many look close to home or within their own country. While this is perfectly understandable there are drawbacks. Here are two that regularly surface:
Waiting lists:
Many inpatient rehab establishments in the west have waiting lists. There are more people with addiction problems in need of this treatment than spaces available.
If an addict has taken the brave step to confront their problem they deserve near-immediate treatment. Being told that inpatient treatment is available, but there is a waiting list before this treatment can begin is the last thing they need to hear.
The likelihood is that while waiting to be admitted the addict will continue with their habit and their addiction will deepen.
Western rehab establishments are not cheap. This means that if personal medical insurance does not help meet the financial outlay required for a stay, the expense is beyond many.
Being unable to meet such costs will restrict treatment options and make beating addiction that much more difficult.
Overseas rehab establishments:
Opting to spend time at an inpatient rehab establishment outside your own country is an option that many do not consider. It is something they should!
South-east Asia is a perfect example of a region that has professional, well-established inpatient rehab establishments. They are internationally approved, employ staff with international qualifications and deliver treatment that meets international standards
There are also considerable benefits in terms of waiting lists and cost if a client opts for overseas inpatient rehabilitation treatment.
Waiting lists:
These overseas establishments are not under the same pressures in terms of client numbers as their western counterparts. In the majority of cases a person wishing to stay at one of these respected establishments can be admitted and treatment started within timescales that suit the client. I.e. Almost immediately.
What this means is that a person’s addiction problems will not deepen while they wait for admittance. It is an obvious fact that the quicker addiction treatment begins, the better.
This has got to be a major influencer. The overheads at such an establishment are nowhere near as high as those in the west. The accommodation and facilities are of a high standard and, as mentioned, the treatment methods are the same internationally approved ones that a client would receive in their own country.
This treatment is delivered by staff who have achieved international rehab certification and many of them have worked in western rehab establishments.
Thailand is an excellent example of low cost, high quality treatment. In many cases the cost of a 3-week stay is less than one-third of the cost a person would pay in their own country. This means that rather than treatment being out of reach for many it is accessible for most.
These overseas rehab establishments also accept personal medical insurance policies. This means that where applicable this cover will help meet costs for an addicts much-needed addiction treatment.