Preparing For Drug Rehab

Overseas Inpatient Rehab – An Option To Consider

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, United Kingdom, United States

Inpatient rehabilitation is considered a very positive way to help those with dependence issues overcome addiction.

In-country rehab establishments:

When considering which rehab establishment is suitable it is natural that many look close to home or within their own country. While this is perfectly understandable there are drawbacks. Here are two that regularly surface:

Waiting lists:

Many inpatient rehab establishments in the west have waiting lists. There are more people with addiction problems in need of this treatment than spaces available.

If an addict has taken the brave step to confront their problem they deserve near-immediate treatment. Being told that inpatient treatment is available, but there is a waiting list before this treatment can begin is the last thing they need to hear.

The likelihood is that while waiting to be admitted the addict will continue with their habit and their addiction will deepen.


Western rehab establishments are not cheap. This means that if personal medical insurance does not help meet the financial outlay required for a stay, the expense is beyond many.

Being unable to meet such costs will restrict treatment options and make beating addiction that much more difficult.

Overseas rehab establishments:

Opting to spend time at an inpatient rehab establishment outside your own country is an option that many do not consider. It is something they should!

South-east Asia is a perfect example of a region that has professional, well-established inpatient rehab establishments. They are internationally approved, employ staff with international qualifications and deliver treatment that meets international standards

There are also considerable benefits in terms of waiting lists and cost if a client opts for overseas inpatient rehabilitation treatment.

Waiting lists:

These overseas establishments are not under the same pressures in terms of client numbers as their western counterparts. In the majority of cases a person wishing to stay at one of these respected establishments can be admitted and treatment started within timescales that suit the client. I.e. Almost immediately.

What this means is that a person’s addiction problems will not deepen while they wait for admittance. It is an obvious fact that the quicker addiction treatment begins, the better.


This has got to be a major influencer. The overheads at such an establishment are nowhere near as high as those in the west. The accommodation and facilities are of a high standard and, as mentioned, the treatment methods are the same internationally approved ones that a client would receive in their own country.

This treatment is delivered by staff who have achieved international rehab certification and many of them have worked in western rehab establishments.

Thailand is an excellent example of low cost, high quality treatment. In many cases the cost of a 3-week stay is less than one-third of the cost a person would pay in their own country. This means that rather than treatment being out of reach for many it is accessible for most.

These overseas rehab establishments also accept personal medical insurance policies. This means that where applicable this cover will help meet costs for an addicts much-needed addiction treatment.

addiction help

3 Ways Addiction Help Should Be Asked For

Articles, Australia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Addiction to any substance can leave a person in a very lonely place. Before looking at 3 ways a person can look for help let’s start with a positive.

You have recognized there is a problem:

The fact that a person has decided to seek help for their current substance abuse is a very positive step. This means that denial is being put to one side and problems caused by this abuse are being understood.

This first step must be followed up quickly. Your momentum needs to be continued by seeking help and advice.

Here are 3 ways that this can be achieved:

Talk to a person you have trust in:

This may not be for everyone, but if you feel comfortable speaking with someone you trust then it is a solid approach.

The person you ask will more than likely be very relieved that you have chosen to speak to them. They will listen and be keen to do anything they can to help you. It will also do you the power of good because you will be able to get things off your chest.

It may not be easy to open your heart, admit that your current substance abuse is out of hand, and that you do not know where to turn, but by being honest and holding nothing back you will be able to explain everything. From here, joint solutions can be looked at.

Choose a time when neither of you are under pressure of time, when you are alone and will not be interrupted and go through everything. Remember, honesty must be the best policy. The person you are talking to is not there to judge, they are there to offer help and advice.

Writing a letter or sending an e-mail:

Some people feel easier writing down their feelings, thoughts and requests for help. Writing things down has the advantage of you being able to go over your piece until you have everything in the order in which you wish to explain.

It also allows structure. You can write a paragraph or two about something specific and at the end of this put a question to the person you are sending it to.

Seeking help in this way also means that a meeting between the two of you can be arranged with a pre-set agenda of the points raised in your letter, the comments the other person has and ideas on how to progress matters.

Seeking professional help:

This can be done either by making an appointment with your doctor or contacting a rehabilitation establishment directly.

Such an approach will allow you to discuss your problem in complete confidentiality. From here you will receive advice on the types of treatment and assistance that is available.

Whatever you do, do something!

Substance abuse and addiction will not disappear of its own accord. The fact is it will gradually deepen. There are other ways to confront your issues than the 3 mentioned above, but if one of these fits into your way of thinking then it should be acted upon sooner rather than later.

alcohol relapse

Verging On An Alcohol Relapse – 5 Things To Tell Yourself

Articles, Australia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Abstaining from alcohol in the first place is an extremely tough ask for those suffering from a dependence on the demon drink.

Taking a straw poll amongst those who have managed to stay sober for any reasonable length of time will show one definite result; the majority have had to fight very hard to remain on the path of sobriety.

This is understandable, and determination is certainly a requirement. To help enforce this determination there are certain things a person can tell themselves when the pressing need for a drink rises to the surface. Here are 5 of them.

I have stopped drinking because….

Think back to why you stopped drinking in the first place, of all the bad decisions made when alcohol was the major influence, all of the actions you carried out because of your devil-may-care attitude, all of those lousy hangovers and the depressive periods before you had another drink in hand.

This is a temporary feeling:

The need for a drink may regularly surface. This is because you have spent so long with a drink in hand, but the feelings you have now for a drink must be put into context. You have managed to go without for a time, by starting again you will be undoing a lot of the progress you have achieved since you stopped drinking.

Relapse must not be seen as an insurmountable problem, but it will be a set-back. Put your mind to other activities and give 100% to these chores or pastimes to ensure they will keep your mind off alcohol.

It really will NOT be worth it:

The strong urge to have “just one drink” must be resisted. Do not look for an excuse to have a drink. Whether that reason is out of happiness, sadness or over problems.

There is no reason that is sufficient to get you back on the bottle. You know fine well that one drink will lead to two and the next thing you will find is waking up with a fuzzy head and a deep disappointment in your actions.

The result of this disappointment can often mean you quickly get back on the drinking trail which is the last thing you need.

Hangovers from hell:

Let’s face it, no matter how long you have managed to abstain, you will not forget the horrendous hangovers experienced during your booze sessions.

Nausea, vomiting, no energy or power to do anything constructive and feelings of shabbiness that only temporarily reduce when you have another drink.

Convince yourself you cannot face going back to this state.

Letting others down:

Think about the disappointment and worry you will cause those closest to you who are fully aware of your past drink problems and are also aware of how much progress you have made to date without alcohol.

You will be bringing their worries and angst back to the surface when they discover you have relapsed. They deserve better than that from you and you deserve to give them more.

Of course, they will still love you, they will still care for you, but they will also hurt even more for you.

If the urge for a drink gets so strong give one of them a call and ask them to visit or talk to you. This action will help strengthen your resolve to remaining sober.

addiction sponsor

How Can A Sponsor Help An Alcoholic?

Articles, Australia, Education, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

A sponsor can play a vital role in helping an alcoholic through the often-arduous task of remaining sober. Here are some of the advantages to be had through asking a sponsor to assist.

What is a sponsor?

Widely used, but not exclusive to those who join Alcoholics Anonymous, a sponsor is a man or woman who has achieved progress through the recovery process they have chosen.

It is the sponsors role to share experiences of their own alcoholism and how they have managed to reach their current level of sobriety. This information and advice sharing is carried out on a personal one-to-one basis. It is also usual for them to offer support via telephone or social media platforms outside of face-to-face meetings.

Is a sponsor mandatory?

No, it is not something that a person going through the recovery process needs to have, but the continual and individual support on offer can make a big difference in terms of helping an alcoholic stay on the path of sobriety.

This makes the consideration of asking for sponsorship something that alcoholics going through the recovery process should think carefully about.

While thinking about this a recovering alcoholic should bear in mind that a sponsor will generally be a man or woman who has succeeded in remaining sober for an extended length of time.

This experience can show how a recovery program has helped them. What works for them, what did not, and tips on how to continue and maintain sobriety.

What benefits are to be gained:

Here are 5 benefits that an alcoholic going through the early stages of recovery can expect from a sponsor.

  • They understand your current situation, they care passionately about your progression to sobriety and their aim is to help you resist the many temptations that alcohol brings.
  • They are there to help you when overwhelming thoughts of alcohol crowd in on you, or if you have succumbed to these urges and have had a relapse. It is extremely important to understand that while a relapse is a set-back, it is not a failure.
  • As well as talking about their personal experience with alcohol, they are there to listen to your experiences. They can offer articles, books and advice relating to alcohol abuse as well as recovery.
  • If the two of you are in a particular group recovery program the sponsor will encourage you to attend meetings with them and help you get there if necessary. They will also encourage you to join and participate in group activities and introduce you to other members they feel suitable to assist with your recovery.
  • They will not give a structured, defined opinion of the program you are in, but will offer different ideas and thoughts to help you find the best way in which to maintain sobriety.

Using a sponsor can offer a massive boost:

Sponsors are available because they have a passion to help. They have experience and have been in that dark place you may currently be in.

During the early stages of trying to maintain sobriety a sponsor can be the difference between success and failure in that important task of a person remaining sober for the foreseeable future.

alcohol tolerance

Are You Building An Ever-Growing Tolerance To Alcohol?

Articles, Australia, Education, International, United States

There is no real stigma attached to alcohol partly because it is legally available in many countries worldwide.

Brief overview of positives and negatives:

Alcohol is an expected ‘ingredient’ at celebratory events such as birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. It is a regular partner at dinner parties, and there is no doubting that it can add to social gatherings.

Having said these positive things, here are a few negatives: Just because it is illegal does not mean it is not addictive. Drinking to excess can lead to physical, psychological, relationship and social problems, and very importantly, it changes the way a person thinks and acts while under its influence.

Building a tolerance is not too difficult:

Drinking alcohol in moderation is not seen as being a problem, but the one word that stands out here is “moderation”.

The body and mind enjoy and appreciate alcohol, what needs to be guarded against is allowing them to enjoy it too much!

If a person drinks regularly and excessively, or goes on regular binge drinking sessions then they are guaranteed to build a tolerance to alcohol. This means the more you drink, the more that is required to achieve the same effects as previously felt.

There is no ceiling to this tolerance. It will simply keep on growing with the result that a person drinks greater and greater quantities. This habit will eventually lead to a dependence upon alcohol simply to function. They will be unable to get through the day without alcohol.

Signs that drinking is growing into a dependence:

There are many signs and symptoms of a growing alcohol dependence. Here are 6 to consider:

  • Increasing preoccupation: It is natural to think and look forward to meeting up with friends for a drink, but if your thoughts turn more and more towards when the next ‘session’ is going to be, it could be leading you down the dependence path.
  • Activities fall by the wayside: Activities, hobbies or pastimes you once thoroughly enjoyed are forgotten or rarely taken up because drink is becoming ever more important.
  • No self-control: You promise yourself that you will limit your intake before drinking begins, but end up drinking far too much and far more than you initially intended to.
  • Violent or irrational behaviour: People react differently when they have had too much to drink. Some put on a smiley face, others fall asleep, but if you feel more aggressive, look for trouble or regularly cause controversy then your drinking must be curbed before it gets you into real trouble.
  • Memory loss: Struggling to remember parts of the evening, or more worryingly suffering blackouts is a sign that you are drinking far too much.
  • The morning after: The vast majority of us have suffered the occasional hangover and it is not at all pleasant, but if you are increasingly waking up hungover and decide the best cure is to have a drink, help is needed.

Listen to others:

If loved ones or those closest to you comment that your drinking is getting out of hand please listen to them. It is quite often the case that the last person to realise they have a problem with drinking is the person themselves. The earlier excessive drinking can be addressed, the better.