sex addiction

In What Ways Can Sex Addiction Affect a Person’s Life?

Articles, Celebrity Rehab, International, LGBTQ, Understanding Addiction

There is a huge difference between having extraordinary libido and being addicted to sex. It is important that you know the destructive effects that sex addiction can have in a person’s life so when you sense its symptoms, you can tell your loved ones about it to get help. The shame, embarrassment and humiliation that come with admitting to being a sex addict can keep many from disclosing it ever. Here is how sex addiction can affect a person’s life. Once you know the consequences, help yourself and your loved ones from its life ruining impact.

It Makes the Person Weak

What happens when a person loses control over their thoughts and actions? They become weak. Any type of addiction has physical effects, but the primary target of addiction is disrupting brain functionality. That’s what sex addiction does to a person—it disables their brain functions and starts controlling them. A sex addict cannot avoid having sex, the urge is too powerful and can be likened to that of a cocaine or meth user.  

It Brings Them Embarrassment and Shame

It does not matter whether the sex addict takes shame and embarrassment seriously or not. What you as an outsider know is that revealing your sexual affairs and immoral sexual acts deprive a person from their self-esteem and self-concept. Between any two surge-points that push a sex addict into extremities of sexual behavior there are moments of respite and withdrawal where they are in their senses for some time. That’s when this embarrassment and shame bothers them too.

It Keeps Them from Having Long-term Relationships

It’s the mental state of a sex addict that makes them from entering any long-term relationships. What starts out as a shameful act soon becomes a habit and a way to escape stress, emotional setbacks, burden of responsibilities, depression, etc. In this state of mind, they are not able to feel for their life partner, if they have any. They just want to move from one person to another as quickly as possible.

It Pushes Them into a Battle with Conscience

 A sex addict wants to cut back on their sexual activities and fantasies. However, they succumb soon to the urge. This process repeats and as a result, sex addicts find themselves brawling with their conscience over and over. This particular situation has to be taken seriously because the worst end to this fight could be in the form of suicide or suicidal tendencies.

It Makes Them Less Efficient

Sex addiction can affect a person’s career and work life in a negative way too. Withdrawal from sex can often fill a sex addict with restlessness, anxiety or depression. Anxiety and depression invoke thoughts of doom and devastation in the mind of a person. This results in drastic lack of focus and concentration when a sex addict tries to carry out his professional obligations or perform mundane tasks.

It Leads Them to Other Addictions

Sex addiction can force a person into prostitution or having sexual meetings with prostitutes to fulfill their unending desire. In communities where prostitution is common, substance abuse is common too, leading the sex addict to abusing others drugs. Not to mention, the loss of self-control and will-power already weakens a person’s resistance to these addictive substances.

Sex Addiction – Final Words

While any thought or excuse that prevents you from staying away becoming an addict is great, it shouldn’t just be the fear-factor that helps you stay sober. In fact, another motivation to avoid sex or any other type of addiction should be a person’s well-being. Start making the healthy changes in your life from today and become a role model so you can save many other lives in addition to yours.

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Honesty in Recovery

Honesty in Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Nearly all programs of addiction recovery will treat the idea of honesty as a central feature of recovery. Honesty in recovery and treatment is at least a two-fold issue. We need to learn to be honest with others and we need to learn how to be completely honest with ourselves. Since addiction necessarily involves a great deal of hiding, covering up, and lying even by omission, one of the first hurdles we must go over is addressing the issue of honesty.

At a minimum, living with drug abuse and alcoholism involved hiding the drug use and drinking from others. Nearly all drug addicts and alcoholics know that what they are doing is not acceptable and they go to great lengths to hide their using from family, friends, and co-workers. This leads to duplicity and lying. A crucial feature of drug and alcohol treatment, then, is opening up to people after years of hiding from them. People in treatment and recovery are generally required to finally admit to others what they have been doing. The purpose of this is to clear the air of what can be many years of suspicion and mistrust between the addicted person and the people who are important in their life. This stage of treatment and recovery is cathartic for many. They are relieved of the burden of hiding so much of themselves form others. But it is also traumatic. Treatment programs offer counseling and psychological help during the phase of things because revealing the truth of addiction can bring some painful realities to  both the recovering addict and to their families and friends

Another dimension to honesty in recovery is helping the recovering addict to be honest with themselves. There is of course the primary admission of the full extent of the problem. Most people who struggle with addiction and/or alcoholism find it difficult or nearly impossible to admit to themselves that their drinking and drug use is out of their control It is a natural form of resistance. None of us want to believe that there is a huge part of ourselves that is out of our control. Yet, it is critical for those in treatment to finally admit that alcohol and drugs are no longer a voluntary art of their lives. They are, in fact, controlled by their substances. Being completely honest with themselves about these facts is the first step toward recovery. Giving in to the fact that they have the disease of addiction allows addicted people to be properly treated.

Honesty in recovery works in at least two directions in drug and alcohol treatment. One admits to others the realities of what they have been doing. The mistrust that has built up, mistrust that can go back many years for some, can be healed by these kinds of admissions. It is often the case that family, friends, and co-workers have no idea what a person has been doing. Worry, fear, and resentment builds along with the deceptions of the addict. By clearing the air and being honest, a person in recovery can begin to mend these rifts. Alcoholics and drug addicts lie to themselves first and foremost and this self-deception must be the first course of real honesty. By being completely honest with themselves, people who suffer from addiction can get the real help they need.

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Nutrition and Recovery

Nutrition and Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Nutrition and Recovery – The traditional programs of recovery tend to emphasize healing of the mind and the spirit. While there is always some measure of care taken to ensure that people get enough to eat It is not always the case that treatment programs and even individuals in recovery take particular care with the kind of nutrition they need as they recover. Active addiction in itself does horrendous damage to physical bodies. Alcohol inhibits the break-down of nutrients and does damage to all the organ systems, not just the liver. Opiates tend to case gastro-intestinal problems. Withdrawal for these drugs can cause severe stomach problems which lead to a loss of nutrients. Amphetamines suppress appetite and people who have been using cocaine, methamphetamine, and other similar drugs often come into treatment severely malnourished. What people eat during treatment and recovery can have everything to do with a healthy and full recovery. 

While vitamin regimens can be helpful, most doctors and other health care professionals agree that real food is the best way to re-establish the proper balance of nutrients in the body as one recovers form addiction. One of the difficulties in this is that people who are newly sober from any drug often crave fatty, processed foods with high sugar contents. These foods mimic the deficiencies they are experiencing. They provide immediate satisfaction without long-term benefit. And it is widely known that eating these kinds of foods is horrible for the body in the long run. But as one works to slay the demon of a life-threatening substance, it can be hard to say no to fatty sweet foods.

Nutrition and Recovery

Doctors recommend foods with less processed sugar. Natural food sugar levels actually stabilize moods for people in recovery. As they adjust to sobriety and the resulting mood swings that come with the depression and anxiety common in early recovery. A diet of low sugar foods will actually stabilize blood sugar levels, and reduce the craving for sugars. They will stabilize moods which lead to depression and anxiety. While it is tempting to indulge in donuts, they will actually complicate recovery over time.
Since so much a substance abuse causes break-down and damage to organ tissue, complex amino acids and proteins are the best prescription for recovery. These are often combined with supplements such a vitamin B-12 which stimulates tissue re-growth. Here again, this is not an invitation to pig-out on cheeseburgers. Healthy amounts of proteins in normal portions seem to work best. Vitamin B-12 will increase appetite but this is often a necessary part of early sobriety and recovery.

Nutrition and Recovery – All people in recovery, regardless of the substances they may have been using, are urged to cut down or eliminate processed and fatty foods. Junk food will actually impede recovery by causing harm to the body which is not all that different from substance abuse. Doctors generally agree on a program of “never hungry, never full.” This means to eat in moderation but never allow yourself to get hungry. It is a common-place that hunger itself can be a trigger for relapse. But over-indulging in food can become a road block to actual recovery. By maintaining a healthy balance of nutritious foods and guarding against over-indulgence in junk food, recovering addicts can aid their own recovery and help their bodies bounce back from years of abuse and neglect.

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Meditation and Recovery

Meditation and Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Meditation and Recovery – During those years when we were drinking and/or using our minds become accustomed to dealing with both the outside world and our own inner world through a haze of chemical fog. We lose touch with how to feel and how to think. As we remove those chemical impairments we may find the rush of real life around us and the flood of inner thoughts and feelings to be overwhelming. This complex of emotion and confusion can be dangerous for our recovery. We need to learn new ways of processing the world around us. We need to find new ways to understand our own feelings. Working the steps, attending meetings and working with a sponsor will go a long way toward this transitional period. But there are a number of practices we can work with which will help us through this phase of recovery. Meditation has been proven to be an invaluable tool for drug and alcohol recovery.

Meditation comes in a number of forms but the overall goal of all meditation techniques is to focus on the mind-body connection and induce relaxation and relief form anxiety and other forms of destructive thinking. Guided meditation, which is actually part of many addiction recovery programs, involves slowing down our thoughts, learning focus on an abstract center rather than a specific source of trouble, and relaxation techniques. Meditation often involved learning to control breathing is specific ways and in this way thoughts and physical practices become wedded and the mind-body connection becomes central to the practice.

Meditation in all of its forms has been shown to decrease blood pressure even in those with hypertension and enhance the immune system. The benefits of meditation for anxiety management have also been shown to also assist in the management of depression. Anxiety and depression are major issues for people in recovery. We tend to come into recovery with a baseline of disruption in our lives and this inevitably leads to some measure of anxiety and depression. For some, clinical depression is one of the primary reasons they came to have difficulties with drugs and alcohol. The relaxation and stress management techniques learned in a guided meditation can help ease these severe forms of depression without the help of medication. Of course, anyone prescribed medication for clinical depression should work closely with a physician as they learn to regulate their stress, anxiety, and depression with meditation.

Meditation and Recovery – Drug and alcohol treatment programs will generally combine meditation with other forms of therapy during treatment. Group and individual counseling often complement meditation techniques so that individuals can focus on specific emotional needs as they learn to practice meditation. Counseling will help people to get in touch with those aspects of their lives which they have difficulty managing. Family strife, work conflicts, and interpersonal stress are revealed to the extent that a recovery addict feels challenged in these areas and specific forms of meditation will allow them to work through these difficulties in a program of relaxed and therapeutic meditation.

Meditation and Recovery – Certainly, the standard methods of therapy, counseling, group work and even medical intervention are necessary for most people to recovery from addiction. But meditation is gaining traction as one more tool in the system of treatment which helps people who have been debilitated by drugs and alcohol to find ways of managing their lives in the absence of substances.

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crystal meth fergie

Fergie, Former Crystal Meth Addict

Articles, Australia, Celebrity Rehab, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Fergie, former Crystal Meth Addict and world famous female singer of the band Black Eyed Peas, recently stated during an interview with i News:

 “At my lowest point, I was suffering from chemically induced psychosis and dementia. I was hallucinating on a daily basis. I’d just be sitting there, seeing a random bee or bunny.”

Chronic methamphetamine abuse has a devastating effect on the central nervous system and the most effective way to treat the problems associated with chronic methamphetamine abuse is total abstinence. Whether snorted, smoked or injected, methamphetamine quickly crosses the blood/brain barrier where it can exert powerful effects on several neurochemical systems.

Crystal Meth also puts a strain on relationships and breaks down family systems, through the chronic and compulsive desire of the addict to use the drug regularly. Potentially making them hide this secretive self from those they love, so they can continue with the behaviour which is breaking down the very thing which they hold dear.

Whilst abusing drugs a person does not stop to think about the consequences of their actions and the affect their behaviour and mental state is having on those important to them.

“It took a year after getting off that drug for the chemicals in my brain to settle so that I stopped seeing things.”Fergie

 Having an extended half-life, crystal meth allows addicts a longer and more sustained high. The complex physiological responses involve excessive stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. With repeated use, it depletes the brains dopamine stores and damages dopamine and serotonin nerve terminals. The User may then have a reduced ability to experience pleasure which can cause them to slip into a deep depression.

‘It has been estimated that 40% of methamphetamine users have abnormalities on neuropsychiatric tests.’ NCBI

 There can be long term effects from meth use which can last for several years.

As well as hallucinations it can also bring on persecutory delusions – which can be one of the lasting consequences of using the drug. It also affects the addict’s ability to determine consequences and skews rational thinking.

Other Potential Symptoms of Crystal Meth Abuse:

Auditory hallucinations

Strange or unusual beliefs

Thought reading

Visual hallucinations

Delusion of reference

Thought insertion

Negative psychotic symptoms

Disorganized speech

Disorganized or catatonic behaviour

Do you recognise any of these symptoms in those you love or within yourself?

Part of the program which DARA offers, focuses on how to reorganise thoughts through re-structuring the cognitive function, whilst participating within the program as an inpatient.

The goal of CBT is to enable people to replace unhelpful and self-defeating thoughts with more realistic and helpful ones.

DARA uses CBT techniques to address clients’ harmful thought patterns and help clients, recognize and practice alternative ways of thinking and regulating distressing emotions and harmful behaviour.

The qualified and experienced Clinical Staff will build a trusting, therapeutic relationship with each of the clients they work with and will also be around for quick check-ins and informal chats, during the day within the facility and each client will be supported and encouraged in various ways. Through the psycho-educational program, during one to one counselling sessions and then they will have the opportunity to put their new skills in place, within the community with the other clients, during their stay.

It’s helpful whilst developing and integrating a new way of thinking to be somewhere where what you are doing and trying to achieve, is understood and those around you – both clients and staff are there to not judge but offer support and assistance in the process. YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN YOUR RECOVERY.

Five of the many ingredients that fuel Meth mayhem:

Acetone: This is used in paint thinner and nail polish remover and is extremely flammable.

Acids: Think Hydrochloric and Sulfuric

Lithium: Used in the production of batteries. If lithium comes into contact with the skin serious burns are guaranteed.

Pseudoephedrine: A very common ingredient. It is a decongestant found in medicines for colds and flu.

Toluene: An essential component of brake fluid. DARA Rehab

Within the supportive environment of DARA Rehab, a Methamphetamine User can make the commitment and develop the resolve to remove the use of this invasive and devastating drug from their lives.

What DARA will offer Clients on an Inpatient Basis:

  • A personalised and tailored treatment plan created with the insight and professionalism of one of the highly trained Counsellors
  • Non 12 Step Rehab Program
  • Psycho – Educational Topic Groups
  • Group Therapy Sessions
  • Wellness and Wellbeing behavioral activation, advice and skills to take away
  • A Sense of Community

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