Alcohol facts

Alcohol Fiction – Don’t Listen To The Barstool Doctors!

Articles, Australia, Education, United Kingdom

There are so many myths about alcohol and how to avoid a hangover that it would be very difficult to list them all, but let’s try a few that most will have heard, some will be convinced of and others will quite rightly dismiss!

Have a nightcap before sleep:

It is thought by many that after drinking over their normal limit a nightcap will help them get to sleep quickly and offers a good night’s sleep.

Wrong! This approach may help you doze off more quickly but additional alcohol will only disturb and shorten that much needed REM cycle of sleep. The result is that many wake up far sooner than wanted.

Waking in the early hours can cause unease and the severity of the hangover can also make it very difficult to get back to sleep again.

Hair of the dog:

This term is short for the colloquial English saying, “Hair of the dog that bit you” and means the best cure for something that ails you is to have some more of it.

Wrong! All this will do is postpone the hangover. The height of a hangover is when blood-alcohol levels hit zero, so by continuing to ‘top-up’ is just delaying the inevitable.

Strong coffee will do the trick:

Sorry, wrong again! Excess caffeine can work to narrow a person’s blood vessels and the result is quite possibly an even worse hangover.

The best beverages to consume after a night on the tiles are water and high-energy sports drinks. These will help replace lost electrolytes and counter dehydration which is a major cause of a hangover.

Over-the-counter painkillers:

Many people believe that taking OTC painkillers before going to bed will alleviate the headache and generally ‘rough’ feeling when they awake after a night on the booze.

Wrong! These readily available medicines peak in around 4 hours, so by the time you wake up they will be of no help. Also, do not take Tylenol (Acetaminophen) after a night of drinking. This combination could do more harm than good to your liver.

If you do feel the need to take such painkillers then the best time to do so is immediately upon waking.

What can help reduce the effects:

We all know and understand that a hangover is not something to look forward to, yet this self-inflicted hurt is encountered all too regularly.

Here are a couple of things you can do to reduce those feelings:

  • Eat beforehand: Have a good, solid meal before commencing a drinking session and this should be loaded with fats. Steak is a good example. Any food will slow down the rate at which your body absorbs alcohol, but fatty foods do it best.
  • Water: As mentioned the main cause of a hangover is dehydration so it is vital you take ample amounts of water on board. This should not only be before bed, but during your drinking session. Try and have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink.

The ultimate solution to avoid a hangover:

Apart from limiting the amount you drink the only real solution is time!

Give your body time to recover and your hangover will disappear, and while feeling sorry for yourself during recovery please make a promise that you won’t hit the bottle so hard next time!

Dara Thailand

Top Rehab Locations in Thailand

Articles, Australia, International, Treatment, United States

This site is dedicated to giving comprehensive information relating to all things Thailand has to offer in terms of addiction rehabilitation.

There are compelling reasons why more people with dependency issues than ever before are choosing the luxurious rehabilitation establishments here to begin their journey towards successful recovery.

The information, advice and comparisons given will be clear, unbiased and informative. Our aim is to help those with addiction issues and their loved ones understand what services and treatment are available.

Armed with this knowledge it will allow sensible, informed decisions relating to which establishment and methods of treatment best fit your own personal needs.

Brief country overview:

The beautiful Kingdom of Thailand has long been a quality holiday destination for those in the know. Whether you are seeking tranquil, palm-fringed beaches, jungle and rain forest adventures, stunning mountain trails or lively seaside destinations with entertainment to suit all tastes you will find it here.

The capital, Bangkok is arguably the most vibrant city in Southeast Asia, the nation’s road and air routes are of a high standard, and accommodation options range from basic backpack facilities to some of the most luxurious island resorts in the world.

It is known as “The Land of Smiles” for a very good reason. The local population are friendly and helpful, those looking for a calm, spiritual experience have countless stunning temples to choose from.

It goes without saying that Thai food is renowned the world over, but you will not find flavours, taste and variety better than in its place of origin.

Wrap all of this and much, much more up with prices to suit every pocket and it is easy to understand the country’s appeal.

Medical Tourism

Thailand has long been a preferred country in terms of medical tourism. The accommodation, facilities and treatment are first class with prices that are far lower than their western equivalents.

One independent arm of these services is the well-established and respected rehabilitation sector.

The reason inpatient rehab establishments are commonly referred to as Luxury Rehab Resorts will become patently clear through the comparisons and detailed information explained below.

At a glance comparisons of 4 major Thai luxury rehab resorts

The more comfortable an addict feels about their initial recovery environment the better the chance of successfully progressing towards full, long term recovery.

The comparison below will describe the location of these rehab establishments and then lead into details relating to accommodation, facilities, treatment and costs that should pleasantly surprise.

Dara Rehab

This first class operation offers choice galore in many ways:


Dara completely understand how vitally important it is for recovering clients to feel at one with their surroundings during initial rehabilitation. This is why they have invested in not one, but two first class establishments in different locations:

Flagship Establishment – Koh Chang – Idyllic Tropical Island Setting:

For many men and women preparing themselves for inpatient rehabilitation treatment a setting that offers relaxing palm-fringed beaches is their preferred choice.

Koh Chang is located in the Gulf of Thailand.  As well as beautiful beaches there is a whole lot more. It is Thailand’s 2nd largest island and is part of the stunning Mu Ko Chang National Park, 70 pct. of which is marine.

Calm, relaxed beaches, remote resorts and quality spa’s blend with busier tourist spots that provide restaurants, lively nightlife options and accommodation offerings ranging from basic backpacker huts to ultra-luxurious resorts.

The island’s interior is jungle and rain forest dotted with waterfalls. It is also home to a healthy wildlife population.

Activities abound both in water and on land. Think snorkeling and scuba diving in crystal clear water teeming with sea life and sparkling coral, or elephant rides and hikes along jungle trails to glorious waterfalls where a refreshing dip is mandatory! Rest assured, there is a lot more in between.

Rehab accommodation and facilities:

Luxurious comfort is a given at both locations. Koh Chang incorporates a luxury hotel with its intensive rehabilitation centre. Their quality villas sit in tropical gardens and clients have the choice of staying in Garden or Pool villas.

All offer air-conditioning, large en-suite bathrooms, verandahs, refrigerators and DVD players.

Dara allows clients to choose between deluxe, superior and suite rooms, all of which come with air-conditioning, en-suite bathrooms and DVD players.

Wi-Fi is available throughout both locations and sensible use of electronic equipment is allowed.

Both establishments have large swimming pools with loungers and relaxation areas, fully equipped gym’s, massage rooms, meditation centres, lounge facilities with a book and DVD library and relaxed communal dining areas. 

Rehab staff and treatment methods:

A very healthy ratio of internationally certified therapists are included in the 70 full time staff. There are 50 full time staff at their Koh Chang base.

Individually personalized 4, 8 and 12 week programs are offered at both establishments with an additional offering of a unique, no obligation 7 day ‘first steps program’ that has been specifically designed for those who are hesitant about their ability to commit to a complete program.

This shortened stay cuts no corners and clients will have the opportunity to fully experience the luxurious and relaxing environment, daily routines and treatment sessions.

The vast majority of those choosing this option have their fears and questions answered in such a positive manner that a full program of treatment is their next step towards full recovery.

Two trademark treatment methods are available. ‘Steps to Recovery’ is a 12-step program and the ‘Integrated Treatment Model’ method includes key aspects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Both treatment options combine physical, social, psychological and spiritual modules through a variety of individual and group based activities.

Weekly excursions are arranged for all clients and the wide choice of activities available in both locations are something clients will thoroughly enjoy. These day trips are rewarding and give additional encouragement to clients during their recovery.

Two other very important treatment options are available to all clients. Those suffering with multiple issues can take advantage of the first class Dual Diagnosis Treatment, and it is strongly advised that all clients choose continued aftercare treatment from an excellent choice offered by Dara.

Ongoing Complimentary stay:

Dara want clients to fully understand and appreciate that they are an integral part of the recovery process and will be there for them as long as required.

To this end they offer a very appealing one week complimentary stay each year. This ‘tune-up’ is available to every client that has successfully stayed sober for an agreed period of time.

Such a generous offer is another reason this top class establishment is the choice of many suffering from dependence issues.


alcohol rehab

Post-Rehab Challenges

Articles, Australia, International, Treatment, United States

This article is aimed at those who have stood by a loved one through addiction, watched them progress through rehab and are now ready for a progressive post-rehab life.

Tough time behind – Challenging one ahead:

There is certainly no value in denying that the time spent watching a loved one slide deeper into dependence upon their substance of choice was tough.

Heartbreak, anguish, angst, concern, worry and anger will have had their peaks and troughs. For many there will have been times when maintaining the strength and determination to stay was far more difficult than actually asking the addict to leave.

But, you should be extremely proud at the way your perseverance won through, that your loved one ended denial, agreed to professional help and is now making progress along the recovery road.

Far reaching effects:

Living with a person who is addicted has far-reaching effects. Not just for them or you. This spreads to other family members and friends and will affect those involved once the recovering addict returns home.

It must be remembered that recovery has to be seen as a lifelong process. Your loved one will not be cured just because initial rehab treatment has successfully been completed.

5 ways to make a noticeable difference:

There are many ways that your contribution to helping a loved one progress positively through healing can be achieved. Here are 5 that need to be considered:

  • Continued treatment: It is important that doctor’s appointments are kept and that after-care services are maintained. Accompanying your loved one to these sessions will show support and encouragement.
  • Therapy sessions: Regular therapy sessions should be maintained. While some of these should be one-on-one sessions between your loved one and therapist it will benefit all to be involved in group/family therapy sessions.
  • Continued addiction education: It is quite possible that you have made it your business to understand addiction and the specific problems that come with it. This is obviously a very positive step, but it should be continued. Changes will occur, new situations will develop. By expanding your knowledge base you will be helping your loved one. Just as importantly it will help you understand why unexpected situations crop up and how to deal with them.
  • Involve other family members and friends: It can help greatly if you involve other family members and close friends in the recovery process. You will be able to explain things more clearly, understand any additional stresses others are going through and encourage a togetherness that will be a great boost for the recovering addict.
  • Crucial lifestyle changes: Sacrifices in terms of lifestyle changes may be necessary. Examples being that the house should be completely free of alcohol and/or potentially addictive substances that the recovering addict could be tempted by. Such sacrifices will also show all concerned how determined you are to ensure relapse is a distant thought.

Long-term sobriety CAN be achieved:

The past will have been tough and the future challenging, but it must always be remembered that with your continued commitment, love and support a recovering addict can maintain sobriety and benefit from the love and care of a normal family environment.

Thailand rehab

Thailand Drug Rehab Establishments

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United States

Excessive drug use continues to ruin many lives the world over. We will consider some of the issues that surround drug dependence, and also explain why the thriving Thailand drug rehab establishments are getting such positive industry reviews and very encouraging client testimonials. Continue reading “Thailand Drug Rehab Establishments”

alcohol addiction

The Mechanics Of Addiction

Articles, International, Understanding Addiction, United States

Claims that a person can become addicted after just one try of certain drugs are questionable, but there is no doubt that the first foray into dabbling with drugs opens a door that can very well lead to substance dependence.

Desensitizing parts of the brain:

Although different drugs work in a variety of ways those with addictive qualities all have the same mission.

That is to release certain neurotransmitters. The chief suspect being dopamine which is one of the hormones that affect the brain’s reward centre and amongst other things is responsible for a person’s feel good factor.

Differing routes – Similar results:

How 2 highly addictive drugs work differently but produce the same end result:


Many feel that heroin is up there with the most addictive drugs on the planet. This opiate works by binding opiate receptors and blocking the release of vital neurotransmitters which normally counterbalance the release of dopamine.

While these neurotransmitters are put on hold the brain is flooded with dopamine, hence the extremely good feelings heroin gives and the very strong feelings that more is not just a nice to have, but is very much needed.


Amphetamines have a similar structure to dopamine. This gives them a head start in terms of offering pleasant feelings. When taken they enter brain neurons by diffusing directly through its neural membranes.

Once reaching their destination amphetamines release dopamine, but just as importantly also prevent it from being withdrawn.

Repeated drug use halts natural production:

The problem a drug user has is that taking an addictive substance gives them thoughts and feelings that urge them to ‘go again’. These feelings encourage a user to have more. The more you have, the more you want, and this is a relentless cycle.

It is enhanced by the fact that the brains reward centre becomes desensitized by the ‘unnatural’ dopamine the drug is producing. The body naturally produces dopamine, but this false creation of dopamine means that natural production is stopped.

An unnatural replacement is required:

When this process occurs a person finds that if they stop using the drug then dopamine levels drop to unacceptable levels. This leaves them with feelings of unease and unwanted withdrawal symptoms.

The obvious and easy way to resolve these problems is to take more of the drug to ‘put themselves right’. If this cycle is allowed to continue then before many realise it they cannot do without their drug of choice.

Do not let this cycle overtake you:

No one sets out experimenting with drugs with the intention of becoming addicted. They feel they are stronger than any substance and will be able to control use.

Unfortunately, addiction and the heavy withdrawal symptoms a person feels when going without their drug of choice are very often stronger. They will continually urge the person to have just that little bit more.

If you find you are now in that situation then it is vital to seek professional help much sooner than later.

Stopping this problem is not easy, but the longer a person ignores the need for help the deeper the problems will become. The final result being an addiction that is very difficult to overcome.