alcohol tolerance

Are You Building An Ever-Growing Tolerance To Alcohol?

Articles, Australia, Education, International, United States

There is no real stigma attached to alcohol partly because it is legally available in many countries worldwide.

Brief overview of positives and negatives:

Alcohol is an expected ‘ingredient’ at celebratory events such as birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. It is a regular partner at dinner parties, and there is no doubting that it can add to social gatherings.

Having said these positive things, here are a few negatives: Just because it is illegal does not mean it is not addictive. Drinking to excess can lead to physical, psychological, relationship and social problems, and very importantly, it changes the way a person thinks and acts while under its influence.

Building a tolerance is not too difficult:

Drinking alcohol in moderation is not seen as being a problem, but the one word that stands out here is “moderation”.

The body and mind enjoy and appreciate alcohol, what needs to be guarded against is allowing them to enjoy it too much!

If a person drinks regularly and excessively, or goes on regular binge drinking sessions then they are guaranteed to build a tolerance to alcohol. This means the more you drink, the more that is required to achieve the same effects as previously felt.

There is no ceiling to this tolerance. It will simply keep on growing with the result that a person drinks greater and greater quantities. This habit will eventually lead to a dependence upon alcohol simply to function. They will be unable to get through the day without alcohol.

Signs that drinking is growing into a dependence:

There are many signs and symptoms of a growing alcohol dependence. Here are 6 to consider:

  • Increasing preoccupation: It is natural to think and look forward to meeting up with friends for a drink, but if your thoughts turn more and more towards when the next ‘session’ is going to be, it could be leading you down the dependence path.
  • Activities fall by the wayside: Activities, hobbies or pastimes you once thoroughly enjoyed are forgotten or rarely taken up because drink is becoming ever more important.
  • No self-control: You promise yourself that you will limit your intake before drinking begins, but end up drinking far too much and far more than you initially intended to.
  • Violent or irrational behaviour: People react differently when they have had too much to drink. Some put on a smiley face, others fall asleep, but if you feel more aggressive, look for trouble or regularly cause controversy then your drinking must be curbed before it gets you into real trouble.
  • Memory loss: Struggling to remember parts of the evening, or more worryingly suffering blackouts is a sign that you are drinking far too much.
  • The morning after: The vast majority of us have suffered the occasional hangover and it is not at all pleasant, but if you are increasingly waking up hungover and decide the best cure is to have a drink, help is needed.

Listen to others:

If loved ones or those closest to you comment that your drinking is getting out of hand please listen to them. It is quite often the case that the last person to realise they have a problem with drinking is the person themselves. The earlier excessive drinking can be addressed, the better.

Alcohol and Body

What Does Alcohol Do To The Body?

Articles, Australia, Education, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Excessive alcohol intake can cause real harm to a person’s body. The effects certainly do not happen overnight, but continued heavy drinking either through regular sessions, or abstention and then heavy binge sessions will eventually take their toll.

There are so many potential health hazards for those who drink excessively that it would take a long series of articles to list them all. Here are just 4 that should be of real concern.

Digestive system:

Drinking too much can activate abnormal enzymes produced by the pancreas. If these enzymes continue to build-up they cause inflammation and a condition known as pancreatitis. This can be a long-term problem with serious complications.


The liver takes the brunt of alcohol because one of its responsibilities is to break down and remove harmful substances. Alcohol is awash with potentially harmful substances and excessive drinking causes the liver to work overtime. If constant pressure is placed on the liver there is a strong possibility it will become inflamed and diseased.

Inflammation causes scarring and the associated condition of cirrhosis. This is where the formation of scar tissues destroys the liver. Without a healthy, fully functioning liver a person will suffer long term health problems that can kill.

A warning for women:

An important point relating to alcoholic liver disease for women is that their bodies generally absorb more alcohol than a man’s. Their liver also needs more time to process it.

This means women who regularly abuse alcohol are at an increased risk of developing liver damage more quickly than men.

Blood sugar levels:

It is the pancreas that works to regulate the body’s insulin use and its response to glucose. If the pancreas and liver are not functioning correctly then there is an increased risk of hypoglycemia. This condition is when a person suffers from low blood sugar levels.

A damaged pancreas can also prevent sufficient insulin production to use the sugar that keeps the body healthy. If this occurs it has the opposite effect. There will be too much sugar in the blood causing a condition known as hyperglycemia.

Being unable to balance blood sugar levels leads to health complications and increased chances of diabetes.

Damaging central nervous system effects:

We have all experienced or heard the way in which a person slurs their speech when drunk. This is one of the first signs of excess alcohol. Too much alcohol reduces communication between the brain and body. Coordination becomes far more difficult, balance is affected and it is not uncommon to see a person stumble or fall over.

Other damage alcohol can cause to the central nervous system is numbness or tingling feelings in the bodies extremities, Short and long-term memory is affected as is decision making and the ability to think clearly. This is shown by irrational thoughts and acts that often get a person into trouble.

Go steady:

The occasional hangover may not be sufficient to convince a person that drinking is causing them harm. The reality is that a continuation of heavy drinking sessions will more likely than not cause serious health problems in later life.

The ultimate ‘reward’ for abusing your body in this way is an unwanted, early grave.

taking drugs

Why Do People Take Drugs?

Articles, Education, International, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Leaving aside the need for drugs to help people with medical conditions let us consider why so many people take drugs.

Rebellion with a cause:

Throughout life a person is posed with challenges. The period between mid-teens and young adulthood is certainly one that affords unique circumstances that can shape lives.

Rebellion is often in mind and can cause a person to go against the grain. They will ignore the advice of parents and older members of society, and in many cases, do exactly the opposite.

A perfect example of this is the use of drugs and alcohol with little knowledge of the actual harm they can cause.

The problem is that what is seen as fun and giving vent to their rebellious streak can very quickly turn into an addiction that is not so easy to lose.

Peer pressure:

This reason for trying drugs can also be linked with a person’s rebellious stage, but also affects adults. Anyone around others who are experimenting or using alcohol and drugs can also feel pressured into trying them.

They do not want to be a minority voice in the group they hang around with and fear that saying “No”, will ostracise them and leave them out in the cold.

Anyone feeling this type of pressure must resist. It is important that a person never does something they are uncomfortable with simply for the sake of doing it.

Walking away from drugs and/or alcohol and withstanding peer pressure will strengthen your resolve and true friends will surely understand the reasons behind your decision.


Curiosity is a normal trait of life. We are curious to understand how things work, how others live and what effects certain actions or substances can have on ourselves.

For this reason, many will dabble with drugs or alcohol. They will have heard the street-stories of those involved in escapades while high. They will also be given the glossed-over facts of how good certain substances can make a person feel.

What will always remain unsaid in these tales is the negative aspects of drug or alcohol experimentation. The comedown, the negative feelings, and just as importantly the need for more.


There will be times in life when a person feels completely alone and perhaps is overcome by feelings of emptiness. An easy excuse is turning to drugs or alcohol in the belief that these substances will fill that void.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, after a heavy session on drugs or alcohol the negative feelings a person had could well be more pronounced.


Very often when a person tries drugs or alcohol it makes them feel good. They think they are forgetting their problems and containing certain emotions.

The use of substances to contain or control emotions often leads to a reliance upon them. This reliance turns into something a person cannot live without as the scope of emotions they mask grow wider.

Many more reasons:

There are many more reasons than the 5 mentioned above but none are valid for excessive use of alcohol or drugs. Such use will quickly turn into abuse and from there addiction awaits.

what is addiction

What Is Addiction?

Articles, Australia, Education, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

This commonly asked question can be answered in a straightforward manner, but it is the issues surrounding addiction that are far more complex.

What is addiction?

It is a point where a person who uses drugs or drinks alcohol cannot stop even if they have a desire to do so. The cravings and urge to keep using is far too strong for them to control even though they know the substance concerned is causing them harm.

There is no blueprint for addiction:

One thing is for certain, when someone tries an illegal substance or drinks alcohol they are not expecting to become addicted. The majority do so because they are curious, and keen to experience the effects that so many will have told them about.

The problem with these substances is that they have an extremely strong pulling power. They are moreish and the more a person has the more they want.

What starts as a once a week bit of fun with friends turns into 2 or 3 times a week and then it becomes an expected everyday occurrence.

Not everyone is caught in this spiral of increased use, this makes it very difficult for those who can take or leave substance use to understand why others cannot simply leave it alone.

Something that must be understood is that these substances can change the way the brain works. Many who use drugs or alcohol begin to need them simply to feel normal. Those affected in this way can quickly find that dependence takes over their lives.

Is your dependence deepening?

Here are 6 factors that show a dependence is deepening:

  • Tolerance: Are you finding alcohol or drug use is increasing over time? Is more required to achieve the same feelings as previously experienced?
  • Lack of control: Do you find there are times when you take more of the substance in question than was your initial intention or more than you wanted to? Do you sometimes drink simply to get drunk? Does the first drink regularly lead to more? Is there ever regret regarding how much of the substance you used the previous day?
  • Continued use despite negative consequences: Even though you are aware of the harm this is causing yourself and those around you, you continue to use.
  • Neglected duties: Expected duties around the home or social obligations are either forgotten or purposely ignored. If so, this is because substance use is more important.
  • Increasing time spent: Increased amounts of time and energy are being put into buying and using your substance of choice and thoughts of it are either constantly on your mind or just below the surface?
  • Withdrawal: If you try to forego the substance do physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms take hold? This can range from sweating and shaking to increased anxiety and irritability. The significance of emotional withdrawal is on par with physical withdrawal symptoms.

Deepening dependence will not disappear on its own:

Anyone who feels their substance abuse is getting the better of them needs to seek professional help. Many who are addicted have strong feelings and actions of denial. The sooner this denial is ended and professional help sought, the sooner a solution can be found to help.

alcohol recovery

Maintaining Progress During Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

Remaining sober while going through rehab is the beginning of a healing process that all addicts must face.

Once this initial treatment has been successfully completed a person should be ready for onward progress.

Maintaining this progress will require determination, desire and a positive approach to daily challenges, but it is most certainly achievable.

When times are tough a few self-reminders need to be recalled. Here are some important pointers.

Recovery is not an overnight event:

Let’s face it, your substance of choice took a good while to get the better of you. In all likelihood, it will have been the unwanted duo of increasing use and self-denial that finally led to rehab.

Similarly, recovery will not happen overnight. The need for patience, perseverance and that ever-strengthening desire to regain control of your life will take time.

While an addict will understand this, many friends and family will not. A fair percentage will think that because you have successfully completed initial rehab that all is well; if only!

Marking time:

There will be frustrating periods to face during recovery. Goals and targets are taking longer to achieve than expected and you appear to be marking time in terms of positive progress.

Don’t let these dips during recovery get you down. They will test your resolve and try your patience, but by resisting negative thoughts and pressing on in a positive manner you will become a stronger person.

Positivity is key to continuing the momentum of your personal recovery journey.

Beware of recovery burnout:

At times, challenges to maintaining sobriety will push you to the limit. This is natural because of the immeasurable effects addiction brings, but don’t let recovery burnout get the better of you.

It is imperative that any negative feelings and thoughts are expressed. Speak with your counsellor, a sponsor if you have one, and anyone who is close enough to open your heart too. These frank and open discussions will help tremendously and help you see things from a different perspective.

Focus is important if a recovering addict is to avoid recovery burnout. Here are ways in which that focus can be maintained:

Prioritise your goals:

It is natural to want everything to fall in place quickly, but it is important not to rush things. Address issues in order of priority, overcome one and move on to the next. If this takes longer than expected do not be disheartened.

Listen to your counsellor:

The agreed recovery plan has been specifically tailored for your needs. Many of the basic building blocks of this plan are being utilized because they have proved successful over time.

Never be afraid to question the steps that are being taken, but don’t place extra pressure on yourself by ignoring them and trying to establish your own rehab program.

Don’t underestimate prior progress:

As you progress through healing some stages will appear to be far more challenging than others. Rather than being disheartened spend time thinking about previous successful stages and how you achieved them.

This thought-process will bring positivity and allow you to face and overcome the next healing hurdle.

Recovery takes as long as it takes!

Bear this fact in mind, but don’t become complacent. Keep active, change routines, look at new activities and above all remain positive.

Whenever self-encouragement is needed just consider the progress made to date. Such progress is something you should rightly be proud of.