Sex Addiction Australia

Sex Addiction – Australia

Articles, Australia, Education, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

Sex Addiction Australia – The recent report in an Australian newspaper of a 36-year old gay man who has been addicted to sex since losing his virginity to a stranger when just 15 years old highlights the fact that sex addiction Australia is a very real problem.

Couple this with the news that the rock star Ozzy Osborne is currently receiving treatment for his obsession with sex and it makes clear what many addiction experts have known for decades: Sex addiction is a very real, compulsive problem that is far more common than many believe.

No laughing matter:

The mention of sex addiction while having a social night out will more often than not produce lewd comments and an expression from those involved to spend just a little time with someone who is addicted to sex.

The sad reality is that those suffering with this very real addiction have problems that are completely opposite to satisfaction and enjoyment.

Defining sex addiction:

This is a medically diagnosed condition where men and women affected have a compulsive urge to perform repeated sexual acts.

Their need is on a similar level to that of alcoholic’s as they continue to drink themselves into oblivion, or drug addicts who constantly chase feelings of that elusive first high of the day.

Sex addiction is a disorder affecting a person’s physical and mental health. The chances of a sufferer being able to maintain a one-on-one relationship are extremely slim and because of the dangerous situations a person is prepared to put themselves in to achieve gratification they are risking assault and possible serious injuries.

Unable to control their behaviour:

Sex addicts are unable to control their behaviour in a similar way to those addicted to drugs are unable to stop using their substance of choice. This is despite the fact they understand the negative consequences such behaviour is causing.

Because of the stigma and embarrassment of such a condition many men and women are far too embarrassed to seek help. Rehabilitation specialists are certain that the problem is much more widespread than many believe and certainly far more common than official statistics show.

One acknowledged trait of a sex addict is to seek out multiple sex partners to satisfy their needs. While this should not necessarily be seen as a serious problem on its own, it is the fact that sex addicts will take things further and go to any lengths to satisfy their urges.

Experts at hiding their addiction:

Sex addicts come from a whole range of backgrounds and can be single, live with a partner or have, what seems on the face of it, a perfectly normal marriage. They become experts at hiding their addiction through embarrassment and a need to keep the truth from others.

Ways in which they maintain their secret include constant but consistent lying and ensuring that their sex schedule is complete by using a variety of different locations and tactics to minimise suspicion.

Stop this sexual merry-go-round:

If you are suffering from sex addiction it is absolutely vital you put hesitation and embarrassment to one side and seek professional rehabilitation assistance. You have a dependence that can lead to serious problems and it will not go away on its own.

This type of addiction must be treated in a different way to other types of addiction due to the fact that a person cannot simply be expected to stop or give up sex, but there is treatment and counselling that will help tremendously in terms of how to control your urges and allow you to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviour

Whether it is sex addiction Australia or sex addiction worldwide the message is the same:

Please do not continue to suffer. Please do not continue to put yourself into danger. Please DO seek professional rehab assistance.

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Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Drug withdrawal symptoms present addicts with a two-pronged fear factor that many find easier to ignore than face up to. Turning their backs on this fear allows them to continue drug abuse and avoid the reality of just how serious their situation really is.

The intensity of these fears will vary from person to person but it will always come wrapped with uncertainty. This uncertainty relates to their need and desire for drugs and how they will possibly cope without them if they commit to addiction treatment. Such a conundrum is the reason behind why so many addicts have false or delayed starts before any true healing process can be put into place.

Here are the two sides of fear that addicts experience and which cause them so much angst.

Fear of withdrawal:

It is totally understandable that fear is a major factor for those who have finally ended their denial relating to just how dependent on drugs they have become. To compound matters this fear comes in two very different forms and it is debatable which is the most daunting.

Fear of going without their substance of choice:

Whatever substance a person is addicted to it will be an integral part of their daily routine. They will have been using for varying lengths of time and it goes without saying that the longer they have been addicted the more attached they have become.

To realise that withdrawal and treatment mean they will not be able to rely on those much needed ‘hits’ is a fear that many do not wish to face. They cannot comprehend how they will possibly get through life without the supportive crutch of drugs. This is the first major reason why so many addicts shy away from seeking much needed treatment.

Fear of the withdrawal process:

The withdrawal process is not a pleasant one. The constant and sustained abuse of drugs affects a person both physically and mentally and if use is suddenly ceased the mind and body react with painful thoughts and feelings. The fear of this pain is also a huge barrier preventing many addicts from kicking their habit.

Withdrawal is manageable:

What addicts need to understand is that while drug withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant they are also manageable. These symptoms will vary in severity and length dependent upon such things as a person’s physical and mental health, the drug they are addicted to and how long they have been addicted, but there are common symptoms that most will experience. These include:

  • Stomach pains
  • Nauseous feelings
  • Vomitting
  • Headaches
  • Hot sweats and cold shivers
  • Aching muscles
  • Rising levels of stress and anxiety
  • Insomnia or uneasy, erratic sleep patterns

Help is on-hand:

Those addicts who have made the brave decision to quit drugs should avail themselves of professional rehabilitation assistance. By doing so they will have qualified staff on hand to explain the procedures and projected timescales involved while also offering reassuring words of advice and re-emphasizing that while drug withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant they are certainly manageable.

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Ice Use in Australia

The Drug “ICE” In Australia

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment

The level of Ice use in Australia has grown to levels of extreme concern and there is little evidence that things will get better any time soon.

It is no exaggeration to state that the drug “Ice” in Australia is affecting whole communities and is being used by a wide range of people. Students attending “pharm” parties, city business workers and long-distance truck drivers all dabble. The problem with Ice is that most of those who try it do not realise just how addictive it is.

What is Ice?

Commonly known as Crystal Meth, Ice is the crystallised form of Methamphetamine. It is also the purest and strongest form of the drug. Ice is a synthetic (man-made) drug that is fairly easy to produce. This is evidenced by the number of makeshift laboratories that are regularly discovered by authorities.

How is it used?

Ice can be snorted, swallowed or injected, but the most common method of use is to smoke it using a glass pipe. Whichever way Ice is taken it needs to be understood that this drug is wickedly addictive.

What’s the attraction?

Ice is a stimulant drug and as such it increases dopamine levels in the brain. This increase produces an instant, euphoric rush, leaves a user brimming with confidence and energy and offers huge increases of confidence.

So, what’s the problem?

Ice Use In Australia – The “high” received is intense but short-lived. This means the users need more on a very regular basis. Once an Ice binge begins it is not uncommon for it to last 3 days. Users are chasing the initial euphoric buzz received and while it is true that each subsequent blast will give effects, these effects are not as intense as first use.

The obvious solution to this is to take a little more each time. Because of its “moreish” nature once an Ice session begins it will only end when supplies and money runs out or the users crash-out through sheer exhaustion.

Addiction develops quickly:

Make no mistake, once a person begins to use Ice that use will rapidly increase. This is in terms of regularity as well as the amount taken. The result of this is a dependence upon the drug which means that the user cannot do without it.

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Drug Withdrawal

Drug Withdrawal

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Drug Withdrawal is no easy feat, but it is important to understand that millions before you have managed it and millions more will continue to do so.

Let’s take a look at the issues which surround drug withdrawal and how best to achieve a life of continued sobriety.

When withdrawal begins:

Once a person forms a dependence upon a substance it means they cannot do without it. From the moment they cease use withdrawal symptoms will follow. It is important to understand that different drugs will have differing withdrawal symptoms and timespans. This is dependent upon how they interact with your brain and bodily functions.

When taken, drugs are absorbed and remain active in the body for differing amounts of time. You will often hear this being referred to as the drug’s “half-life”. This is in relation to the different withdrawal time periods for each substance.

Severity and duration:

The severity and duration of drug withdrawal is certainly influenced by the level of a person’s dependency on that particular substance as well as other factors which include:

  • The length of time you have been abusing the substance
  • The type of substance being used and abused
  • The favoured method of drug taking – This relates to whether you snort, smoke, inject or swallow the drug
  • Amount of the substance taken for each “hit”
  • Genetic makeup and family history
  • Medical factors that include the state of your physical and mental health

It stands to reason that the longer you have been addicted, the more pronounced the withdrawal symptoms will be.

Timeline examples of drug withdrawal:

The following information is a general overview and will not be specific to all. Some will feel withdrawal symptoms for a shorter period of time, others longer.

  • Heroin: Withdrawal begins within 12 hours from last dose, peaks between 24-48 hours and can last between a few weeks and a few months
  • Prescription opiates (e.g. methadone, OxyContin, Vicodin and morphine): Withdrawal starts within 8-12 hours for the majority of prescribed opiates, peaks between 12-48 hours and lasts 5-10 days. Methadone withdrawal is the exception. This begins within 24-48 hours, peaks in the first few days and lasts between a fortnight and one month.
  • Benzodiazepines (e.g. Valium, Xanax, Klonopin and Ativan): Withdrawal generally begins within 1-4 days and peaks during the first two weeks. It is possible that this group of drugs can cause protracted withdrawal lasting months.
  • Cocaine: Withdrawal starts within hours of the last dose, peaks in a few days and lasts between 1-10 weeks.
  • Alcohol: Withdrawal generally begins between 8 hours and a few days from the last drink, peaks within 24-72 hours and lasts a few weeks

Overcoming drug addiction is achievable:

While the above does not make particularly pretty reading, the fact is that the time spent going through withdrawal is nothing compared to the length of time you will have been addicted. As we stated at the beginning, drug withdrawal can be achieved. With strong will-power, determination, courage and self-belief you can kick your habit and look to a far better future.

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Australia Drug Use

Australia Drug Use 2017

Articles, Australia, Education, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

Australia Drug Use 2017 – Like so many western societies, Australia has a huge drug problem. We will consider the major influences in terms of substance use and abuse and consider what is being done by authorities in respect of drug addiction and abuse.

Reports state that the number of people seeking treatment for drug and alcohol problems continues to rise and although amphetamines are rapidly gaining in popularity, alcohol is still the major drug that people seek assistance for.

Those using cocaine are from the wealthier sections of the population as Australians pay the most per gram for the drug in the world. It is probably this fact that has kept addiction to cocaine at lower levels than in other countries.

Demographic changes:

Australia Drug Use 2017 – It was also noted that demographics are changing. An increasing number of older Australians are seeking treatment for their drug problems. Those over the age of 40 made up one-third of the numbers seeking assistance, although an equally worrying trend is seen from the younger population with those in their 20’s accounting for a quarter of those seeking help.

Cannabis and Ice:

While many do not feel the need to seek assistance for cannabis its use is extremely popular and by far the most used illegal drug in Australia. Indeed, the country is amongst the highest users of cannabis in the world. In terms of addiction the amphetamine; Ice, is seen as being the biggest problem for drug users.

The surge in Ice use has been phenomenal. Data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare showing a very worrying 175% increase in the number of treatments delivered to amphetamine users over the last five years.

For the uninitiated, here’s what Ice is:

It is methamphetamine. This white crystalline drug can either be snorted, injected, taken orally, or used in its most popular form; smoked. Whichever way the drug is used it quickly builds up a tolerance for the user. This means that more is regularly required to reach the same ‘high’ as previously experienced.

These strong cravings make it extremely difficult for a person to resist the urge to take more and it is not unknown for Ice binges to last 3 days or longer. The two things that will stop a binge are complete exhaustion or an exhaustion of funds. Either way, once a binge ends the user will fall into a deep sleep that can easily last a full 24 hours.

What’s the buzz?

Ice affects the brain and the way a person feels as well as thinks. Creating a false sense of happiness and contentment it leaves users with feelings of well-being and added self-confidence, hyperactivity and boundless energy.

These feelings make the drug an extremely popular club drug with many using it as their perfect partner for all-night parties, clubs and music concerts.

A worrying trend:

It was also noted that in South Australia and Western Australia that amphetamine-related treatments have now overtaken treatments that are alcohol-related. As an aside, cannabis remains the main drug of concern in Queensland.

What is being done:

Australia Drug Use – Health authorities are increasing their efforts in terms of education and treatment facilities. It is clear that due to the country’s remoteness in terms of borders that the drug using community are prepared to experiment with whatever they can get their hands on, but the fact that Ice is relatively easy to produce shows that their efforts must be concentrated on reducing manufacture, supply and use of this wickedly addictive drug.