Substance Abuse Treatment Program: How Can I Help My Loved One?

Substance Abuse Treatment Program: How Can I Help My Loved One?

Substance Abuse Treatment Program: How Can I Help My Loved One?

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Substance Abuse Treatment Program: How Can I Help My Loved One? Addiction does not happen in a vacuum. If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction or alcoholism then you know that friends and family are affected by the addiction as well. It can be difficult to watch a loved one fall […]

The Importance of Nutrition in Recovery

The Importance of Nutrition in Recovery

The Importance of Nutrition in Recovery

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

The Importance of Nutrition in Recovery As the topic of addiction is no longer as taboo as it once was, studies into what types of treatments and changes an addict needs to succeed in recovery are becoming more common. As more information is unveiled, it is becoming obvious that nutrition can play a key part […]

Can Vitamins Cure Anxiety and Depression?

Can Vitamins Cure Anxiety and Depression?

Can Vitamins Cure Anxiety and Depression?

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Can Vitamins Cure Anxiety and Depression? Depression and anxiety are two of the most commonly diagnosed forms of mental illness in the United States. Depression is much more than being sad over a circumstance. It is a long standing, pervasive feeling of doom and gloom that the person cannot shake. Even when life is good. […]

Eating Disorders Don’t Discriminate

Eating Disorders Don’t Discriminate

Eating Disorders Don’t Discriminate

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Eating Disorders Don’t Discriminate: What are Eating Disorders Eating disorders, much like addictions, are no respecter of age, weight, social status, race, or ability. Many feel eating disorders are a lifestyle choice. A choice made simply to fit into a particular mold. However, this could not be further from the truth. Eating disorders are, in […]

How Sugar Affects the Brain

How Sugar Affects the Brain

How Sugar Affects the Brain

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

How Sugar Affects the Brain It is pretty common knowledge that excess amounts of sugar can have a negative effect on the body. It may not be as commonly known that sugar also affects the brain negatively. Below you will read several of the negative impacts of how sugar affects the brain and how sugar […]

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