Why Opt For Overseas Drug Rehab Treatment?

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Drug rehab is something all addicts consider during various stages of their dependence. The truth is, consideration does nothing. Effective, positive and timely action is the order of the day.

Whatever drug you are addicted to raises several common issues, so let’s take an honest look at the first step, some options open to you, and why a residential stay at an overseas rehab resort could well be the solution to your current problem.

You need to own up…. to YOURSELF!

The first important issue to be addressed is by YOU. Have the drug/s of your choice become all-consuming? Do you feel the most important thing in life is being able to score your next hit? Are relationships beginning to suffer? Is work a daily struggle? Do you feel unable to cope without a toot, tablet or injection?

There are plenty more questions you need to ask yourself, but hopefully the picture is clear. There is a lot of soul searching required on your behalf.

You are aware drugs are destroying you both physically and mentally, that you are hurting those around you in ways you do not even realise, or in ways you care to ignore in your ever increasing quest for that next high.

By admitting to yourself that drug rehab is required you have taken a huge step in the right direction. This step is brave, it is courageous and it must be acted upon quickly.

Why quick and decisive action is needed:

As already mentioned, admitting you have serious drug issues is a very hard thing to do, but once accepted it is something you must act upon quickly. Failure to do so will certainly be a set-back and has the potential of leading you into a deeper drugs spiral with potentially catastrophic effects.

Here are some options in terms of the action you can take to address and help you overcome your drug dependence:

Visit your health practitioner:

This is the first option many addicts choose, and while it is a positive step it also has its drawbacks. From a positive viewpoint, your health practitioner will in all likelihood be aware of your medical history and know you personally.

They will be able to suggest a ‘tapering’ process which is designed to gradually reduce your drug intake, and they will have contacts with outpatient and inpatient drug rehab counselors and centres.

The potential downsides of this approach is that you will be subject to appointment only visits, meaning monitoring of your progress and how you are feeling will be irregular.

Just as importantly there is a strong possibility that you will still be circulating in the same environment that either caused, or has helped to increase your drug dependence.

Both factors give unwanted opportunities in terms of a relapse. After all, temptation will be everywhere. Those who supply your regular fix and those acquaintances who share similar habits will be within very easy reach.

Outpatient Rehab:

Yet another positive option with trained counselors and medical staff on hand to help monitor your condition whilst you are weaning yourself off your drug of choice. Many establishments for outpatients also provide ‘drop-in centres’ where you can seek advice and assistance.

The issues seen with such rehabilitation services are similar to those relating to the health practitioner route. There is also an added challenge in that many of these outpatient clinics are simply overrun with those requiring treatment and counselling.

Inpatient drug rehab programs:

This is by far the most focused, positive and desired route to help a person overcome their addiction issues. Here are just 4 reasons why.

Fully focused:

The initial period of withdrawal and recovery is an extremely vulnerable time for any addict. As you begin to reduce your intake you will be at the mercy of some fairly severe cravings, and many face challenging withdrawal symptoms.

This is the period where complete focus and attention is required. Well-established luxury rehab resorts certainly fit the bill in this respect.

Personalized care:

Once again, personalized care is vital in terms of getting, and keeping an addict in the right frame of mind, and for them to spend time in an environment that is distanced from everyday distractions.

Well-run drug rehab inpatient establishments cater for this through the highly qualified counselling, medical and support staff they employ.

They understand 100 pct. that individuals are just that; individual! Pre-agreed plans between you and your designated counsellor will be followed, goals will be set and targets achieved.

Routine is key as are rules:

Those with addiction problems need some purpose if they are to beat their dependence issues, and just as importantly stay clean for the long term.

Overseas rehab resorts provide the perfect environment where routines are kept and met, as are rules which need to be followed in order to achieve your goals.

These rules major on respecting yourself and others. They are rules that have been established to ensure you have the best chance of recovery and each one will clearly be explained and accepted before treatment begins.

Surely the costs of luxury rehab resorts are prohibitive?

This is a very common misapprehension. While private drug rehab clinics in your own country may appear out of reach, it is extremely important to understand that overseas rehab resorts, in particular those in South East Asia are extremely affordable.

In many cases the cost of inpatient treatment at such luxury rehab resorts is less than one third of the cost in your homeland.

It is also a fact that many people do not realise that this effective rehab treatment is covered under certain personal medical insurance policies.

Once again, professional overseas rehab establishments have staff that will help you to understand what type of policy you have and whether your policy qualifies you for treatment.

Do Not Consider – Take That Important First Step:

We started this piece stating consideration does nothing in terms of beating your addiction but action does.

Bearing this in mind, you should do yourself and your loved ones a huge favour. That is to contact a well-established overseas rehabilitation resort.

You will be pleasantly surprised how professional, friendly, effective and efficient they are. Just as crucially, waiting lists are minimal to non-existent, and that is exactly what your road to recovery and long term “clean” future need to hear.

The Road To Addiction

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Addiction does not discriminate due to race, education or finances. However, there are some risk factors that increase one’s risk of developing an addiction problem.

Family history and heredity play a major role in the development of addiction. Family history is not only due to heredity, but also plays into the environment, where substance abuse becomes a learned behavior. Children often imitate the behaviors of their parents, and drug abuse is no different. Also, if parents are abusing substances, they either have looser attitudes toward drug use or they have no authority in the eyes of their children to tell their children they cannot use drugs themselves. Furthermore, growing up in this type of environment can cause family stress as well as other issues leading the person to become fixated on a substance much like their family member. However, there are those who are genetically predisposed to addiction, but are able to overcome it.

Mental health disorders, such as depression, can increase one’s risk of becoming addicted to a substance as well. Someone who is depressed may begin using a drug to cope with feelings he is experiencing due to many different types of circumstances. Then, before the person knows it, the substance begins to decrease the mental health issues he has been experiencing for at least a short period of time, but shortly after the drug effects wear off, he is needing the drug again to decrease the pain or anxiety he is feeling. Drinking alcohol because you are stressed can increase your risk of addiction because of the vicious cycle associated with using alcohol to self medicate for a mental health disorder. It is a good idea to seek professional help if you are living with a mental illness in order to decrease your chances of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol and to deal with the mental health issue itself also.

Abuse or other traumatic experiences are also linked to addiction. Abuse could be physical or sexual, and traumatic realities could include loss of a loved one, witnessing violence, an unexpected medical diagnosis, deployment and many others, which lead someone to down the path toward addiction. If one has struggled with events like the ones listed above, he could experience anxiety, cause the brain to be hypervigilant and could more or less to push the brain into a state of survival mode, causing the person to yearn for something to help him reduce the stress to forget about past events. Trauma also often replays over and over again in the the person’s brain, like it is stuck on repeat, making it more likely the person will turn to substance abuse to alleviate these thoughts and feelings he is constantly experiencing. Events like these can also leave a tremendous wound in a person’s life and lead them to drink away the pain associated with these feelings. Others also believe they should drink because this life of pain and trouble is the one they have been given and cannot escape. These people believe they are unworthy and flawed, so they must continue to act this way. However, it is important to deal with the negative emotions associated with trauma in order to reduce the chances of developing an addiction problem linked to the trauma.

Research shows the longer one misuses substances the more likely he will become addicted to a substance. Therefore, the earlier the age of onset, the more likely the person will become addicted to a substance. He will also have a greater chance at being addicted to the substance faster than someone who waits longer in life to become dependent on a substance.  Research also states the earlier one begins drinking the poorer the outcome for recovery, both for seeking help for an addiction and experiencing more relapses due to poorer treatment outcomes for addiction recovery. Avoiding underage drinking can also decrease the risk of addiction and be more beneficial to future recovery outcomes also.


The type of drug one uses also plays into the development of addiction. Substances that are smoked or injected cause one to be at higher risk of addiction because those drugs are enhanced in absorption into the body. Although they are absorbed quickly, the effects also leave the body at a quicker pace, leaving the person wanting more of the substance in less amount of time. If a drug is taken in these ways, they are craved much more often, making them a dangerous risk for developing an addiction.

Becoming dependent on a substance makes addiction much more likely as well. The higher the tolerance for a substance the more an individual will need to use the substance. Consequently, if a person is needing more of a drug to reach the same level of excitability, the more likely the individual will be hooked. Being dependent on a substance makes the liability of developing an addiction increase.

These risk factors are not a guarantee that a person will develop into an addict of a substance, but they do increase that risk. So when these risk factors are present, refraining from using substances is the best option to not growing addicted to a substance.

Smack Yourself Into Long Term Rehab With Heroin Use

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Heroin has surely been the most mysterious, idolized and demonized drug the ‘modern’ world has known. It should also be stated that it is arguably the most addictive.

How Addictive?
Many sources estimate that almost a quarter of the millions of people who have tried the drug, and the generations to come that will dabble with ‘H’ will become addicted.

By anyone’s reckoning that is a huge gamble to take, so, if you are considering trying it ‘just once’ please bear that frightening statistic in mind.

No prisoners, very difficult to find a way out:
If you are already hooked on ‘Smack’ then professional rehabilitation services are surely the order of the day.

This drug takes no prisoners, it is not racist nor selective between men or women.

Arrive and be welcomed through its large, inviting and very tempting entry doors, but be assured, the main exit doors are firmly closed and emergency exits as well as escape routes are very, very difficult to find on your own.

Why the acclaim?
It has to be said that heroin offers some major euphoric effects, it leaves a user feeling ‘as high as a kite on a beautiful, sunny day with a gentle breeze blowing through their mind’.

The rush when ‘Horse’ is injected has been described as an instantaneous feeling of happiness and immense well-being followed by a few hours of slow motion, very pleasant dreamlike existence.

It has also been portrayed as a glamour drug by artists, musicians and actors. What is not so glamourous are the amount of people who die due to their addiction and subsequent overdose or other contracted illnesses due to their habitual use.

Why does it hook you so quickly?
Although dealers will regularly tell first time users, or those in the early stages of heroin use that snorting or smoking the drug is nowhere near as dangerous as injection this is wrong. However you take ‘Skag’ the strong chance of addiction is yours.

This is because specialized opioid receptors in the brain and nervous system react by releasing a potent amount of dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for generating feelings of euphoria and pleasure.

Once the brain ‘tastes’ these ‘delights’ it wants more and more and more, hence the intense cravings it induces.

Where are the dangers?
Along with the highly addictive qualities of ‘Smack’, it needs to be understood that it is a CNS (Central Nervous System) depressant. This means it sedates the user. It is common to hear users mention “going on the nod” in reference to the depth of drowsiness it causes.

Larger doses can slow heart rate and breathing to dangerous levels, sometimes leading to unconsciousness and death.

Apart from overdosing you should also be prepared for such things as irreparable chemical imbalances in the brain, your decision making and memory will deteriorate, severe heart and lung problems are likely, and addicts will suffer from regular bouts of illness and infection.

Additional problems for those who choose to ‘shoot up’ include a greatly increased risk of diseases such as Hepatitis B, C and HIV/AIDS.

Taking such potentially lethal damage to your body and mind into account surely makes trying heroin ‘just the once’ a very unglamorous proposition indeed.

Why not simply stop use?
Once dependent upon ‘H’ simply trying to cease use is not really an option. This is because the withdrawal symptoms can be extremely unpleasant and in in many cases unbearable.

Those attempting instant withdrawal will suffer fever, pain, nausea, vomiting, insomnia and severe depression. Put these and other unwanted symptoms together with intense cravings for another ‘hit’, and the end result is the user is quickly back on the Smack Track.

How, why and where to seek help:
The ‘why’ an addict needs to seek help should be fairly obvious from the above. As for the ‘how’ and ‘where’, those dependent on this drug must consider professional rehabilitation services.

Inpatient treatment in a luxury overseas rehab resort is one option that many addicts are discovering as a very effective form of treatment.

A stay at such an establishment offers a whole host of advantages. Here are just three to consider:

Change in environment:
Those addicted to heroin will in all likelihood be simply functioning on a day to day basis in a very sterile environment.

They will be mixing with dealers and users alike. Trying to come off the drug while remaining in such an environment will be extremely difficult because temptation will come knocking at every turn.

Overseas rehab resorts are located in idyllic locations, Thailand being a point in case. Such an environment will help greatly to put an addict in the right frame of mind for what will undoubtedly be a very tough period of their lives.

Professional, fully qualified staff:
These establishments employ staff with international qualifications that match those around the world. The counsellors, medical and support staff are friendly, sympathetic and fully focused on helping clients to overcome their addiction in the best possible ways.

Such assistance, advice and treatment will take the form of structured and proven methods that include elements of physical, psychological and spiritual sessions which are tailored to help you come to terms with your addiction issues.

These methods and the quality of aftercare options offered have proved successful in helping heroin addicts begin their long road to recovery with the ultimate aim of maintaining a drug free future.

While many may feel luxury overseas rehab resorts are out of their reach cost wise this is certainly NOT the case.

Indeed many such establishments are far, far cheaper than the same inpatient treatment offered in your home country. It should also be understood that various personal health insurance policies acknowledge these inpatient rehab establishments under their cover.

‘H’ for Hell or coming of ‘H’ for ‘Health and Happiness’:
Those who are dependent upon heroin simply to get through another drab day need professional help, and long term rehab is the answer.

It is best begun by contacting one of the professional, knowledgeable and friendly counsellors at an overseas rehabilitation resort NOW.

Substance Abuse And Depression

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

At some point in one’s life, he will feel down or sad. These periods may come and go, but they soon pass and happiness returns. However, for others, depression is real and those low emotional periods do not pass as easily. Sometimes one’s depression can cause serious consequences in the person’s life, such as suicidal ideation or a suicide attempt. For some, depression may mean turning to drugs or alcohol to try to lessen the effects of the emotional pain they are experiencing.

To begin, here is a brief summary of depression: difficulty concentrating on daily or important tasks,  loss of energy, unexplained feelings of exhaustion, sleeping too much or not enough, sudden loss or gain in weight, unexplained bouts of crying, feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness or despair, feelings of sadness or guilt, or suicidal ideation. People with depression may exhibit all or some of these signs consistently. Depression can develop from unresolved stressful situations in one’s life. It can also develop after being diagnosed with a life altering illness, such as diabetes or cancer. Depression also has a genetic component, which makes certain individuals more likely to develop the disorder. It is also linked to brain chemistry, which can be altered for many reasons, such as drugs or booze.

Next, is a quick description of substance abuse: feeling guilty about using drugs or alcohol, relational problems due to substance abuse, not being able to complete normal tasks due to drug or alcohol intake, trying to cut back on using drugs or drinking alcohol and remaining unsuccessful or lying about using substances or the amount of substances one is using. If any of these circumstances pertain to your life, you may have a substance abuse problem.

If you have a family history of depression or other mental health disorders, you are at a greater risk of developing these conditions yourself. If you have family members who misuse drugs or alcohol, you may also be predisposed to developing a substance related disorder as well.

Likewise, having depression has the potential to predispose an individual to substance abuse. It starts out innocently when we realize that a couple of drinks help make the sad feelings fade away, even if only for a little while. Quickly, the use of healthy coping skills fade to the background because using is so much easier than actually having to deal with the issues that are staring the person in the face. Then, the person becomes dependent and craves the substance at all costs. Furthermore, the problem becomes deeper and deeper because now the cycle continues. The person begins to feel guilty and shameful because of their drug use or drinking habits. It continues and continues with a never ending cycle now.

Drugs and alcohol are often ways individuals self medicate in order to endure the symptoms of depression. However, substance abuse often worsens the symptoms of depression in the long run, instead of helping them. For example, one who abuses substances to handler her depressive feelings will have more of a chance of being hospitalized due to her substance abuse or depression, developing a drug or alcohol addiction, increased risk of suicide attempts and overdose. Not only will it be ineffective at helping one overcome her problems, it could also cause her to have new problems as well. Using drugs and alcohol while taking prescription medications also interacts with the medications and their intended effects, causing the medication to be ineffective in treating health or mental health problems.

If any of the information above pertains to you, do not be discouraged because there is hope for you. It will take time and effort, but you can defeat both substance abuse and depression. You can get better if you commit to doing the work necessary to heal from these life altering issues. To treat a co-occurring illness, such as substance abuse and depression, it is best that you receive treatment for both issues at the same time. Treatment can happen with a single professional, a team of professionals, in outpatient treatment or inpatient treatment. However, the best treatment will address both the substance abuse disorder and the depression. You will learn how to better cope with your depression by learning new skills and wipe out the need to use drugs or alcohol instead of dealing with the stressful situations that arise in your life. With treatment, you will learn how drugs and alcohol play into your depression and vice versa. Learning to deal with stress and learning new coping skills are the key to a successful recovery from a substance abuse and a depressive disorder. The important thing to remember is there is help for the problems you are experiencing related to substance abuse and depression.

Drinking Problems And How To Come To Terms With Them

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

It is a well-established fact that drinking problems show no prejudice. Alcohol is highly addictive and once it has a grip on you it takes no prisoners. Indeed many who have alcohol issues find the need to reach for the bottle becomes all-consuming.

Why is it so addictive?

Alcohol is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. When taken in moderation and on an occasional basis it works to relax, helps to reduce anxiety and loosen inhibitions.

The important words above are “moderation” and “occasional basis”. The reason for stressing this is that regular and heavy drinking has a very powerful effect on your brain and body.

It works by developing a tolerance and physical dependency to alcohol. As your body’s tolerance increases so does your dependency. The only way to ‘feed your need’ is to consume more and more in an effort to achieve the same effects as previously experienced.

Alcohol will not release its grip easily. Many of those who try to stop drinking without the assistance of recognized alcohol rehab programs will fall at the first hurdle in their attempts to overcome drinking problems.

This is because of the physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms encountered. We will look at some of the withdrawal symptoms later in the piece, but let’s first consider:

Two major issues caused by drinking:

There are a whole host of problems that those addicted to alcohol are likely to encounter. Here are 2 major headings that have many branches.


When alcohol becomes your main focus you are putting a raft of relationship problems in your path.

Your partner, family and friends will feel the backlash in terms of your rapid and erratic change in attitude towards them. Commitments will be missed, chores neglected, and your appearance along with fears for your health will concern them greatly.

Most importantly, the ones who love you will be left confused, hurt and saddened by your apparent selfishness and dependence on alcohol that such drinking problems are causing.

It is extremely important for anyone who is addicted to alcohol, or those who feel they are rapidly heading down this route to understand it is not just themselves they are damaging.

Alcoholism brings a trail of destruction from a relationship perspective, and the sooner this is accepted, the sooner professional rehabilitation services can assist.


It is common knowledge that regular and excessive drinking will damage your health. Many think of liver problems such as cirrhosis. Others relate to fatalities and injuries caused by drink driving, violence and accidents around the home.

But the health issues are far more wide ranging. Those who drink heavily are leaving themselves wide open to cardiovascular problems such as seizures, heart attacks and strokes.

Then there is high blood pressure, anemia, cancer; which is exasperated if those with drink issues also smoke, and from a psychological aspect think depression and possible dementia.

Such examples are just the thin end of the wedge in terms of health problems, indeed health experts attribute over 60 health problems related to alcoholism.

Is there a way out?

While drinking problems can creep up on you in a fairly short space of time it MUST be made clear that professional help is available and that it MUST be sought sooner rather than later.

We touched on the ‘DIY’ approach earlier. This is in terms of trying to quit yourself. The problem here is the strength of the withdrawal symptoms your body and mind display at the displeasure of being starved of their expected ‘fix’. These are often very harsh and can be extremely difficult to overcome on your own.

Such withdrawal symptoms will be physical as well as emotional. Their severity is determined by a variety of issues such as the length of time you have been dependent upon alcohol as well as your general physical and mental state.

They include, but are certainly not limited to: Anxiety, sweating, shivering, feeling nauseous or being physically sick and body shaking; which is often called ‘the DT’s’ (Delirium Tremens).

Many associate the DT’s with the way your hands shake when alcohol is denied, but the fact is this symptom has far reaching effects in terms of your physical and mental wellbeing.

Alcohol addiction can be managed:

Those with drinking problems need to understand that alcohol rehabilitation services are available for a specific purpose. That purpose is to assist you in every way possible to come to terms with your alcohol issues.

These establishments will work with you. They will help you accept the seriousness of your situation, and this acceptance is a vital first step on your long road to staying clean.

They will then proceed to put plans in place that will be clearly explained, understood and accepted by you. Such steps will include medical, physical, psychological and spiritual sessions that are targeted to give you the best chance of staying off alcohol for the long term future.

Outpatient or Inpatient Rehab?

It is very important for those with alcohol issues to fully investigate the treatment options available. Here is a brief insight into two:

Outpatient treatment:

It goes without saying that outpatient alcohol treatment and services such as Alcoholics Anonymous have been operating for many years, and that they have helped countless numbers of men and women come to terms with their alcohol issues.

The challenges with such outpatient treatment is that you are very likely to remain in the same environment, and be mixing in the same circles that helped fuel your alcohol addiction in the first place.

Such an environment makes relapsing a strong possibility. Not because you are weak, but because the temptation and strength of your feelings towards alcohol are stronger.

Inpatient treatment:

In terms of residential rehab you are giving yourself the best possible chance of starting over. You will be taken out of your normal environment and into a relaxed, totally focused, calm and caring one whose mission is to assist you in every possible way.

You will learn many things about yourself, the problems alcohol has caused you and your loved ones, and where possible how to repair these relationships.

Sensible, solid advice will be given on how to avoid potential relapse situations, and a big part of your recovery will be the excellent aftercare options offered.

Often referred to as luxury rehab resorts, these establishments will work to show you how positive life can be without the crutch of alcohol to aid you.