The Art of the Apology - Make Amends: Part Two

The Art of the Apology – Make Amends: Part Two

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

The Art of the Apology – Make Amends: This is part-two of a two-part series.

You Recognize That You Need To Repair Broken Relationships

Usually, when people get into recovery, they feel the most regret over the way they treated people. Whether they stole from family members, cheated on a spouse, disappointed their children, or behaved badly toward an employer; broken relationships are an unfortunate result of addictive behavior.

The good news is, most damaged relationships can be repaired. Sure, it will take awhile to regain trust, establish healthy boundaries, and find healing with the people you hurt or wronged in your relationships, but it can be done. Knowing this may help you overcome at least a little bit of shame in the early days of sobriety, which can bring you some immediate relief.

Preparing To Offer A Sincere Apology

Most people who have been hurt by an addict want to have their feelings validated. They want the person who has harmed them to acknowledge what they did wrong, offer a sincere apology, right the wrong if at all possible, and never do the same thing again.

While your guilt may drive you to want to immediately run to the people you have harmed, throw yourselves at their feet, and beg for mercy; this is not a good idea. Apologizing is an art. It should not be taken lightly and you should not approach it as some insignificant opportunity to absolve yourself so you can feel better. It is a sacred chance to reestablish your credibility in the eyes of the people who matter to you.

There should be some preparation when you are getting ready to make an apology to people you have hurt. This often includes mailing a heartfelt letter to someone admitting what you did wrong and telling them how you plan to fix it. Or, it could involve you inviting someone out to a meal (with you picking up the check) and talking to them face-to-face. Apologizes should not be conducted over text, email, or social media.  

Make Amends To The People Who Matter Most

Making a true amends to someone is not just about saying the words “I am sorry”. It is about becoming willing to right whatever wrong you are guilty of. For example, if you stole money from someone, you should pay them back. If you caused damage to someone’s property, you should offer to reimburse them for it. It is important to recognize, though, that making a financial amends is actually rather easy. Matters of the heart are another thing altogether.

If you hurt someone in a way that cannot be measured in dollars and cents, you need to let the wronged person know that you would like to make amends to them. Tell them you don’t have the first idea about how to do that and ask them for guidance. They will surely offer it to you. They will tell you how you can help them heal.

Stay Committed To Living Life As The New You

The Art of the Apology - Make Amends: Part TwoThe best apology you can make to someone you have harmed is changed behavior. If you keep repeating the same mistakes, the people in your life will stop trusting you altogether and they will lose faith in you. You don’t want that to happen. Stay on the right path and do the next right thing. This is the greatest way to heal broken relationships.

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The Art of The Apology: Part One

The Art of The Apology: Part One

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

The Art of The Apology: This is part-one of a two-part series.

When You Get Into Recovery, You May Have A Lot To Feel Sorry For

Usually, by the time you get into recovery for a substance abuse problem or behavioral addiction, you have done a lot of things you regret. You may have stolen to support your habit, lied to the people you love the most, cheated people in your business dealings, or made any number of other choices that were less than admirable. Addiction can cause you to violate the values you hold most dear in order to get more of whatever you are hooked on.

In fact, it is often the profound violation of personal values that drives people to get into recovery in the first place. Many people realize they need help because they become someone they no longer recognize when they were using drugs or alcohol, gambling excessively, shopping compulsively, or engaged in a sexual addiction. As much as they may have wanted to stop doing the “bad” things they were doing. They simply could not stop themselves because they did what they had to do to get the next fix.

If you have recently entered the recovery process, we want to congratulate you on your bold step toward a new life. Admitting that you need help requires great strength and courage. However; we recognize that you probably need a lot more than just a simple congratulations from us right now.

The Apology: After Months or Years of Dishonest Behavior, You May Feel Shame and Guilt

The Art of The Apology: Part OneWhen you get sober, you might suddenly find that you are consumed with guilt over the things you did while you were addicted. This is very common for people who regain their sanity after being engaged in the insane cycle of addiction for a prolonged period of time. Being dishonest in your dealings with others for months or even years at a time may have left you feeling bad about yourself.

Although it may be uncomfortable, this is a good sign. When your brain chemistry experiences changes caused by addiction, you lose touch with your conscience. You can justify and rationalize all kinds of outlandish behavior in the name of going on a binge. No matter what your substance or behavior of choice might have been. However; when you sober up – it all comes crashing down around you.  

Feeling shame and guilt means you feel genuine remorse for the way you behaved in the past. You sincerely regret the way you treated people and you wish you could go back and make a different choice. Unfortunately, you know just as well as we do that you can’t change the past. What you can do is apologize for your mistakes both in words and in deed.

Be sure to read The Art of the Apology: Part Two

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Do You Have a Substance Abuse Problem? We are Here to Help!

Do You Have a Substance Abuse Problem? We are Here to Help!

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

At DARA Thailand, We Want You To Know We’re Here To Help

Are you coming to terms with the fact that you may need help for a substance abuse problem? If you are finally getting real about your addiction and stepping out of denial, you have taken your first step on your exciting recovery journey. Be hopeful! You are on your way toward wholeness and healing. After all, you simply cannot fix a problem unless you first know that it exists.

You have probably wrestled with this decision for quite some time. Asking for help is difficult for most people – but this is especially true for those who have a substance abuse problem. No one wants to admit to themselves that they can’t handle their drug or alcohol use.

However; we want you to know that there is absolutely no shame in getting help for an addiction to drugs or alcohol. You cannot overcome this problem on your own. We are here to help.    

DARA Thailand Delivers Results In A Resort-Style Setting At A Price You Can Afford

Do You Have a Substance Abuse Problem? We are Here to Help! At this point, you may be considering checking yourself into a rehab to get help. You may have tried to quit using drugs or alcohol on your own many times – only to discover that you simply cannot stop on your own.

If you are thinking about getting rehabilitation, you want to make an informed decision. There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to substance abuse treatment. Most places make elaborate promises about what they will do for you, but they don’t deliver. At DARA Thailand, we deliver on our promises.  

Here are ten reasons why DARA Thailand is the best choice for in-patient substance abuse treatment:

  1. DARA is fully licensed and accredited.
  2. We do not promote the 12-Step philosophy. We offer proven, evidence-based methods that focus on changing negative thought and behavior patterns.
  3. DARA is located on the stunning island of Koh Chang. Ours is a resort-style facility where you will have your own private quarters and luxury amenities.
  4. We offer you the services of a physical trainer and promote physical exercise into our treatment programs We will teach you about the mind-body connection.
  5. You will receive one-on-one counseling sessions to address all of your personal needs.
  6. We have an outstanding team of addiction experts and mental health professionals who live right here in Thailand.
  7. You will enjoy amazing gourmet meals prepared by some of Thailand’s finest chefs. Meals are included in our package price.
  8. You will receive regular Thai massages that relax the mind, body, and soul.
  9. You will participate in super fun activities like elephant trekking, yoga, and Thai cooking classes.
  10. We are a very affordable luxury rehabilitation center and we accept insurance from some of the world’s most common providers.

Don’t Delay, Call DARA Thailand And Get The Help You Need

If you are ready to get help for your addiction, please contact us today. We are available 24/7 to take your call and prepare for your arrival.

Sleep Problems, Disorders And Addiction

Sleep Problems, Disorders And Addiction

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Sleep Problems, Disorders and Addiction. It is estimated that people with a substance abuse disorder are five to ten times more likely to develop a sleep disorder. To complicate this, one of the most basic elements of a healthy recovery program is proper sleep. We are told repeatedly to avoid becoming hungry, angry, and tired. These simple problems seem to be at the root of the much more complex problems which lead to relapse. Yet, sleep can be elusive especially in early recovery.

Key Issues With Substance Abuse Disorders

Sleep Problems, Disorders And AddictionFor many people, sleep problems are at the root of their substance abuse problems. In one research study, 46% of the patients in their study reported using drugs or alcohol to self-medicated because of problems with sleeping. Sleep disorders underpin substance abuse and they become complicated by substance abuse.

The key issue we run into with substance abuse disorders is that chemical alterations in our sleep patterns inevitably lead to sleep disorders. By artificially altering natural sleep patterns, we interrupt the body’s rhythm toward proper sleep. Over time it can be impossible to sleep without the help of substances.

It would seem logical that by removing drugs and alcohol that our bodies would naturally go back to a natural cycle of sleep. But the opposite is the case. After prolonged periods of drug or alcohol use. Sleep patterns can become so drastically altered that severe sleep disorders are the result. Most people who have been through drug and alcohol rehab can attest to this. Sleep can be sporadic. Insomnia is common. Nightmares are also common. It takes time to get back to a natural sleep pattern. Sleep disorders are extremely common in early recovery.

Alarming Studies Show High Rates Of Relapse From Sleep Problems

The most alarming aspect of this is that sleep problems are a serious trigger for relapse. Several studies have shown that as many as 62% of people in recovery for alcohol use disorder relapsed within 12 weeks due to severe sleep problems. While treatment professionals constantly stress the importance of sleep for proper recovery. Sleep can become the main stumbling block for sustained sobriety.

Doctors and other treatment professional have been reluctant to treat sleep disorder with pharmaceuticals for obvious reasons. Many of the drugs currently available for sleep problems are themselves addictive and may precipitate relapse back to the substances patients are trying to stop using. It is a dangerous predicament.

The light in this otherwise gloomy picture is that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been shown to be extremely effective in re-establishing normal sleep pattern for people in recovery. By working with counselors in a program which includes CBT most patients were able to begin sleeping with comfortably within a fairly short time.

Regulate Your Sleep Schedule To Aid Your Recovery

One thing doctors recommend is to put rigorously regulate your sleep schedule in early recovery. While we may lose sleep at night due to the temporary sleep issues associated with early withdrawal phases. If we avoid our natural tendency to nap during the day or to try and go to bed extremely early. We will come to a natural sleep rhythm. This really just boils down to a week or two of not sleeping well with the pay-off of returning to the kind of refreshing sleep many people have not experienced in years.

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Long Term Effects Of Alcohol And Drug Use

The Importance Of Drug Addiction Treatment

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

The importance of drug addiction treatment. Drug addiction affects all aspects of daily life: School, family, work, and social activities. An estimated 208 million people internationally consume illegal drugs. Millions of people struggle daily with substance abuse addictions all over the world. This problem is so common that it affects people from every walk of life, regardless of race, age, or social stature. Anyone can get addicted, even those who are taking legal prescription drugs. To really understand the actual scope of the problem, the following information may be of great help.

If you are battling with substance abuse or know someone who is, it is important you know that help is readily available to anyone who desires it. The patient must, however, be ready and willing to accept help. The patient can have a whole new life if he or she joins a drug rehabilitation program. With the help of trained experts, addiction can become easier to break and the daunting process doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Help is out there and waiting with outstretched arms, but you must make the first step. People cannot be forced into treatment. You must decide, and fast.

Why a Drug Treatment Center?

If you plan to recover from drug addiction all by yourself, the goal might be almost impossible. However, at a rehab treatment facility, trained and dedicated professionals are ready to deliver top-quality care to their patients. Patients can now more easily achieve sobriety through individualized therapy treatment plans. The also get educated on methods that will help them promote positive habits and thoughts once they return to the real world. Drug addiction treatment uses a combination of behavioral and pharmacological science. There are over numerous drug addiction treatment facilities in the US that offer behavioral therapy, counseling, case management and medication to those suffering from substance abuse.

Drug Addiction Treatment Can Help Reduce the Spread of HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C

The spread of deadly infections can be prevented when drug addicts are treated. Those suffering from drug addiction, whether or not they inject drugs, have an increased risk of contracting HIV, Hepatitis C and other types of infectious diseases. This is because these diseases can be spread by sharing contaminated needles and having unprotected sex (drugs lead to more promiscuous sexual behavior). Drug addicts who use needles are six times more likely to contract HIV than those who stop using needles and start drug addiction treatment. This is because those in the treatment do not participate in risky behaviors that can spread diseases. In addition, treatment programs also offer a safe environment for infectious disease screening, counseling, and referral to maintenance programs.

Seek Help from the Best

The Importance Of Drug Addiction Treatment

Once you decide and feel you’re ready to get help for your addition, please reach out to one of the drug treatment programs near you. Each treatment center is unique and will tailor the treatment to suit your problem. A program will be designed to fit your unique needs.


What are you waiting for? Save a life today!

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