Intervention Defined
While everyone has heard of an intervention, few actually know what it actually is in real life. Some television shows have glamorized or at least normalized interventions with the use of cameras and fake documentaries of the life of a drug addict. However few show the true functionality of one. When the concept first came about, it was thought to be a tool best used when the person had hit ‘rock bottom’. This was when that person’s life was adversely affected so much by addiction and behaviors that had become destructive. This would make someone consider rehab as a viable option. While this may be partially true, the outlook on interventions has changed over the years.
Now, addiction is seen as a recognized disease and not a series of bad choices. This means that addicts can receive help, medical intervention, sooner. This also means that rehab is no longer seen as a last-ditch effort. It is a step in the pathway to help.
An intervention is defined as a process by which the family, counselors or professionals, and friends show a person struggling with addiction. This will also include what negative impacts the disease has had on the person’s life. As well as those who care for that person. The intervention typically includes adult family members, the children of the addict, friends or colleagues, and significant others. Some choose to include a member of the religious community as well. It is also a good idea to have a person trained in the process of intervention and/or a counselor as a source of guidance and information.
Goals of Intervention
The whole purpose of the intervention is to help the person who has an addiction problem. The ultimate goal is to have that person enter a rehabilitation facility, typically as an inpatient. Though it may appear otherwise, the goal is not to gang-up on the person, but to demonstrate how their addiction affects others as well as themselves. The goal is for the person to see the need for rehab. If not, the intervention can serve as a warning that loved ones will no longer support the addictive behaviors.
When is it Necessary
An intervention may be necessary when the addiction is causing serious health risks to the addict. This is different for each individual. However, if a decline in health is noted then an intervention may be in order.
While some addicts may suffer from a host of ailments, they may vehemently deny that the addiction is the cause of such issues. This can be addressed in the intervention. Another cause is the effects on family and finances. If the family is affected negatively, which they always are, then this needs addressed. A failing financial situation is also cause for concern as this can take a toll of family. A final reason to stage an intervention is due to legal issues. An addict may not truly understand their addiction until legal problems, such as DUI or possession charges occur. If charges are being faced or have already brought about consequences, then a rehabilitation program should be discussed.
If you find yourself in need of staging an intervention then seek professional help. This is not something that should be entered into lightly or without extensive planning, the life of your loved one may depend on it.
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