Narcotics Facts

A Guide to the Different Types of Narcotics

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International

A narcotic is a natural drug that inhibits pain and increases sleepiness. A narcotic is an illegal substance when used and not prescribed by a doctor nor used for medical reasoning. Narcotics are also at high risk for abuse when not taken explicitly as prescribed by a medical professional. Continue reading “A Guide to the Different Types of Narcotics”

Alcohol Facts You Might Not Have Known

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in today’s society. The longer the duration of one’s drinking habit, the more in danger for developing long term health complications as a result. Alcohol abuse can affect every part of a person’s body. Here are some facts about alcohol to consider before consuming or continuing to use alcohol. Continue reading “Alcohol Facts You Might Not Have Known”