Treatment For Opiate Addiction: One On One vs Group Therapy

Treatment For Opiate Addiction: One On One vs Group Therapy

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Treatment For Opiate Addiction: One On One vs Group Therapy.

Treatment For Opiate Addiction: What are Opiates?

Opiates are drugs with morphine like effects that are derived from opium. Opiates are drugs such as heroin, codeine, morphine, Oxycodone or Oxycontin, Hydrocodone or Vicodin, and Dilaudid or Hydromorphone. Some of these drugs are prescriptions, however heroin is produced using the poppy plant. All are highly addictive, even the prescriptions when abused or used incorrectly. Though all opiates tend to have generic names, heroin has the most. Such as black tar, poppy, Al Capone, and brown crystal, among others. While the prescriptions are commonly used to manage pain, they can be injected, snorted, and ingested to create a high.

The Dangers of Heroin

Heroin is also highly addictive and derived from morphine. It’s used as a downer that has a depressant effect on the brain’s pleasure system. This masks the brain’s ability to perceive pain. Heroin can be used in various ways. Such as injected into a vein or muscle, mixed with other drugs and smoked, used in a water or standard pipe, and even snorted. The short term effects typically show up immediately and last for a few hours. The effects include a sudden burst of euphoria that then leads to a warm flushing of the skin, heaviness in the extremities, and dry mouth.

The user then enters a ‘nodding’ phase in which they alternate between a wakeful and drowsy state that leads to mental fog and depression of the central nervous system. The user may also have slowed or slurred speech, vomiting, constipation, drooping eyelids, and a slow gait. Night vision could also be effected negatively.

Chronic users can also develop heart infections, collapsed veins, liver diseases, abscesses, and even cellulitis. As the health of the chronic user gets worse, other problems such as pneumonia and other respiratory disorders can easily develop. When users try to stop using, withdrawal can start within hours and create a severe reaction.

Seeking Help: One On One vs Group Therapy

Treatment For Opiate Addiction: One On One vs Group TherapyIf you or someone you know has an opiate addiction, then you should know that help is available. If you are choosing to attend counseling, which is best used after initial detox in an in-patient facility, then there are two main options. Both one on one counseling and group therapy can be effective, as can a combination of the two. Each option with be described below.

The Benefits of One on One

One on one counseling is just what it sounds. It is you or your loved one seeing a counselor to help work through the issues related to drug abuse and use. It is likely that some aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, will be utilized to help you learn the tools necessary to get and stay clean over time. This may include the use of medication if other issues, such as depression and anxiety exist. The advantage of one on one therapy is that full attention is focused on you and your personal concerns. The therapist is wholly focused on what can be done to help with treatment for opiate addiction. 

The Benefits of Group Therapy

Group counseling is also an option that can be used alone or in conjunction with one on one therapy. The advantages of group therapy are the shared time with other clients and the sharing of similar circumstances. This is so you do not feel like you are alone in what is happening. Group therapy will apply many of the same techniques as one on one counseling, but in a more generalized manner. This way it applies to the addiction more than anyone specific in the group. If you are hesitant to share your current issues, then group therapy may be the best choice as you can learn from the experience of others. 

A combination of the two types of therapy may be the ultimate option. This way you can focus on personal issues in a private session, yet learn from others and feel more outside support during a group session. The key is to know that addiction is treatable.  Although, what works for one may not work for someone else. Give different styles of treatment for opiate addiction a chance before making a decision. That works best in your personal circumstances.

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How to Find the Best Treatment Center for Teens

How to Find the Best Treatment Center for Teens

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

How to Find the Best Treatment Center for Teens.

Teenage Addiction

Addiction is tough on the user and family members. This is especially true when the addict is a teenager. Unfortunately, teenagers are at great risk for drug and substance abuse. This is in part due to the availability of drugs and alcohol. It’s also because peer pressure has a strong effect on those of this age.

Teens who use drugs, even recreationally are at a much higher risk t becoming addicts as adults. Especially if no help is given to stop drug and substance abuse as soon as possible.

Signs and Symptoms of Teenage Addiction

There are many signs and symptoms to look out for if you suspect that your teen or one you care about is possibly using. However, before a problem even exists it is important to discuss the dangers of drug and substance use with your teen. Setting a good example is a strong tool in fighting against addiction. You may wish to share that teen drug abuse can have long term behavioral and cognitive effects. As a teens brain is still developing.

Many of these issues are irreversible. As almost half of all new drug users are under the age of 18. It is also important to know that experimentation plays the biggest role in teen drug use. This is in part due to peer pressure. It’s also due to curiosity, stress, a desire to escape reality, and even emotional struggles. The majority of adult users actually started before they were 21 years of age.

Some of the most common signs of drug and substance abuse in teens can include bad or dropping grades, bloodshot eyes, and even laughing for no reason. You may also see a loss in interest in activities that were once very important. Poor hygiene with a diminished personal appearance, and unusual tiredness.

Many teens will also avoid eye contact, have frequent hunger, smell like smoke, and have an increase in secretive behavior. While many of these behaviors are typical of all teenagers, it’s important to have a discussion with your teen about possible drug use. If you are still concerned, then drug tests are available by a doctor or over the counter. The key is to approach the topic with concern and caring, without overreacting as this can cause the teen to deny a problem or even use more.  If drug use is discovered, then seek help before a bigger problem and further use occurs.

Treatment Center for Teens: Help for Teens

How to Find the Best Treatment Center for TeensIf your teen has a drug or substance abuse problem, there are treatment center for teens available. An in-patient facility is probably best, but out-patient programs also exist. Facilities exist that only work with those under 18 years of age, or in some cases under 21 years of age.

These facilities will likely use talk therapy, possibly medication therapy, and behavioral therapy to help your teen confront and overcome addiction. Additionally, one on one counseling can help with a teen who is just starting to use and can be effective after in-patient treatment to help stay the course. 

There are also drug abuse hotlines that will offer help for your teen with referrals if necessary. Another option is a teen boot camp type setting that will offer structure and discipline to your teen. The thing to remember is that even with treatment teens have a high rate of relapse. They will need continued support to get and stay clean.

Your teen is worth help and many options are available. If you suspect a problem then talk with your teen right away so any further damage can be prevented. You have a duty as a parent to offer help and support for your adolescent with all the options that are available. You can contact our staff today to help give you advice with choosing a treatment center for teens.

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How Addiction Affects Children

How Addiction Affects Children

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

How Addiction Affects Children. What is Addiction?

How Addiction Affects Children – Addiction is a term that is thrown around commonly these days. Addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. In relation to drugs, addiction is the need or desire to use an illegal or legal substance to alter your mental state. This is related to prescription medications, illegal drugs, altering behaviors, and even legal substances used in the wrong way. Addiction alters every aspect of life. It takes control and your surroundings or behaviors are altered in order to feed the addiction.

Addiction also affects people, not just the addict, but their family, friends, and community as a whole. Addiction can alter both the good and bad parts of life, as well as everything in between. The good news is that addiction does not have to be a life long problem. If you or someone you know has an addiction then help is available. You deserve the best and DARA can offer to improve your life and help you beat addiction.

Parental Addiction

How Addiction Affects ChildrenDrug addiction is problematic for anyone that is using. For those who are using and are also parents, the problem is even worse. When parents have substance abuse issues, it’s often the main cause how addiction affects children. Children of addicts are also at a much higher risk of using themselves. Both due to the genetic component of addictive behaviors and because they have seen the parents use over time.

Even if children do not start using, they are at a higher risk for abuse and neglect. Their parents addiction can lead to time spent using instead of caring for the children. Even lack of money due to paying for their habits. In relation to a higher chance of abuse and neglect, children of addicts are more likely to spend time in foster care. Even having the parent’s lose custody due to addiction.

Children Affected by their Parents Addiction

Even if you are home physically with the children, they can experience psychological or emotional absence when you are using. This may lead to other types of abuse or neglect. You may have even left your children with someone else who could have caused abuse. Though the children may not show the emotions as adults would, they are often left feeling scared, confused, worried, and saddened by a parent’s addiction. Addiction affects children who are in this situation may not have been taught proper self care growing up and may struggle with basic skills. Including social, grooming, and health skills.

Many children also display a distrust of authority figures or feel a need to be in control of everything to bring some normalcy into their lives. These behaviors may continue many years into adulthood. The child of an addict must often do whatever is necessary to learn to survive and these behaviors will need to be addressed by a professional.

Seeking Help

If you are a parent or even have a parent that is an addict, seek help. Rehabs are available to help addicts of all types and ages to stop using, but there are also organizations that help the children of addicts to address feelings and behaviors that may have come about due to parental addiction. There is no shame in asking for help, both you and your children deserve a better life.

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Teens and Adderall Abuse

Teens and Adderall Abuse

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Teens and Adderall Abuse: What is Adderall?

Teens and Adderall Abuse – Adderall is a prescription drug that is often used to treat ADD and ADHD. It is a potential stimulant. But for those with existing hyperactivity or concentration disorders, this medication can calm the brain and body to allow for concentration. However, Adderall has also become popular among students to use as a stimulant. People who abuse Adderall do so to enhance productivity and alertness. This drug is one that is not used by what may be considered common users. It is most commonly abused by those who are students or young professionals who desire extreme focus and alertness to increase drive and ambition. Even if someone is not a ‘typical’ user, they are a potential addict if abusing Adderall.

Signs of Adderall Abuse

Those who are using Adderall have pretty identifying characteristics. The most common is being overly talkative when they are not normally so. You may also note an unusual excitability paired with social withdrawal and secretive behaviors. A loss of appetite and sleeping for long periods of time after the effects of the drug wear off may occur. Aggression and financial troubles are also common. The financial troubles are typically noticed when using as the person may spend indiscriminately as part of the ‘high’ that is being felt.

Dangers of Adderall

 Many people feel like Adderall is safer because it is prescribed, but this is incorrect. Though Adderall is often prescribed for people with ADHD, including children, it is still a strong stimulant that can have negative and potentially deadly side effects. One of the worst side effects of Adderall is overdose. It can lead to stroke, heart attack, and liver failure very quickly. Mixing Adderall with other substances, like alcohol, heighten the risk of a fatal overdose.

Adderall can also cause brain changes in the brain’s neuro circuitry. Changes that lead to further altered behavior and mental disorders over time. Some Adderall addicts end up committing suicide after long term use. A few Adderall users have tried injecting it in order to achieve a stronger high, this can lead to a faster overdose.

Side Effects of Adderall

Teens and Adderall AbuseAdderall can have nasty side effects for users. These may include convulsions, paranoia, hallucinations, depression, and even irregular heartbeat. Some of this is due to insomnia, as Adderall allows the user to stay up for long periods of time without needing a break or food. Sexual dysfunction is also a common side effect.

Concerns with Teens and Adderall Abuse

Teen and young adult use of Adderall is common in order to deal with the stress and time constraints of studying and busy schedules. Those who abuse Adderall are more likely to also use marijuana, prescription pain relievers, and even cocaine and tranquilizers. To help curb teen use you need to make sure your teen knows how to manage time to complete necessary and desired activities while still getting enough sleep. Teens should also be warned of the dangers of Adderall and the fact that studies show that the use of Adderall does not increase studying ability or intelligence.

If you suspect your teen is already abusing Adderall then seek help. The addiction potential is high, especially when a prescription is not needed for that particular person. While Adderall does have its place for those with ADHD, an addiction can be fatal. DARA rehabilitation centers can help with any type of addiction, including those to prescription medications. Call for information or help if you suspect a problem exists.

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Ecstasy: Dangers for Teens

Ecstasy: Dangers for Teens

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

What is Ecstasy, and What are the Dangers for Teens?

Ecstasy: Dangers for Teens – Ecstasy, which was originally sold in a pill form, is actually MDMA and causes psychoactive effects. Today, ecstasy tends to be mixed with other drugs. Stimulants that may include amphetamine, ephedrine, and even caffeine. Ecstasy may also be mixed with hallucinogens, steroids, analgesics, or even common items like detergent or corn starch. While ecstasy alone is dangerous, when it is mixed with other unknown ingredients it can become even more deadly.

If you are not familiar with ecstasy then you should know it is not always easy to identify. Many of the pills look almost like candy that comes in many different colors. They often have small pictures or shapes stamped onto the side. The shapes are often identifiers as the source of the ecstasy. Though ecstasy is typically swallowed, people have been known to snort, smoke, or inject the drug into their veins.

Effects of Ecstasy

Ecstasy is considered a hallucinogenic drug, but it also has stimulant properties. It effects the central nervous system and the person may hallucinate and exhibit a great deal of energy. Users will also have feelings of mental and physical prowess while the feelings of hunger, pain, and fatigue are suppressed. This is followed by a sense of euphoria, extreme self-confidence, and lowered inhibitions. Their senses become very acute and it may seem easier to communicate and express emotions with others.

This is why people use ecstasy often, to feel comfortable around others and try new things without regard for safety or insecurities. Ecstasy often allows others to feel like they can be more open and empathetic for and with others. After the initial calm and euphoria that is felt, users move into a tired, irritable, depressed state that may include panic attacks and nightmares.

For those that use ecstasy often, they could experience weakness and weight loss. This drug can also cause dehydration and raise body temperature, as well as an irregular or rapid heart beat, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular problems. 

The problem with ecstasy is that tolerance is built up rapidly and it can become impossible for the euphoric effects to be felt. For some users a physical dependence can be created, but this is not as likely as with other drugs. It is rare for an ecstasy only dependence can be created, and this is why it’s certainly causes plenty of dangers for teens who often don’t consider consequences. 

Specific Dangers for Teens

Ecstasy danger for teensEcstasy, though once a very popular drug, is not quite as common today, but is still popular among teens. The problem is that teens enjoy the euphoric feelings and the lack of inhibition that is created. All self-consciousness is erased, even if just for a limited amount of time. Unfortunately, many teens do not understand that the pills can be laced with other ingredients or unknown drugs.

These are manufactured drugs that could be mixed with deadly chemicals with no way to tell. Long term use of the drug can lead to irreversible neuro toxicity of the brain, causing damage of memory loss that could be long term. Even short term use that involves a crash after the drug starts to wear off can lead to depression, hypothermia, and extreme paranoid behavior. This could lead the teen to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or lead to further use to regain euphoria.

Seek Help

If your teen is experimenting with ecstasy, or any drug, then seek help before the addiction gets out of control. DARA offers programs for teens or parents with a problem with ecstasy or any form of drug. If you or a loved one have a problem simply make the call and start receiving help as soon as possible.

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