Relapse Prevention

Relapse Prevention

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Congratulations on choosing to start the pathway to recovery or knowing someone who has made that choice. The hardest decision is over and now the work can truly begin. Though many issues must be faced and dealt with as soon as the choice for recovery is made, the most prominent concern is typically avoiding relapse. Relapse prevention is the measures taken to prevent a former user from becoming an active addict once again. For many, relapse will occur at least once. This does not mean that recovery is no longer an option, just that a setback has occurred and the process will being again. The ultimate goal is to avoid a relapse at all costs, hopefully some of the tips included in this article will make staying in recovery a bit easier for all involved.

As you stay in recovery you will learn to live a happier life without your drug of choice. For some this may come faster than for others. Everyone will likely have cravings, have weak moments, and want to go back to an unhealthy lifestyle of addiction. In order to stay strong you must learn to take care of yourself, something ignored by most addicts. One way in which you can care for yourself is to ask for help. Gaining entrance into rehab is a positive first step. If rehab is not an immediate option then find a competent therapist that you trust. You should feel comfortable discussing your drug use and future plans in detail with your therapist. This includes holding yourself accountable. Since outpatient therapy means you will not have a constant therapist available, you should also create a support system of friends and family members that will help you when tough times happen. This support system will grow stronger as you continue in recovery. These people need to be strong enough to set and keep boundaries with you at all times. Remember, thinking that you have all the answers can leave you struggling, be willing to ask for help before it is needed.

In addition you should focus on yourself for relapse prevention. This may seem counterproductive, but being in recovery is first about you and then about others. The only way you can become a better person and remain addiction free is to focus on taking care of yourself until you have time in recovery. This means eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and taking time to relax and unwind when needed. As part of caring for yourself you should focus on the positives. Rehashing the negatives will bring you down. Accept what has happened and what you have done while in addiction and move forward.

Though you are to focus on the positives you must also hold yourself accountable. You have probably done things while in active addiction that require an action to correct. Perhaps you lost your license due to drunk driving or stole from others to feed your habit. Now is the time to hold yourself accountable and pay the price for these actions. This may begin with serving jail time or starting to repay money or time that was stolen. While compensation may not make the actions disappear, they show a willingness to be humble and demonstrate your accountability for previous actions. This is part of the recovery process. Forgiveness from others may not come from holding yourself accountable, but it will help you to move forward in recovery. Being accountable is for you, as is making right those things that you can while in recovery.

Relapse Prevention – Be proud of yourself. The decision to go into recovery, through rehab or otherwise, is a huge accomplishment. Stay strong and keep moving forward.

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drug withdrawal

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

For all individuals who are addicted to any kind of drugs and opiates, managing drug withdrawal symptoms is quite a test. If you fail to manage these uncomfortable symptoms successfully, it could ultimately lead to a relapse.

The ability to avoid cravings and cultivating healthy habits to circumnavigate from your drug addiction requires a strong will to change. People who once tried to quit but failed to finish their rehabilitation experienced a slew of different emotional and psychological disorders.


Alcoholics exhibit one of the most dangerous symptoms of drug withdrawals. These symptoms may range from mild to severe depending on the level of addiction. This is why alcoholics are more likely to abandon their rehab and relapse since they have a hard time coping with withdrawal symptoms.

All these symptoms have alarming effects on an individual’s psychological and physical health. These emotions affect how an addict feels or reacts to different life situations.

Drug Addicts.

Drugs such as cocaine and heroin also lead to major physical dependencies. Withdrawal can be worse if the addiction is prolonged over an extended period of time.

In any given situation, it is very challenging to manage withdrawal symptoms no matter the type and severity of a drug addiction.

There are many drugs and substances that people become easily addicted to. These include meth, heroin, cocaine, alcohol and benzodiazepines.

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms.

The frequency, severity and intensity of withdrawal symptoms may vary. However, it is important to administer a completely safe rehab and drug withdrawal in a professional or medically supervised environment.
Since these symptoms often lead to suicidal thoughts or life-threatening incidents; monitoring the withdrawal progress and medical intervention is required at all times.

Here some of the most common drug withdrawal symptoms that patients experience:

  • Insomnia
  • Dysphoria
  • Anxiety
  • Abdominal pain
  • Cravings
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Irritability
  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Muscle cramps
  • Seizures
  • Heart palpitations
  • Chills

When you learn about how to manage withdrawal symptoms, recovery becomes less complicated. It is a tough battle against an addiction to start your road to recovery. You must be mentally fit to handle all withdrawal symptoms to increase your chance of finishing the rehab without succumbing to your cravings.

Since, managing these symptoms is serious business, no addict is recommended to embark on a rehab journey on his own; particularly if he has quit before. Quitting and failing to overcome an addiction can lead to feelings of guilt and fear, which cause people to undergo many psychological disorders.

Drug addiction and its effects are not just limited to our physical health. The symptoms and cravings can leave detrimental effects on our psychological health. It is important to know that no recovery is achieved overnight. Managing drug withdrawal symptoms to overcome your addiction needs patience, time and commitment.

Final Thoughts.

There are many rehab facilities that focus on detoxing a patient’s body as well as prepare him to stand tough against his cravings. Coping up with uncomfortable symptoms is also easier since these programs are designed by trained professionals.

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Relax in Recovery

Ways to Relax in Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Ways to Relax in Recovery – Recovery, especially in the early stages can be stressful and exhausting. Allowing yourself to remain tired and over stressed can quickly allow recovery to get off track and possibly lead to a relapse. While everyone has a particular way they take time to relax, for addicts relaxation was often about using. Now that you are entering recovery new forms of relaxation must be found. Though these will differ for everyone, the list below will offer some cheap or free ideas that can create a relaxing time and aid in the overall recovery process.

Relax in Recovery – Self Care.

Ways to Relax in Recovery – Remember that relaxation and self care are an important part of recovery and should not be ignored or taken for granted. Without self care, recovery will be much harder in the long run. One basic way to relax for free is to get outside. Work with nature in the dirt by planting a garden or some flowers. Be a kid again and do not fear getting dirty. The work and the experience is relaxing for many and after you have a beautiful plant or a small garden to enjoy.

Listen to music. Choose music that is happy and uplifting, but not associated with previous addictions. Classical music is thought to be the most relaxing based on science, but any music that helps you calm down and forget your cares will work.

Engage In Meditation.

Ways to Relax in Recovery – Meditation can be in the form of quiet reflection or even guided imagery. These techniques can be learned online or most therapists can offer advice. Take time to be silent and focus on something positive or simply clear your mind and enjoy the silence. Guided imagery can take on many scenarios so if trying it do not be afraid to explore your options.
Get some exercise. Working out releases endorphins that produce a natural ‘high’. This does not mean you need to run out and join a gym. A brisk walk or a nature hike will do the trick. Find an activity you enjoy and take part. This will also help you be healthier in the long run. This is important to a body that has been abused by addiction.

Take a hot shower or bath. Fill a tub with bubbles, light some candles and take a long relaxing soak to let your cares drift away. As the water drains or as you rinse off, let the worries and stress of life go down the drain as well.

Don’t Forget To Laugh.

Ways to Relax in Recovery – Finally, take some time to laugh. Watch a funny movie or spend time with entertaining, non-using friends. A good laugh will also release endorphin’s in the body, as with exercise. Laughing at online jokes, at movies, or simply with friends will create a relaxing environment that helps you feel better.

No matter which healthy manner you choose to use to create a relaxing environment it is important to find something that creates a calm in you. Remember that this is all part of the recovery process and getting back to a normal life, so enjoy the experience.

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Feelings as Part of Recovery

Feelings as Part of Recovery

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Feelings are one of those things that we all have and discuss, but also something we know little about in life. Feelings are demonstrated and felt differently from culture to culture and person to person. While some may find a hug comforting, others may feel it is intrusive. A good movie may make one person cry happy tears while another reacts with a giant smile. We often let our emotions control our decisions and this does not always work out favorably.

When in active addiction feelings are often dulled or nonexistent. Life becomes about the next fix, hit, or drink and how to obtain that next one.  If we do not learn to handle these feelings appropriately the result can be depression, stress, and anxiety. This can be accomplished in a number of ways and you must find what works for your individual situation. Some of the basics will be discussed in the remainder of this article.

In order to control emotions we must first identify them. This may sound simple, but often emotions are not felt in a singular manner. This means you may be scared and angry at the same time or happy and sad over the same situation. Being able to identify the emotions you are feeling, no matter how many can allow you to control those same emotions and handle the feelings appropriately. Once the emotions are identified then we may begin to control them accordingly.

Feelings as Part of Recovery -When in an emotional situation give yourself a time out to truly understand what you are feeling at that moment. If you are afraid then identify the source of fear. Are old thoughts and reactions taking over? Is the situation actually scary or just uncomfortable? Is the situation dangerous to your health and well being? Once you take a moment to think it through the situation may not be as scary or dangerous as originally assessed. The same is true of positive emotions such as excitement or happiness. Are you truly happy or simply reacting to others? You must take control of your own feelings.

As you learn to identify your emotions then you can also learn to control them. Just because the body reacts in fear does not mean a situation is dangerous. Sometimes fear is a learned response to a given stimuli. Some people are afraid of clowns, but the clown itself is not necessarily scary, the fear is learned from a previous bad experience. When in recovery we must learn not to fear or react to something simply because it was once a negative in life. Instead we must find the positive. For example, many addicts have spent time in jail due to their addiction or related behaviors. For many jail becomes a negative, but for those who have learned to control their emotions can see jail as a positive or a turning point that led to recovery.

Feelings as Part of Recovery – The choice is truly your own. How will you choose to react today? What emotions will be allowed to come forward? Choose wisely.

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Negative thinking in Recovery

Breaking the Bad Habit of Negative thinking in Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Negative thinking in Recovery.

Addiction comes with a host of bad habits. Whether it is breaking the law to get another fix, lying to others to hide your problems, or simply forgetting to take care of yourself in a healthy manner, addiction is bad news. One of the worst habits we must break when entering recovery is the habit of negative thinking in recovery. As an addict you are often full of negative thoughts. Whether you believe you cannot get better or are not good enough to be successful in the world, you tend to fulfill what you think of yourself. This can be a difficult habit to break, but it is far from impossible.

Though negative thinking often becomes ingrained in our thought processes once we are aware of this type of thinking it can be altered. In order to break this bad habit, like other bad habits, we must make a conscious effort to change the way we perceive things. We must also alter the way we perceive certain tasks so negative thinking does not take over. With the self awareness that comes with actively taking control of our thoughts and actions, real change can be accomplished. There are several basic steps that can be taken in order to break the bad habit of negative thinking in recovery.

Decide To Change.

One step is to decide you really want to change. If you are not committed to altering your thought patterns then real change cannot occur. This step can take time and effort but will become easier over time. As each thought comes to mind take it captive and decide whether it is positive or negative. If the thought is negative, change your thinking. For example, I have to spend the whole day in the office can become I get to go to work and earn money for the things I enjoy. Every thought can be turned around with effort.

You should also try to gain insight into what is causing the habit. Are you simply comfortable being unhappy and negative? Often negativity has become so much a part of our daily lives that we do not realize what is happening. By being aware of why we react the way we do, we can alter it. This will not happen immediately, but will become a new habit with practice.

Set Goals.

Set reasonable goals for yourself. Setting goals gives us the opportunity to work toward something and then celebrate reaching that goal. Start small with something that can be accomplished in a day or a few hours. When that goal is met, reward yourself in a fun way. This allows you to both accomplish a needed task and get rewarded with something that will make you feel good. These goals also allow for measurable progress. Recovery takes time and by setting measurable goals we can monitor our own progress. Seeing progress can increase positive thoughts.

Seek Help.

Lastly, seek help if changing the habit of negative thinking is too difficult to do alone. Therapists are often helpful at helping to monitor progress and hold you accountable for distorted views of self and the world. Don’t wait any longer, start working on being more positive right away. You have taken the first step by entering recovery or in the least considering it. You are worth the effort and  you can succeed with a bit of hard work.

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