Treatment For Opiate Addiction: One On One vs Group Therapy

Treatment For Opiate Addiction: One On One vs Group Therapy

Treatment For Opiate Addiction: One On One vs Group Therapy

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Treatment For Opiate Addiction: One On One vs Group Therapy. Treatment For Opiate Addiction: What are Opiates? Opiates are drugs with morphine like effects that are derived from opium. Opiates are drugs such as heroin, codeine, morphine, Oxycodone or Oxycontin, Hydrocodone or Vicodin, and Dilaudid or Hydromorphone. Some of these drugs are prescriptions, however heroin […]

How to Find the Best Treatment Center for Teens

How to Find the Best Treatment Center for Teens

How to Find the Best Treatment Center for Teens

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

How to Find the Best Treatment Center for Teens. Teenage Addiction Addiction is tough on the user and family members. This is especially true when the addict is a teenager. Unfortunately, teenagers are at great risk for drug and substance abuse. This is in part due to the availability of drugs and alcohol. It’s also […]

How Addiction Affects Children

How Addiction Affects Children

How Addiction Affects Children

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

How Addiction Affects Children. What is Addiction? How Addiction Affects Children – Addiction is a term that is thrown around commonly these days. Addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. In relation to drugs, addiction is the need or desire to use an illegal or legal […]

Teens and Adderall Abuse

Teens and Adderall Abuse

Teens and Adderall Abuse

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Teens and Adderall Abuse: What is Adderall? Teens and Adderall Abuse – Adderall is a prescription drug that is often used to treat ADD and ADHD. It is a potential stimulant. But for those with existing hyperactivity or concentration disorders, this medication can calm the brain and body to allow for concentration. However, Adderall has […]

Ecstasy: Dangers for Teens

Ecstasy: Dangers for Teens

Ecstasy: Dangers for Teens

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

What is Ecstasy, and What are the Dangers for Teens? Ecstasy: Dangers for Teens – Ecstasy, which was originally sold in a pill form, is actually MDMA and causes psychoactive effects. Today, ecstasy tends to be mixed with other drugs. Stimulants that may include amphetamine, ephedrine, and even caffeine. Ecstasy may also be mixed with […]

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