Long Term Effects Of Alcohol And Drug Use

The Importance Of Drug Addiction Treatment

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

The importance of drug addiction treatment. Drug addiction affects all aspects of daily life: School, family, work, and social activities. An estimated 208 million people internationally consume illegal drugs. Millions of people struggle daily with substance abuse addictions all over the world. This problem is so common that it affects people from every walk of life, regardless of race, age, or social stature. Anyone can get addicted, even those who are taking legal prescription drugs. To really understand the actual scope of the problem, the following information may be of great help.

If you are battling with substance abuse or know someone who is, it is important you know that help is readily available to anyone who desires it. The patient must, however, be ready and willing to accept help. The patient can have a whole new life if he or she joins a drug rehabilitation program. With the help of trained experts, addiction can become easier to break and the daunting process doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Help is out there and waiting with outstretched arms, but you must make the first step. People cannot be forced into treatment. You must decide, and fast.

Why a Drug Treatment Center?

If you plan to recover from drug addiction all by yourself, the goal might be almost impossible. However, at a rehab treatment facility, trained and dedicated professionals are ready to deliver top-quality care to their patients. Patients can now more easily achieve sobriety through individualized therapy treatment plans. The also get educated on methods that will help them promote positive habits and thoughts once they return to the real world. Drug addiction treatment uses a combination of behavioral and pharmacological science. There are over numerous drug addiction treatment facilities in the US that offer behavioral therapy, counseling, case management and medication to those suffering from substance abuse.

Drug Addiction Treatment Can Help Reduce the Spread of HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C

The spread of deadly infections can be prevented when drug addicts are treated. Those suffering from drug addiction, whether or not they inject drugs, have an increased risk of contracting HIV, Hepatitis C and other types of infectious diseases. This is because these diseases can be spread by sharing contaminated needles and having unprotected sex (drugs lead to more promiscuous sexual behavior). Drug addicts who use needles are six times more likely to contract HIV than those who stop using needles and start drug addiction treatment. This is because those in the treatment do not participate in risky behaviors that can spread diseases. In addition, treatment programs also offer a safe environment for infectious disease screening, counseling, and referral to maintenance programs.

Seek Help from the Best

The Importance Of Drug Addiction Treatment

Once you decide and feel you’re ready to get help for your addition, please reach out to one of the drug treatment programs near you. Each treatment center is unique and will tailor the treatment to suit your problem. A program will be designed to fit your unique needs.


What are you waiting for? Save a life today!

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Wealthy Kids and Alcopops – The Dangers

Four Reasons You Should Come To DARA Thailand for Drug Rehab

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

We Encourage You To Come To Us For Addiction Treatment

At DARA Drug Rehab in Thailand, we specialize in treating people who have an addiction to drugs like heroin, cocaine, ice, and prescription opioids. Thousands of clients have come to us with a drug problem and left our resort-style facility with a positive, hopeful attitude about the future. We offer luxury accommodations at an affordable price so that everyone can have access to the help we offer.

Addiction robs you of your joy, financial security, relationships, and your self-respect. At DARA Drug Rehab Thailand, you can learn how to live and enjoy a sober lifestyle because we equip you with the tools you need to recover. In case you need a few reasons to stop doing drugs and come for a stay at DARA Drug Rehab Thailand, we have made a list for you.

Here are four ways you will benefit if come to us for addiction treatment:

# 1 You will start enjoying your life again.

There is nothing fun about being a drug addict. In fact, it may have so long since you had a good time, you have forgotten what joy feels like. While we believe addiction treatment is serious business, we also want our clients to appreciate the time they spend with us. We arrange fun outings like elephant trekking and other activities to make getting sober a pleasurable experience.

# 2 You will reclaim your dignity and self-worth.

Being addicted to drugs is a very dehumanizing experience. You will do things to sustain your habit that you would never do while you are sober. When you come to DARA Thailand, you will once again feel like a valuable, worthwhile human being. We will teach you strategies to learn self-love, self-respect, and show you how to forgive yourself.

# 3 You will benefit from yoga and Thai massage to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit.

DARA Inpatient TreatmentAddiction has a way of disconnecting you from yourself.

Drugs numb your feelings and dull your senses.

Here at DARA Drug Rehab Thailand, we help to reawaken your senses with yoga and Thai massage to show you how to appreciate the mind-body connection.

You will learn how to relax to reduce anxiety, stress, and discomfort.

# 4 You will learn the skills needed to stay sober in the “real world.”

While we have designed much of our program to feel like a fabulous luxury vacation, you will do a lot of challenging inner work here at DARA Thailand. We want the time you spend with us to benefit you when you return to your everyday life. We will teach you proven methods of recovery so you can navigate the stresses of life without turning to drugs to manage your emotions.

Ready To Recover From Drug Addiction?

DARA Thailand has so much more to offer than these few things we have shared with you in this short article. Contact us today so we can tell you more about our program and beautiful facility.   

Setting Goals in Recovery

Setting Goals in Recovery

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Setting Goals in Recovery – It is both important and natural to begin setting some goals for ourselves when we get into recovery. I know from my own experience that it was probably the first day that I began looking ahead to what life might have in store for me now that I am getting sober. However, it is of the utmost importance that we be careful about the kinds of goals we set for ourselves and the way we envision these goals.

A realistic goal is written down. Unless you put it in writing, it is just an idea, it is something you may or may not get around to. Recovery experts make it clear to write down your goals and go over them with someone who has more experience in recovery than you. This way they are concrete and you do not make the mistake of being to general or specific. You want to set manageable goals that you can clarify in writing.

Create A Plan – Take Action

Setting Goals in Recovery

If you do not have an action plan, it is not a goal. Once you start to set goals in recovery, begin working out a plan for how this is going to get achieved. For example, I had things that needed to be accomplished and things I wanted to accomplish. I had to catch up on some financial issues that I had let slide. I also wanted to get involved in music. In the first case, I set out a realistic budget whereby I could begin catching up on money I owed. With the second, I started reaching out to local music organizations and looked up their meeting schedules and events. In both cases, I wrote down the goal and set out a plan of action. I have since achieved both of these things and more.

In setting goals we also need to avoid certain traps. Do not set goals which depend on other people to reach. An example of this could be found in my goal to pay back money. While my job made this possible, I did not set this goal with the belief that I would be making more money because my employer gave me a raise. I may get a raise, but I cannot make plans and set goals based on this possibility. Make sure your goals are based on the things you control and not on the outcomes from other people.

Setting Goals In Recovery That Are Realistic

Do not set goals that are too big. This is obvious, but any of us can fall into this trap. The goal to save some money over the course of your first year of recovery is reasonable. The goal to be a homeowner may be out of reach. Look at what can really be achieved and set your goals accordingly.

Getting sober is full of opportunity. The world can open up to us as sober people once we begin the process of recovery. Setting goals is a great way to foster your recovery and to give you incentive to keep going when life is dull or difficult. We just need to take steps and precautions to make sure our recovery goals are manageable and realistic.

CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Addiction Rehabilitation Assessment.

Illegal Drugs In Hong Kong

Illegal Drugs In Hong Kong

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Illegal Drugs In Hong Kong. Hong Kong Is a Mecca For Illegal Drugs.

Drug Addiction May Be Increasing In Hong Kong

Hong Kong has a zero-tolerance policy for drug possession. Penalties for the possession of drugs are unbelievably harsh. Someone who is found in possession of illegal drugs like marijuana, heroin, or cocaine can face up to seven years in prison.

Nevertheless, illegal drug use continues to be pervasive in this region of China. The National Narcotics Control Commission estimates the total number of drug addicts in Hong Kong could exceed 14 million. Although official agencies are reporting that drug use is on the decline in Hong Kong, treatment experts are saying this is isn’t true and that the problem in actually increasing. The number of people reporting to treatment centers to get help for an addiction is on the rise.

What The Drug Problem Means For Hong Kong

Drug addiction causes problems for the individual, families, and Hong Kong society at large. Here are just a few:

Addiction increases crime rates in Hong Kong. People who have an addiction often need to steal to support their habit. This increases loss of property among unsuspecting victims.

The use of drugs like meth can increase hostility in the user, which can lead to violent crimes like assault.

Substance abuse has been linked to domestic violence. Many who are high on drugs perpetrate violence against family members. 

Drug use leads to a loss in productivity. People who are under the influence of drugs do not perform well at school or work.

Substance use can lead to addiction. Addiction is an all-consuming condition that can cause someone to spiral out of control and reap negative consequences.

Overdose-related deaths increase where addiction is present. Tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong die every year because of an accidental overdose on illegal drugs.

Popular Drugs Used In Hong Kong

Illegal Drugs In Hong KongMethamphetamine’s are a major problem in Hong Kong – so much so that addiction experts are saying the use of this drug (also called ice, speed, or meth) may reach epidemic proportions if it continues. Hundreds of thousands of people in Hong Kong use meth regularly.

Many people in Hong Kong use heroin. It is perhaps the most commonly abused substances in Hong Kong, accounting for as much as 70 percent of all drug use in the area.

Opioids like heroin and legal prescription drugs like Oxycodone and hydrocodone are also pervasive in Hong Kong.

Ketamine is another popular drug abused by Hong Kongers. Ketamine is a tranquilizer given to people who are undergoing a surgical procedure. However; the drug produces a euphoric effect and is a popular way to get high.

Ecstasy, known as a club drug, is particularly popular among young people in Hong Kong.

Marijuana, though not as popular in Hong King as many places in the world, is another commonly used illegal substance.

Getting Help For A Drug Problem In Hong Kong

DARA Thailand has become one of the most reputable treatment centers in the area. If you are battling a substance abuse problem in Hong Kong, why not talk to one of our addiction specialists and find out what your treatment options are? We offer a wide range of services here at DARA Thailand to address all aspects of the recovering person.

CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Addiction Rehabilitation Assessment.

we believe in you

We Believe In You

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

At DARA Thailand, We Believe In You.

We Believe In You – Recovery Is Possible

At DARA Thailand, we believe in you. We believe that no matter what issue you are wrestling with, you can recover from it. People come to us from all over the world struggling with all kinds of addictions – including gambling, drugs, alcohol, shopping, sex, pornography, and food. We have helped thousands of satisfied clients find freedom from these addictions and we can help you too.

We believe it is important that you know we believe in you. Why? Because by the time most people come to us for treatment services, they no longer believe in themselves. This is a painful place to be. When you feel as if you cannot trust yourself, you wonder how you can ever get better.

Here at DARA Thailand, we will believe in you until you believe in yourself.

Addiction Causes A Loss Of Trust And Self-Confidence

Usually, people who have an addiction try again and again to give up their habit on their own many times before they seek help. They promise themselves they will never do “it” again – whether the “it” is drugs, gambling, watching pornography, or binge-eating. The problem is, they end up doing “it” once again and they feel totally ashamed of themselves.

Addicted people also make promises to friends and family members that they will change – only to wind up doing “it” again. This causes a loss of trust in important relationships. When the people closest to you are angry and resentful at you because you continue to do the very thing you promised you wouldn’t do, it can cause feelings of guilt and a loss of self-worth. This leads someone with an addictive habit to completely stop believing in themselves – which ultimately perpetuates the addictive cycle.

We Believe In Us And Our Ability To Help You Recover

Not only do we believe in you, we believe in ourselves. We think it is important that you know this too. We have absolute confidence in our team because they are highly trained and skilled behavioral health experts. Also, we implement effective treatment models that bring about a change in thinking and behavior; which results in fulfillment, personal freedom, and a new outlook on life. 

We have seen many people come through our program feeling completely hopeless and defeated. When they first arrive, they don’t believe in themselves and they are skeptical about whether or not we can help them. Nevertheless, when they leave, they have a restored sense of self-confidence and they are hopeful about their future. Those who complete our program go on to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Ready To Believe In Yourself Again?

we believe in youIf you feel trapped in a cycle of addiction, we are here to help. We encourage you to contact us so that you can be assessed by one of our specialists. We will recommend a treatment plan and talk to you about travel plans. DARA Thailand is an affordable luxury rehabilitation facility that welcomes people from around the globe to come and stay with us.

CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Addiction Rehabilitation Assessment.