Alcohol And Substance Abuse Treatment

Articles, Australia, International, Treatment

Typically, if you have gotten into trouble with the law or at work due to drug use, you will likely have to face a drug assessment. The reason for the assessment is to determine what you have been using, how it has impacted your life, how it has impacted your relationships, how it impacts your responsibilities and how it impacts your overall wellbeing.

An alcohol and drug assessment will gather information concerning your past history of alcohol and drug use, determine if you have had any past treatment for alcohol or drug abuse, figure out whether or not those were effective and judge if you are at risk for future alcohol or drug abuse. It will also gather medical information and your mental health history to value other risks associated with alcohol or drug use. Furthermore, it will gather information about your support system, your living situation and resources present to aid you in the recovery process. It will also assess past consequences from alcohol and drug use, such as legal problems, employment issues and relational problems.

An alcohol and drug assessment is an all-encompassing assessment of your past and present alcohol and drug use and your future outlook due to your alcohol and drug use. An assessment will find if your alcohol or drug use is a problem and guide you in appropriate treatment options for recovery.

Some treatment options that may be recommended for you can include no treatment if there is not an alcohol or drug issue present. Educational classes about alcohol or substance abuse may be recommended. Outpatient counseling to seek individual, one on one counseling for troubles related to alcohol or drug addiction may be an option as well. Group counseling or other peer groups or self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, may be useful for your current situation also.

Family counseling to help the family understand and learn to cope with alcohol or drug addiction and the changes that come with a family member seeking sobriety. Detoxification, depending on the severity of your alcohol or drug abuse problem, may be an option for you as well. Intensive outpatient treatment programs may be beneficial for your alcohol or drug concern also. There are also partial hospital programs that may be suitable to aid in your recovery process also. Inpatient, residential treatment to treat a more serious alcohol or drug addiction, however, may be the best route for you though.

There are so many treatment options to consider when determining which is the right one for you.

Outpatient counseling will help you develop a plan to quit using drugs and alcohol. With this method you can gain a better understanding about the negative behaviors contributing to your alcohol and drug use and provide you with better methods to cope with those thoughts and behaviors. It will teach you methods to remain sober and reinforce those methods to keep you drug free as well. It can also lead you through a 12 step program and motivate you to follow through with the steps toward recovery also.

Peer support groups and self help groups provide a forum for those with similar alcohol or drug related issues to gather together and share experiences of what has worked for them and assist them in getting clean with this approach. They provide mentoring, where you can be paired with someone who is further along in the process that can guide you in overcoming the grasp of addiction. This design also provide a spiritual aspect toward recovery that may be appropriate for you as well.

They may be drop in centers, where you can go to get immediate help or help as needed or  the can be halfway houses or other forms of housing, that provide housing needs through your recovery program as well. There are many types of support groups that can lead you through the steps toward recovery.

Detoxification may utilize medication in order to aid in your treatment for an alcohol or substance abuse disorder. Medications are used here to reduce the symptoms associated with the withdrawal symptoms you may feel when coming off of a substance. Medications for detoxification are used alongside counseling or with other methods of treatment.

Residential treatment programs may be more beneficial for others. It aids in the process of detoxification and helps with the symptoms of withdrawal in a more intense setting. This setting provides a more structured environment. It provides a deeper treatment regimen, as you will receive therapy every day as opposed to an outpatient setting, where you may only receive treatment once or twice a week. It will also prepare you as you leave the facility and return to your everyday life without the use of alcohol or drugs.

You will have to determine what is the best course of action for you after you take an alcohol and drug assessment. All of the recommendations above are established rooted in clinical experience. They are suggested based on your specific alcohol and drug related issues determined by the assessment given.

However, finances, time, willingness as well as other issues come into play when making this decision, so you must determine what you are willing to do for yourself. If it is determined you do need treatment, we recommend you follow through with getting the guidance you need in order to live a more fulfilling life.



Rehab Abroad – The Foundation For Long Term Recovery

Articles, Australia, International

Rehab abroad for those with alcohol or drug dependence issues is becoming ever more popular. Here are just 5 reasons why:

Out of your normal environment:

Many addicts find that their current environment plays a big part in maintaining and fueling their addiction.

They are in a routine, and that routine involves easy access to their drink or drug of choice, and they are socializing with others who are also subject to similar substance abuse.

This makes it very difficult to avoid temptation even if an addict is trying to come clean with the assistance of their medical practitioner, or as an outpatient at a local rehabilitation centre.

The slightest set-back during such treatment will see the drug addict heading back to their dealer, or an alcoholic reaching for ‘just one more bottle’.

This is not because the addict is weak, it is because their body and mind has built up such a tolerance to their substance of choice that it demands feeding, and if not fed regularly it will let the user know in no uncertain terms in the form of nasty withdrawal symptoms.

The easy option in such circumstances is for the addict to take that well-trodden path back to the readily available source of the substance that first put them in this situation.

Opting for rehab abroad takes an addict out of their normal environment and into a fresh, idyllic setting which is completely geared to putting them at ease in completely new surroundings.

Gone is the easy option of nipping back to their dealer or favourite watering hole.

Gone is the chance of bumping into those you socialize with who share your interest in drugs or alcohol.

Gone is the immediate humdrum existence that many addicts feel contributes heavily to fueling their addiction.

Waiting lists – What waiting lists?

It is a well-known fact that rehabilitation services and inpatient rehab clinics in your home country are struggling under the weight of over-subscription.

Put simply, the amount of people dependent or addicted to drugs and alcohol far outweighs what such establishments can cope with.

The result of this is that when an addict finally admits to themselves that they must seek assistance with their drink or drug issues, they suffer an immediate set-back.

This set-back is that upon contacting in-country inpatient rehabilitation centres, they are told that no immediate assistance can be given, but they can be placed on a waiting list.

Such waiting lists to a drug addict or alcoholic are akin to saying “Don’t stop just yet, you have another xx months before any inpatient treatment can be given”

The longer such treatment is delayed the deeper the addiction will become, and in many cases the less likely an addict is to wait for this much needed treatment.

This is not the case when you opt for rehab abroad. These establishments are not under the same pressure or constraints as in-country rehabilitation centres.

They do not carry the same burden of oversubscription, and in many cases will be able to accept clients within a couple of weeks from first contact.

Such timing is crucial for an addict or alcoholic. If they have taken the brave step and decided it is time to confront their issues, then prompt attention is of the utmost importance.

Professional, committed staff:

The staff at overseas rehab establishments are fully qualified and committed to helping those with addiction issues in the same manner as your in-country professionals, but with the advantage that constant work-load pressure and oversubscription does not affect them in the same way.

They will offer structured, approved and proven techniques in an idyllic setting. This type of setting is fully conducive to giving an addict the best possible chance of getting clean, and just as importantly, staying clean for the long term future.


It is a myth that rehab abroad establishments, or luxury rehab resorts as they are often called, are out of reach in terms of cost for the majority of addicts.

It is very important to understand that such inpatient treatment is nowhere near as expensive as many people assume. Indeed, they are far cheaper than your in-country alternatives.

While this may come as a surprise to many, something else that should also be noted relates to medical insurance policies.

Quality overseas rehabilitation centres are acknowledged as giving valid and approved services that are covered under personal medical policies.

So, if you are an addict, or someone who is trying to help a loved one suffering from addiction problems, please take a long hard look at the services and associated costs of such overseas rehab establishments when considering the best route for inpatient addiction treatment, and where relevant do not forget to contact your medical insurance company to see what inpatient cover is offered.


This is the last point of five we will touch on, but it is very important to understand that it must never be discounted.

Many professionals and recovering addicts place the importance of aftercare in the recovery process as absolutely crucial to its success.

Well respected luxury rehab resorts will offer a varied and flexible choice of aftercare options for each and every client.

These options will be discussed in full with the recovering addict to see which fits their lifestyle most conveniently.

Once all options are understood the client and their overseas in-patient rehab counsellor will agree which aftercare program is the most appropriate.

From there, necessary arrangements for such care will be put in place before the client leaves the establishment, and just as importantly, regular monitoring of progress will be kept up by both sides.

Rehab abroad:

Taking just these 5 advantages for those seeking assistance with their drug or alcohol issues makes the use of such an establishment an eminently sensible one.

Once further research is undertaken it will become very clear that there are many more benefits to be had.

The bottom line here is: The greater the benefits on offer, the greater your chances are of staying clean for the foreseeable future, and after all, that should be every addict’s ultimate goal.

Inpatient Rehab – The Second Part Of Your Recovery Process

Articles, Australia, Understanding Addiction

Inpatient Rehab should be considered as the 2nd part of a 3-stage recovery process. While many may see this as being the first stage, let’s explain what comes before such treatment:

Stage 1:

As just mentioned, many addicts feel the first stage of addiction recovery is inpatient or outpatient treatment, but the truth is that the first stage is the hardest, and it is a very brave one.

It is that you admit to yourself that you have developed a drink or drugs habit which has gone well beyond your control.

Here are just 3 of the many signs that point to dependence and addiction:

Using more to achieve the same effect:

Regular users of drugs or alcohol will quickly find that their mind and body builds up a tolerance to their preferred drug of choice. Substances that are particularly addictive include Heroin, Alcohol and Cocaine, this includes its cousin; Crack Cocaine.

When such a tolerance increases your brain demands a constant supply of the drug. Trying to ignore or deny this demand will result in withdrawal symptoms that are very unpleasant. Hence without the help of professional rehabilitation services the strong likelihood is that you will be unable to resist the urge to quickly take another ‘hit’.

The problem here is that taking the same amount of the substance as previously taken will not fully meet the ‘pleasurable’ feeling you are searching for, so a larger ‘hit’ is required to achieve the same high, and thus the vicious circle of increased use and dependence continues.

To break this circle time spent at an inpatient rehab establishment will help by tapering your use. This means you will submit to a gradual reduction of the drug over a carefully monitored period.

Diminished social responsibilities:

Your drug of choice becomes all-consuming. Very little else matters in your life but securing enough of the substance to feed your habit.

Household chores are neglected, you will take more time off work by calling in ‘sick’, and social events will be missed or declined as the substance takes over your life.

Just as importantly, although you realise the damage the substance is doing to yourself, your relationships and your loved ones you simply cannot stop.

Attempting to cease use on your own:

Those with an addiction will at varies stages consider stopping use. Such considerations will include the thought that this can be achieved on your own without the assistance of drug rehab services.

Unfortunately this is far more easily said than done. The substance you are using and its effect on your mind and body have no intention of letting go lightly. You will convince yourself that “just one more hit” is needed, and this conviction will, in the vast majority of cases continue time and again.

Take a very brave step:

If such signs, and there are many others, relate to you the first stage of beating your addiction is to admit to yourself that you have a real problem and that you need specialist help. This should be in the form of consultation and inpatient rehab services.

Make no mistake, admitting to yourself and your loved ones that you have a real substance abuse problem is no easy thing, but by being brave and doing so you have taken a vital step to beating your addiction.

Stage 2:

Once you have taken the first step and faced up to the fact that drugs or alcohol are ruining your life you need to push on quickly. Please understand there is no time like the present as far as beating addiction is concerned.

Many addicts choose to seek help from their medical practitioner, and while this is acknowledged as a very sensible approach it has its pitfalls.

These include the fact that you will not be under constant supervision while reducing use, and that you will be living in the same conditions and environment that helped to develop your habit. Such issues are not conducive in helping you stay away from your substance of choice.

A far more positive and focused choice is to avail yourself of inpatient rehab at an approved and professional establishment. It is very important for addicts to understand that these services do not have to be in their home region or country.

Overseas luxury rehab resorts should be strongly considered. These establishments, particularly in South-East Asia have advantages above and beyond what is often offered in your home country.

Such advantages include idyllic settings that are conducive to your recovery, professionally qualified and caring medical and counselling staff who completely understand your addiction issues, structured treatment that takes a 3-pronged approach to assisting you with recovery which incorporates physical, psychological and spiritual sessions during your stay.

One other major benefit is cost. These rehab abroad establishments are far cheaper than similar operations in your home country, they represent excellent value for money, and in many cases medical insurance can assist with such costs.

Stage 3:

While stage 1 and stage 2 are vital to your recovery prospects, it is extremely important that you reach and continue with stage 3 after your stay as an inpatient rehab guest. This is:


Many addicts overlook the importance of aftercare. While the physical toll substance abuse takes on your body can generally be addressed in a fairly short time scale the psychological effects can take far longer to overcome.

Obviously this depends on the type and amount of substance a user has been abusing. It also depends on the length of time you have been addicted, but in some cases such psychological issues can last for years after an addict has stopped using.

This is why any inpatient rehab stays you undertake must be at establishments that offer flexible and structured aftercare options. Such options will be a joint agreement between the addict and their overseas rehab resort counsellor.

This can take the form of regular Skype contact and monitoring with your overseas counsellor, the use of approved 3rd party aftercare organisations in your own country with regular feedback to you and your counsellor, and re-visits to the luxury rehab resort that will tune up your mind and body.

Such re-visits can be free of charge if the user has maintained the pre-agreed conditions.

Not as easy as A, B, C, but very achievable:

Addiction should not and cannot be sugar-coated. It affects millions of people globally, doing nothing about your addiction will lead to a rapid downward spiral, and trying to kick a habit on your own leaves you with an unnecessary mountain to climb.

But, by following steps 1, 2 and 3 above you are giving yourself the very best chance to overcome your addiction and appreciate what an addiction-free future has to offer.

How To Help Someone Through Drug Addiction

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

There is often a negative stigma associated with drug misuse. However, there is help available for those seeking treatment for a drug problem.

Here are some signs to consider if you believe a loved one is using drugs:

Does your friend seem more agitated than he has been in the past? Maybe he is more irritable also. He can seem agitated and irritable for many reasons. Those using drugs are more prone to mood swings when they are using drugs. Drugs can cause depression, especially when the person realizes his using is causing negative consequences in his life; however, he is addicted and cannot stop using. Drug use can also cause anxiety and paranoia among those using them. The individual may also be more agitated because he is not sleeping well due to the drug use. Some other reasons he may be irritable include the withdrawal symptoms he is experiencing, and he may be having trouble obtaining drugs, causing him to become more rigid than normal.

Has your loved one become withdrawn from activities he normally participates in? Typically, drug abusers withdrawal from previous activities to hide their drug use from others, especially the people they are closest to because they are embarrassed about the frequency or amount of drugs they are using. Your friend or relative may also have become more preoccupied with the drug and participating in less social activities than he previously did. They may have also developed a whole new set of friends to do drugs with instead of engaging in other recreational activities as they normally would.

Have you noticed your friend or family member has less money than he did before? He may also have possessions missing that you noticed him having before. Perhaps you have noticed items missing at your house after this particular loved one comes around. Maybe you thought you had more money in your wallet the last time you saw him. Your friend or family member may be spending the majority of his money on drugs, selling his possessions to buy drugs or maybe even stealing your items to have money for drugs.

Is there burnt aluminum foil lying around the house or in the trash can? Perhaps you notice your friend or relative is smoking hand rolled cigarettes or you have noticed syringes at your loved one’s house. These are alarming signs that may point to your friend or family member having a drug abuse problem.

Even if you find out your loved one has a drug problem, it can be difficult for them to become aware, accept and overcome the problem right away. Drug addiction is powerful, and it can be hard to understand if you have not been in her shoes before. Help your friend or relative process the information they are dealing with concerning her drug use. The mindset to get clean is an important factor of the recovery process. An addict usually only sees her life with drugs, so help them understand what life looks like when they choose to be drug free. Give her examples of what it will be like when she gives up her drug use. Commit to being there for her through the entire process and let her know specifically how you will be there for her. As she endeavors to better herself, make sure you are willing to forgive her for past mistakes as well. These ideas will go a long way in helping your friend or relative overcome her drug use.

As your friend or family member moves toward realizing the negative effects drugs has on his life, the easier it will be for him to move toward gaining help for his problem. However, seeking help can be very anxiety provoking for someone choosing to get treatment for a drug problem. To them, there is much at stake for giving up their drugs. However, as a loved one, it is important to remain patient and supportive for a friend or family member seeking help. Support the goals he develops and encourage even the small victories and steps toward sobriety. Do not assume the person is going to change immediately. It will take time and often many steps to move toward recovery. Also, be prepared if the person continues to use drugs despite your offering to help. If it seems hopeful your loved one is ready to make a change, come prepared to talk to them about the treatment options available to them. Help your friend or family member decide what way will be most effective in treating his problem with drugs.

A person struggling with a drug addiction is not likely to reach out for help. It is important for loved ones to know the signs of drug use to be able to step in and help a family member or friend struggling with a drug related problem. By knowing what to look for, loved ones may be able to intercede sooner to help the drug addict get the treatment she needs for her drug abuse problem.

How Do You Know If You Are Drinking Too Much?

Articles, International, Understanding Addiction

How do you know if you are drinking too much? How do you know if you need to seek treatment for an alcohol problem? Here are some signs to consider if you think you might be consuming too much alcohol.

You set limits for your alcohol consumption, but you cannot stick to them. You tell yourself you are going to go to dinner and have a drink or maybe two, but you realize you have not even ordered dessert and you have already had four drinks. If this example sounds familiar to you, and you often end up being surprised that you were not able to stick to your limit, you may have a drinking problem. Alcoholism is a slowly progressing issue. Like many other diseases, alcoholism gradually develops over time. You might go from one drink at dinner, and then move to two. Two turns into four, and that number just keeps growing without your really even noticing. It may be time to get honest with yourself and look into how often you are hitting the bottle. One way to keep up with how much alcohol you consume is to keep a journal of the amount of alcohol you consume so you can clearly see how much alcohol you are taking in each time. This idea will make it easier to see if you drinking habits are what you truly think they are or if it may be worse than you think. It is also helpful to decide why you want to cut back in order to gain motivation to consume less alcohol. Maybe it would be beneficial to leave your credit card at home and only carry enough cash to buy simply the amount of alcohol you predetermine you will have each time. Come up with a way to follow through with your limits, and if you cannot do so, it might be time to seek help with your alcohol use. Evaluation your boozing habits is never easy, but in the end, it is worth it.

Your plans are determined by your drinking habits. Your thoughts are absorbed with your next alcohol intake. You wake up, and while you are getting ready for work all you can think about is leaving work and going to the bar to get your next cocktail. Another thing to consider is do you sacrifice other social activities in order to drink alcohol? Drinking alcohol should not be something that dominates your thought process. If it is, then you should consider talking to someone about your alcohol intake.

You consume alcohol to deal with your emotions. Drinking because you are stressed will only make the problem worse. Alcohol is a depressant, so boozing will only increase your emotional state in the long run, instead of decreasing it. Not to mention, it only provides temporary relief. Using alcohol for stress reduction is a vicious cycle that will eventually lead to alcohol dependence. If this reality is something you can relate to, you should seek professional help to assess your level of alcohol dependence.

Your friends make comments about how much you drink. If your friends have begun to suggest they are worried about you and your boozing habits, you may have an alcohol addiction. Perhaps your friends are even asking you to cut back on the amount of alcohol you consume. Maybe alcohol has become more important to you than your friends. If these ideas are happening in your life, it may be worth considering looking into whether or not you have a problem with alcohol.

You have become concerned with how much you drink. You may be concerned with the complications your alcohol consumption has caused you. Maybe you have begun to notice there are more consequences to your alcohol consumption than there are positives outcomes. You may be contemplating stopping, but you do not know how to do so. Find out the signs of alcohol abuse and determine if you fall under this category or not. If you believe you have an alcohol addiction, contact a professional to help you assess whether or not you have an alcohol abuse issue.

If you are disturbed by your drinking habits, monitor them and cut back before your alcohol consumption gets out of your control. You can even keep up with how much you ingest to see if you are taking in too much. Talk with a healthcare professional who can provide an accurate assessment of your alcohol intake.