heroin overdose

Heroin Overdose Facts

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

According to an International Overdose Awareness project, more than 2000 people per year die from a drug overdose in Australia. Breaking this down this means that five people die every day from a drug overdose. These numbers include all kinds of drug overdoses, many of which are in fact older people taking prescription drugs without proper supervision or care. These numbers also include the staggering number of young people who die experimenting with illegal drugs like heroin and other opioids. Taking a look at the facts about drug overdoses seems worthwhile. 

Heroin Addiction Is Now At Global Epidemic Proportions

Since abuse of heroin is now something of a global epidemic, it makes sense to talk about heroin first. Heroin is now the most abused illegal substance world-wide. Highly addictive, it can be smoked, snorted, or injected. Heroin, like all opioids, causes an increase in dopamine production in the brain which is the chemical associated with pleasure. This is why it is so addictive. An overdose of heroin can be lethal.

Heroin Overdose Symptoms

heroin overdose
The symptoms of a heroin overdose include bluish nails or lips, depressed breathing, weak pulse, disorientation and delirium, repeated episodes of loss of consciousness, and coma. In the event of a heroin overdose, victims require immediate medical attention of they will likely die. The suppression of breathing alone will ultimately kill someone experiencing a heroin overdose.

The final stages of a fatal heroin overdose consist of what is termed the overdose triad: pinpoint pupils, unconsciousness, and respiratory failure. Respiratory depression is ultimately the most deadly aspect of a heroin overdose. Since heroin effectively shuts the respiratory system down, if a person is not treated they will stop breathing altogether.

What To Do In Case Of A Heroin Overdose

In the event of an overdose, contact emergency services first. The immediate treatment for a heroin overdose is Naloxone, also called Narcan. Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids especially during an overdose. Because Naloxone does is not as long acting as heroin, multiple dose may be necessary in reversing the toxicity of an overdose.

There are side effects to Naloxone. Because it reverses the effects of opioids, particularly heroin, people will begin to feel withdrawal symptoms as the drug begins to reverse the effects of the opioid. They will experience nausea, sweating, aching, and agitation. The heart rate will increase. This can be alleviated by administering small doses of Naloxone, but the unfortunate reality is this is a consequence of the drug as it reverses an overdose.

While Naloxone is effective in reversing the effects of an overdose, it is not a treatment for heroin addiction. Anyone who has gotten to the point of abusing heroin that they experience and overdose is in need to drug treatment. In most cases, inpatient treatment is required for heroin addiction. Heroin is powerfully addictive and people generally cannot get sober on their own.

DARA Rehab Can Help With Heroin Addiction

Inpatient treatments are available. Dara Rehab in Thailand provides a full treatment program for heroin and opioid addiction. Medical treatments are available to assist with the pain and discomfort of withdrawal. Heroin is simply too dangerous to tackle alone, and the deadly nature of heroin overdose cannot be overemphasized.

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teens and designer drugs

Educating Teens About Designer Drugs

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

All around the world, drug use is an ever-present epidemic that has long plagued people of all ages, all races, and all color. As children grow, they tend to see the use of drugs as ‘normal’ or ‘necessary’ to prove their maturity. Modern-day drug use has become an issue of concern. Its cancerous tentacles have spread into the minds of kids all over the world. With its potent effect on children, pre-teens, and teenagers, it is leaving almost nothing for the future. Unfortunately, some of the victims of these designer drugs may become addicted and can potentially lose their homes and their loved ones. And in extreme cases, their lives.

Many people that have fallen victim to drug abuse confessed to having developed this habit in their pre-teen and teenage years. The reason is not far-fetched. Peer and societal pressures have pivotal roles in whether or not kids decide to use drugs. Without a proper understanding of drugs and guidance on how to be drug-free, the habit, once developed, can become a very serious addiction. And a life-threatening problem in some instances.

How to Begin Teaching Kids About Drugs

  1. Drugs, their effects, and the aftermath

When we teach kids about drugs, their effects, and the aftermath, we utilize a powerful tool in making sure that the next generation doesn’t become addicts. The job of educating teens about drugs does not only fall on the parents. But also on educators and the community at large. If what they learn at home and see on the streets correlate with what they learn at school, they will grow to believe that drug abuse is harmful and should be avoided. Educating children about drug use will make them better informed and hence, more likely to avoid drug use.

It is important that students also learn about the effects of drugs on the human body and brain. Also the possible dangers that drug use can pose. Painting the whole picture for these teens to see how drugs can destroy their emotional and physical life is essential. When students can see a relationship between drug use and real life. They begin to see drugs for what they truly are.

  1. Resources to enhance learning

Different resources should be used to achieve the aim of a drug-free world. Guest speakers could be brought to school. Projects could be given among peer groups. It could be included in the lesson plans, etc. No matter the method of approach, learning about drugs is key to prevention. Everyone in the community should get involved so that kids feel like they have all the solid support network they need. Local police precincts should also be involved and speak at school and educate kids about drug use and abuse.

Kids will feel more confident in their choices to avoid the use of drugs when everyone pulls together to show support for kids. They will feel more confident in their choices to avoid drug use. Talking to students about drugs may not always prove to be easy. However, with good resources, and the right teaching strategies, parents and teachers can help to explain drug abuse in a way that kids will understand and remember. Kids should be made to understand that the risks of drug use far outweigh the benefits. This will help them to say a firm ‘no’ to drug use. Educators should also be on the alert and constantly update themselves with information on newer “designer” drugs.

teens and designer drugs

  1. Earn their trust

Always be available for the students when they need someone to talk to. Who knows, they might just need a little pull to drag them from the beckoning hands of drug addiction. Let them know that there is always someone they can talk to if they are worried about drug use issues or need help. Schools should make their counseling more effective and refer kids who might be struggling with drug use.

Educating Teens About Designer Drugs Conclusion

Working together in synergy while educating kids about drugs is the best way to help ensure that they enjoy a safe, drug-free adulthood.

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Addiction To Gambling

Addiction To Gambling

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Perhaps you like to buy a scratch off lottery ticket once a week. Head to the dog or horse races once every couple months for fun. While activities that involve betting on people or objects are fine and can be entertaining. It crosses the line into an addiction when gambling becomes an integral part of life. This means that your addiction to gambling is put ahead of other things in life, including family and friends. This may also mean that work, finances, and thought processes are negatively affected. If you are gambling with money that is needed or has been set aside for something else. Continue betting even though you have lost a large amount. Or just waiting for that ‘next big break’, then you probably have an addiction to gambling.

Like any addiction this can happen slowly over time or after one attempt at gambling, usually a win. Also like other addictions, gambling addictions are treatable.

Addiction To Gambling

Addiction To Gambling goes by many names. Pathological gambling, gambling disorder, and compulsive gambling, but all are impulse control disorders. If you have an impulse control disorder you cannot control the impulse to gamble. Even when the effects are known and negative. You probably gamble when you are up, down, broke, or flush with cash. Maybe you fall more into the category that you are not totally out of control, but if gambling is disrupting your life at all you have an addiction that will likely get worse over time if not treated. Gambling addiction problems tend to be associated with co-morbid behavior or mood disorders. This means that those with gambling issues may also have ADHD, bipolar, anxiety, substance abuse issues, or a host of other related problems.

If you are still unsure if your gambling is an issue consider the warning signs shared below.

Addiction To Gambling

Problem Gambling

Feeling the need to be secretive about your gambling, even if you are winning, typically means there is a problem. Having trouble controlling your gambling, such as trying to win back lost money or placing increasingly higher bets regardless of your financial situation means there is a problem. Choosing gambling over paying bills or stealing to get more money to gamble and having friends and family worry about your gambling are also signs of an addiction.

As with any addiction, gambling addiction treatment starts with the realization that you have a problem. You are not the first with this issue and you will not be the last. As gambling is often a way to deal with strong emotions, good and bad, you must learn to handle these emotions in a healthier manner. Some people exercise, some find others to spend time with who do not like to gamble, and others find other hobbies to fill the time.

Getting Help

Know that this is not an addiction that can be handled alone and a strong support group should be in place. This group should have people you can trust and be honest with and who will confront you when you are failing while supporting your victories. If you need to turn your finances over to a trusted individual short term so you can get your life back on track. Finally, if a co-morbid disorder exists, seek treatment to it no longer effects the gambling urges. You can recover from a gambling addiction, but it is not easy. However, if you are willing to do the work a normal, gambling free life is possible.

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Leaving the Prison of Addiction

Leaving the Prison of Addiction

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Leaving the Prison of Addiction – Many things stopped me from getting into treatment for drugs and alcohol. Simple fear of the unknown dominated the list of “reasons” why I resisted the idea of getting sober. One of the most crucial things that prevented me from getting treatment and getting into recovery was the perception that once I crossed that line from one who just drinks too much to alcoholic, I was entering into a prison I could never escape.

I thought that the “alcoholic” label and identity would forever foreclose most of the things I loved about life. I believed I would spend the rest of my days in dull meetings in the basements of old churches with dull people who had given up on living.

Eventually I had no choice but to get help for my drinking. I was dying from it, and I could not stop. I gave up, or I thought I gave up on life. So I went into rehab, started the programs, fessed up to all of my wicked ways, and started thinking about how I was going to live the rest of my life doing nothing interesting.

To my surprise, the world opened up almost immediately. I am a writer, obviously. As soon as I got the weight of booze and drugs off of me, I found that I could pay attention to things in ways I never could while I was drinking. At first this consisted of small things. I read a lot more than I had previously. My journals and books of notes filled up quicker.

Personal Therapist In RecoverySoon I was taking part in a local poetry groups. I was writing for small newspapers. After these several years of being sober, I publish my writing all over the place. I was leaving the prison of addiction

The social life I thought was the beginning, middle, and end of fun while I was drinking did dwindle. I could no longer run with the happy hour crowd. But as I got sober, got some clarity, I realized this social life was neither social nor life. I was sitting alone in a bar filled with other people who were also sitting alone, and we were all drinking ourselves into oblivion.

As I came to a stable point quite early in recovery, I started to see people more clearly, and people seemed to actually want to hang out with me. I established friendships quickly, and not all of them were people in recovery. The fact is, while I was a drinking, I was just drunk and morose. No one wanted to spend time with me. As I became more alive I found that plenty of people were interested in what I had to say. Plenty of them actually wanted to spend time with me. I gained a social life whereas before I had none.

The point of all of this is that once I got into treatment and recovery, I found that I had not entered into a prison of the dull and lifeless. I had left that prison. I had come back to life in ways I had not known since I was a very young person. Alcohol and drugs were the prison. Recovery and sobriety gave me freedom.

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addiction defined

Addiction Defined

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

When most people think of addiction the addiction to drugs and alcohol are the first things that come to mind. In fact for many, addiction is synonymous with drunks sitting in a bar night after night or an addict shooting up in an abandoned building. While this may be highly accurate for some addicts, it could not be further from the truth for many others. Countless people from all walks of life and from numerous different places have addictions to various things. Addictions range from video games and shopping to food and gambling with everything in between. Many of these addictions, though common, are not truly studied or addressed. Fortunately there is help for all types of addiction, though the way that help comes may vary in many cases. Read on to learn a little more about addiction in general.

Addiction Defined

addiction definedAddiction is defined as the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. This is further defined as having a dependency, habit, or problem with the substance, thing, or activity. This means that anyone who has a problem with anything in life in which the excess use or acquiring of that thing has affected life or daily activities in a negative manner is in active addiction. While it may seem that something as simple as shopping could not be an addiction. Those with an addiction to shopping will buy unnecessary and unwanted items with money that is not available to spend. This can quickly and negatively affect their lives. While this type of addiction may not necessarily show on the physical body like the effects of drugs and alcohol, the whole being is affected.

Affects Of Addiction

Addiction also always affects those around the addict. Addictions to food, gambling, and even technology are no exception. Someone who is addicted to gambling may spend money meant for family trips or basic needs. Perhaps they may continually borrow or even steal money from others to pay off debts. Those with a technology addiction may ignore friends and loved ones for an online world that requires little actual interaction. Those with a food addiction may have certain behaviors that alienate others. These could include hoarding food, hiding to eat, overeating, or related behaviors. As a food addiction spirals out of control it may be that the person begins to steal or becomes so overweight that self-care can be an issue. This means that others are affected negatively.

Addiction Help

If you find yourself with an addiction of any kind, know that there is help available. When you are ready for help or if you just want further information reach out to others. Find someone to help you overcome the habit that has been taking over your life. Do not be afraid to admit that something that may have started out as a fun activity has turned into something that is causing real problems. The road may not be easy, but conquering addiction will always be worth it in the long run.

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