Drinking Habits – Your Choice: Hale and Hearty Or Ale and Anguished

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Drinking alcohol is legal for those over the age of consent, it is a social pastime enjoyed by millions the world over, but what do your drinking habits say about you? Are you hale and hearty or ale and anguished?

Legal but with the potential for addiction:

It is very important for those who enjoy a drink to understand just how easily it is to get into the habit of regular and excessive drinking.

The opportunities and temptation are clearly there. There are countless outlets serving alcohol. Social meetings are very often arranged around one of the local bars, restaurants or clubs in your locale.

Then you have the licensed shops and supermarkets that stock anything and everything alcoholic. It is very easy to slip into a routine where you make your local store a regular stopping off point on the way home from work.

The more regularly you drink the more chance you have of ‘getting the taste’. Once this happens you will gradually build-up your tolerance to alcohol.

Hale and hearty or ale and anguished – What alcohol does to you:

When alcohol is consumed it triggers the release of endorphins. These neurotransmitters give feelings of pleasure, excitement and satisfaction.

The relaxed, content feelings many receive from a glass or two of their favourite tipple leave them feeling happy, talkative and inhibitions are lowered, the downside of alcohol is that if you begin to drink regularly your body and mind not only tolerate what you are giving them, they hanker for more.

This means that where one or two drinks used to satisfy your needs, more of the same is required to reach the same levels of satisfaction. Continue drinking and you will need yet more, and so the cycle of dependence spins ever faster.

Hale and hearty or ale and anguished – Positives and negatives:

Here are just 3 situations where alcohol consumption can give positives and negatives:

Bright and bubbly or boorish and bad mannered:

Moderate drinking can enhance a social gathering. With friends you feel relaxed and more outgoing, and at more formal events it can help break the ice when being introduced to strangers.

The opposite must be said of those whose regular expectation of alcohol is to get roaring drunk.

They are often far louder than they need be, self-opinions can be expressed rather more forcibly than necessary, slurring and unsteady feet are part of their make-up and many turn aggressive.

This heavy drinking can harm in more ways than one. The health consequences of regular, heavy drinking are frightening, and continued drunken behaviour will see their social circle shrink as acquaintances avoid them rather than put up with such a boorish manner.

Exercise and reasonable diet:

Your drinking regimen coupled with the amount of exercise taken, and the diet you eat play a large part as to whether you will remain hale and hearty or ale and anguished.

Keeping yourself in shape and eating a balanced diet coupled with an occasional drink or two is the sensible way to go.

On the other hand those who do little or no exercise, major on junk foods and regularly consume too much alcohol are asking for trouble. They are leaving themselves open to a whole host of health problems.

Sexual thoughts, feelings and performance:

Looking forward to a night of intimacy with your partner can be enhanced with a couple of drinks beforehand. This is because a reasonable amount of alcohol helps lower inhibitions.

Conversely, having too many drinks before sex may get the brain working overtime, but it does the opposite in terms of performance.

Many women find natural lubrication a problem, men on the other hand often cannot rise to the occasion. If either or both partners find themselves regularly struggling to become aroused or perform this can cause relationship rifts that will get wider unless alcohol consumption is reduced.

Hale and hearty or ale and anguished – Everything in moderation:

It is vital that you keep your alcohol consumption to reasonable levels. If you do over imbibe on occasions then please leave 3 or 4 days before your next drink, and make sure that drink is kept to sensible levels.

Dependence upon alcohol is a very easy trap to fall into. If you feel yourself being drawn to alcohol on a regular basis, or are starting to think about the need for a drink on a regular basis it is important you seek help and advice sooner rather than later.

Those who know deep down they have a drink problem, but are currently in denial, please stop fooling yourself. You certainly are not fooling those closest to you.

It is absolutely vital you seek the help of professional rehab services. The longer you delay this effective helping hand the deeper your dependence will become.

The Booze Blues – A Mournful Tune

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Drinking alcohol is a pastime enjoyed by millions of men and women the world over. Consuming too much of your favourite tipple on a regular basis has become the bane of many lives. The vast majority of whom will suffer with the booze blues.

These blues will wash over you in a variety of different ways. We will consider just 3 negatives that many who over imbibe will no doubt have raised a glass to during happier times. They are Health, Wealth and Happiness:


As you continue to drink your general health will suffer. Exercise will no doubt become a thing of the past, a good proportion of those who regularly drink to excess will have a poor diet and that vital nutritional balance required to keep you in good health will be missing.

Each sip of alcohol you consume goes into your bloodstream. This means it affects every part of your body.

Examples of this are that the liver and kidneys will take a hammering and your heart will have to work overtime to keep the body ticking. By causing such heart stress you are greatly increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Make no mistake, the booze blues will damage your bank balance and savings. Those drinking on a daily basis will find that their major priority is to have enough cash for their daily drinking spree.

Household improvements and holidays can become a rarity and many have so little spare cash that savings plans are certainly not on the agenda.

Dependence upon alcohol leads to denial. While many see this denial centering around a refusal to admit just how much alcohol is being taken on board, and the reality that those with drink issues cannot function or face any extended period without topping up it also extends to expense.

An alcoholic will regularly deny to themselves and those closest to them just exactly how much they are spending on the demon drink.


Denial also has a major part to play in the happiness of yourself and those closest to you. Drinking alcohol in moderation can certainly add to the enjoyment of social occasions. It can also help you and your partner relax.

But once drink becomes a regular and needed companion the booze blues will set in and moments of happiness will become few and far between.

It is a natural reaction that you will deny to yourself the actual amount of drink you are consuming.

You will regularly reinforce such denial to those closest to you. While they may believe you in the beginning one thing will quickly become obvious. As your drinking increases they will witness actions and behaviour that make it very clear you are not being truthful.

Telltale signs will include such things as your appearance and general health suffering, family obligations will take a back seat as more of your time is spent in an alcoholic haze and your employment prospects will go downhill.

Loved ones have strength and resilience above and beyond the call of duty, but it is vital to remember that they will also feel the full force of these booze blues.

Everyone has their limits. When a person continues to ignore the blatant signs their excessive drinking habits are displaying to those who care they are selfishly and uncaringly distancing their loved ones. The end result for many is not a pretty one.

They are condemning close relationships and the associated happiness this can bring to an end. In short it is a surefire way to close the door on such relationships.

Once this happens the alcoholic will become bitter, depressed and reach for the bottle on an ever more regular basis.

If you are aware your drinking is causing relationship problems PLEASE do something about it before it is too late.

The booze blues – Don’t let them get you down:

Those who have a drink problem must understand they are not the first person in this position and will most certainly not be the last.

They must understand there is no shame in seeking professional rehab assistance.

As opposed to shame, seeking such help should be seen as a brave and major step in the right direction.

In most cases this admission to your loved ones will be seen as a positive. It will show that you really do care and that you intend to put things right.

Partners will stand by and support you during your rehabilitation. It will not be an easy road, but it is one that is well travelled.

Such determination and courage by those who are currently suffering from alcohol dependence offers a very good chance of beating those booze blues.

By doing so you will be getting your life and those loving relationships you so desperately need back on track.

The Addiction Door – Push Too Hard And You Are In

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Those who are hitting the bottle too hard or regularly taking illegal substances should be aware just how easy it is to step over the entrance of the addiction door.

I’m in control:

It is easy to convince yourself that you are in control of your drinking or drug use, but both habits can very easily sneak up on you. What starts as an occasional pastime, becomes more frequent and before you realise it your drink or drug of choice has become a daily habit.

This is all down to your body and mind. They like what they feel, but such pleasure comes at a price. That price is tolerance.

After a while you will need to increase the amount of alcohol or drug you are using simply to achieve the same high as previously experienced.

Continued and sustained use of drugs or alcohol leads to dependence. The result is that they take control of you, not the other way around.

Need to feed – Going to extreme lengths:

The password to unlock the addiction door is ‘MONEY’. This password is not case sensitive, any currency will do!

The problem is that those who begin to rely on drink or drugs to get them through a day find the expense of this ‘luxury’ does not come cheaply.

First, the vast majority of any salary will go towards keeping you topped up, then savings will be dipped into until the pot is dry, and from there things go downhill rapidly.

Any valuables you or close family members have will be sold, petty or opportunist theft becomes a chance you will take, and many of those who become really desperate for dosh will sell their body simply to keep that increasingly vital supply line flowing.

Please do not think prostitution is only a route for female addicts, many men will fall into this trap in the all-consuming desperation to feed their habit.

Not only is this a dangerous pastime in terms of personal safety and self-degradation, it leaves you wide open to sexually transmitted diseases. Some of these really do not bear thinking about.

The addiction door – the exit is not the ‘cold turkey’ route:

The relative ease with which increased use, dependence and addiction snowballs does not mean it is just as easy to find the exit. Indeed, it is far more difficult.

Your mind and body will not let go off their dependence easily. Trying to go cold turkey is, in the vast majority of cases unsuccessful.

This is not because the person concerned is weak, it is because their need is that much greater. To ‘help’ remind you of just how dependent you have become suddenly stopping use will be rewarded with some very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

These withdrawal symptoms will vary in length and severity dependent upon how long you have been dependent!

Factors such as your general health and state of mind are also huge factors as to what you will go through.

The pain and uncomfortable feelings ‘cold turkey’ offers generally means the only answer is to get back on the bottle or have another much needed boost, and so your dependence deepens.

The addiction door – Exit via inpatient rehab establishments:

This route is seen by many to be the most successful way to begin the long haul back to a life that is drug or drink free.

These professional establishments are there to assist you, they will help you to understand exactly why you find yourself in such a position. They will educate, encourage and counsel you during your stay.

You will be subject to routine and rules that have been fine-tuned over many years of helping addicts get ‘clean’, and just as importantly a respected inpatient rehab operation will give flexible options for aftercare once your stay with them has been completed.

Some of the more prestigious overseas rehab establishments also offer complimentary ‘tune up’ sessions that allow you to revisit them free of charge.

Obviously, such a generous offer has conditions attached, but the main one, and the one most important to you is that a revisit means that you have stayed away from drink or drugs after your initial rehab stay.

Whichever way you look at such an offer it clearly states ‘SUCCESS’. It means you have managed to find a way to unlock the addiction door.

Find Out What Can You Do About A Relapse Collapse

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

What can you do about a relapse collapse? This is a valid, nagging thought for those who have taken the very brave step of confronting their drink or drug dependence issues, and who have committed to an inpatient rehab course of treatment and counselling upon return home.

Understandable thoughts about a reality:

Such thoughts are understandable. While a relapse is clearly seen as a setback to long term recovery it should not be something that defeats.

The truth is that many of those who have suffered from drug or alcohol dependence could well suffer a relapse during long term recovery.

While such a stumble is both unwanted and unneeded it should not, and cannot deter that person from redoubling their efforts to maintain a drug or alcohol free future.

Do NOT hide this temporary setback:

Yes, a relapse is regrettable. Yes, you may feel down and deflated after such an incident, but NO, do not hide the fact it has happened from yourself or from your aftercare councillor.

After all, what can you do about a relapse collapse if you try to brush such an incident under the carpet?

It will do you no good whatsoever, equally it will not allow those assisting with long term rehab the chance to discuss, listen and then explain exactly what steps need to be taken to avoid any future relapses.

A common statistic amongst those who do suffer a relapse and then attempt to hide such information from themselves and those assisting is a chilling one.

This fact is that they are very likely to relapse again and again and rapidly slip back into the deadly jaws of addiction.

Those who have abstained for a sustained period and then return to heavy drinking are greatly increasing their prospects of serious health issues, while those who return to reusing drugs are leaving themselves wide open to a fatal overdose.

What can you do about a relapse collapse – Positive steps:

Qualified aftercare counselling and treatment an addict is receiving during long term recovery will offer proven, helpful advice regarding how to overcome a relapse situation.

It will also show how the person in question should look positively at the gains already made. They will make it very clear that these gains have been achieved through hard work, determination and great effort by YOU.

You will be encouraged to remember such excellent progression, and you will be given pointers and guidance that will make one thing very clear.

One such setback does not mean you have to throw all of this dedication out of the window by giving up and continuing the relapse situation.

What can you do about a relapse collapse – Make it a new, determined restart:

It cannot be underestimated just how strong and brave you have been during your recovery.

This relapse may well be seen as a step in the wrong direction, but with advice, counselling and bags of self-determination you will come out of such a situation stronger and with more resolve to finally overcome your drug or alcohol issues for good.

If you have suffered from a relapse, please accept it for what it is. A temporary setback, it is not permanent. You need to be doubly determined to ensure such an occurrence does not resurface again.

We all understand that an ex-drug addict or ex-alcoholic should take each day as it comes, and they should clearly understand that tomorrow is a new day.

With heaps of willpower and an increased desire to stay ‘clean’, thoughts of what can you do about a relapse collapse will recede.

This is because the additional steps learned from such a ‘blip’ in your recovery process will strengthen your resolve. It will also ensure another relapse remains where it belongs; firmly in the distant past.

What’s With The Fear Of Withdrawal – Urban Myths And Reality

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Coming off drugs or alcohol is no walk in the park. There are many elements to getting and staying clean, but a major obstacle and a topic we will address is; what’s with the fear of withdrawal.

Ignore increased use at your peril:

What starts out as a bit of fun and an occasional drink or drugs binge can quickly turn into a weekly event where you overindulge. From there it is easy to think that a couple of drinks each day or a little ‘toot’ will not do any harm.

In reality it is leading to great harm. Those couple of drinks will turn into a bottle, the little ‘toot’ will become large.

This is because you become dependent upon the lift and feelings given. Once dependency sets in you will not be able to do without that livener, and ensuring you have access to the alcohol or drug of your choice will become an integral part of your life.

Why not just stop?

So, what’s with the fear of withdrawal if you can simply stop this overindulgence when you please? If only!

Were it possible for each of us to simply turn the tap off after a sustained period of drinking and then turn it on when we fancied another session, or we could consume copious amounts of drugs for a while, stop for as long as we felt like it, and then start again at intervals to suit our mood then a lot of addiction specialists would be searching for something to do with their time.

The truth is, this profession is in constant demand, many are overworked and a good proportion of rehab centres in the west are overflowing with those in need of help.

Many have waiting lists that will immediately discourage an addict from marking time and patiently waiting for such help.

No, or minimal waiting lists is just one of many reasons that for those with addiction issues are opting to start their long term rehab recovery at quality overseas rehab establishments.

This ‘dream’ of controlling heavy drinking or constant drug abuse will never become a reality. Once addiction has its all-enveloping grip on you professional rehabilitation is your only way out.

Fear and Denial:

These two issues are exactly what’s with the fear of withdrawal.


Those currently addicted to alcohol or drugs will deny they have a problem. This denial will be regularly reinforced to those closest to them and themselves.

If you are currently in denial then it must be made very clear that such a stance will only get worse. There is no magic wand to help you.

The reality is that deep down you are not fooling those around you and just as importantly you are not fooling yourself.


The fear an addict has is very clearly understood by rehab councilors. They understand how fearful you are of not having access to that much needed bottle or ‘hit’, they understand how scary what’s with the fear of withdrawal. But they also have answers and solutions for you.

Through tried, tested and successful treatment and teaching they will help you understand why such fear is nowhere near as frightening as you think it is.

They will clearly explain the uncomfortable symptoms withdrawal brings, and that this tough, but relatively short period of discomfort will rise, peak and then subside.

Once you are through this trying episode their constant help, care and guidance will then assist you with progression and the ultimate aim of looking forward to a drug or alcohol free future.

Help awaits, do not be ashamed to seek it:

Those currently addicted to drugs or alcohol have a stark choice to make.

They can continue with their current lifestyle and face potentially life-threatening physical and psychological health problems.

They can keep drinking themselves into oblivion, or regularly get so out of it that days simply blur into one and bring with it social isolation. If so heartbreak, angst and the ruination of close relationships will be yours.

The answers to what’s with the fear of withdrawal and everything that surrounds addiction are readily available.

There is NO shame whatsoever in seeking professional addiction help. Indeed it is a very brave thing to do.

Those suffering with addiction need to stand up, be counted and contact a well-established inpatient rehab establishment. By doing so it will be the best decision you have made for a very long time.