Spirituality in recovery

Spirituality in Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Spirituality is a touchy topic in life and even more so in recovery. However, it would be unforgivable to not include at least one article on spirituality as part of recovery. To understand the importance of this topic in relation to staying clean and sober, one must first understand what spirituality is in life. Spirituality is defined as the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Addiction makes us very self-centered and singularly focused on the next fix. Once we choose to enter recovery then that focus must shift and often that shift is toward spirituality. The idea of using spirituality or spiritual practices as a way to stay away from drugs and alcohol is not a new one. Many programs have a focus on spirituality, but the choice is truly up to each individual. Recovery may be the first time in years or maybe in the addicts entire life that they have thought of someone or something outside themselves. Read on to delve a little further into the concept of spirituality.

Spirituality can be understood as an inner path enabling a person to discover his or her well being. Spiritual practices could be described as those things or the religion that helps an individual discover who they are in life. This can help create a more personal journey. The benefits of spirituality in recovery are numerous. Some of these include being better able to cope with trials and tribulations. Offering a boost each day as time is spent in reflection or with a higher power. Clarity, increased happiness and contentment. As a mood lifter. And as a guide to being a better person, mother, father, and child.

Spirituality in recovery can offer support when others are not available and as it is practiced over time can lead to a more peaceful life overall. As those that choose to practice spirituality grow and gain deeper understanding of their spiritual choice. Then it is likely they will be more relaxed, happier, and less depressed. All of these things will benefit overall health and make reaching long term recovery more likely.

Spirituality is a decision that is unique to each individual. Some may believe in karma, some in God, some in many gods, and some in nature. The possibilities are endless. It is something that is worth finding and practicing in recovery. The one thing each person needs to remember is that you are free to try one or many forms of spirituality or glean from as many as you can to decide on your life philosophy. Just knowing that there is something more to life than yourself and what that knowledge can do for you is life changing.

So now you are faced with a decision. Will you look into the concept of spirituality? Will you learn and grow in the form of spirituality that you already know or practice? Are you willing to think of something and someone outside yourself? The choice is yours, but if you at least explore the possibilities then you will know you have tried. Stay strong, you can stay in recovery long term.

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Early Sobriety - Testimonial - What I Wish I Had Known

Early Sobriety – What I Wish I had known

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Looking back on my early days and weeks in sobriety, I often think of things I had known at the time. Early sobriety is an extremely confusing time. There are just a few facts which would have helped me sort through some of that confusion. We come into treatment dizzied and beaten, knowing just a few things would definitely help get through the first days. 

Upon finding myself in drug and alcohol rehab I was completely shocked to find that so many people I had counted as friends had disappeared as soon as I went into treatment. I thought surely some, if not all, of the people I had called friends would be there for me now that I had decided to get well. That was not to be the case. There were actually quite a few people for whom I had simply disappeared from the earth. I was shocked and hurt. I felt abandoned. The reality that I came to know was that not everyone in your drinking and drugging life is worth keeping around. This plunge into treatment had turned into a process of separating the wheat form the chafe and I am now grateful for it. Those people who saw me as nothing more than a party buddy are gone. The people I do have left in my life are precious to me.

One of the attitudes I took with me into the earliest days of sobriety was the firm belief that things can and will get worse. I think this is common for people who find themselves in need of drug and alcohol treatment. This attitude is really a hold-over from using. Drug and alcohol fuels the downward slide into the negative, and we become so accustomed to this that we mistake it for a reality. What I found is that life always gets better in recovery—always! I may hit stumbling blocks, and life still throws me difficulties. But life as a sober person is always a steady rise toward the positive. The days begin to seem normal, boring even, but over periods of weeks we all see noticeable and marked improvement in the quality of our lives.

This last piece of information leads to another fact that I was blind to in early sobriety. You will never regret being sober. It seems obvious now. But in early recovery I thought I would surely miss out on great times that centered on drinking. I would necessarily regret missing those times while I got with the business of being sober. This is just not true. What is true is that a life of being addled by alcohol always gave me regret. There has never been the slightest moment of life that I regret spending sober. The blunt truth is that could have done many things intoxicated that I did sober. But there was nothing about being sober that in any way diminished dong those things. This comes down to a simple wager. I will not lose anything by betting on being sober.

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Dealing with Depression in Recovery

Dealing with Depression in Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

As you already know if you are considering recovery or have been in recovery for some time, it is often a lonely journey. Especially at first. Your whole life changes overnight and new challenges can arise daily. Even though the journey is well worth the effort it can be stressful. This stress often leads to depression.

Depression is more than just occasionally feeling down, it is a feeling of doom and gloom that hangs around at varying levels throughout your day and night. Some days you may be up, but others you may not feel like even opening your eyes. If you are suffering from depression you should first have a medical exam. Depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance or vitamin deficiency. If this is the case then medication can correct many of the issues. However, sometimes depression really is all in the mind and must be addressed in other ways.

If depression is plaguing your recovery then read on to find out how to better your mood and take control of your emotions.

You have made a huge step by entering recovery. While this is a great first step it does not mean that all things will automatically become great or even good. One challenge that many people face, even in recovery, is depression. Some people have depression and choose addiction as a treatment of sorts, while others develop depression due to addiction; either way the depression must be dealt with while in recovery. Depression can cause many issues in recovery including negative thinking, feelings, and behaviors. If allowed to continue unchecked, depression can quickly lead to a relapse.

The first step to dealing with depression and the associated negative thinking and feeling is to talk about it. Whether you talk to someone in your support group, a counselor, or some other professional, you need to share. Many times simply saying things out loud, sharing the problem, take the power out of the thought. This can also help you come up with a simple solution that may not have occurred to you when the thoughts and ideas were stuck in your head.

Additionally, you need to practice healthy self-care. It may seem like a small or unimportant thing but simply taking care of yourself each day can make a huge difference. In severe depression it can be difficult to even get out of bed. But if you can force yourself to get up, to shower, to fix a small meal, then life and the depression can get better. As you get in a self-care routine then you can add aspects such as taking a five minute walk or riding a bike in the yard. The little things can truly make a huge difference.

So if you are feeling depressed in recovery, take the first step and get a physical. If the cause is not physical in nature take further steps to help alleviate the depression though talk therapy and healthy self-care. Even if the cause is medical in nature medication is not the only answer. It can be controlled in time with lots of work. That choice is up to you. What will you do to help your depression?

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Drug abuse in teenagers

Signs Your Teen Is Abusing Drugs

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

It could be frightening and even unbelievable to imagine that your child, who you watched growing up might be using drugs or drinking. Drug abuse in teenagers is a very real problem. Drug and alcohol use among teenagers has become a major public health issue.

Child drug abuse statistics

Statistics from the US government and other independent surveys have reported over the past couple of years that by 8th grade, 15% of children have used marijuana. Around 64% of teenagers admitted to have used prescription painkillers they got from a friend or a family member. Some 28% of teenagers know at least one person who has tried ecstasy and 7.6% of teenagers use the prescription drug Adderall. 68.1% of high school seniors view smoking marijuana as normal. About 50% of high school seniors have abused a drug of some kind. Nearly 44% of high school students know a friend who sells drugs. Marijuana and alcohol are the most commonly abused drugs among teenagers.

The truth in these results are staggering! Drug use in teens can cause them health problems throughout the rest of their lives. Understanding the signs of drug abuse is vital as it could save your child’s life. If you’re worried that your child may be abusing drugs, here are some warning signs to look out for.

  1. Changes in normal habits

According to a publication in Innovations In Clinical Neuroscience, “one of the earliest warning signs that predicts teenage drug use is changes in behavior and mannerism.”

The first thing you’ll most probably notice is a change in your teen’s regular habits. This is easy to spot. Some of these changes include withdrawal from family and friends, sudden change of friends, lack of communication and isolation or disinterest in activities they were previously enthusiastic about. As easy as it is to spot these events, it may however be the easiest not to recognise because they could seem like isolated events. Sometimes, you may only be able to notice something is amiss when you see several of these deviation occurring simultaneously. Your child might also be involved in stealing money or other items from around the house. This is a likely sign that they need money to buy more drugs.

  1. Mood changes

Most teenagers who abuse drugs in some way may become more dramatic or irrational in their actions. Your child may become more irritable, verbally abusive, or even violent with you or other children in the household and neighborhood. Your child may also start to threaten to drop out of school, destroy property or run away from home. On the other hand, apathy, mood instability and depression shouldn’t be taken lightly because they are also signs of potential drug abuse. If your child begins to withdraw from others and starts spending more time alone. It could be a sign that the child is abusing a substance.

  1. Physical changes

The use of drugs causes some noticeable physical changes in the body. This is because drug use takes a physical toll on the body. Some of the physical signs of drug abuse include: Bloodshot eyes, widely dilated pupils, sudden weight loss (or weight gain), poor hygiene, frequent nosebleeds, shakes or tremors, red flushed cheeks, bruises or other drowsiness or fatigue, unexplained injuries, etc.

  1. Possession of drug paraphernalia 

This is the most definitive sign that your child is abusing drugs. If items such as weight scales, butane torches, bongs, smoking pipes, cigarette lighters, hypodermic needles, small porcelain bowls, balloons, and vials are found in their possession. It is a definitive sign of drug abuse.


Many of the behaviors associated with those substances (e.g. moodiness) may just be part of going through young adulthood. However, you need to study the child more closely in case it proves to be otherwise. As a parent or guardian, the future and safety of your child is in your hand because you may be the only person able to notice something amiss behind the scenes. Look for these signs, and help your child to be drug free.

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Singapore Drug Laws

Singapore Shows Increase In Drug Arrests And Online Drug Sales

Articles, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Understanding Addiction
Despite Harsh Drug Laws, Singapore Has An Addiction Problem

Singapore has some of the harshest drug laws in the world. If you are suspected of using drugs or you are caught with drugs in your possession. You are looking at spending the next couple of years of your life in prison – or worse. There are mandatory death sentences imposed on those who are caught with large amounts of certain drugs like cocaine, methamphetamines, and heroin in Singapore.

It is perhaps these strict laws that makes Singapore one of the least drug addicted countries in the world. This is not to say there are not drug addicts in Singapore. Just like every other populated country internationally, the area is not without its problems with addiction. Many people in Singapore are addicted to drugs like heroin, methamphetamines and opioids.

Arrests In Singapore Are Decreasing, But New Abusers Are Increasing 

According to the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) in Singapore, “3,245 drug abusers were arrested in 2016, a three percent decrease from the year before. The number of repeat drug abusers arrested also went down seven percent from 2,034 in 2015 to 1,898 in 2016. However, the number of new drug abusers arrested rose three percent in 2016 to 1,347 from 2015’s 1,309. Among the new abusers arrested, close to two-thirds were below 30-years-old.”

Methamphetamines Are A Major Problem In Singapore

The 2016 World Drug Report by the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime (UNODC) reported that methamphetamine seizures in East and Southeast Asia almost quadrupled between 2009 and 2014. Methamphetamines, also called speed, is a powerful stimulant drug that can make users violent and delusional. 

Online Drug Sales Continue To Increase

According to a report by the CNB, there has also been an increase in the number of people who are guilty of online drug smuggling. “The number of people arrested for buying drugs and drug-related paraphernalia online increasing significantly from 30 in 2015 to 201 in 2016 – a 570 per cent jump,” the CNB reported.  

Mostly, people are being synthetic opioids drugs like U-447700, which are manufactured and distributed by illegal labs in China.

The CNB said, “It has become easy for anyone to order items on the Internet and have them delivered by post or courier. Drug syndicates and peddlers have taken advantage of the borderless nature of the Internet to conduct illegal drug activities. CNB will continue to work closely with its Home Team counterparts and strategic partners to build up its detection and enforcement capabilities against online drug trafficking activities.”

If You Are Addicted In Singapore, DARA Thailand Is Here To Help 

At DARA Thailand, we are equipped to help you battle your addiction problem. If you live in Singapore and want to get help here in Thailand. You can talk to one of our addiction specialists. We can help you make arrangements so you can come and stay at our first-class addiction treatment center. We offer all the tools needed to recover in a resort-style facility with five-star chefs and luxury accommodations.

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