Three Common Myths About Recovery

Three Common Myths About Recovery

Articles, Australia, Celebrity Rehab, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

False Beliefs Can Steer People Away From Recovery

Many people who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, and unhealthy behaviors have certain preconceived notions about getting into recovery. They believe the many myths out there about what will happen if they stop abusing substances or give up gambling, shopping, or sex. These beliefs keep them stuck in the addictive cycle, continually repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

When it comes to addiction, the brain works in mysterious ways. It will tell you every lie you can think of so that you will continue to engage in your addictive behavior. It will justify and rationalize the addiction. This is because part of your brain doesn’t want you to get into recovery. It knows that if you do, you will stop getting drunk, watching pornography, or doing whatever it is that gives you the feeling of being high. The brain likes the way it feels when you engage in these activities and it wants more.

In order to find the freedom that recovery has to offer, you have to change the way you think about recovery. You have to stop believing the justifications that your brain has to offer you about continuing in your addiction. We want to help you do that. In this article, we will dispel three myths you might believe about recovery.

Debunking Three Common Myths About Recovery

MYTH # 1: Recovery is boring. Once I give up my addiction, I will never have fun again.  

TRUTH: Recovery is exciting. Not only does recovery offer you an opportunity to explore yourself through a beautiful process of self-discovery, you also get to experience life again. There is so much adventure to be had in recovery as you find new activities that bring you fulfillment and a sense of purpose. You will learn how to have REAL fun that doesn’t leave you full of regret, remorse, and guilt.

MYTH # 2: I won’t have any friends if I get into recovery.

TRUTH: You might have people you get drunk or high with or go gambling with, but chances are these people aren’t true friends. You can’t count on them to be there for you when you really need them and they probably don’t care about your well-being. Most relationships that are centered around addiction are not healthy and quite toxic. There are many authentic people in the world who have a lot to offer you and they aren’t addicted. When you get into recovery, you will forge healthy, fulfilling relationships with people who genuinely care about your highest good.

MYTH # 3: I can’t face the things I have done in my addiction. I can’t live with the guilt.

TRUTH: Many people continue to stay loaded or go forward with their addictive behavior because they are afraid if they stop, their shame and guilt will overpower them. It is true that you will have to take responsibility for the harm you may have caused in your addiction. However; this will ultimately give you freedom from your guilt and allow you to make peace with the past. As long as you engage in your addiction, you will cause more harm and the cycle will continue.

Don’t Let Your False Beliefs Keep You From Recovery

Recovery has so many amazing things to offer you, but you have to experience these things for yourself. The only way to do that is to make the brave decision that you are going to get into recovery and stop the addictive cycle. Addiction promises only devastation and destruction. Don’t let your fears and false beliefs keeping you from getting your life back. Give recovery a try. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.     

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Meth Addiction Continues To Take Over The World

Meth Addiction Continues To Take Over The World

Articles, Australia, Celebrity Rehab, Education, International, Malaysia, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Meth Addiction Is A Worldwide Phenomenon

Meth addiction is causing destruction to individuals and their families across the globe. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that the worldwide production of amphetamine stimulants, including crystal meth, is an astonishing 500 metric tons a year. Furthermore, there are about 24.7 million addicts internationally. This means that crystal meth is now the most popular hard drug on the planet. 

Methamphetamines have taken over beautiful places like Australia, New Zealand, The United States, and Russia. The drug has devastated entire communities; leaving behind many hopeless addicts and their families. Meth addiction causes increased crime and higher numbers of incarceration because of drug possession. It also results in a loss of productivity, homelessness, mental health issues, and the spread of deadly diseases like HIV.

Law Enforcement Agencies Continue To Fight The Spread of Meth Addiction

Some countries have very strict laws when it comes to the possession and distribution of methamphetamines. Dubai, for example, threatens its citizens with a minimum two-year sentence for anyone who is caught with even the smallest amount of meth.

Other locales are more sympathetic to the problem of addiction. Australia, for instance, is rather lenient when it comes to punishing meth addicts. They prefer to offer addiction treatment to those with a substance abuse problem so they can get the help they need, although the drug is still illegal.

The United States stands somewhere in the middle. The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The U.S. offers stiff penalties for those who are caught buying, selling, or possessing methamphetamines. However; the U.S. is continually moving toward options that will offer addiction treatment for those who are struggling with an addiction to meth.

Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that methamphetamines are illegal worldwide. Because of the devastating effects of crystal meth, governments across the globe have done what they can to rid their communities of the drug. They have done this by arresting addicts and putting them in jail to punish them for being addicted.  

We Treat Meth Addiction At DARA Thailand

At DARA Thailand, we don’t believe in punishing addicts. We believe people who are addicted to crystal meth deserve compassionate care.

People come to DARA Thailand from all over the world to benefit from our quality addiction treatment services. We are not a 12-Step rehabilitation facility. Instead, we implement evidence-based therapeutic models that teach addicted people the coping skills they need to sustain long-term recovery.

DARA Thailand is proud of our average completion rate of 92 percent, ranking us among the best rehabilitation centers in the world. The average rehabilitation completion rate is under 50 percent.

We are an affordable luxury treatment center situated in a resort-style facility that offers five-star amenities to our clients. If you have an addiction to crystal meth, we can help. Contact us today so that we can perform a free, confidential assessment over the phone. We can tell you what your treatment options are and explain the process involved in coming for a stay at a facility.   

Surrender To Win

Surrender To Win

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

When You Are Addicted, You Are At War With Yourself

When you are struggling with an addiction – no matter what it is – you are constantly at war with yourself. You don’t want to be addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, or gambling, yet you are addicted anyway.

An addicts will tell themselves that they are going to stop, but they can’t. They convince themselves that they will moderate, but they find themselves going on binges in spite of their best intentions. They promise themselves that they won’t devote any more time or money on their habit. Only to empty their bank account in pursuit of the next fix. When you are hooked, no matter what you say to yourself, you will always end up engaging in addictive behavior. This ultimately leads to remorse and regret afterwards.

It is important to recognize that addiction is a powerful force that drives people to do the things they don’t want to do. Addiction has a way of hijacking your brain and taking on a life of its own. Though you want to control it – and try to – it will always lead you down dark roads and leave you feeling completely powerless. 

Most people who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other behaviors stay in their addiction for a considerable amount of time before they come to terms with it. This is what denial is all about. Denial tells you that you don’t have a problem, that you can control it, or that next time will be different. As long as you continue to lie to yourself about your condition, you can not recover from it. And – the war will wage on. You will continually be stuck in the cycle of battling yourself.

Ready To Win The War? Surrender Is The Answer

The only way to win the war against yourself and your addiction is to surrender. Surrender is what happens when you stop fighting and give up completely. This may sound like a foreign concept. It’s certainly a difficult one to wrap your mind around. Most people resist the idea of surrender because they have been taught that giving up is a sign of weakness – but this is not the case.

It takes incredible courage to surrender. By relinquishing your illusion of control, you open yourself up to receive the help that you need to overcome your addiction. The truth is, you are NOT controlling your addiction – it is controlling you. You are running around trying to fix everything and hold on to everything because you are afraid that if you stop doing that. You will drown in the sea of your own consequences. The truth is, when you admit that you can’t manage your own life as a result of your addiction, you finally find the strength to recover from it. 

Surrender To Win

There is an old saying in recovery: “Surrender to win”. This is a paradox indeed, but one that offers you a way out of your addiction. When you surrender, you stop fighting yourself. You admit defeat. You accept the fact that your addiction is killing you and ruining your life. Although you wish you could overcome it with your own willpower, you can’t – and you know it. Only when you come to the end of yourself and surrender do you open yourself to victory.

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Over eating - Obesity May Be An Addiction

Obesity May Be An Addiction

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

When a person cannot stop a pleasurable behavior despite negative results, they are generally considered to be addicted to that activity. Over eating can bring on such good feelings that they can override the brain’s ability to bring about a directive to stop eating. Consequently, because the resultant feelings are so good, overeating occurs again and again and again.

Obesity has not been officially declared an addiction; but it has been compared from all angles, so to speak, with addictions to drugs. The characteristics of both are quite similar.

A country’s medical association has declared over eating a disease. This has been considered to be the case for some time now with respect to alcoholism. Both alcoholism and overeating agree that a disease lowers life expectancy and impairs regular body functioning.

There are also those who ask if drugs and over eating are really a disease, or, perhaps, a choice. The answer to that is that the first cigarette, the first beer, and the first sugar coated cookie are; but after that, choice has gone out the window. Assuming that the partakers of these goodies gained pleasure form the items, they will want another—and another– beer, cigarette, and cookie. Soon one cookie won’t be enough to replicate the pleasure of the first one. 

It is this repetitive behavior that means an addiction has occurred. The brain’s system has been altered. As time went by cookies were insufficient and so were other sugar and fat laden foods.  Food intake increases, and the people’s hedonistic desires over rode their concern about self preservation. As well, Leptin and insulin, which suppress a person’s appetite, have become insufficient to manage to suppress a person’s urges with a now insatiable appetite. The urges for more are strong, resulting in impulsive behavior to attain what they desire.  Low levels of serotonin exist in people who are prone to such behavior.

If you are seriously craving a yummy six layer cake in the window of a bakeshop, but do not have money to buy it, stealing appears to be the solution; which, somewhat to the surprise of the thief, was most pleasurable. That activity is most likely to be repeated again and again due to the fact that the neurotransmitter Dopamine that was released was most pleasurable.

Urges are regulated by the brain’s Opioid system; and if an imbalance occurs, resisting urges become harder and harder. It seems that women, as well as men, in developed countries are constantly going on diets. Diets that demand that they abstain not only from over eating, but especially from fat and sugar laden items. These diets seem to work for a while before people are eventually relapsing. This has become known as the on and off diets.

This is very similar to alcoholics going on the wagon, relapsing, and trying again. A major cause of craving and relapsing are environmental cues in our rich developed countries with loads of food saturated in fat and sugar. This makes it difficult for an obese person to quit over eating. Also, the many wine tasting events, do not have to try too hard to get an alcoholic on the wagon to fall off it.

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Percocet Addiction

Percocet Addiction

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Introduced in the 1990s, Percocet has become one of the most widely prescribed pain medications on the market. It is prescribed for moderate to severe pain and many experts agree that the widespread availability of Percocet has contributed to the global opioid addiction crisis.

Percocet is actually a brand name for a drug which contains a mixture of acetaminophen and the opioid oxycodone. It is this latter which is highly addictive. Since the drug is so often prescribed for everything from tooth pain to sports injuries, it has entered the drug market as something of a common-place—as if it is not dangerous at all.

If fact, Percocet addiction can begin as quickly as two to three weeks regular use, even if taken as directed. As people attempt to stop using a medication which was prescribed for them for a real need, they begin to experience the symptoms of withdrawal. Many will take the medication just to relieve these symptoms. Once this begins, a downward spiral addiction has begun.

For people who have developed a tolerance and dependence on Percocet, the early symptoms withdrawal include fever, headaches, runny nose, and stomach cramping. The danger here is that taking more Percocet will immediately relieve these symptoms, not because Percocet treats the symptoms, but because the symptoms are a direct result of not taking Percocet. It is a deadly cycle.

More intense symptoms of withdrawal will eventually develop. These include severe anxiety, digestive problems, headaches, heart palpitations, muscle pain, and panic attacks. Once someone has begun to experience symptoms of this order, a real treatment program will likely be necessary.

Detox from Percocet addiction largely depends on how long an individual has been taking the drug. For some, detox may only take the minimum three days. But people who have been using Percocet for long periods may require up to three weeks of detox in order to be fully stabilized. The more advanced the state of abuse, the more intense the period of withdrawal.

Another crucial factor for evaluating detox and treatment is the dosage of the drug. Prescription Percocet ranges from 2.5 mg of oxycodone to 10 mg of oxycodone. The amount of acetaminophen remains constant at 325 mg in all doses. Obviously, the higher dosage prescriptions will have a much more far-reaching impact on the body. People who have using the higher dose forms of Percocet may require medically assisted detox and treatments.

Treatment for Percocet addiction is effectively the same as other opioid addiction treatments. The most basic treatment for Percocet begins with a complete medical evaluation. This leads to a period of stabilization. If necessary, patients are given medications designed to assist in the withdrawal period. These may include buprenorphine or even methadone. These medications allow a patient to move away from the intoxicating feelings derived from Percocet abuse.

Once stabilized, a more long-term treatment is in order. Cognitive Behavioral approached have been shown to be extremely effective for long-term recovery from opioids in general and Percocet in particular. This approach, based in science rather than experiential learning, has worked for countless people. Those who have basically stumbled into addiction in the ways which seem to attend Percocet have found a new freedom using this approach to addiction treatment. 

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