Healthy Relationship

What is a Healthy Relationship?

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Relationships are a natural and necessary part of life. Relationships are also a needed part of recovery. Without the support of friends and others in recovery then you are not as likely to succeed. Not having friends and relationships in recovery is much like having a three legged square table, it may be functional, but it is not as sturdy and is more likely to cause problems. Unfortunately, when in active addiction the relationships we form are often detrimental to overall health. Our most frequent contact may be a dealer or other users. These people help us create unhealthy bonds in which we need them to complete an unhealthy behavior. In contrast in recovery we must form healthy relationships that help us be built up and succeed in face of any challenge that may arise. So how do we form such relationships? Read on to learn the basics of creating and keeping healthy relationships as part of recovery.

To find and create healthy relationships start by not expecting anyone to be responsible for your happiness. You hold the keys to your happiness. Being friends or in a relationship does not guarantee this, it simply enhances the possibility if the relationship is healthy. Take control of your own life, including the happiness aspect. Accept, love, and respect yourself first. Though you may feel strongly about someone else, if you do not love, respect, and accept yourself, the good and the bad, then no relationship will be truly healthy. This does not mean you think you are better than someone else, but that you understand that you are worth being a friend to and that you will respect yourself enough to know if it is an unhealthy relationship and end it. Additionally, make and keep clear agreements. This is part of communication.

If you are in a friendship or healthy relationship then you should know what the other expects. Perhaps your partner wants you to do laundry or dishes on a certain day to keep up with housekeeping. If this is something you can agree to than keep your agreement or work toward another mutual arrangement. Respect the differences between you and your partner. No two people are the same and at no point will you always get your way. Be respectful of the differences and find compromise for what is not agreed upon. As part of this you should learn to communicate wants, needs, desires, and concerns openly and honestly and expect the same from your partner. Even if something difficult needs to be shared, share it honestly and expect the same from your partner.

As you continue in the healthy relationship learn to do things because you care for the other person, not because you expect something in return. Forgive one another as needed and leave the past in the past this will help you build a healthy future. If a mistake is made, admit it, ask forgiveness, and try to fix the issue if possible. Make sure you review your expectations often as people and relationships are always changing and may need adjusted. Finally, make sure you appreciate your partner and take time to spend quality time together. You deserve the best out of a relationship and so does your partner. Is the relationship in your life healthy?

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Healthy versus Unhealthy Relationships

Healthy Versus Unhealthy Relationships

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Interacting with others is part of life. While you can limit your interactions this is not always the healthiest option, especially when in recovery. Though this does not mean your social and support circle does not need to change to include healthy non users, it does mean that totally isolating yourself is unhealthy and can quickly lead to relapse. As you start to rebuild relationships in recovery there are some basic aspects you need to look for to know whether a relationship is healthy or unhealthy. Remember this is not just true in recovery but in life in general.

Relationships are a part of everyday life. A healthy heart can enter into a healthy relationship and healthy relationships are central to recovery. Recovery without healthy relationships perpetuates the self-obsession that led the addiction in the first place. In recovery focus must be shifted so we can share and relate to others. A healthy heart involved in healthy relationships is the total opposite of addiction. Addiction maintains a secret life marked by fear and control. There are numerous differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, which will be shared in the remainder of this article.

Reality versus fantasy is something that must be addressed in relationships. Healthy relationships are based in reality in which you share in the other person’s personal growth. These relationships cannot be based on changing the other person into what we think they should or could be. You should not place the other person on a pedestal as they are human and will make mistakes, you should expect that they feel the same about you. Completing versus finding completion in a relationship means that you complete the other person, not yourself as this is codependency. If you need another person to complete yourself then you have become dependent on this person and trouble will follow.

Friendship versus victimization in a relationship means that the relationship must be based in friendship. The other person or you should not demand that the other person sacrifice in order to make you happy. While sacrifice to help the other person may occur, it should never be demanded.

Forgiveness versus resentment in relationships means that you can forgive one another and leave the past in the past within reason. There is a point in the relationship where forgiveness cannot occur as the relationship has become unhealthy. Vulnerability versus defensiveness in a healthy relationship means that you feel comfortable letting your guard down without fear. You no longer feel the need to defend your actions constantly as you trust the other person. Finally, honesty versus deception means that you can be open and honest with the other person even when it is difficult. All healthy relationships are built on honesty.

Now that you understand the difference in healthy and unhealthy relationships, examine your own. Are they healthy? Can changes be made to make them healthy? If the answer is no to both of these questions then you may need to remove that person from your life. Your recovery can hang in the balance.

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Humility in Recovery

Humility As a Tool in Recovery

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Recovery comes with a number of challenges. The biggest is to decide to enter recovery, but others will quickly arise. The key is to begin learning and storing the tools that will further your recovery and help you to reach long term recovery. Just imagine looking back a year from now or ten years from now knowing that you have changed your entire life. This should get you excited as it is completely possible. So while you may just be getting started know that there is hope and you have already made the toughest decision. To take control of your addiction. The remainder of this article will share a single tool that can change your attitude and progress as part of recovery.

Whether you have a gambling addiction, a pill habit, or are involved in a range of addictive behaviors, there is a tool that can help you become and stay successful in recovery. This tool is simply humility. Humility is defined as humbleness or a moderate or low view of one’s importance. While this may sound like a self-demeaning trait it is not in any way meant to make you feel worthless. On the contrary. Humility is knowing that you are no better or worse than anyone else and that you will need to ask for help at times. That you have as much right and ability to succeed as the next person. The fact is when we lack humility we often disrespect people and hurt them in ways that are unimaginable. We can also ended up feeling humiliated.

If you practice humility in recovery then you suddenly become teachable and become a better listener. You allow yourself to examine your life without judgment or shame. This means you will allow others to help you and can learn to be honest with yourself about your problems, goals, and the steps needed to reach long term and lasting recovery.

The problem is that we often feel at a loss of power or importance when humbling ourselves. However, humility is the development of an honest, accurate, and objective view of ourselves in the universe. When using humility in recovery we view ourselves as equals to everyone and everything. Someone who practices humility rarely feels subconscious, but does take responsibility for what has been done or chosen, even while being secure in who we are in life and recovery. This will take practice.

To practice humility in recovery you must first learn to be grateful for the gifts you have been given. This can vary between and among individuals, but remember you are alive and you have a chance to start over, many did not get that chance. You must also be unique and not spend time comparing yourself to others. Some people can stop using and cravings end in a few days, others may take months or years. Do not compare yourself to others as your journey is your own. You should be kind, teachable, and free. Let the past stay in the past and begin working toward your future. As part of this you should realize that you do not know everything and can learn from the experiences of others. Even if your experience is not the same.

Start practicing random acts of kindness. Helping others can boost self esteem and further your recovery.

Finally, let go of your expectations. Life can throw you curve balls, just keep moving forward. Humility starts with you from the inside, realize that you are an amazing person that can succeed.

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Finding Your Joy

Finding Your Joy

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Finally, you have made the tough and brave decision to walk away from your addiction. You should be proud you have taken this huge step toward starting a new life. You have an opportunity that many do not, to start over. This step can be a difficult one, but that does not mean you cannot find joy while making all these changes. This can be a challenge because addiction messes with the chemistry of the brain and can alter how we feel joy. As you enter into recovery you may not feel the same type of joy you did from your addiction. But you can find another type of joy. As you begin learning to find joy, remember that the joy brought about by your actual addiction was false, it was chemically induced and more and more was necessary to mimic that feeling. So now that you know what to expect, try some of the following ways to find new joy.

One way that may be unfamiliar to find joy is through vulnerability. Life will not always be good, but it also will not always be bad. When you feel yourself becoming more vulnerable be grateful that you can feel what you are feeling. Embrace the vulnerability and realize that you are a human with emotions and those emotions make you who you are in life. You do not have to dwell on any negative feelings but be proud you are feeling. This vulnerability will allow you to feel things that addiction often masks and will open up a world to you that you may have forgotten existed. As you open yourself up, learn to have an attitude of gratitude.

If you are grateful for the small things then you will be a happier person. It may seem like a simple activity but for a few days try taking a couple minutes each hour to write one thing you are grateful for in life. This does not have to be something big. It can be as simple as your favorite movie showing on television or getting to sleep in on the weekend. As you write these things down save them for those times when you are feeling low. Take time to read them and remember how you felt in that moment. This will bring joy. By finding joy in everyday moments you are choosing to be joyful. While it may not always feel like it, being joyful is a choice.

It really is as simple as finding joy by practicing joy regardless of your circumstances. You can cultivate this joy by being actively grateful and enjoying the moments where peace and happiness find you. These moments will be different for each person, but they can be found. If joy is not finding you then make your own. Try doing something fun and healthy. Get creative and find a new hobby or start a craft. Go outdoors and get some sunshine or just play. Children are happy because they are not worried about what comes next, they live in the moment and find the simplistic joy that is that moment.

Another way to find joy and let it find you is by keeping your body healthy. A healthy body allows you to feel better and do more. So get outside and get some exercise, soak in the vitamin D that the sun provides and let joy come your way. In addition to this, enjoy some healthy snacks. Enjoy these snacks slowly, actually tasting and savoring each bite. These snacks can also be used as a reward for meeting goals, maybe you can spurge a little as the reward.

No matter how you choose to find joy in a healthy way, know that it will benefit you long term as recovery becomes easier. You are an amazing person that has made a huge decision in your life. Stay strong and find that joy so you can make it long term.

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Stop Waiting for Life to Happen

Stop Waiting for Life to Happen

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Stop Waiting for Life to Happen

How many times in your life have you made the statement: When I get enough money or When I am older or even When I am more prepared? These are all forms of procrastination. As addicts we tend to procrastinate on many things, especially those that are not feeding the addiction. This procrastination causes us to get stuck in a negative routine in which things never get done and nothing ever really changes, but recovery offers a chance for a new start.

We are living in amazing times with limitless possibilities. So what are you doing with the life you have right now? Are you wasting it feeling sorry for yourself? Are you stuck in a boring dead end job that is not meeting your needs? Do you want to change? You have options. We are literally one click away from connecting with anyone in the world, but we often feel extremely alone. So how do we correct this and what does it have to do with recovery? The answer will hopefully become clear with the remainder of this article.

We are often taught that love is conditional, but this is not really true. We are all basically the same, but we are often so self-focused that we do not really connect. The first step in truly connecting is to know yourself and to re-frame how you think about yourself. This may sound self-centered but it is actually helpful. Life is a mirror that reflects what we put in front of it so if you re-frame yourself and become positive and focused on the good then that good will reflect back on you. However the same is true of the negative. If you put anger and hatred into your life then it will be reflected back on you as well. You cannot go through life attached to your past and expect things to change.

How you choose to live this moment and all that follow it is what can change your life. You can write your own story, starting now, what will it be? So get started by first being true to yourself so that you can connect to others in their truth. This is also why a support system is so important in recovery. The people in your support group will help you build a positive reflection and keep growing.

So now that you know how to get started start being honest with yourself and others to find those connections that allow you to write your best story. Use what you have and where you are to create the life you desire. While it may not be where you want to end up ultimately, it is a good place to start. Your journey will not always be easy or simple, but if you truly want what you are working toward, you can make it happen. So what will your new story be? Will you work toward big goals, a new home, a new job, a license, freedom? The choices are endless.

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