
Drinking Games – Rule No. 1 – Don’t Get Involved!

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Drinking games are a regular feature of what is now called the binge drinking epidemic, but they are certainly no newcomers to the drunken scene.

They have been played in various countries throughout the world for centuries and are very effective in terms of speeding along the desired effects of those looking to get seriously hammered.

But for the purpose of this article we will concentrate on the modern day binge drinker and why drinking games are often part of this culture.

Before looking at why these games continue to stand the test of time while many participants are rewarded with wobbly leg syndrome, or just happen to slide unceremoniously off bar stools, we will consider 2 factors relating to binge drinking.

How long does a session of binge drinking last?

Many consider this potentially dangerous drinking session to take place over a full day, or during an intense evening of drink after drink. While this is often the case, it should not be forgotten that some binges last for several days, and those who seriously abuse alcohol have been known to continue for weeks on end.

Who is most likely to be involved in regular binges?

No prizes for answering this one correctly! It is most common for men who are moving from adolescence into early adulthood to embrace binge drinking. This group of testosterone-fuelled young men are ‘bang up for it’. They are out to compete as well as impress their mates, show off to their girlfriends or other girls, and let other males of a similar age group know they are potential rivals.

Before we get into more detail about competing males and binge drinking, let’s take a look at the longevity of drinking games and the types many indulge in which are aimed at getting their group ‘bender’ off to a rapid drunken start.

Drinking games – Certainly not a new concept:

Countries throughout the world have used drinking games as a form of entertainment and inebriation for centuries. Some took them so seriously that rules officials were on hand and referees appointed to adjudicate on any disputes.

These guys had to keep strong control of events as things often turned rowdy and aggressive as participants descended into drunkenness.

More on this point relating to modern drinking games later, but suffice to say officials are nowhere to be seen nowadays.

What form do the modern day games generally take?

There is no shortage of choice. Games can involve tossing coins, rolling dice, quick-fire cards, memory or response games, speed and endurance challenges, as well as drinking games related to certain movies and sporting events.

The ‘penalty’ for losing each round can range from taking a sip of your own drink to downing whatever has been put in front of you.

There are many different versions depending on which country you live in and the type of company you keep.

One very simple example of this is the dice game: 3, 5, 7. A minimum of 3 players generally take part with a maximum of 6 or 7 to keep things rolling quickly.

Each player throws 2 dice in turn. The person who first totals ‘3’ shouts out a drink order of choice, this is usually a ‘shot’. The game continues until someone throws a total of ‘5’. This person pays for the drink, and the ‘lucky’ player throwing a 2-dice total of 7 has to down whatever waits in one go.

Drinking games – A potential recipe for trouble:

Take 2 separate groups of young men in the same bar with both groups intent on having their own binge to remember. Mix in a few rapid fire drinking games played independently by each group, give the 2 contrasting ‘ingredients’ a couple of hours to soak in alcohol, let them simmer with increasingly aggressive glares, and there is a good chance things will boil over.

Even assuming no trouble kicks-off while in the bar, things can take a turn for the worse once the bingers hit the fresh air. En-route to their next watering hole many will feel a bravado beyond reason, others aggression.

Besides fighting, those who are roaring drunk are prone to accidents and others will involve themselves with senseless vandalism. The list of potential binge problems is frightening and we have not even considered the potential health problems bingers are bringing upon themselves.

But, as we are coming to the end of the piece it seems appropriate to finish on just one fact that binge drinkers MUST heed. This is regardless of whether they indulge in drinking games or not:

Binge drinking speeds along brain damage faster than alcoholism:

Those who regularly indulge in this intense, sustained use of alcohol are causing brain damage at a faster and more severe rate than chronic alcoholics do.

Once a binge session is over, toxicity of the nervous system causes huge amounts of glutamate to be released. This over-stimulates the brain causing damage to, or killing off brain cells.

To make matters even worse this is not a one-off event. The more often you indulge in binge drinking sessions, the more this process is repeated with the result being ever increasing brain damage.


LSD – Be Prepared For A Very Long Ride

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD as we commonly know it is rumoured to be taking an ever stronger foothold in the club drug world.

An old timer making a big comeback?

This old timer has been around for many a year. It was first made in Switzerland by the world renowned Albert Hofmann in 1938, and another 5 years before he ‘discovered’ its psychedelic effects.

Way back then he could surely never have imagined the popularity and controversy this highly powerful substance would spark decades later.

LSD use peaked in the so called counterculture of the 1960’s, before its increasing use worried western governments so much that many declared it illegal.

While it has never really gone away, it had become far less fashionable than other ‘recreational’ drugs, but if the clubbing culture rumours are to be believed, let’s hope this new breed of user fully understands what they are letting themselves in for.

The psychedelic and hallucinatory effects along with the length of a ‘trip’ need to be fully understood before anyone even considers messing with it.

Those who are into club drugs need to understand that this drug can swing you one way or the other. Its unpredictability means you could be in for a very pleasant experience or one that nightmares are made of.

One thing is for sure, whichever way you turn, the trip will last far longer than any other single dose of drug you have ever experienced.

Altered perceptions:

The use of LSD is now seen mainly as the domain of younger users. Those who enjoy clubbing, concerts and festivals see it as an excellent way of experiencing and enhancing a long night.

When under its full influence a user’s sense of reality and perception alter drastically.

Colours become extremely vivid, still images move, and a constant shift of imaginary patterns overlay each other. Sound-wise it can distort, intensify and cause echo-like hearing. On a good day an LSD trip will greatly enhance a user’s listening experience.

How is it taken:

Most commonly it is swallowed, or comes on blotting paper which is held under the tongue until it dissolves.

Never wishing to miss a trick, those who produce the drug will usually imprint the perforated blotting paper with bright, cheery cartoon characters. It must be said that once taken many users do not feel so cheery!

How long does it take to kick in and how long does it last?

It can take anything between 20 and 45 minutes to kick in. This is dependent upon the strength of the batch, and how the user’s brain responds.

Once the trip has begun it generally peaks between 3 and 4 hours after taking it, with effects lasting for up to 12 hours.

While this may sound perfect if the experience is one of pleasure, it can be an absolute nightmare for those going through a bad trip.

There is ALWAYS the possibility of a bad trip:

One thing many users fail to understand is the unpredictability of the drug. Just because their first or subsequent trips have been good this does not mean future trips will be the same. The straight fact is that each time you take LSD there is the possibility of a bad trip waiting.

Bad trip – Bad feelings and even worse vibes:

While good trips can be seen as pleasurable experiences that stimulate the mind and vision, bad trips can be very bad. Heavy, negative emotions can flood over you. This includes paranoia, irrational fears and a deep anxiety.

Some suffer panic attacks, others feel totally without hope. Rapid mood swings are common, and at its worst a bad trip can give strong feelings of wanting to harm others, or having desperate thoughts of suicide.

At the risk of repetition, and no apology made for it, these nightmare trips can gradually build to a peak up to 4 hours after taking a ‘tab’ and then take another 8 hours to gradually subside. Let’s face it, that is an awful long time to be in such a frame of mind!

The good news and the bad:

The good news is that LSD is not known to be physically addictive. The very bad news is that it can become psychologically addictive. With regular and repeated use, you will build a tolerance to the drug.

This means to achieve the same effects as previously experienced you will need more of the same. More of the same will leave you suffering with serious ‘mind’ issues.

A different treatment approach:

Due to the fact that there are no withdrawal symptoms associated with those who abuse LSD, rehabilitation establishments need to focus on a different treatment approach to other addictive drugs.

This treatment will major on the psychological level, and will include such things as behaviour modification and extensive one to one counselling.

This counselling will often relate to depression which many heavy users suffer from, and very importantly they will be encouraged and educated on how to live without the need for this powerful, long lasting and potentially destructive drug.


How To Ruin A Vacation – Buying Drugs On Holiday

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Everyone deserves a holiday, it is seen as a reward for hard work throughout the year, a time to kick-back, relax and forget those everyday challenges of daily home life.

Many will decide to take a break in their own country, but for others heading abroad is par for the course. The world has been getting ‘smaller’ for many a year now thanks to the ever increasing number of global destinations available from the myriad of airlines out there, and for many, heading to foreign climes is an accepted part of the adventure.

But what begins as a dream vacation could very rapidly to turn into a nightmare from hell for those who risk purchasing and using drugs while abroad.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the reasons why such risks far outweigh any highs you may be looking for.

Drugs are a global commodity:

One thing is for sure, there are not many countries in the world where illegal drug use is not flourishing. Indeed, several popular ‘recreational’ drugs that are common in western countries originate from overseas. Cocaine and Heroin being just 2 examples.

But just because you happen to be heading to a country where a drug is either produced or freely available does not mean you are free to purchase and use them whilst there.

Why consider buying drugs in a foreign country in the first place?

Only you can answer that one, but some common explanations are the fact that you may be a regular user of illegal drugs in your own country and want to sample the local ‘wares’.

Perhaps the relaxed, easy going mood you quickly slip into tempts you to look for a little bit ‘extra’, or the fact that you are partying that much harder every night leaves you feeling in need of a boost.

Whatever your reason, please think long and hard before entering into a deal which could leave you at best short-changed and at worst spending time in a foreign jail.

Dealers do not have your welfare at heart:

While this statement is true in your own country, it bears a bigger significance when you are abroad. Many of the countries you will visit have a majority of the population that are far less prosperous than you. The fact that you have enough money to travel thousands of miles and can afford to seemingly spend as you please gives dealers in those countries a huge incentive to turn a large profit by selling drugs to foreigners.

You will be seen as a temporary target where the price charged will be far higher than what a local would pay.

Dealers are not always what they seem:

Again, while this is true in your country, most who purchase drugs in their local area will have some knowledge of the dealer. Those pedalling drugs in foreign countries could well be in ‘debt’ to the local police force and be providing information as an informer.

A foreigner makes a very tempting target. Just picture the scene: After a first time purchase you are keen for more and know the dealers ‘patch’. A visit is made, the deal is done and 10 minutes later you are apprehended by the police.

Please do not think this is unlucky. The fact the dealer has ‘grassed’ you will quickly dawn as will the reality of the situation.

The other thing to be very aware of is that many foreign police officers operate in plain clothes. Any drug deal seen by, or discussed with these guys ends with a rapid visit to the local police station.

Understanding the do’s and don’ts while in foreign countries:

The majority of people are fully aware of what is legal and what is not in their own country. Looking at laws from a holiday point of view this includes the legal drinking age and severity of sentence faced if caught in possession of illegal substances.

Those who visit foreign countries would be well advised to understand some of the major laws of that country before arrival.

Using the excuse “I didn’t know what I was doing was against the law” is NO excuse at all!

While bribes to get out of the mess you are in are possible it will cost heavily and should certainly not be relied on as a ‘get out of jail card’.

If prosecution does go ahead, you could very well exchange days on that tropical beach or around the pool and your pre-booked return flight for time on remand in conditions you would not wish on your worst enemy.

It is also vital to understand that some of the penalties for possession and use of drugs are far more severe than in your home country.

Keep it safe, keep it sensible – Stay away from drugs while abroad:

The vast majority of those who dabble with drugs will have heard anecdotal tales of others buying and using drugs while on holiday. In the main the stories will be true, and the recipients will have avoided any problems with the law, but please do not think because you are a foreigner this renders you immune from prosecution.

The reality is that the risk of drug purchase and use while abroad is just too big a gamble to consider.


Is There Such A Thing As A Functioning Alcoholic?

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Let’s get one thing straight, those who think of themselves as functioning alcoholics are fooling no one but themselves. An alcoholic is an alcoholic whichever way you look at it.

But this would be an extremely pointless article if we left things like that, so let’s delve into some key issues that surround alcohol and why so many have a problem with it.

Definition of an alcoholism:

Alcoholism is a very complex matter and there is no unique definition. One way to look at this serious disorder is the fact that any man or woman suffering from alcoholism has an intense desire to drink alcohol beyond their limits of control.

It is often described as a physical compulsion in combination with a mental obsession. The cravings suffered mean those obsessed with alcohol do not know when or how to stop drinking. This is despite the fact that they realise (but refuse to admit) the serious health and social implications it is creating.

Why is alcohol so addictive?

The full answer to this question is not yet known, but what has been established is that drinking alcohol causes an increased, natural release of endorphins in the brain. Amongst many things endorphins are responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward.

For those who drink occasionally and moderately these feelings of euphoria and general well-being are seen as the acceptable side of the effects alcohol can give.

The problem is that the body quickly builds up a tolerance to alcohol. It likes what you are giving it, but ‘feeding’ it on a regular basis means you are increasing your tolerance.

An increased tolerance means you need more simply to achieve the same feelings as previously ‘enjoyed’.

Your increasing dependence also makes it far more difficult to stop drinking. The more dependent upon alcohol you become, the harder it is to stop drinking.

Those who attempt to abruptly cease drinking will find resistance in the form of withdrawal symptoms that vary in severity.

The easy solution to quell such unwanted feelings is to have another drink, and so the spiral into alcoholism spins ever faster.

Signs alcohol is in control of you rather than the other way around:

Some key signs that you are addicted to alcohol include:

  • You have a strong desire to stop drinking but find you cannot.
  • You start drinking even though you were determined not to, and these sessions turn out to be longer and heavier than even you expected.
  • Social activities and pastimes are rapidly taking a back-seat due to your constant drinking.
  • The thoughts and effects of your drinking become almost all-consuming. If you are not thinking about a drink, you are drinking, if you are feeling the effects of a heavy session, you are considering a ‘livener’ to put things right.
  • You drink regardless of the consequences. This was touched on earlier in the piece, but just to reinforce the fact; even though you are aware of the health and relationship problems your drinking is causing you simply cannot stop.

Classing yourself, or being classed by others as a functional alcoholic:

Perhaps the fact that many think of alcoholics as being down-and-outs on skid row gives rise to the term “functional alcoholic”.

In most cases this means these men and women are still hanging on to a home, a job, a partner and other trappings of modern day life, but using this term does not alter a critical fact:

Those suffering from the serious disorder that is alcoholism need urgent, professional rehabilitation assistance.

Why are alcoholics reluctant to seek help?

A major obstacle preventing those with severe drink problems from seeking help is denial.

This takes different forms; An alcoholic will deny to themselves and anyone else who cares to listen that they are not drinking anywhere near as much as they really are.

They continually convince themselves that the negative consequences caused by their excessive drinking are nowhere near as serious as they really are, and if blame for their drinking is placed anywhere it is at others doorsteps.

Examples of this are problems with work colleagues, or the fact that their partner is “always on their case”.

There IS a way out:

It is imperative for anyone suffering from alcohol dependence to understand that as long as they remain in denial they will not seek the professional help they so desperately need. Denial must end before treatment can begin.

But once an alcoholic accepts the reality of their situation help is on hand. This comes in the form of experienced, professional rehabilitation services that can help them come to terms with alcoholism and offer treatment, counselling, guidance and encouragement with the long term aim of achieving an alcohol-free future.


The Dangers Involved In Meth Production

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

It is unlikely that those who dabble with meth or it’s even more addictive relative; ice, consider just where and in what conditions this drug is produced.

Here are a few facts as to the damage this drug is doing to those who produce it, those who consume it, and the potential danger posed to those who have nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Production facilities – Basement kitchens:

While there are undoubtedly some very large production facilities the world over we will focus on the many smaller ones which are established in suburban and rural areas.

These home “Laboratories” are to be found in garages, derelict buildings, unused outbuildings, and more worryingly rented rooms, apartments or houses in busy neighbourhoods.


Meth is not that difficult to produce. Once a regular quantity of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine are secured there are then a whole variety of other ingredients which can be combined.

The majority of these key ingredients are not only toxic they are highly flammable, but are readily available for purchase from many outlets such as chemists, supermarkets and hardware stores.

Common ingredients include drain cleaner, rubbing alcohol, lithium contained in batteries, anhydrous ammonia, red phosphorous, de-icer, lye and iodine, but other ingredients can be added or substituted dependent upon what is on hand at the time.

Those who are regularly using meth should consider exactly what such substances can do to their long term physical and mental health.

‘Cooks’ involved:

Those responsible for cooking meth are rarely skilled in chemistry and usually heavily addicted themselves. Their lack of knowledge relating to chemical reactions and their impaired mental capacity due to the influence of the drug often means the production process is prone to error and danger.

They may be vaguely aware that when these ingredients are combined there is a potential for a highly explosive and corrosive solution to be created, but due to their desperation and need to produce large quantities of the drug these thoughts often take a back seat.

What they are unlikely to be aware of is the fact that breathing the toxic fumes created during production can cause irreparable harm to their nasal passages, lungs and brain.

A catastrophe waiting to happen:

The unstable minds of those working in these kitchens coupled with the potentially lethal combinations of ingredients is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Many cooks will suffer severe burns caused by ingredients bubbling over or by spillages caused while transferring ingredients.

There is also the possibility that due to the highly volatile nature of ingredients used that explosions will occur. Such a disaster can result in the demolition of the property and death to those inside.

Damaging by-products of this process:

For every pound in weight of finished meth there is between 5 and 7 pounds of toxic waste left behind.

Do not think for one moment that those involved in production will consider how to safely dispose of such waste. They will simply dump it on waste ground, in nearby streams or lakes or leave it behind before moving onto their next location.

If these toxic chemicals filter into the water system they can contaminate drinking water, there is also a possibility that toxic vapours can be absorbed into flooring, air vents, walls and furniture of rented homes. Obviously this leave any future, unsuspecting tenants at risk from health problems that such residue leaves.

Signs of an active meth house:

It is clear that most meth users are not producers, but those who purchase this highly addictive drug should be aware of their contribution to the potential damage such use is causing.

They should also be aware that it is not difficult for authorities to be alerted to the fact that a residential property is being used for production.

Once surveillance is established this will include watching dealer and customer activity. If you are identified as purchasing the drug, then there is a strong likelihood prosecution will follow.

Common signs of a meth house include those who are resident being unfriendly and often paranoid towards neighbours, the unnecessary reinforcement of doors and windows, and the fact they rarely put rubbish out for general collection.

Other pointers include unemployed tenants who seem to have plenty of money, those who pay rent in cash and the fact that the house is very quiet during the day but receives excessive foot traffic during late hours.

There is help that will enable you to walk away from meth use:

If you are in the very early stages of meth use there is a strong possibility that by changing your mindset and stopping use immediately you will be able to walk away from use unassisted.

If, as is the case for many, this wickedly addictive drug has currently got the better of you simply ceasing use is not a viable option. The pull of the drug and an overwhelming desire to continue use needs to be addressed with the help of professional drug rehabilitation services.

These establishments are well versed in the process of addiction recovery and are there to help. By taking advantage of this assistance you will be on the road to leaving meth and its devastating effects exactly where it belongs; behind you.