dealing with cravings

Dealing with Cravings

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Dealing with Cravings – The nagging problem of cravings is familiar to anyone who has ever dealt with addiction. This is the central rub for addiction. People can tell themselves again and again that they do not want to use. They know if they use that there will be consequences, maybe even death. However, there is something that flares in the minds of addicted people which drives them to use in spite of their own wills to not use. However much they want to be sober, the craving for alcohol, for heroin, for any substance will not relent.

Treatment and counseling will address this problem first off. Inpatient treatment in some ways is specifically designed to lift a person out of their environment and create a space where those cravings can be met with something other than the substance. Some treatment options remind people that the cravings do fade over time. The severity and immediacy of the craving will eventually go away. However, many people report that the cravings return, sometimes many years later. Addicted people need a real method for dealing with cravings.

One method involves using a specific understanding of exactly what constitutes a craving. One researcher and counselor suggests that we can handle cravings by understanding them. The craving is in reality a thing of the past. Its present weight and immediacy is an illusion.

Whatever drives the craving comes from something we did or experienced long ago. We started using because of a trauma or some form of abuse, for example. Without diminishing those moments, we can also remind ourselves that those things are not happening now and the behaviors we developed to handle those terrible times and feelings are equally in the past.

Either with a counselor, in a group, or with a therapists patients in treatment are encouraged to experience the moment of craving then taught to allow that feeling to slide along a continuum of time. Reaching back to all the times one experience the craving, all the way back to the kinds of feelings and experiences which led to substance abuse. By doing this patients can begin to see that the craving is part of something else. The craving is no longer an undeniable drive to use. It becomes a part of long series of moments and feelings none of which are actually bearing down on them at that time. The moment of craving can be re-directed.

It would seem that this insurmountable craving is not quite an inevitable feature of sober life. Many people fear recovery because they cannot imagine a life that is not characterized by a constant “need” to use. Facing the cravings without using becomes the very thing which prevents proper recovery. By addressing the fact of cravings in a way that takes the mystery, inevitability, and pain out of cravings, patients can see recovery for what it is: relief from suffering rather than a different form of suffering. What is more, this method of recognizing and dealing with cravings can be taken well beyond the time of initial treatment. It is a skill that can be learned and carried throughout a sober life. 

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Staying Motivated in Recovery

Staying Motivated

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Staying Motivated in Recovery – Staying motivated, whether we want to or not, is an important part of recovery. Staying motivated through the recovery process can be a challenge, but there are a few ways that can help you stay motivated to reach your goals. In fact, there are five basic goals that can help you stay motivated. Each will be explored below.

The first goal is to keep it simple. While looking at the big picture is great, in recovery, especially early recovery, keeping things simple is best. You are working toward a better life, but break this down into smaller manageable steps. If your goal is to become a productive citizen and need to get a job, but do not have a license to drive to a job, then start working toward that license. This may mean paying fines, studying for a test, or clearing up other issues related to the lack of a license. Start with the obvious then deal with other issues to the bigger goal.

Next, affirm yourself. This may seem silly, but you need to take the time to look back at what you have already accomplished and what goals you have met, no matter how big or small. You have taken positive steps simply by entering recovery. Do not take these for granted and celebrate them. For those who have been in recovery for any length of time, celebrate the milestones in a healthy manner. Celebrate your first week, your first month, and your first year. You have a right to be proud of what you have accomplished.

As part of affirming yourself, pre-plan celebrations. Set goals to meet and rewards for meeting these goals. The rewards should be comparable to the goals you have met. A date night with a movie for an entire week of staying on track or a party with other sober people at the one year mark may be good ideas. If you do not meet the goals then you do not get the reward, but that is not reason to give up it is a reason to keep trying until you succeed.

Next, create a support network. This support network will both offer you support and be able to celebrate your accomplishments with when they are met. This group can also offer encouragement when you are struggling or want to give up. Choose your support network wisely as they are people you will need to be totally honest with over time. They will know your secrets, your struggles, and your victories. These people will become a type of lifeline for you at times and will likely become close friends as well.

Finally, maintain structure. This may be the hardest part as it requires self-discipline. Keep a daily routine that includes recovery activities and self-care activities. You cannot meet your goals if you are not taking care of yourself. This includes eating healthy, taking time to relax, and practicing good mental hygiene. You are worth the effort after all.

Now that you know how to build motivation and stay motivated you can accomplish anything you wish. What will you choose?

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Dealing With Grief in Recovery

Dealing With Grief in Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Growing up the phrase there are two things certain in life was repeated many times. These two things were death and taxes. Not to make light of death, but it will happen to everyone. When dealing with death while in recovery it can be tempting to relapse to deal with the stress and depression associated with the death of a loved one. Losing a loved one is one of the most painful human experiences. Grief can take its toll on anyone as feelings of guilt, denial, sadness, and despair can become overwhelming. Those in recovery are at a greater risk of relapse during a period of grief, even those who have been in recovery for a long time. Grief can compromise our ability to think clearly. There are some ways that you can stay strong even during periods of grief.

If you have experienced a death while in recovery than try some of the following to help you grieve and stay focused on recovery. Reach out for support. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. When you lose someone close to you it is important to ask for the support you need to get through the trying time. Instead of retreating inside yourself, talk to others that will be supportive and understanding. Lean on those in your support circle. This is why the support circle is so important in recovery. These are the people that will help you stay focused on getting better while dealing with your emotions. 

Speaking of emotions, acknowledge what you are feeling. Death can bring out strong emotions that may include sadness, depression, anger, and many more. Allow yourself to feel the extreme emotions without dwelling on them long term. Substance abuse allows us to dull the pain, but allowing ourselves to feel it can allow us to move on in life and recovery. Be creative and find healthy ways to express your emotions. Some people find power in prayer or meditation to stay connected to the inner strength that is inside each of us. Get counseling if needed. This is another way to reach out for help when needed or when other forms of support are not available. Another option may be to read books and articles about others who have dealt with grief. There are many options available. Finally, remember to take care of yourself while mourning your loss. Eating healthy and getting plenty of rest are highly important for your mental and physical health.

If you do experience a loss while in recovery know that you are not alone. Take the time you need to grieve, but do not give up on recovery. You have an inner strength and a support system that are in place to help you through this trying time. Stay true to your goals and know that you will survive even this stressful time. Recovery will be worth the effort and your life will be better for having dealt with the grief while not returning to your addiction.

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Stress and Recovery

Stress and Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Recovery can be an amazing experience, but it can also be a stressful experience. Whether you are trying to decide to enter recovery or have been in recovery for quite a while, stress will arise. Life events that are difficult are inevitable. Stress does not care if you are going through withdrawal or if life is going great. Whether your stress is related to family issues, financial issues, or relationships, anxiety can wreak havoc on the body and mind. Don’t lose hope; there are ways to deal with this stress and still stay in recovery. Below we will explore some basic ways to deal with the stress that life brings.

Some basic ways to deal with stress include mindful meditation, makes time to relax and spend time with healthy and supportive friends, laughing, exercise or yoga. These are all pretty simple and straightforward.

Mindful meditation means focusing on yourself and your body. One form of mindful meditation involves relaxing one muscle or body part at a time. Many people work from the bottom of the feet up or from the head down, consciously relaxing each part as stress slowly fades from the body. Yoga and exercise can have the same effect as getting active can help you relieve stress by detoxing the body. Just getting the extra energy out can be highly beneficial. Even something as simple as taking time to relax alone or with sober friends can help eliminate stress. While this may not be an option if the stress is caused by work that needs done. It can help to take a little time to unwind before buckling down and getting to work.

If you are in recovery make sure you are spending time with friends in a safe environment that will not tempt you into a  relapse. A final suggestion, which may seem silly, is to laugh. Read some jokes, watch a funny movie, or simply have a fun conversation with a friend. Laughter really is the best medicine when it comes to stress. Spend time laughing until you cry and you will automatically feel more relaxed and able to face whatever is happening.

While some stress can be a motivator to work hard and get ahead, too much stress can be bad for your mental and physical health. So we must identify the source of the stress and find a way to fix the problems that can be fixed. If a problem has no solution, then you must learn to move on. Remember that in recovery and in life you control your feelings and emotions.

Stress is simply a chemical reaction. If you do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by stress then it will no longer be a problem. What are you willing to do to limit your stress while staying in recovery? There are always answers other than your addiction of choice. Just be willing to be honest with yourself when you are feeling stressed out and deal with it in an appropriate manner. You are strong enough if you choose to be.

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Values in Recovery

Values in Recovery

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Values are something you hear about often but not something that many people truly think about in life. If someone asked you right now what you valued in life you could probably think of a few quick answered but they would probably be superficial. However, if someone asked you what your values were in life it may take longer to form an answer. We all have values in life. Values are universal, though what they are is very specific to each person. There are some values that the majority of people have, those of self-respect, identity, health, love, and integrity. This means that most people expect and offer these things to others.

Your personal values are intended to help you lay a solid foundation for permanent change. In fact, your values are the principles in life that you use to find meaning and fulfillment.  They form the foundation for your identity and if consistent, your identity will reflect this consistency. This means you need to construct a foundation of practical values from which you will manage the most important aspects of your life.  In a healthy person, values provide the motivation that drives behavior, the impetus for decision making and the foundation for feelings and emotions. In active addiction we tend to forget our values as everything revolves around and is focused on the addiction. Values are put on the back burner and the addiction is the only concern and focus. For recovery to take place and to make the transition to health, you have to evolve practical values.

So now you have to determine what values you will choose to embrace in your life. These may change and vary over time, but most should be things you stick with throughout recovery and in life. Choose to be honest at all times, even when it is tough. Choose to have enough self-respect to make your life worth living in spite of the ups and downs. Also, choose to create an identity you can be proud of for the rest of your life. The great thing about values is that we choose them and we can set boundaries so others respect them.

Like of values like this: .Values are like the engine in your car, you can survive without them, but it is easier to have it available. Would you like to have a car that didn’t have an engine? Probably not. So why live a life without a system that can make that life more useful? The choice is yours, whether you are in recovery, thinking about it, or just want to improve your personal value system. You can change your life and choose the values you want when you are ready. It really is all about you and what you want for your life. So what is your decision? Will you create a value system to bolster your life or will you choose to live aimlessly? Only you can decide. Be willing to change your life.

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