We sat in silence. Client and Therapist.
The feeling in the counselling room subdued. Emotion heavy.
I sat there. He sat there. We were together.
No words uttered between us.
Professionally, I knew the importance of this experience. The client wasn’t running away from his difficulties.
It was beautiful.
Like invisible bricks being laid, onto an invisible wall.
I recognised emotional resilience developing during the counselling hour – we were experiencing it together.
Our eyes connected.
I smiled. He sighed.
The foundation stone of emotional resilience was constructed. Supporting him for the rest of his life.
As a Certified Wellness Coach, as well as a qualified Therapist, I understand the importance of building emotional resilience. It enables a person to gain emotional stability, rather than an internal sensation of chaos.
To do so you must takes baby steps and a willingness to consistently repeat those steps. It’s in the willingness to be consistent, even when having experienced a lapse or relapse, which helps build resilience throughout addiction recovery.
The Program at DARA is created, to assist in building practical, emotional and intellectual steps within a healthy framework. Enabling individuals to raise emotional resilience levels.
The stimulation delivered and the process created, then helps a client to continue with and maintain sobriety, whilst reintegrating daily living.
How Does Emotional Resilience Help Life?
- By becoming responsive and thoughtful, impulse control is developed
- Creates authenticity in relationships
- Dulls the anxiety which reduces sound judgment
- Works alongside motivation to help achieve goals
- Builds empathy
- Enables you to feel good about yourself
- Develops an internal locus of control
If not looked at, understood or explored properly. It can lead to poor coping strategies being put in place.
Addiction is one of these.
Using drugs or alcohol to dampen down the feeling of stress. Without developing awareness about what is impacting on a person’s life to create it. Stops healthy coping strategies being identified and the development of emotional resilience.
If the desire is to find a constructive way to feel relaxed and develop positive feelings, then in the long-term, drug use and alcohol abuse will create exactly the opposite.
Remember, it’s about small steps being put in place.
These can happen in both a negative or positive way. Become conscious about those choices made and decide to continue creating the ones which enhance rather than inhibit life.
Mindfulness for Resilience Building
- Reduce rumination by developing good communication skills
- Remain focussed on the task at hand or the conversation in place
- Bring your mind back, every time it wanders. This is brain training in practice
- Connect and listen to the internal rhythm in the body
- Get Physical
- Take a moment and consciously breathe
The Author Elizabeth Gilbert experienced herself as a seduction addict. One of the ways in which she became mindful in her own life, was to design and fil her own happiness jar.
This is a really constructive way in which you can become mindful of those moments ‘in between.’ A place which will help you build and recognise your own emotional resilience. It doesn’t have to be a jar. It can be the Voice Memo on your phone, or a journal by the side of your bed.
“Over the years, my Happiness Jar has taught me much. What continually amazes me is what ends up on the slip of paper every day. Not awesome events, not huge achievements — usually just a small and tiny thing, a moment of awareness…that moment when you step outside and between the house and the car you get hit on the top of the head with a beam of sunlight, and suddenly feel awash with gratitude simply for being alive, and you think, “Yes. This is it.”
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