Facing your Fears in Recovery

Facing your Fears in Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Facing your Fears in Recovery. Entering into recovery from active addiction can be a stressful and fear filled prospect. The biggest step was made the instance you chose treatment over staying in active addiction. The next steps will be tough, but with hard work and dedication your life can change for the better. One aspect of our lives that addiction seems to take is emotion or at least appropriate emotions. The emotion that often reestablishes itself first is fear.

Fear in recovery is normal.

Addiction did not happen overnight and neither will recovery. Many people fear all the changes that occur physically, mentally, and emotionally. Once we decide to face this fear head on then recovery can continue. The first step in facing this fear is to realize that reality is not something you perceive, but that is created in your mind. This means that the fear is a product of your mind and can be altered. This is a profound lesson in that you now know that no matter what life throws at you, you can deal with it and learn from the experience. How you choose to handle fear can alter the outcome. So the question becomes, how do you handle the fear tat will eventually come to light?

Facing your Fears in Recovery, to handle the fear of and in recovery, first identify it and determine the cause of the actual fear. Are you putting off treatment because of the fear of withdraw? If so, realize that withdraw does occur, but will end. This aspect cannot go on forever. Are you afraid of how many changes will need to be made in your life? Focus on how those changes can make your life better.  Are you afraid of what others will think? Be honest with those around you, it is likely that they are aware of your addiction. If these people cannot be supportive it may be someone who cannot be in your life any longer.

This simply means that letting go of fears is as easy as changing the way you view those fears. There will be situations that cause fear, this is an inevitable part of life and recovery. When those fears come do not make excuses of why you are afraid, approach the fear and deal with it, finding the good in each situation. Each experience we have in life is one that can offer insight to ourselves and life in general. As we learn to face our fears we also learn to create a reality in which we are no longer continually afraid. This allows those in recovery to move forward toward a better life.

Facing Your Fears In Recovery.

Whether you are just considering treatment, starting rehab, or moving toward long term recovery you have the opportunity to create your reality. What will you choose? You have the rest of your life to grow and improve if you make the decision to do so by beating your addiction. So face your fears and create a reality you can take pride in over time. The rest of your life is waiting, stop living in the fear of addiction.

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Addiction to sex

Characteristics & Illegalities Of Sex Addiction

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Addiction to sex is a very real problem. Many try to hide their obsession with sex. It is something that really must be brought out into the open and attended to with the help of professional counselling. Due to the nature of this problem it is often recommended that a stay as an inpatient at an established rehab facility be taken as this is seen as an ideal way to kick-start healing.

Defining sexual addiction:

This is not an easy thing to do, but, in short, sexual addiction belongs to those who are unable to control their sexual urges. Persistent thoughts of sex affect the working and social lives of sex addicts and makes it a struggle to fulfill normal daily activities. This behaviour leads to difficulties and break-down of relationships and a far poorer quality of life.

Sex addiction is also known as: Nymphomania in females and for men the term is “Satyriasis”.

Sharing some features of substance addiction:

Addiction to sex shares some features related to substance addiction, but in the case of sex a person is addicted to an activity as opposed to alcohol or drugs.

The person concerned has an insatiable desire to fulfill their sexual needs. The deeper these obsessions become the more entrenched the addiction. Similar to those addicted to substances, sex addicts realise their intentions and actions are wrong. But, their need is of far greater consideration than conforming to any of societies norms.

This can lead to problems, a particular one being:

A paraphilic disorder:

This disorder affects a person with recurrent and intensely arousing sexual fantasies, behaviours and urges that may be acceptable to themselves but are distressing or disabling to others. It includes the use of inanimate objects, non-consenting adults or children for sexual pleasure which leaves others involved feeling humiliated or subject to potential harm.

One paraphilic disorder known to all is pedophilia, whereby those affected are sexually aroused at the thought of sex involving minors. Any man or woman with feelings of this sort must seek urgent medical attention before law enforcement seeks them.

Typical behaviour:

Those with sex addiction issues display behaviour that ranges from furtive and secretive to openly-flouting themselves. Examples being:

  • Persistent use of pornography
  • Compulsive masturbation
  • Voyeurism
  • Exhibitionism
  • Participating in extreme acts of lewd sex
  • A complete failure to resist ever-present sexual impulses
  • Multiple sexual affairs – many going on at the same time
  • Constant one-night stands with strangers
  • Practising unsafe sex in unsafe environments – this is a potential double-whammy in terms of sexually transmitted diseases and danger to the person themselves
  • Excessive time spent on cybersex
  • Either visiting or practicing prostitution
Extreme attitudes:

The deeper sex addiction becomes, the more extreme a person’s sexual motives and attitudes will increase. This includes situations such as:

  • The inability to contain their own sexual urges and to respect boundaries of those they are sexually involved with.
  • Their levels of sexual activity lead to a detachment which they find harder to emotionally satisfy
  • Obsessing sexually after others and openly displaying this fact, but quickly moving on to the next obsession
  • Feelings of guilt and shame that although recognized are not acted upon due to the pull of sex
  • An increasing and recurrent need to engage in extreme acts of lewd sex
  • Engaging in excessive sexual behaviour for longer than intended and without boundaries.
Addiction To Sex – Tried but failed to stop:

Those who have tried to control their sexual urges or have tried to cease obsessive sexual behaviour but failed must seek urgent addiction treatment. The longer you leave this much needed treatment, the greater your problems will become.

CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Sex Addiction Rehabilitation Assessment.

Helping Others Helps Recovery

Helping Others Helps Recovery

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Helping Others Helps Recovery. Those on the continuous addiction recovery road will benefit from getting involved in helping others. This can be achieved in a variety of different ways. We will look at some of the options open to a recovering addict, but first must point out one very important factor:

Only when the time is right:

While helping others can be extremely therapeutic. It is vital that a recovering addict has their head in the right place before attempting to do so. And, that they do not take on more than they can manage.

Recovering from addiction is a stressful period of a person’s life. This is particularly the case during the early months of recovery. Helping others will help this process but only when a person feels 110% up to it.

Experiences shared, encouragement given:

Sharing experiences and helping those in a less fortunate position than yourself not only encourages those you are assisting. It can give immense encouragement to your own recovery plans.

The struggles experienced when there is no other focus can deepen depression and increase chances of a relapse. By helping others and having other things to occupy your mind it will help turn daily concerns into issues that can be looked at and dealt with in a far more positive way.

Helping others does not need to be substance related:

Offering to become involved with voluntary organisations such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are extremely valid ways of helping others. But, it is important for a recovering addict to understand that help can be given in ways that have nothing whatsoever to do with substance abuse. Indeed, in many cases this can be extremely productive in terms of ongoing recovery.

Helping Others Helps Recovery. Examples of where help can be given include:
  • Visiting those in elderly care facilities – Many elderly people in homes have few visitors. By arranging to spend an hour with a person it can brighten up their day as well as leave you feeling far better inside.
  • Mentoring a child in need This could be a family relative in need of help. Or by joining a voluntary group where you will be involved in classroom or communal activities for children suffering from various mental as well as physical issues.
  • Helping out at an animal shelter – Sadly, there is no shortage of animal shelters that take in strays, abused animals and those that have become unwanted by owners. These shelter’s regularly struggle for funds and helpers so any assistance you can give will be greatly appreciated. This is a real plus if you have a natural affection for animals. This charitable work may even provide you with the perfect pet to have at home.
  • Church assistance – Many people recovering from addiction of any kind find a growing spiritual connection. If you are in this position then helping out at your local church will never go amiss.
  • Community garden projects – This does not need to be limited to garden projects, but any other community projects that interest you. If the outdoors and gardening give you a sense of freedom and being at ease with the world then not only is this therapeutic. It is helping your neighbourhood look far more attractive.Helping Others Helps Recovery. CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Rehabilitation Assessment.
LGBTQ Substance Use

There Is No Good Reason For LGBTQ Individuals To Turn To Substance Use

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

LGBTQ Substance Use. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons LGBTQ individuals initially turn to drug use and why it is not the correct answer to any issue they may have.

Sexual orientation struggles:

This problem comes from many angles. Because of their sexual orientation LGBTQ individuals will be singled out by classmates at school, homophobic bullies anywhere and at any time of life. And, perhaps most disappointingly, from their own family members who simply cannot come to terms with the situation. Permanent hang-ups about sexual orientation and harsh criticism received on a very regular basis are an oft-cited reason LGBTQ substance use.

Excess stress:

Stress is not a welcome visitor at the best of times. But to feel stressed more often than not is a heavy burden to bear. Many LGBTQ individuals suffer from this and substance use is often too great a temptation to resist. This is because it temporarily relieves stress, worries and concerns.

Loneliness and depression:

Everyone suffers from the occasional bout of loneliness. Depression will affect all of us at certain times in our lives but these are generally isolated. They are spaced issues that are far enough apart to understand why we are feeling that way.

Contrary to popular (completely incorrect!) belief being part of the LGBTQ community does not mean that every day is a Friday. Or that all members have masses of like-minded friends who like to meet for regular group sex sessions, and parties are the rule rather than the exception.

If only! Many LGBTQ individuals suffer from loneliness. This problem is often magnified because to have a life they need to move to a new city in order to escape hometown prejudices. Making a new start can be a testing experience and loneliness is often your only bedfellow, certainly during the early stages of such a move.

This and many other specific reasons can cause depression that gets harder to escape from the longer it continues. Suffering from one of these conditions is often enough to tempt a person to use substances as an escape. But many LGBTQ members suffer from both conditions. This turns substance temptation into substance essential.

LGBTQ Substance use is NOT the answer:

Turning to substance use will not solve any of your problems. While under the influence they may be put temporarily on hold. But, as soon as you finish a session those problems will be queuing up for attention.

In all likelihood you will be feeling worse for wear following your last substance session. This set of circumstances produces a very quick solution in terms of leaving those unwanted problems marking-time for another day/night.

That is to reach for the bottle, prepare the pipe, or stripe a couple of large lines to get back on an even-keel.

Highly addictive substances are commonly used:

The vast majority of drugs (illegal and prescription) and alcohol have addiction potential. Some more than most. Substances favoured by community members include alcohol, amphetamines and heroin. All of which have a high addiction potential.

What begins as occasional use can easily turn into weekly use, then use every few days. Until a person is using their substance of choice on a daily basis and find they cannot get through the day without it.

LGBTQ Substance use is not the answer:

It needs to be made clear that using substances to solve problems does not work. What it can do is leave a person struggling with addiction.

If things are getting on top of you there are help-lines and like-minded addiction counsellors out there who will be only too willing to help.

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LGBTQ Drug Use

LGBTQ Sexual Orientation Issues Linked To Drug Abuse

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Sexual orientation and LGBTQ Drug Use. Those belonging to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gendered or queer community must confront adversity in numerous ways. Their sexual orientation puts many under unwarranted pressure that can cause problems throughout their lives. Constant criticism, questioning and whispers take a toll on self-esteem and well-being.

LGBTQ Drug Use – Pressures of sexual non-conformity:

Conforming to what society in general sees as ‘normal’ sexual orientation is obviously not something that is possible for individuals belonging to the LGBTQ community. This gives rise to homophobes, racists, bullies and those who know no better an excuse to assault them verbally as well as physically.

The abuse that many LGBTQ individuals endure often start early in life and continues throughout it. Such sustained and prolonged prejudice makes it completely understandable that many ‘victims’ suffer physical and psychological effects. These psychological effects are detrimental to their well-being.

Examples of these totally uncalled for attacks include:


Those whose sexual orientation differs from social norms will be teased. Often verbally bullied and often suffering physical violence while growing up. The school playground can be a vicious breeding ground for this type of behaviour. As LGBTQ individuals grow into their mid-teens the thought of drug use as a means of escape and to ease a troubled mind is an attractive temptation that many fall into.

LGBTQ Drug Use – Family issues:

It is very often the case that other family members simply cannot accept the lifestyle of an LGBTQ individual. This can make life unbearable. In an attempt to relieve the depression, anxiety and stress caused, drug use is once again seen as an escape from this grossly unwanted and undeserved disapproval.

Covert hostility in the workplace:

Many LGBTQ individuals find regular but carefully orchestrated hostility from some of their work colleagues. This is borne from ignorance, mistrust and attitudes which refuse to understand that sexual orientation is a personal choice. A choice that should be respected. Daily tension and suffering from covert hostility can encourage drug use as a means of escaping the psychological pain such attitudes cause.

Drug use is not the answer:

LGBTQ individuals who are suffering from any form of discrimination must understand that drug use is not the answer. Occasional use can rapidly turn into regular use and before a person knows it they are using their substance of choice on a daily basis.

Heavy drug use or excessive drinking brings a whole set of new issues to the table. Very often causing unwanted physical and mental health problems. It is very important to remember that while addiction may be relatively easy to find, it is much more difficult to leave behind.

LGBTQ Drug Use – Finding ways to cope:

Finding positive ways to cope with these regular but unwanted situations is the way to go. By focusing on all that is positive in your life and making the effort to build a network of supportive, like-minded individuals will help tremendously.

Self-esteem will gradually rebuild and knowing you have good friends and acquaintances that can be relied on can be a huge boost. It also goes a long way to helping a person come to terms with any guilt or long-standing misgivings they harbor relating to their sexual orientation.

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