
The Benefits Of Finding Serenity Abroad


Travel broadens the mind. It takes just one visit to a drastically different country to understand the power behind these words. And when I mean a different country I mean a country with a fresh culture, different points of view, preferably a place with different type of weather and definitely a place that does not speak your language. Millions of people find their way to various tropical countries like India, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam in search of extreme adventures, which is great, but in my opinion, lazy tropical beach life better lends itself to yoga, meditation as well as healing both body and mind. Excellent destination for anyone with demons to battle or wounds to lick.


For most western people cultures of warmer and more tropical countries always seem so relaxed, carefree and friendly. True, while a large cornerstone of their economy is tourism and in extension being friendly to attract said tourists, there is still something peaceful and calming about most people I ever had the pleasure of meeting while traveling these countries.

The fact that food grows in the trees wherever you go and there is little need to plan where to source firewood for the winter, it all boils down to pretty carefree approach to life.

This kind of environment is perfect for rehabilitation. It allows to focus purely on the issue at hand, namely addiction and allows the addict to tackle it at his own pace. The environment where you lead your daily life is one of the factors that led you to addiction. It may be a smaller or bigger contributor, it drastically differs from case to case, but it is a factor nevertheless. Inpatient courses provided by rehabilitation centers allow you to put the din and clutter of your life behind you for a while, providing the time, resources and support you need to tend your inner insecurities, emotional hangups, and bodily imbalance.


The very cornerstone of sober and healthy human being is balance and equilibrium. While years of drug abuse and denial of any problems drives you deeper and deeper into a proverbial dead end, a rehab course supported by professionals, in a place where you can put it all behind you, is the perfect equalizer.

Self-doubt is tackled by continuous emotional and physiological support. Experienced and open councilors will hear you out and team up with you to plan, the best course on your road to sobriety, right after an expert of medical staff and nurses guide you through a rigorous and cleansing detoxification course.

Rehabilitation will remind you how to love your body and how to keep it efficient and functional. Professional exercise regiment, yoga and various other types of physical activities will get your heart racing while carefully planned diet and nutrient intake will help you on your way to kick your dependence on dangerous substances.


By far the most beneficial aspect of any rehab is its ability to rally people and lift their spirits. Going through tough times alone is extremely taxing and exhausting. No one should attempt kicking addiction alone because there will be a time when giving up seems like an excellent option. Giving up and laying down to die is impossible to do when you are surrounded with like-minded individuals who provide support or some brutal honesty when needed. The camaraderie that an addict develops with his group is tangible, many people who have become sober still do regular meetings with their group members just to remind each other what was all that battle for. A single link in a chain does not amount to much, but all together it can achieve amazing things.

Getting clean and kicking an addiction is not an easy thing to do. Anyone who says otherwise is either a liar or has no clue about rehabilitation process. Becoming sober after someone says “just don’t use anymore, it’s easy” is just like getting out of depression just because someone says “cheer up” – it doesn’t work. Getting your life back will require a lot of sweat, anger management, exercise and nutritious diet on top of the hordes of inner demons you will fight to get on top of your addiction and begin your way to managing it instead of it controlling you. Stack the odds in your favor by tackling this battle in an environment that is relaxing, pleasant and comfortable – consider a rehab abroad.

drugs slippery slope

Drug Abuse And Drug Addiction – Choose To Abuse, Accelerate Into Addiction


Many non-drug users are unfamiliar with the difference between drug abuse and drug addiction. They see the two as being hand-in-hand and if truth be known they are not so far off the mark.

To explain the very fine line between the two we will consider a huge misjudgment many users make, what drugs do to a person’s brain and the steady progression that causes increased use, escalating abuse and the stark reality of addiction.

Users should not kid themselves:

Those who see their drug habit escalating often kid themselves they are in control of the amount and regularity of use rather than the other way around.

If your drug use is currently escalating, please put the brakes on immediately. If you have tried but are finding this tough to achieve then do not hesitate to seek professional help.

What do drugs do to your brain?

It is common knowledge that different drugs cause different feelings and physical effects, but they all have one thing in common; repeated use of any drug can change the way the brain functions.

Addiction is an extremely complex disorder, but what is clearly understood is that its characteristics lie in the compulsive use of drugs.

The very fine line between abuse and addiction:

There is such a fine line between abusing drugs and addiction that many heavy users only realise this line has been crossed when they are over it.

Here are some key factors that turn occasional drug use into drug abuse and onward into addiction.

  • Social integration – It is fairly common knowledge that most people experience initial drug use with others. It is often good friends who have had an earlier introduction to drugs and then encourage the first-timer to try. Others strike up new acquaintances with people who appear well versed and confident about drug taking. Curiosity is a natural instinct and even those who may be reluctant at first often give way to a ‘go with the flow’ attitude. Thankfully this is as far as many will go, and if they do use drugs again it will be on a very occasional basis.
  • A backstop increases in importance – Those that persevere with drugs then reach a stage that should set the bells of concern ringing. Initial use of sharing a weekend spliff with mates, necking an ‘E’ at an all-night rave because those you are with have a stash, or even being offered and accepting a couple of lines of Coke at a party where everyone seems to be going for it should, but does not stop there. These enjoyable experiences encourage a person to dabble a few times a week.
  • Daily acceptance – Gradually, unspoken, self-created excuses make every-day use an acceptable habit. Along with increased use comes a growing importance on how and where a regular supply can be secured. Alternative dealers are sought “just in case”. These actions clearly show that the importance of drugs is rapidly rising in a person’s list of priorities.
  • Self-made excuses are in plentiful supply – Let’s face it, you do not have to try too hard to convince yourself of something if it is what you really want. The problem here is an active mind can conjure up easy to believe reasons in order to justify escalating drug use.
  • Try to stop, unable to do so, all-consuming – It is a very sad fact that far too many drug users do not realise how deeply entrenched their drug use is. Things have gone from recreational and social, to a little more than is good for them, to a stage where even though they want to quit they simply cannot. The urge, need, desire and intense feelings are often overwhelming. The physical and psychological need overrides everything else in life. This is to the extent that even though an addict is fully aware of the hurt, harm and damage they are creating, they are powerless to stop use on their own.

A long road to recovery, but very achievable:

Thankfully professional help is available. Countless men and women over many decades have taken advantage of it.

Rehabilitation comes in a variety of guises. Many addiction specialists see well-respected inpatient rehab establishments as being particularly effective. They offer a sound base that can steadily be built on. Such empowerment and encouragement allows a clear sight of a drug free future.

Stop Drinking

Secret Drinking – The Express Route To Alcohol Dependence


Drinking alone and hiding the fact from others is fast-tracking a person to a very worrying and damaging dependence upon alcohol.

What causes people to drink in secret?

Everyone has their own reason for choosing to drink in secret, but whatever that reason is it needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Here are 4 of the most commonly cited problems that lead a person to drink secretly:

Relationship difficulties:

If one partner is deeply unhappy with their lot, but feels incapable of changing their situation for a variety of reasons they begin drinking. The reasoning behind this decision is in the belief it will help them forget their unhappiness, or at the very least it will improve things.

Pressure or stress at work:

In many industries and job roles pressure to get ‘the job done’ has never been greater. Fewer employees are being tasked with greater responsibilities. Two examples are; those in production are being asked for increased output and higher quality while those in sales are constantly having targets raised.

In all job roles, there is a growing ‘more for less’ meaning tightening budgets and staff reductions. These trends can leave employees feeling vulnerable. Such worries and demands combine to create unwarranted personal pressure and unwanted increases in stress levels.

Many in this situation feel the answer lies in a stiff drink. While an occasional glass or two of a favourite tipple can be a good way to wind down there are others that bottle things up and seek solace in drinking heavily and in secret.

Loneliness: This can be a crushing feeling for many. They may be on the sensitive or shy side. This makes meeting people and making new friends a daunting task in itself, others may have relocated and are struggling to adjust.

A quick way to escape these challenges is to search more and more regularly for the bottom of their glass. After all, alcohol doesn’t answer back in the conventional sense, it needs no small talk and for many seems to mask their loneliness.

Deep Sadness:

The grief of losing someone very close to you can devastate, gnawing thoughts of ‘why’, an inability to cope with such a loss, and an all-encompassing sense of despair can have a person reaching for the bottle when they are alone. While this may be understandable to many, it is not a route to closure. Of all the groups who are secretly drinking those who cannot stop grieving must get professional help for their problem.

Why is it such a worrying problem?

We will leave aside the psychological effects that vary in severity dependent upon the secret drinker’s mental well-being, but suffice to say, anyone struggling with deteriorating mental health problems needs urgent professional help and care.

It is important to understand that drinking in isolation has very few limitations.  A person can start drinking whenever they feel the coast is clear and if it is not clear they will often have secret stashes. These caches will be scattered around the house or it’s grounds. This is to ensure a secret shot is available when required.

Here are just 2 reasons that secret drinking is your fast track to alcohol dependence:

  • ‘Healthy’ measures: The most generous bartenders you will find are those who pour their own drinks. No measures, no doubles at extortionate costs; simply pour, judge by eye and then put another quick ‘splash’ in for good measure. Over time this regular, unmeasured habit will increase a person’s tolerance for alcohol. This means they need to drink more to achieve the effects previously experienced.
  • Secret stash: We have just touched on this, but it is such a common trait of secret drinkers it deserves more detail. Guilt about the amount being consumed is a major issue. Secret drinkers have no intention of advertising the fact by leaving a trail of empties about the house. Hence a simple solution awaits! They will think long and hard about where and how to stash drink. Bottles in medicine cabinets, a cluttered garage or garden shed, a loft or cellar and who would consider checking old, rusting household appliances? While these hiding places may seem ‘clever’ it masks the fact that a secret drinker can very easily lose count of exactly how much they are actually drinking.

Do not let secret drinking become part of your fabric:

There are far too many men and women who reach for the bottle in desperation, frustration or anger. If this becomes a regular occurrence while on your own it is a mistaken choice. The reality is that existing problems will deepen and additional issues are likely to come as part of a very unwanted package.

No shame:

A majority of secret drinkers feel shame in their unspoken activity. This may be understandable, but it should not be a barrier for seeking professional help. Indeed, there is no shame whatsoever in admitting that alcohol currently has the better of you.

Alcohol councillors are there for a reason. They understand the issues involved and can be of great assistance. Harness this with your determination and a strong desire to quit drinking and very positive steps to sobriety can be made.


Body Damaging Drugs You Should Know About

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

While all drugs carry the capacity to be devastating to both the user’s body and mind not all of them can be compared to each other. There are some drugs that are consumed with gusto while earning them the title of being the most damaging to your brain, liver, heart or just body overall.


The easiest way to get addicted these days, statistics do not lie, over 8 million people abuse prescription drugs in the USA alone. Might seem odd that various drugs prescribed by vetted professionals could ever cause harm or damage. Unfortunately, it is very easy to acquire addictive prescribed drugs and pharmaceuticals because they do wonders to people who really do need them. There are plenty out there that legitimately need help from these medications but it takes just a few extra pills now and then to get in the loop. This leads to an inevitable switch to harder drugs which we will discuss a little bit lower below, or even overdose on the prescription meds themselves. Thousands of people every year get rushed to emergency rooms worldwide due to medication overdose.


Earning the horrifying title of being one of the most addictive drugs out there, Crack Cocaine is one of the most damaging and coveted drugs. Its unrivaled addictivity is attributed to extremely potent high that lasts only for a short period of time, thus inducing a vicious circle of ever increased dosage uses of this drug. Crack raises the blood pressure and attacks the entire cardio-vascular system. It leaves permanent damage to major blood vessels in the brain thus limiting its oxygenation. Chronic paranoia and addiction set in almost immediately. Eventual dementia, heart attack or stroke is not far off.


This drug has a devious side to it, which earns its place among the most destructive drugs in the world. Its continuous use may not be immediately any more damaging than cocaine or its aforementioned cousin crack cocaine, but it makes it up in addictivity and once it sets in, it is very hard to fight with. Sobriety and complete recovery is a very difficult slog away. The reason it earns to stand tall among its deadliest peers is its ability to kill people who are set on quitting it. It is one of the few substances in the world that creates such strong physiological dependency that rapid cut-off from this drug after prolonged period of time usually ends in death. As a result carefully planned and controlled detox plan needs to be carried out. Going “cold turkey” will almost always kill a heroin addict.


Not even once. The most popular anti-meth slogan in a long line of failed anti-drug campaigns. It even became a meme, as something to make fun of. Sadly methamphetamines are many things but funny they are not. Considered to be one of the most more-ish drugs available, meth is incredibly addictive and ravages a human body like no other drug. Causing week-long sleepless binge uses the stress on the human body is intense. It is well known for causing shocking transformations in people that have fallen victim to its deadly grip. The addict’s body seems to be aging at an accelerated pace, destroys circulatory systems and leaves permanent damage to the brain causing irregularities in judgment and basic motor functions. Crack throws a rock in the clockwork of your brain like no other, it changes the human brain chemistry and its ability to function. Even prolonged rehabilitation sometimes prove to be an uphill battle, despite regenerated dopamine receptors the addict may still suffer from adverse effects due to meth use for the rest of his life.

The damage we do unto ourselves every day is staggering. Ecology and healthy living aside, outright poisoning ourselves is doubtlessly not the way to go. Addiction has an incredible potential to cause both emotional and physiological damage that grows harder to reverse with each day idly thinking about getting clean. No time like now, act quick and you or your loved one may yet have a new lease on life ahead of them.


Addiction & Depression – What Came First

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Similar to the age-old question about the chicken and its egg, no one really knows the true answer. Does depression breed addiction or does addiction cause depression? To fully understand which is the case, we will have to step back and look at both from each other’s perspective.

Addiction first.

Depressed addict is an addict with cravings. It will be hard to find a sad addict that has just had its dose of their drug. Being high is actually a very short-lived experience during an addiction. Much more prevalent is the feeling of uncontrollable need to find more and use more. Being addicted to meth and not having any meth is unsurprisingly a very stressful situation. The addict is in dire need of the drug both mentally and physiologically. After a while, this constant depressive and stressful feeling of cravings that are not satisfied take its toll and the depression sets in as a normal daily routine. Contributing to this is that many addicts realize they are slowly (some faster than others) killing themselves, yet feel unable to do anything about it. This feeling of uncertain future, dread, and knowledge of certain death either by slow onset of organ failure or quick overdose, it makes the addict in question very susceptible to depression and its symptoms.

In a lot of ways, depression for an addict is not a question of “if”, but rather “when”. For many, it is a given and only a matter of time until it sets in and amplifies the hardship an addict is going through and often makes the addict use more and more often, to combat it. It is a vicious loop, though, one that will never end until at least one of these two contributing factors get addressed.

Depression first.

A depressed person is very hard to understand for he is often depressed due to factors that are of any matter only to himself. Anyone who has ever seen a child losing his mind because he dropped a lollypop will know the challenge to empathize and understand the upset person while suspending their personal beliefs in regards to losing candy to the unforgiving force of gravity.

A depressed person feels trapped and chained to their current life. A life that feels unfulfilling and a dead end. Drugs can be a very dangerous thing to a person with that kind of thinking. If there is one thing that drugs do well, it is the feeling of being someone else. Being constantly and utterly depressed and suddenly feeling like a new person with no worries in the world after a bump of cocaine or a drag of meth is a cocktail for disaster. It does not take a crystal ball to foresee the need to use again and again, just to sustain their escape from their depressive world. Drugs are addictive and make their victims feel like they need to use more already, all by themselves. Adding depression in that mix magnifies and speeds up this need exponentially and with devastating results.

Ready availability of prescription drugs that are highly addictive does not make it any easier to avoid a potentially self-destructive scenario. If a person who is prone to depression gets prescribed some painkillers for his broken leg, it will not be long until he will realise that these painkillers help with both their broken leg pain and their world views. Then the point of no return comes – the leg is healed and there is no longer any need for prescription painkillers. So the now addicted and depressed person feels like there is no more way out and resorts to illegal sources of this or a similar drug.

In the USA alone more than half of heroin addicts at some point started with prescription drugs like Lortab or Oxycodone and when their treatment course called for them to stop the use of these drugs, it was already too late. The addiction had set in and with the legitimate source of this drug cut off they devolved to heroin use.


It is not necessary to be depressed to get hooked on drugs and become addicted. Likewise, you do not need drugs to become depressed. They both compliment each other in a truly spectacular and devastating way, yet are not mutually exclusive to each other. That said, it is only good to look out for early signs of either case. If caught quickly enough, proper care and attention can mean the world of difference to the person who suffers from an addiction, depression or even both.