Benzo Withdrawal

What You Should Know About Benzo Withdrawal

Articles, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

Benzo Withdrawal.

Most benzo withdrawal stories will start similarly: you can’t get to sleep at night, you face problems with panic attacks or anxiety attacks, so you go to see you doctor and they prescribe you with a medication that they say will help you. Fortunately, at first, these medicines work a treat for the above conditions, however, doctors often prescribe them for too long and people get hooked.

Let’s check out the facts

Firstly, this type of medicine is recommended only for short-term usage. This is usually for 1-2 consecutive weeks.

Secondly, using medicines such as Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Klonopin or any other type of benzo will change the way your brain works when used for months and years.

And finally, while all benzos are different, dependence can start as early as 2-4 weeks of regular dosing on all types of the drug.

Reducing the dosage can often cause symptoms, sometimes of which can be serious. Below is a list of the possible symptoms you could encounter.

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Heart palpitations
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Insomnia
  • Hypertension
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Panic attacks
  • Night sweats
  • Tremors
  • Muscle pain and stiffness
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Tension

This is why it is important that you follow a specific regime for tapering when you are trying to come of the benzos. Quitting drugs can become a lot easier when you are aware of what to expect and also when you have all the information in front of you explaining about the addiction and, more importantly, the support and treatment that is on offer to help you.

Long Term Use of Benzo.

Do you know what could happen if you use benzo long-term? There has been lots of research over the last decade regarding the use of benzodiazepines, and this research has shown that people who abuse this drug over a long period, are likely to develop a dependency which will lead to the body’s natural response – cravings and withdrawal symptoms when you miss a dose or stop taking the medication.

Below we will look at what the withdrawal symptoms are and how you can best get help for this type of addiction.

Withdrawal Can Be Scary

Benzodiazepines will damage the GABA receptors of your brain. When there is not enough of these receptors working, the central nervous system will go into overdrive due to the receptors being unable to calm down the excitement from glutamate (a neurotransmitter which causes excitement). This will cause the section of the brain which is responsible for fight or flight to overly stimulated and cause experiences such as:

  • Terror
  • Fear
  • Panic
  • Separation from reality
  • Depersonalization

The above are just a few of the experiences that one can expect. Benzo withdrawal also has the possibility of being life threatening due to grand mal seizures that could resort in a come or possibly death if a heavily dependent individual was to suddenly stop (cold turkey).

Getting Withdrawal Help

The safest way to quit and cleanse the body of this drug is to follow a medical detox. At a detox centre you would receive around-the-clock help to ensure you are comfortable and help with any withdrawal symptoms that occur.

Medical detox may involve cutting down slowly. Allowing your body to stabilize during the withdrawal period. This type of tapering can also include switching from a short-term benzo such as Xanax, to a longer-acting benzo such as Klonopin. In general it takes people around 10 weeks to come of the drug completely.

If you find yourself saying “I’m too afraid to enter treatment as I don’t want to face the withdrawal symptoms”…there is no need to be afraid. Treatment and detox can be a challenge but when you receive medical help it can become a lot easier.

If you or someone you know is having trouble stopping benzos and needs help, feel free to contact one of our professional advisors at Dara Rehab.





Drug Driving under the influence

“Drug driving” not considered a crime Down Under

Articles, Australia

Drug Driving – According to a January 1, 2016 article published by The Australian online, Queensland police performed upwards of 33,000 roadside drug tests during 2015, which led to the subsequent arrests of more than 320 drugged drivers.

Although the concept of “drugged driving” is commonly associated with the consumption of illicit drugs, health experts and Government authorities are growing increasingly concerned about the often dismissed effects of prescription medications on Aussie motorists.

When you drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs (including some prescription and over-the-counter medications) you pose a danger to yourself, your passengers and others on the road.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s 2013-2014 National Roadside Survey reported more than 22 per cent of Australian drivers tested positive for illegal, prescription, or over-the-counter (OTC) medications during this period of time.

A 2007 report reflecting findings from Australian Drug Foundation commissioned research, cited pharmaceutical medications, including benzodiazepines, antihistamines and antidepressants, contribute to road accidents and trauma.

Drug Driving – Pharmaceutical medications can cause drowsiness, poor concentration, attention disturbances, cognitive-motor slowing and loss of consciousness among motorists. Even in low doses, drugs can significantly reduce your driving skills.

The Australian Drug Foundation report argues various factors must be considered when addressing how legal pharmaceutical medications can impede driving skills, including:

  1. Variety of pharmaceutical prescriptions – The different types of pharmaceutical medications, doses available and how they impact road safety to various degrees;
  2. Benefits – When prescription medication is taken correctly, the medicinal benefits of pharmaceutical medications regarding their ability to improve driver competence; and
  3. Progression of treatment – Once a patient has developed a tolerance to their medication, their degree of impairment may reduce.

Roadside drug testing, including breath testing, saliva testing and a standard impairment assessment are all examples of law enforcement tactics targeting drivers using pharmaceutical medications that can influence road accidents.

While further research is required to determine the genuine impact of driving under the influence of pharmaceutical medications on Australian roads, it’s time Aussies began to grasp the link between their “legal” medications and “illegal” driving behaviour.

Drunk & Disorderly Aggression Relationships Driving

Drunk And Disorderly

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom

Drinking alcohol is an accepted part of life for millions of men and women the world over. It is appreciated and enjoyed by the majority, but far too many let things get out of hand when they have had one too many and get drunk.

Here are 3 reasons how getting drunk can cause disorder, disaster and detention.

Looking for trouble:

Aggression affects many people who are drunk and disorderly. They become obnoxious, rude and a good percentage are ready for violence at the drop of a hat.

This violence can be between those who have personal grudges, others from out of town or strangers who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Because alcohol affects the way a person thinks and acts, many have a completely reckless attitude and go way over the top.

This violence can wreck bars, cause extensive damage to property and vehicles and hospitalize those on the wrong end of a beating.

It can also cause those involved to be apprehended by the police and face criminal charges of varying severity.

To purposely go looking for trouble when drunk should tell those responsible that it really is time to leave alcohol alone and get a life.

Driving while drunk:

This is such a reckless and irresponsible act that it is astonishing how many men and women commit the offence.

It is not as if ignorance of the laws can be used as an excuse. Drink driving limits are clearly stated and extremely well publicized in all western countries, so those who do get behind the wheel of a vehicle deserve everything they get if apprehended.

Worse still are the greatly increased chances of those driving while drunk either causing or being involved in an accident. Alcohol slows responses, distances become more difficult to judge and road courtesy often goes out of the window.

Injuries and fatalities for those involved in accidents as well as innocent bystanders are tragic and unnecessary. Those who commit this crime will as a minimum receive a driving ban and hefty fine, for more serious incidents a jail sentence awaits.

Relationship issues:

Those people who regularly drink to excess are vastly increasing relationship issues. This can be between them and their partner, family members and quite often supposed friends.

These issues can be blown out of all proportion and rifts formed that fester. Repeat offenders can expect separation and divorce proceedings to eventually follow, family feuds to boil over and friendships to crumble.

Anyone who is regularly the perpetrator of such trouble due to excessive drinking really does need to take a step back and consider the hurt, heartache and worry they are causing others.

Professional help is available:

The bravest decision a person with alcohol problems can make is to seek professional help. It is far easier to get into the habit of regular, heavy drinking and becoming drunk and disorderly than it is to escape from it.

Making a conscious decision to seek assistance from your doctor, local rehab clinic, an inpatient rehab clinic, or going along to one of the meetings organized by a local voluntary association must be seen as extremely positive.

Preparing For Drug Rehab

Overseas Inpatient Rehab – An Option To Consider

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, United Kingdom, United States

Inpatient rehabilitation is considered a very positive way to help those with dependence issues overcome addiction.

In-country rehab establishments:

When considering which rehab establishment is suitable it is natural that many look close to home or within their own country. While this is perfectly understandable there are drawbacks. Here are two that regularly surface:

Waiting lists:

Many inpatient rehab establishments in the west have waiting lists. There are more people with addiction problems in need of this treatment than spaces available.

If an addict has taken the brave step to confront their problem they deserve near-immediate treatment. Being told that inpatient treatment is available, but there is a waiting list before this treatment can begin is the last thing they need to hear.

The likelihood is that while waiting to be admitted the addict will continue with their habit and their addiction will deepen.


Western rehab establishments are not cheap. This means that if personal medical insurance does not help meet the financial outlay required for a stay, the expense is beyond many.

Being unable to meet such costs will restrict treatment options and make beating addiction that much more difficult.

Overseas rehab establishments:

Opting to spend time at an inpatient rehab establishment outside your own country is an option that many do not consider. It is something they should!

South-east Asia is a perfect example of a region that has professional, well-established inpatient rehab establishments. They are internationally approved, employ staff with international qualifications and deliver treatment that meets international standards

There are also considerable benefits in terms of waiting lists and cost if a client opts for overseas inpatient rehabilitation treatment.

Waiting lists:

These overseas establishments are not under the same pressures in terms of client numbers as their western counterparts. In the majority of cases a person wishing to stay at one of these respected establishments can be admitted and treatment started within timescales that suit the client. I.e. Almost immediately.

What this means is that a person’s addiction problems will not deepen while they wait for admittance. It is an obvious fact that the quicker addiction treatment begins, the better.


This has got to be a major influencer. The overheads at such an establishment are nowhere near as high as those in the west. The accommodation and facilities are of a high standard and, as mentioned, the treatment methods are the same internationally approved ones that a client would receive in their own country.

This treatment is delivered by staff who have achieved international rehab certification and many of them have worked in western rehab establishments.

Thailand is an excellent example of low cost, high quality treatment. In many cases the cost of a 3-week stay is less than one-third of the cost a person would pay in their own country. This means that rather than treatment being out of reach for many it is accessible for most.

These overseas rehab establishments also accept personal medical insurance policies. This means that where applicable this cover will help meet costs for an addicts much-needed addiction treatment.

drug addiction

Stop Trying To Hide Your Addiction

Articles, International, Understanding Addiction

The amount of men and women currently struggling with addiction is quite frightening. Many will hide this fact from themselves and their loved ones far longer than they should.

We will consider why professional assistance is a must, but first let’s understand why addiction is allowed to deepen.


Many addicts are too embarrassed to admit their problem. They feel it will bring shame and disappointment upon themselves. This excuse cannot and must not be used.

There is no shame in admitting that addiction currently has the better of you. Indeed, it is a very brave and sensible thing to do.

In all likelihood those closest to you will be aware that you have a problem. The longer you refuse to discuss it and keep it hidden, the deeper addiction will become, the deeper personal problems will become, and the more you will damage your physical and mental health.


This is the cornerstone of addiction. Anyone who is addicted to something will work extremely hard to convince themselves that the problem is nowhere near as serious as it really is. This denial then spreads itself into defiance towards anyone who tries to raise the topic.

The addict will vehemently deny any comments and vigorously deny there is a problem, but this stance is only fooling themselves.

It is crucial for an addict to end denial. Until they do so there will be no attempt to seek much needed help for their problem.

Those closest want to help:

While the fear of anger and disappointment prevents many addicts from seeking the help of those closest to them these thoughts must also be overcome.

Confiding in someone close to you will often mean they are only too keen to help in any way they can. Of course, they will be upset, perhaps shocked, but they will also be relieved that you have finally admitted the seriousness of your problem and will then look at ways to help.

This help can take different forms:

An immediate benefit for the addict is that this admission will take a huge weight of their shoulders and hidden fears can be revealed.

Those willing to help will often take it upon themselves to research and understand more about your current addiction. They will encourage you to visit your doctor, the local outpatient rehab clinic or to contact an inpatient rehab establishment and talk with a counsellor.

From these contacts and the advice received it will make an informed decision on what treatment will suit best far easier.

Their support can make the difference:

Treatment for addiction will not be a walk in the park. It will require self-determination and courage to get through, but the love and support of those closest to you can make a huge difference during what is certain to be a trying period for all concerned.

What needs to be remembered is that leaving addiction behind is a very real possibility. Countless men and women have achieved this in the past and will continue to do so in the future.