Sex addiction

Five Traits Of A Sex Addict

Articles, Australia, Celebrity Rehab, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Sex addiction is a very real condition that is hidden by far more adults than is ever reported. Major reasons that many affected refuse to seek professional assistance are embarrassment and shame.

Traits of a sex addict:

There are many traits that point towards a person suffering from sex addiction. Here are 5 of the most common:

The need for sex is out of control:

As crazy as it may seem you are ready to have sex anywhere and anytime. You know the risks involved are pointing towards you being caught in the act but that does not stop you from acting this way.

Any money you have for essential bills may be spent on paying for sex or used to take a ‘new date’ out with the sole intention of ending the night having sex wherever you can. The truth is that sex is the most important thing to you and you will have it regardless of the consequences.

Sex is a complete preoccupation:

You can’t go longer than 10-15 minutes without your thoughts turning to sex. Savouring your last session, looking forward to your next. This preoccupation puts everything else into second place and while you may try to put sex to the back of your mind, this proves to be an unachievable task.

Different strokes/Different folks:

Because sex is constantly on your mind you come up with kinkier ways to have sex. Riskier places to perform sex acts and more extreme forms of sex. As long as personal sexual preferences are within the law and with others who consent this is certainly not something to be concerned about. But, the fact that you want to try everything, anywhere and anytime regardless of the consequences indicates that your need and desire for sex has crossed a line.

Masturbation is a constant:

This is another pointer that your sexual needs are out of the ordinary and help is required. You wake up in the morning and masturbate, you disappear to the bathroom while at work to do the same. You will even masturbate immediately after sex even though under normal circumstances this would not be a consideration.

Constant relationship problems:

If you feel sex is becoming all-consuming take a step back and have a look at your relationships with those you either live with for a while or see on a regular basis for sex. Are these in a mess? Do they often end because of your actions? The fact you know that you will eventually get caught out by one partner or another but do not really care? Do you make obvious mistakes that tell one partner you are cheating on them. One of the reasons you do this is because you do not really care who finds out as long as you are successful in your next conquest?

Sex Addiction – An urgent need for help:

There are many more traits that show your sex addiction is overwhelming not just you but those you come into contact with. The problems will not disappear on their own. They will become deeper, and the deeper they become the bigger your risk of suffering serious consequences. This is because you continue to cross lines of acceptability as far as your sexual actions are concerned.

What may be acceptable to you is far from acceptable to others. Many with unnaturally high sex urges find they break laws in a variety of different ways in their quest for sex. Instead they should be seeking professional sex addiction counselling before their increasing sexual needs grow into very real problems.

CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Sex Addiction Rehabilitation Assessment.

Alcohol Withdrawal

The Cause And Timeline Of Alcohol Withdrawal

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may well be unwanted but not as unwanted as the problems that alcoholism and a life of dependence upon drink offers.

Anyone who feels they cannot get through the day without a drink, or those who begin a session and do not know when to stop need to face up to the fact that professional rehabilitation treatment is needed. It is the only way to come to terms with a problem that will gradually deepen and could very well lead to an unwanted early grave.

The cause of alcohol withdrawal:

When alcohol is consumed it enters the liver and is broken down by an enzyme. This is the process that keeps you healthy by getting rid of alcohol from your system through urine. Any of the alcohol which is not metabolised gets absorbed by other parts of your body such as the brain.

The feelings of happiness and relaxation alcohol create are due to its impact on the brain. This is all well and good if alcohol is consumed in moderation, but excessive amounts of alcohol around the brain are what causes symptoms of drunkenness. Those who are regularly get drunk or drink chronically find that they build a tolerance to alcohol. This means the more you have, the more you need to produce the required feelings.

Suddenly ceasing alcohol means that the brain neurotransmitters which have been suppressed during constant drinking are no longer inhibited by alcohol. The resultant reaction is known as hyperexcitability and is the reason withdrawal symptoms are felt.

Withdrawal symptoms are manageable:

It is important to understand that withdrawal from alcohol gives side effects that vary from person to person. The thoughts of painful withdrawal symptoms make many hesitant to stop drinking, but if this is the case then speak with a specialist on alcohol addiction treatment as they can provide prescription medications that will help relieve any pain.

While withdrawal symptoms can occur as quickly as 2 hours from last drink they usually begin 6+ hours after that last drink and they will peak between 24-48 hours. This is the period when the most uncomfortable symptoms will be felt. They include:

  • Hot and cold flushes
  • Profuse sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Tremors
  • Feverish feelings

Timeline for common alcohol withdrawal symptoms:

A typical withdrawal process will complete itself as follows. All timings are from the last alcoholic drink taken.

6-12 Hours:

  • Increasing agitation
  • Increasing anxiety
  • Varying degrees of headache
  • Body shaking
  • Nauseous feelings and physical vomiting

12-24 Hours:

  • Feelings of disorientation
  • Noticeable hand tremors
  • Seizures in different parts of the body

48 Hours:

  • Seizures continue
  • Insomnia or troubled, short spells of sleep
  • Rising blood pressure
  • Hallucinations that can be a mixture of tactile, auditory or visual experiences
  • A high fever and profuse sweating

From this point withdrawal symptoms will gradually reduce.

Alcohol Withdrawal must be followed by treatment:

It is not enough to think that simply withdrawing from alcohol will solve your drinking problems. To achieve long-term sobriety, it is a must that after withdrawal a person opts for either outpatient or inpatient rehabilitation treatment.

Overcoming alcohol withdrawal symptoms during the withdrawal process should be seen as the first step to healing. Couple this with qualified treatment and you have the ideal springboard to a life of continued sobriety.

CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Rehabilitation Assessment.

Crack cocaine

Crack – A Cracking High But A Wicked Addiction

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Crack cocaine gives a high that many users want to experience again and again. The problem is that this drug is also wickedly addicting and regular use will have a person dependent in a relatively short time.

What is Crack Cocaine?

Crack is the crystallized form of cocaine and is the purest form of the drug available. This purity means strength, and the lure of crack keeps users coming back time and again. Its name is derived from the fact that when heated for smoking it makes a popping or cracking sound.

What’s the high?

The most effective way of taking crack cocaine is to smoke it. This gives the biggest rush because the vapours reach the brain almost immediately. The highly stimulating effects received are due to the drug energizing the entire central nervous system and releasing hormones in the brain that are associated with pleasure and reward. The end result is that the user feels immensely euphoric, fully alert, self-confident and has energy to burn.

Nice but short-lived:

While the ‘high’ is one that many crave for it does not hang around long. Most seasoned users find that it peaks between 15-30 minutes and then slowly starts to diminish.

The obvious answer is to get back on the pipe. While this will give you a high it will not be as intense as the first hit and subsequent hits will be slightly less each time, but because it is so ‘moreish’ users find that they cannot resist going back for more.

Where is the problem?

Because of its intense, but relatively brief high users want more of the same on a regular basis. The way to achieve this is to purchase another bag and put just that little bit more in. If this cycle continues a person will very quickly find they cannot do without the drug.

It is common for crack users to go on benders that last 3 days and beyond with a shortage of money for more or pure exhaustion being two major reasons for ending a crack binge.

Very quick to addict:

While all illegal drugs are addictive, crack wastes no time in drawing a user into regular and increasing use. Cravings for the drug are immensely intense and the desire for more becomes that little bit stronger after each use. Once crack has you it will not let go easily.

Seek help sooner rather than later:

Those who are into regular crack cocaine use should not fool themselves that they can quit whenever they like. The unwanted withdrawal symptoms a person receives when trying to stop are usually more than enough to convince them that another hit is required, and quickly!

If you have tried to stop and failed please don’t just leave it at that and continue use. Doing so will lead to deeper addiction and the very unwanted physical and psychological problems that this brings with it.

What needs to be done is to seek professional rehabilitation assistance and the sooner this is accepted the better.

CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Crack Cocaine Rehabilitation Assessment.

Thailand Rehab

Why Thailand Rehab Is Right For You – Part 1

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Why Thailand Rehab Is Right For You.

This is the first in a two-part article outlining some of the major reasons that those with addiction issues should strongly consider inpatient rehabilitation treatment in the stunning Kingdom of Thailand.

When an addict finally admits that their chosen substance(s) have totally got the better of them their thoughts turn to rehab treatment and more specifically inpatient rehab treatment.

It is only natural that treatment in your home country should be the first place to consider. Although, more people than ever before are realising that the overseas option of Thailand Rehab is a route to healing that has many benefits.

Here are the first 4 to consider:

Excellent reputation – Extremely well-established:

The reputation of rehab establishments in Thailand is extremely high. The facilities, treatment methods and success rates rank them in the top echelons of addiction treatment. They are admired by other professionals in the field of addiction and praised by clients who have received positive, successful treatment during their spell as an inpatient.

This reputation is certainly not an overnight wonder. The first, and still considered by many to be the premier rehabilitation establishment was opened over two decades ago. Since inception this facility has gone from strength to strength. This position could not have been achieved and maintained without passionate founders whose ethos is effective, caring and affordable rehabilitation treatment for all.

A completely different environment:

It is true that any inpatient rehab establishment will take an addict away from the current sterile environment that in all probability helped fuel their current addiction. Opting for a stay at one of Thailand’s luxury rehab resorts will take you to another level.

The Kingdom offers a huge diversity in terms of settings. There are rehab establishments situated in scenic mountainous locations, others nestled in peaceful hill and countryside areas and an Island location that is truly idyllic.

The importance of a different, refreshing environment cannot be understated. If a person feels relaxed and comfortable in their surroundings this will add momentum to their purpose. They will also be more responsive to treatment.

Facilities that justify overseas treatment:

The inpatient rehab facilities in Thailand match or better those in your home country. They are often referred to as luxury rehab resorts although many do not have luxury price tags to go with that title. The reason for this term is clear when you consider comfortable and private accommodation. Healthy meals prepared using locally grown produce from a country that is quite rightly renowned for its food. Fitness facilities to encourage that daily workout with swimming pools as standard and beautifully tended,  natural outside tropical garden areas in glorious settings. This environment is ideal for reflection and relaxation.

Fully qualified staff:

Staff employed in Thailand Rehab establishments include fully trained addiction counsellors. Also, medical staff who will have experience of working in western rehabilitation centres. All counsellors are fully qualified with exactly the same internationally approved certification as counsellors in your own country.

Further compelling reasons:

We have only just skimmed the surface of why Thailand Rehab establishments are truly worthy of further investigation. In the second and final article of two we will give details of the comprehensive treatment methods on offer.

 We will also reveal two very compelling reasons why Thailand should be your preferred destination for quality rehabilitation treatment.

CLICK HERE to get a Free Confidential Rehab Assessment.

Addiction And The LGBTQ Community

Why So High? Addiction And The LGBTQ Community

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Addiction And The LGBTQ Community – LGBTQ individuals have a far higher rate of addiction than the general population, but why so high? Here’s one major reason that rears its ugly head throughout the lives of many individuals in this community.

Increased isolation issues:

Feelings of isolation and loneliness are known factors in terms of men and women turning to substance use in order to alleviate unwanted feelings and thoughts. In doing so there is also a possibility of use turning into abuse. It is a given that the LGBTQ community have more reason than other groups to follow such a path.

Home life:

Many come from a home life and family background that simply cannot accept a person being anything other than heterosexual. This leaves LGBTQ individuals isolated because they are unable to explain their feelings and thoughts to parents or siblings and must bear their burden in silence.

School life:

Studies have indicated that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students suffer increased levels of bullying during their educational years. This can be in the form of verbal taunts or physical violence. Whichever type of violence they are subject to it is understandable that it affects them.

School years and puberty give more than enough problems on their own. Adding feelings of being an outcast or isolated because of your sexuality can cause deep angst and despair.

Work environment:

There are still far too many homophobes in the work place and life can be made very tough for someone who “is not normal”. Once again, this rejection and harassment can leave a person feeling very lonely, dispirited and isolated.

Struggling to find a community of friends:

Addiction And The LGBTQ Community – Contrary to popular belief it is not that easy for many of the LGBTQ community to find their own settled community of friends. This can lead to lonely days and nights where feelings of isolation are magnified.

A solution for many is to have a drink or use illicit drugs with the intention of easing the mental pain that isolation can bring. Both options will help in the short-term, but the following morning as well as feeling queasy those problems will still be there.

This can lead to further drinking or drug taking and if this pattern continues then dependency looms.

LGBTQ nightlife scene can lend itself to excess:

The alternative to staying home and feeling lonely is to get out on the town and visit one of the clubs that you know will be full of like-minded people. This is a positive way to go, but anyone with a potential for overdoing things needs to be wary. The alcohol may flow too freely and new people you meet may well invite you to share one drug or another. If this is allowed to become a regular occurrence then dependence will come knocking.

Isolation needs to be countered:

Isolation is just one of several reasons why so high a proportion of the LGBTQ community become addicted. This makes it all the more important for individuals concerned to bear in mind there are people with the same attitudes and sexuality as you out there willing to help and organisations that will welcome you.

Spread your net wide, look for local clubs and activities that include like-minded people and do not allow alcohol or drugs to become a crutch that is required to help you limp through life.

CLICK HERE for your Free Confidential Assessment from our LGBTQ Specialist.