Addiction Cycle

The Lifecycle Of Addiction

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Addiction Cycle – Like most things in life, addiction goes in cycles. Here’s how it starts, increases and how it can be stopped.

Brain changes:

What begins as experimentation with drugs can turn into regular use. Continued and increasing use brings dependence and with it changes in the user’s brain that are physiologically and chemically different from a non-addicted person.

These changes result in the user continually seeking and needing their substance of choice. Until treatment is received this cycle of addiction will continue.

The addiction cycle:

Addiction professionals see 7 distinct steps in the cycle of addiction and while these may differ in length and intensity. Each step is something that addicts need to understand.

  • Frustration and/or pain: Addicts seek to use substances as a means of relief
  • Constant thoughts: Extremely strong thoughts that often reach fantasy level relate to use and desire about their substance of choice
  • Obsessing: This relates to the above point. Addicts often have uncontrollable thoughts about expected feelings once their substance of choice has been taken
  • Using: This act relieves the mounting frustration and pain mentioned above
  • No control: Once the user has had an initial ‘hit’ they are unable to control the frequency of use or how much they take
  • Feelings of regret: As they are coming down addicts will feel remorse, guilt and even shame about their levels of substance use
  • Determination to quit: There will be many instances where an addict promises to themselves that they will quit. Unfortunately, these promises do not last because the cycle begins all over again.

Achieving abstinence:

It is extremely unlikely that an addict will break the addiction cycle without professional assistance. The need for such help must come from the addict in the first instance. They need to be shown and understand the lifestyle changes required to change dysfunctional and self-destructive thoughts into healthier more rewarding ones.

The process an addict goes through to reach the stage where they are ready for treatment begins with themselves.

  • Pre-contemplation: While the addict has not yet considered giving up their drug use, thoughts of doing so begin to surface on an increasingly frequent basis
  • Contemplation: Thoughts of quitting become far more commonplace and the addict starts to believe it is time to quit
  • Preparation: The addicts thought process turns to determination and they begin to prepare themselves mentally for treatment
  • Action: This is a major step. The addict seeks professional assistance and begins treatment which includes counselling. At this stage the addict has stopped using
  • After-care: Ongoing maintenance of treatment is absolutely vital and after-care is seen as the ideal way to achieve this.

A relapse is NOT failure:

During any stage of the addiction cycle it needs to be understood that relapse is possible at any time and in many cases quite likely.

While relapse is a setback it should not and cannot be seen as a failure. The recovering addict must hold their hands up to this slip and explain in detail the reasons behind it to their counselor. From here it will be possible to look at ways in which future relapses can be avoided while continuing with positive treatment that will lead to long-term sobriety.

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Alcohol Rehabilitation USA

Alcohol Rehabilitation USA

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Alcohol Rehabilitation USA.

Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the United States. Government figures state that 1 in 12 of all adults have problems with the amount of alcohol they are consuming. This makes the topic of Alcohol Rehabilitation USA a very real and valid one.
Here is an indication of what is available in terms of rehabilitation facilities. We will also consider some of the main treatment solutions available for those looking to free themselves from a dependence that has both physical and psychological effects as well as causing those closest to them angst and concern.

Treatment facilities:

Alcohol abuse treatment is provided in a variety of different settings. Some opt for treatment via their local practitioner’s surgery, others in approved ‘drop-in centers’ that provide assistance. The majority of men and women in need of treatment will either attend an inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation establishment.

These are both government and privately-run treatment centres with an estimated number of 14,500 specialised substance abuse treatment facilities available across the country. These establishments cater for all types of addiction with alcohol being the most common substance for which assistance is required.

Services provided by rehabilitation facilities:

The services offered by both inpatient and outpatient rehab establishments varies dependent upon the facility concerned but will include such things as:

  • Detoxification facilities
  • Counselling – One-to-one and group sessions
  • Case management
  • Treatment – A wide variety of different treatment methods are employed dependent upon the establishments policy
  • Administration of medication
  • Aftercare programmes

Outpatient or Inpatient treatment?

It must be stated that any type of treatment for those struggling with alcohol has to be seen as a positive. Outpatient treatment offers a flexible method of addressing problems and is on an agreed appointment basis. This type of treatment will certainly help, but it is also subject to the challenges of temptation. Those seeking this form of treatment remain in the same environment that helped fuel their addiction in the first place. They are fully aware of watering holes and outlets where alcohol can be purchased around-the-clock. It is this type of temptation that needs to be resisted for those looking at long-term sobriety.

Inpatient alcohol rehabilitation offers a far more focused initial treatment plan. By submitting to a stay at an inpatient facility the alcoholic will spend their initial period of recovery in a setting where alcohol (or any other illegal substance) is forbidden. The establishment is completely focused on rehabilitation and those attending are treated as individuals. As such, individual problems are met with in-depth counselling and treatment based on a personal need basis. This type of treatment is seen as being far more successful in terms of helping recovering alcoholics remain on the path of long-term sobriety.


Alcohol rehabilitation USA would not be complete without comprehensive aftercare options available. This ongoing treatment is overlooked far too often by those who have taken to initial treatment positively. It must be remembered that rehabilitation establishments and the treatment offered are simply the start of a healing process that must be maintained. Aftercare is the perfect vehicle with which to maintain long-term sobriety.

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drug cocktail

Cocktail Recipes That Spell Rehab

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Drug Cocktail – Dabbling with one type of drug on a regular basis is moving a person towards dependence. What begins as occasional use can very quickly move up a gear to twice or three times a week and before a user knows it they are finding any excuse to use daily.

Doubling dependence – Doubling the risks:

It is very common for users to mix substances in their search for a higher “high”, but entering the world of drug cocktails is a very dangerous thing to do. Drugs are loners by nature. They do what they are supposed to do on an individual basis and are not made to mix with others.

Those amateur mixologists who search for heady formulas and tinker with any illegal substance at hand really need to understand what a mixture of substances taken together can do to a person.

Commonly mixed substances:

The imagination of those mixing drugs is enhanced by the range of substances, chemicals and additives available, but there are some mainstays that many drug users see as a normal part of the social scene.

These include Marijuana, Amphetamines, Ecstasy, Cocaine and Heroin, and to make matters worse, many taking drug combinations wash them down with alcohol. This really is asking for trouble. If you are determined to use drugs, or to have a night out where excess alcohol will be consumed please don’t combine the two.

A legendary drug cocktail:

We will mention one drug cocktail that many see as the ultimate high. While this may be the case for some it also spells the end of the line for others as their final destination is the morgue!


There are a number of variations and ways to administer this long-established cocktail, but the most powerful and potentially lethal combination is the mixing of cocaine and heroin taken by injection. Although it is true that some users still stick by the original ‘recipe’ which is cocaine and morphine delivered in the same way.

Most speedballers will mix the 2 drugs together, a drug cocktail in one syringe for shooting up, but the more extreme user will fill one syringe with heroin, the other with cocaine and then empty both syringes into the arm simultaneously.

What makes this combo so effective?

The effects of this combination are so telling because the individual drugs come from opposite ends of the spectrum. Cocaine is a stimulant, Heroin a depressant. The dual result is an extremely intense, ultra-charged euphoria that takes the user into their own world, but it must be clearly understood that the dangers of overdosing on such a combination raise the stakes when it comes to a user being taken out of this world permanently.

Addiction at the double:

The other thing that must be realised in terms of cocaine and heroin is that on their own they are highly addictive substances. Once regular use of either becomes commonplace the person concerned is heading towards addiction. To use the two together really is doubling that date with addiction and the very real possibility of suffering a fatal overdose.

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LGBTQ Drug Abuse

The LGBTQ Community And Dependence

Articles, Australia, Education, International, LGBTQ, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

LGBTQ Drug Abuse – LGBTQ is a bit of a mouthful, but it is an abbreviation that has been in regular use since the 1990’s. Here’s what it stands for and some details on why the LGBTQ community and dependence issues are far more prevalent than amongst other social groups.


The origins of the abbreviation stem from the 1990’s when the need for a more inclusive term was needed for “the gay community”. It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (and/or Questioning) Individuals or Identities.

Challenges that create high addiction rates:

Those individuals belonging to this global community face several challenges in life that have shown they face a higher risk of addiction than others.

To highlight the increased risk, it is estimated that while 9% of the general population abuse illegal substances this figure more than doubles amongst the LGBTQ community with estimates placed at between 20 and 30%.

LGBTQ Drug Abuse – The additional social pressures that are placed on those in this community prove overwhelming for many. Examples of what many struggle to come to terms with include:

  • Their sexual orientations
  • Stigmatisation
  • Discrimination
  • Open ridicule
  • Public humiliation
  • Threats of a violent nature that include hate crimes
  • Abuse – This is both emotional and physical
  • Rejection by family and friends
  • Work discrimination as well as unequal opportunities in the workplace.

Specific treatment programs are required:

With any addiction there is a need to get to the root cause of problems that have caused the dependence in the first place. When those belonging to the LGBTQ community look for treatment they need counsellors who fully understand the pressures their life-style brings.

Many try to hide their sexual preferences which only adds pressure to daily life. Counselling and treatment needs to be of a specific nature and must focus on helping the person concerned to come to terms with what they are, to embrace this and move on with their lives while leaving behind the stigma they and others feel about their sexual preferences.

An additional reason for specific treatment is that many from this community are suffering with more than one disorder.

Co-occurring disorders:

Classification of a co-occurring disorder is when a person suffers 2 or more disorders. An example is for those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol and are also suffering with a psychological disorder. Common examples of such disorders within the LGBTQ community include:

  • Acute depression
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Excessive stress levels
  • Self-harm and suicidal tendencies

It is absolutely vital that anyone from the community is comprehensively assessed to establish exactly what addictions and disorders they are suffering from.

To treat an addiction whilst ignoring a disorder, or to treat a disorder while not also fully focusing on the addiction concerned can be self-defeating. Treatment of one addiction or disorder while ignoring another makes it highly unlikely that long-term recovery will be achievable.

Do not be afraid to seek help:

LGBTQ Drug Abuse – There are organisations and voluntary groups that have been established to help those belonging to the LGBTQ community. Those looking for assistance should seek these out to understand what rehabilitation treatment and counselling options are available.

The LGBTQ community and dependence ratio is something that must be addressed. Anyone currently suffering should not keep things to themselves or hide their sexuality. By doing so they are piling personal pressure on; a pressure that often leads into spiraling addiction and the raft of physical and psychological problems this creates.

There are professional rehab personnel as well as recovering addicts who are ready and willing to assist. If you are in need of assistance please reach out now and you will realise how many care.

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Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Drug withdrawal symptoms present addicts with a two-pronged fear factor that many find easier to ignore than face up to. Turning their backs on this fear allows them to continue drug abuse and avoid the reality of just how serious their situation really is.

The intensity of these fears will vary from person to person but it will always come wrapped with uncertainty. This uncertainty relates to their need and desire for drugs and how they will possibly cope without them if they commit to addiction treatment. Such a conundrum is the reason behind why so many addicts have false or delayed starts before any true healing process can be put into place.

Here are the two sides of fear that addicts experience and which cause them so much angst.

Fear of withdrawal:

It is totally understandable that fear is a major factor for those who have finally ended their denial relating to just how dependent on drugs they have become. To compound matters this fear comes in two very different forms and it is debatable which is the most daunting.

Fear of going without their substance of choice:

Whatever substance a person is addicted to it will be an integral part of their daily routine. They will have been using for varying lengths of time and it goes without saying that the longer they have been addicted the more attached they have become.

To realise that withdrawal and treatment mean they will not be able to rely on those much needed ‘hits’ is a fear that many do not wish to face. They cannot comprehend how they will possibly get through life without the supportive crutch of drugs. This is the first major reason why so many addicts shy away from seeking much needed treatment.

Fear of the withdrawal process:

The withdrawal process is not a pleasant one. The constant and sustained abuse of drugs affects a person both physically and mentally and if use is suddenly ceased the mind and body react with painful thoughts and feelings. The fear of this pain is also a huge barrier preventing many addicts from kicking their habit.

Withdrawal is manageable:

What addicts need to understand is that while drug withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant they are also manageable. These symptoms will vary in severity and length dependent upon such things as a person’s physical and mental health, the drug they are addicted to and how long they have been addicted, but there are common symptoms that most will experience. These include:

  • Stomach pains
  • Nauseous feelings
  • Vomitting
  • Headaches
  • Hot sweats and cold shivers
  • Aching muscles
  • Rising levels of stress and anxiety
  • Insomnia or uneasy, erratic sleep patterns

Help is on-hand:

Those addicts who have made the brave decision to quit drugs should avail themselves of professional rehabilitation assistance. By doing so they will have qualified staff on hand to explain the procedures and projected timescales involved while also offering reassuring words of advice and re-emphasizing that while drug withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant they are certainly manageable.

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