Meth Labs and Australian Biker Gangs: A Scary Trend

Meth Labs and Australian Biker Gangs: A Scary Trend

Meth Labs and Australian Biker Gangs: A Scary Trend

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

Biker Gangs and Meth Labs Australia has a unique growing problem in the meth related world. Bikie gangs have created a business model of sorts to spread methamphetamines across Australia using Meth labs. The problem is, they are recruiting children to help. In 2015, Victoria’s former police commissioner said that motorcycle gangs played an enormous […]

Heavy Cannabis Use Among Young People in Oceania

Heavy Cannabis Use Among Young People in Oceania

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

Drug Use Among Young Users The sad fact is that drug use and the associated health consequences are highest among young people. Most research suggests that early drug use among those aged 12 to 14 and those in late adolescence, ages 15 to 17 are critical for the initiation of substance use. Substance abuse tends […]

Drug Induced Deaths on the Rise in Australia

Drug Induced Deaths on the Rise in Australia

Drug Induced Deaths on the Rise in Australia

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

What is a Drug Induced Death? A drug induced death is any death for which drugs are the underlying cause. This include those deaths attributed to overdose and those from medical conditions that were a result of chronic drug use. Drug induced deaths can be tied to over the counter, prescription, or illegal drugs, but […]

Australia’s Cocaine Habit is Breaking the Bank

Australia’s Cocaine Habit is Breaking the Bank

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment, Understanding Addiction

Australia’s Cocaine Habit Australia has seen an increase in a cocaine habit over the past few years. Though there was a temporary lull starting in the year 2000, production and sales of cocaine are on a steep rise once again, especially in the last couple of years. While this may sound good to those dealing, […]

Ecstasy (MDMA) has Found a Market in Oceania

Ecstasy (MDMA) has Found a Market in Oceania

Ecstasy (MDMA) has Found a Market in Oceania

Alternative Treatment, Articles, Australia, Education, International, Malaysia, Testimonials, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

What is Ecstasy? Plain and simple, ecstasy is a recreational drug that is supposed to contain MDMA. Once a legal drug to treat depression, once the addictive properties became clear, this drug was made illegal for all uses. As mentioned, ecstasy is sold with buyers often believing it contains MDMA, but this is rarely the […]

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