Valium Side Effects – The Unglamorous Truth

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Treatment

For a whole host of reasons Valium has a somewhat glamorous appeal. Valium side effects certainly do not.

What is Valium?

This prescribed drug is part of the tranquilizer family and belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines (commonly known as ‘benzos’). Its trade name is: Diazepam.

What is it used for?

Valium has a whole host of uses. It is used to treat those suffering from various stages of anxiety, to relieve muscle spasms, seizures, anyone going through acute alcohol withdrawal, and while not so widespread, it helps those who suffer from extremely bad nightmares, often referred to as ‘Night Terrors’. It is also commonly administered to patients as a sedative before medical procedures.

Why is it so popular?

In short; because it works! Users regularly report that it has an extremely calming effect and that it induces a relaxed, easy state of mind.

It achieves this because it acts on your central nervous system (brain and nerves) and serves to enhance the effects of GABA which is a natural body chemical.

What is the catch?

If valium does all of the above and more what is the problem? The problems are several-fold.

Firstly, continued use means those using the drug find their body quickly becomes tolerant to its use. This means that over time the body demands more of the drug to achieve the same effect. The result of this is dependence.

Secondly, due to its mind altering properties valium is highly addictive.

Thirdly, withdrawal can be a very unpleasant experience with associated valium side effects that need to be fully understood.

It is also very important for any user to understand they should NEVER abruptly cease use of this drug.

How addictive?

This is a moot point, as a retort we could ask the question: How long is a piece of string?

What is very clear are first hand reports of users becoming dependent upon the drug after just a couple of weeks use. Others have stated that dependency became a real issue after several months of use.

What is also very clear, and often overlooked, is the fact that recommendations and guidelines for use of valium are for SHORT TERM relief. This means the drug should NOT be administered for more than a 2-4 week period at a time.

Valium Side Effects:

Those dependent or addicted to valium will see a variety of side effects. We will break these side effects into 5 sections.

The ‘Positive’ side effects:

Let us start with the ‘good’ news and the reason that so many people find valium their drug of choice.

If taken in the correct prescribed doses and without any other drugs or alcohol over short periods many users maintain it produces a calming, relaxed effect. It leaves them in a good state of mind and allows them to get a good night’s sleep.

The common side effects:

There are many common side effects for users of valium. These are certainly not life threatening and can be managed sensibly.

Some of these symptoms include having a dry mouth and some users find their speech becomes slurred. They may find a decrease in respiratory rate and changes in their heart beat or rhythm.

Reflexes can be delayed and vision blurred. Appetites can change, some users suffer from nausea, others have trouble urinating. There is also a chance of increased confusion and a decrease in memory retention.

Valium side effects – The undesirable:

Many people use valium for anxiety issues. While it helps calm many there is also evidence that some of these users find their anxiety levels are heightened if the drug begins to wear off or the dose they are taking becomes insufficient.

Many users are irritable, they suffer from fever symptoms, stomach cramps, muscle seizures, their heart rate increases rapidly and many feel depressed.

The ‘obvious’ answer to such undesirable side effects is to take more valium. While this may temporarily ease such unwanted side effects it is also leading you down the ever lengthening dependence road.

The long term/serious side effects of valium:

Those who feel they are dependent or addicted to valium should take heed of the potentially life threatening valium side effects which long term use can cause.

Due to its potency, long term use of valium will have very powerful effects on your body and brain.

Such side effects include a slow pulse, breathing difficulties, memory loss, hallucinations, and possibilities of falling into a coma, or suffering from a heart attack.

Social side effects:

It is very important that those dependent upon valium also acknowledge the impact this drug can have on their life in general.

Such side effects may not be life threatening, but they can be heartbreaking.

Valium addicts often feel socially isolated, they are more prone to losing a job and the knock on consequence of this often means they face financial difficulties.

The majority of users in such situations feel the only response is to reach for the valium bottle once more and thus the downward spiral continues.

Not welcoming prospects:

As you can see such problems are not a welcoming prospect. This is why it is absolutely vital for those who have been on valium for a long period to seek expert professional help when it comes to withdrawal.

Who can help you withdraw?

While this can be done with the help of your doctor, please remember that they are general practitioners, their knowledge covers many medical problems and is not specific to any one problem.

This is the opposite of Rehabilitation Centres, or Rehab Resorts as some of these establishments are called. They have been set up with one thing in mind. That is to ensure first class care and treatment which is tailored exactly for you and your specific drug problem.

They will explain very clearly the valium side effects you should expect to encounter at various stages of your withdrawal. They will help you minimise such effects, and they will be a constant source of encouragement and support through treatment and counselling that has been specifically designed for you.

Another advantage of using a Rehab Resort is that it takes you away from your normal environment and the pressures this brings in terms of valium use.


Make no mistake, withdrawing from valium is no walk in the park, but it certainly can be achieved with determination and professional support. Having said this, it is also vital that you continue to receive aftercare.

This aftercare can last as long as is deemed necessary and if you are going down the sensible Rehab Resort route you should choose a centre that offers a good variety of aftercare options.

Preventing Alcohol Abuse

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Understanding Addiction

Alcohol prevention should start early in life.

At young age, you can begin talking about preventing alcoholism. At this time, you can also begin to talk to children about living a healthy lifestyle. Talk to them about making healthy life choices. Teach them to choose to eat healthy, cross the street safely or other ways to live healthy. These concepts begin to set the stage for healthy living and build a foundation to talk about consuming alcohol. You can also teach a child about taking responsibility for himself at this age. Teaching your child to stay away from hazardous materials inside the home, such as household cleaning products, paint or other hazardous materials, help instill the dangers of of unhealthy choices. Furthermore, help them deal with stress appropriately, so they will be less likely to use alcohol to cope in the future. A foundation for alcohol prevention can be established as young as two years old.

Around the age of five, children become more curious and begin asking more questions, and their ability to comprehend increases as well. Even at this young age, you can speak to them about the factual information as well as the consequences that correspond with using alcohol. They also are beginning to be able to understand the consequences of others who use alcohol. It is also important to continue to teach them proper ways to relieve stress, so they are have appropriate methods to deal with their stress in the future as opposed to turning to alcohol.  Also, at this age, you can begin to teach them about removing themselves from situations that make them feel uncomfortable. By teaching them this mechanism, it will help them be able to leave situations involving alcohol easier in the future. Keep your children away from activities that promote alcohol use and help them get involved with activities that promote a healthy lifestyle as well. These activities will help your child develop prevention methods at a young age.

Starting at about age of nine, children begin learning new things about life. Even in childhood, it is important to set rules and boundaries for youngsters, which also includes setting rules about alcohol usage. It is also important to build up a preteen’s self-esteem. This age can be tough and confusing, so the more you can build up their self-esteem, the healthier and happier they will feel about themselves and the less likely they will be to turn to alcohol in the coming years. Continue to teach your child the facts about alcohol. Trying to scare them into not using alcohol typically proves ineffective. Knowing the facts helps them make educated decisions rather than basing decisions off of fear. Furthermore, be involved in your preteen’s life. Get to know their friends and where they are hanging out. Make sure their friends are giving them the same messages about alcohol as you. It is important to be involved in your child’s life at this time.

At age thirteen, the dawn of the teenage year, it is important to aid youth in making positive decisions about their life. It is also important to keep your eyes open at this age for warning signs of alcohol use. The onset of alcohol use typically begins during the teenage years, so it is important to talk to your young one about alcohol usage, but, make sure to talk factually and not judgmentally in order to maintain their respect and trust.

Around sixteen, when youngsters start driving, it becomes much harder to prevent alcohol usage because they have gained more independence. However, at this stage, you can talk more directly about alcohol use with them. You can also use everyday encounters, such as movies and news reports to talk to your child about alcohol usage. If you see examples of alcohol use in any of these forums, use them as an opportunity to discuss the topic with your adolescent.  If it is too hard for your child to talk to you about the pressures of alcohol use, encourage her to find another adult whom she feels comfortable talking with about these topics. Talk openly with your child about alcohol and it’s consequences, but, if she is uncomfortable talking with you, find someone she can talk to about this topic.

After you child turns nineteen and becomes an adult, it is much harder for you to influence his choices in life. However,if you talk to them before this age, research shows he will be less likely to develop a drinking problem in college. However, at this age, it is also important to keep open communication with your child. If you lovingly communicate with your child at this age, he will likely come to you when he is dealing with an issue, which might include pressures to use alcohol. Remember to allow your young adult to make his own decisions while keeping the lines of communication open, so he will feel comfortable coming to you when he is dealing with a problem.

As with children, the best way to prevent alcohol use in adults is by conversing about the topic. Talking about alcohol prevention at any age is the most effective ways to prevent alcohol abuse. Listening when others are talking about their struggles with alcohol is another effective way to prevent alcohol abuse. Being a good example for your friends, family and children is an additional way to help others avoid alcohol use. If you do not use them, others will have a greater chance of abstaining from them while they are around you too. Having good relationships, open communication and listening are all great ways to help friends, family members and your children refrain from using alcohol.


The best approach to prevent alcohol addiction is to not use alcohol, but these other tips should aid prevention as well.

Choice Of Drug Use

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Understanding Addiction

Why do we reach for and continue to take some drugs and not others?

Have you ever wondered why some people become addicted to some drugs and not others? I have. From my experiences over the years it became clear that there were underlying issues associated to the choice of drug used. After the initial sorting through the compost of fears, life experiences and reaction patterns, identifying the underlying reason can still be difficult to recognize. Usually it started as a way to avoid or hide from a difficult life experience because there was no one around to turn to for help.

Waiting until is person is ready to explore the question about why they reached for a drug and take responsibility to heal themselves is critical. And I have found when working in a counselling or meditation therapy setting being direct with a question about the first drug used and the issue it relates to can cut through most illusions and create a pathway that assists the healing/counselling/reeducation process. So I invite you to consider the following listed information –

Alcohol abuse comes from attempting to deal with issues related to sex and violence and is one of the most difficult of the moveable dependencies to deal with because of its long historical use and acceptance in Western society.

Nicotine is generally used when there is an underlying fear of responsibility that is masked as anger. It provides the body with a false sense of security.

Those who reach for Marijuana are not able to let go of a specific past trauma in their life and often claim that by using this drug they gain intuitional insights but these are random and confusing so accuracy of such perceptions is always suspect.

Heroin use stems from low self-worth and underlying issues of self-nurturing which has causal roots in what nurturing means to them which leads back to relationships with women and ultimately the mother.

Methadone use grounds the person and gives respite from the experience of extreme emotional see-sawing and provides time for a person to re-order their lives and time for the mind to bring their Will into play.  But it is only a stopgap method.

People who are drawn to Cocaine are usually naturally clairvoyant and not able to cope with what they experience. Their first experience will have usually occurred at a very early age. If asked, they often clearly remember this.

People attracted to use Speed mistake intense reactions for passion and go through life with little respect for time, spiritual values and not working through and emotionally valuing experiences; and therefore try to avoid sadness.

Ecstasy use is about avoidance, lack of self-acceptance, generational anger , not wanting to  individualize – a Peter Pan complex It seriously damages the sense of containment of the self. The personality contracts, though the user advocates that the reverse occurs. All physical senses are compressed into one consciousness level and the sense of self is usually expressed in terms of the group identity.

The appeal of LSD may be to experience hallucinations but pride and ego are the main issues to be addressed. Concepts of karma and past lives are usually required to be understood, for in severe damage, the person may be attempting to re-live a past life.

A person abusing Morphine attempts to address feelings of mortification and the feeling that one has ‘stood still in their life’. The person usually does not understand that standing still is a time to review one’s life, and in this situation related to a greater understanding of social responsibilities of parenting.

Mushrooms users tend to daydream and fantasize of what might be, rather than work with the availability of choices and paths open to them in the present. A mental repression/depression occurs as a result of their reactions to harsh verbal criticisms experienced and internalized.

Valium has sometimes a short term purpose to initially assist in dealing with extreme stress until other coping and management strategies are put in place. If no other coping and management strategies are put in place dependency can result. Emotional reactions are minimized and their sense of purpose and fulfilment of life becomes hidden to them.

Please note healing from the damage done by drug use is always possible and one should never give up hope.

Ice Addiction And Luxury Rehab Resorts They Need

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Understanding Addiction

The effects of ice abuse have been felt by millions, and it is a given that millions more will feel its full force for the foreseeable future.

While the latter part of the above sentence may seem negative it is the truth. Thankfully a growing number of users affected by this highly addictive drug are beginning to understand that decisive help is on hand.

This is in the form of overseas addiction recovery resorts. We will touch on the services and advantages offered by such establishments later in the piece, but let’s first look at the drug with a short name and a long history of abuse.

ICE – The most destructive and dangerous drug of all time?

This is quite a statement when you consider the hordes of other illicit drugs out there, however, there must be something to such a statement if many observers and the very real effects of ice abuse are to be believed.

ICE – What is it?

It is a form of the highly potent stimulant drug methamphetamine. Other forms include base and speed, but what makes ice stand out is that it is the purest, most potent form of methamphetamine.

ICE – How is it taken?

Ice comes as a powder or in crystals. The most common methods of consumption are to snort, smoke, swallow or inject it. Whichever way users choose to take this highly addictive drug one thing is assured; once tried it will not let go easily.

ICE – So what is there to rave about?

Those who choose to smoke, snort or inject will feel an instantaneous hit while those choosing to swallow it will feel the effects after around 20 minutes.

Users state immediate effects include intense feeling of pleasure and stark clarity. Boundless energy and the ease at which they think clearly are on offer, and a greatly heightened confidence is yours.

It is little wonder that such effects are felt. This is because the drug dramatically increases your body’s levels of dopamine. This hormone is responsible for many things including pleasurable reward.

When we say a dramatic increase, this is no exaggeration: The use of ice can increase dopamine levels up to 1,000 times (one thousand, it is not a misprint!) the normal level. This is far more than any other drug or pleasure activity can achieve.

Effects of ice abuse – Part 1:

Such a powerful substance should tell you that ice abuse is common amongst users. This is because users quickly become dependent upon the drug.

It is claimed that many users are hooked after just a couple of hits. This is because the brain not only needs, but demands more of the drug. These feelings become all-consuming and such dependence quickly leads to addiction.

Not being able to ‘score’ is something that cannot be tolerated and reason often goes out of the window to feed an ice users habit.

Those who have succumbed to ice addiction and have sought the help of professional rehab services often claim that they felt powerless to stop use.

Any thoughts of being unable to secure a regular hit were certainly never entertained, and a supply would be secured by hook or by crook thus the rapid downward spiral to addiction.

Effects of ice abuse – Part 2:

Let’s now consider how regular abuse of ice affects the user. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but hopefully it will show some of the devastating effects that await those who dabble with this drug.

As with other drugs from the methamphetamine family many users report that their attention span is reduced, their diet goes downhill and sleep patterns are erratic to say the least.

Progressing such use often leaves users feeling overly anxious and/or depressed. They become confused far more easily, suffer insomnia which only adds to their negative feelings, and many suffer mood disturbances. Just as worryingly, violent behaviour is far more prevalent amongst ice users than those taking other illicit substances.

While such symptoms can be managed over a reasonable amount of time with the help of drug addiction rehabilitation services, the more serious psychotic symptoms can stay with addicts far longer.

These include delusions; a common delusion that is often cited by ice addicts is the sensation of insects creeping under their skin. Then there is paranoia, and hallucinations which can be visual, auditory or both to contend with. Such effects on the mind can last for months or years after a person has stopped use of the drug.

These psychotic symptoms are a major reason that those who seek help from an inpatient rehabilitation centre should choose an establishment that takes aftercare as a priority.

Inpatient rehab treatment is a must:

Make no mistake, the effects of ice abuse can rarely be overcome on your own. This highly addictive and destructive drug requires the assistance of professional rehabilitation services.

Many ice addicts are beginning to understand the huge advantages that luxury overseas rehab resorts can offer, and the fact that qualified treatment comes at a pinch of the cost it would be in their home country.

These establishments are there to serve addicts who are searching for the long term road to recovery.

Coming off ice is no walk in the park, but it is certainly achievable. Staying off ice is a bigger mountain to climb.

A responsible rehabilitation resort will combine the two in a program that is designed specifically with you in mind.

They completely understand that no two individuals are exactly alike. They will discuss the methods of treatment and care with you to ensure they are right for you.

This will incorporate psychological, physical and spiritual aspects which will initially help you withdraw from ice in the least distressing way possible, and will then continue with aftercare options that best suit your circumstances.

The effects of ice now do not need to lead to a bleak future:

If you feel ice is closing its shivering grip around your life please seek professional rehabilitation services NOW. Do not keep putting it off in the belief things will simply “get better”.

By contacting a reputable overseas residential rehab establishment you will be giving yourself the best possible chance to make sure things WILL get better.

Helping a Friend Stop

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Understanding Addiction

If one of your friends is in need, you would be there to help him, right? Then why is is so hard to step up and help a friend when they have an addiction problem? When friends are abusing drugs, it is hard to stand up and tell them they are harming themselves. Here are some suggestions to help talk to your friends, who you think may have a substance abuse problem.

Many times we view a friend’s substance abuse problem as their problem and not ours to deal with. We see ourselves crossing a line if we bring up their problem and ask them to examine themselves. We tell ourselves they do not want us involved in this part of their life. We think we would not want someone else telling us what to do and bringing up painful realities. However, think about it this way: what if it was any other life threatening problem our pal was dealing with? Would you not want to help them then? Would you not want to get them help; the best care possible? You would ask them how they are doing, and you would want to know if there is any way you could help them. You would want someone to help you if you were in their shoes, right? Drug abuse is no different. Drug addiction is a life threatening illness like any other. So we need to put away pride and shame that surround this subject and talk to our friends about their substance abuse problem. In reality, it affects your life as much as it affects their life. Your friendship suffers and often so do other aspects of your life while your friend is using.

Sometimes, we assume we do not have the right words to say to our friends, so we choose to just keep our mouths shut. What if I do not know what to say? What if I make them mad? We tell ourselves they might never be our friend again! What if I hurt his feelings? Then, he will never forgive me! It is always hard to talk to our friends about this topic because it is personal. However, when you address the addiction, do not talk about the person; attack the problem,  not your buddy. Also, do your research to find out as much as you can about drug abuse and addiction to aid you in your conversation.

We think if our friend’s drug issue is bad enough, she would notice it, she would talk to us about it first or she would do something about it. At the very least, someone would have already said something to her. You can tell yourself you do not need to be the one to tell her. Sometimes our friends just need someone to be honest with them and talk them through the issues. Speak up and offer your thoughts in a supportive manner with your buddy if you believe she has a substance abuse problem.

Make sure you are not conversing with your friend about this matter when he has been using. It will not be effective, and you will only be wasting your breath. The situation could possibly escalate as well. Make sure to express when they have not been using and have a clear head where they are in a state of mind to listen effectively.

When you are talking to your friend, make sure you are being specific. If you are talking about certain situations, make sure to bring up definite instances that back your arguments. Remember, not to attack the person, but focus on the addiction.

Do not be surprised if your friend still is not ready for help after you approach them. Express your love for your friend and let her know you care about her. Explain this reason is why you wanted to have a conversation with her. Even if they are not responsive to your help, you can still encourage her to seek professional services for an assessment for her substance use behaviors.

Know whatever happens, you did the right thing by talking to your friend about the signs of addiction you notice in her life. By talking to your buddy, you could potentially save her life. At the very least, you have put thoughts in her head to think about in the future when she uses drugs, and, hopefully, she will begin to think of the consequences moving forward.

Make sure you are taking care of yourself too. Do not hold onto your friend’s problem as your own, and do not allow yourself to feel responsible for their behaviors, actions or reactions. You cannot make them change, and, ultimately, you cannot fix them. Find support for yourself and even talk to a professional if needed.