image of cracked methaqualone tablet

The Rise And Fall Of Methaqualone

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Those regularly using methaqualone are leaving themselves wide open to dependence, addiction and a stint in a reliable rehabilitation centre.

This is not scaremongering. It is borne out by a whole host of facts. Let’s start with 3 points on something regular users need to be fully aware of: Tolerance.

Rapid tolerance:

Use of this drug creates a rapid body tolerance and regular users discover very quickly that larger doses of the drug are required just to achieve the same effect.

Please understand this is not a slow process. It has been reported that even moderate daily use can lead to addiction within weeks.

Dangerous cross tolerance:

Here is the double-whammy! Cross tolerance of other hypnotic/sedative drugs is also rapid.

What cross tolerance means is that if this drug is taken on a regular basis, and in conjunction with other drugs which are known to produce a hypnotic or sedative effect then doses of these other drugs need to be much larger than normal to achieve their stated effect.

Tolerance – Euphoric over respiratory depressant effects:

This drug has been around for a long time. It was first synthesized in India in the 1950’s and during the early 1970’s it was one of the most prescribed sedative drugs available.

This should tell us that there has been more than sufficient time and user experience to understand its effects on the mind and body.

It is known that the euphoric feelings given develop more quickly than tolerance of its respiratory depressant effects.

In short, this means regular users are increasing their risk of overdose because they will rapidly increase their dose to achieve the same high as earlier experiences.

If you are abusing methaqualone – space the abuse!

While not recommending the use of this drug it is important for those using it to leave a gap of between several days and a week between doses.

At least by doing this you will be greatly reducing your risk of tolerance, cross tolerance and overdosing.

What’s with the hit?

A low dose is classed as anything between 75 and 300 mg. Those taking such amounts report the drug gives them a feeling of light sedation and sleepiness.

Those taking higher doses of 300 mg and above feel a far more pronounced euphoria and sedation.

Obviously recreational users want the euphoria, they do not want sedation or sleep so they will fight its soporific effects by forcing themselves to stay awake. By doing so they quickly reach their desired state; a dissociative high.

Positive effects:

Methaqualone is usually taken orally and users begin to feel the effects within 20 to 45 minutes. The high will generally last between 4 and 8 hours dependent on the amount consumed.

During this ‘high’ they have a strong sense of well-being, feel relaxed, calm and their self-confidence increases.

Many state they lose their inhibitions hence its association with sexual arousal. Pain threshold is increased, and a tingling or numbness is felt throughout the body.

Unwanted side effects:

Where there is an “UP” you must expect the “DOWN”. Once the effects of this drug begin to wear off expect to suffer side effects which include feelings of nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, a hangover feeling, sweating, rapid heartbeat, urticaria (hives) and a loss of appetite.

That is the “Good” news!

Even at low doses this drug can cause dizziness, feelings of restlessness and anxiety. As the amount consumed increases prepare yourself for a feeling of weakness, men may well suffer from decreased erectile function while both sexes can suffer difficulty in achieving orgasm.

Then there is panic and paranoia to contend with (and this is not just because of your sexual performance!).

Even higher doses bring yet more problems. Many lose muscle control and others suffer heavily from mental confusion.

How about an overdose?

Hopefully, before any methaqualone users get anywhere near this stage they will be seeking help from a drug rehab facility, but just for the record, an overdose could well lead to body seizures, delirium, hallucinations, nightmares, coma and death.


As has already been mentioned, historically this drug was one of the most popularly prescribed sedatives as well as being hugely popular for recreational use.

However, over time users discovered just how many negative effects outweighed the positives and how addictive it was and the need for professional help to withdraw was required.

If you are looking to withdraw, addiction recovery resorts will certainly set you on the right track to recovery.

But it is also important for addicts to understand that there is a very strong chance of suffering severe cravings for the drug long after they withdraw, hence the suggestion that residential rehab options and continued aftercare must strongly be considered.

Three reasons why inpatient rehab is recommended:

While there are many more reasons to choose in-house rehabilitation for those addicted to methaqualone. Here are just 3:


An addict’s current environment can have a lot to do with their current addiction. There is a good chance they will be mixing with other users, their home environment can feel sterile and quite often depressive. The natural way to turn in such circumstances is to your drug(s) of choice.

By entering one of the drug rehab programs offered by luxury rehab resorts you are entering an environment that is completely conducive to giving you the best chance of overcoming your addiction.


While addicts may think that such rehabilitation centres are beyond their financial reach they should think again.

Take a look at Overseas Rehab Resorts. The Dara addiction and recovery resort in Thailand being a point in case.

Set on the beautiful island of Koh Chang, the Kingdom’s second largest island, the prices at this extremely well run establishment for rehabilitation care and treatment knock similar treatment prices in western countries into a cocked hat.

Timescales, professional support and ongoing care:

Make no mistake, it is a brave decision indeed the day you confront your methaqualone addiction. Once you have admitted your problem, action and timely admittance to a rehabilitation centre is an absolute MUST.

While many clinics in your own country may put you on a “waiting list” you will find that in the majority of cases rehab abroad facilities will accommodate you extremely quickly.

Not only that, you will be receiving world class care and support in a world class environment.

Just as importantly the highly individualised addiction aftercare options offered by Dara give full flexibility, ongoing progress monitoring with a variety of options for you to choose from, and can also include 5 day “tune-up” sessions which are free of charge.

molly pills

Molly Drug – Ecstasy or Angst?

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

The molly drug phenomenon continues to sweep the young, party going, concert going, clubbing crowd with many users believing the tablet or power they are taking is pure MDMA with its purported associated social ‘benefits’.

If you are of this mindset, please think again. We will touch on why later in the article, but let’s first take a look at the history, the effects and the constant rise in popularity of this drug.


What is in a name?

As with all recreational substances the molly drug has established a host of nicknames. Just 10 of these are X, E, or XTC, Disco Biscuits, Dancing shoes, E-bomb, Hug Drug, Smartees, Vitamin E or Vitamin X. Rest assured there are many more. As and aside, the nickname ‘Molly’ is understood to be an abbreviation of ‘Molecule’.


Virtually Dormant for more than 6 decades:

The German pharmaceutical giant Merck patented MDMA in 1913, although no ‘use’ was stated on the patent, it is understood it was to be marketed as a weight loss aid, however this plan was shelved and Merck had nothing more to do with its promotion.

Fast forward to the early 1980’s when MDMA came to the attention of “The Godfather of Ecstasy”, the renowned American chemist Alexander Shulgin who ‘re-discovered’ its mind altering properties and pioneered research into its use. It has to be said he also researched, created and experimented with hundreds of other mind altering substances, and was certainly an expert in this field.

MDMA was officially banned in the United States in 1985. The DEA placing it on Schedule 1 which meant it could not be manufactured, used on prescription or further researched.


Underground Laboratories:

Where there is money you will always find a market, and the molly drug as it is now popularly known began being produced in illegal laboratories throughout the western world.

While the earliest laboratories may well have used pure MDMA this has long since been replaced by ingredients that can potentially do you more harm than good.

Obviously, such a market needs a ‘glamourous and safe’ image and these illegal drug peddlers have certainly continued a very effective ‘marketing’ programme. So much so that many current users think they are getting MDMA when in fact there are no traces whatsoever in the pills and powder illegally produced.

Please do not think the individuals involved in the production and distribution of such illegal substances have your health at heart, it is your wallet they are after!


What’s the deal?

Due to the imagination of the illegal manufacturers there is no such thing as standard replacement ‘ingredients’ for MDMA. Indeed that molly drug you have just purchased will in all likelihood contain:

. Substances with psychoactive properties that are designed to mimic MDMA effects such as “Sass” (MDA – Methylene-dioxyamphetamine).

. “Bath salts” (this is a generic term for a class of amphetamine-like stimulants known as synthetic cathinones).

. Stimulants such as caffeine, methamphetamine, amphetamine or cocaine.

. More rarely used, but have been detected are anesthetics such as “Special K” (Ketamine) or “DXM” (Dextromethorphan, which is used in over the counter cough medicines).

So, as you can see, you are generally not getting what you think you are paying for.


Self/Community testing:

For the young users reading this article, this section will probably seem complete overkill, but the fact is, if you are risking your health for a good time, surely it would pay to know exactly what your latest drug date consists of.

This can be achieved with the use of self-test kits. While no such kit can provide evidence of the quantity or quality of certain ingredients contained in the drug in your possession it does indicate the presence of various substances. This is achieved from scraping the drug and dissolving it in the solutions provided with the kit.

This is surely worth consideration, because as has already been mentioned; the producers of such drugs do not have, and never will have your health, or the possible detrimental effects their product can cause at the heart of their ethos.

Desired effect:

The truth is, in the vast majority of cases, whatever is being put into your pill seems to do the trick. Testimony to this is the continuing and consistent popularity of such drugs. Particularly at Raves, Concerts, Clubs and All-night parties.

Users describe a feeling of euphoria, they are more confident, open and accepting, indeed many report feeling at ease and unafraid. Regular anecdotes confirm users feeling totally connected to those around them.

These feelings are undoubtedly enhanced and stimulated due to the visual, sound, touch and smell sensation such environments bring. This adds to the feel good factor and encourages users to lose many inhibitions. They feel the urge to dance, talk incessantly and prone to being much more ‘touchy, feely’.



In terms of drug use where there is an up, you are guaranteed to find a down.

During and after a molly drug experience many users report unstoppable jaw-clenching, tooth-grinding, chills or sweats, muscle tension and even faintness.

A common sign someone is on a ‘trip’ can be seen in the dilation of their pupils, and their inability to stay still for any reasonable period of time.


Bottom line:

It is far too simple, and in all honesty, very condescending to state that you should not even consider taking that molly drug your friends are raving about. It is however, very wise to know what you are letting yourself in for, what risks you are taking and how it could affect you.

We have all seen the headlines “Ecstasy Kills”, and in a small number of cases it does, but let’s be honest; even one death is one too many.

If you are determined to swallow or snort something that could harm, and that is illegal, which could lead to a whole set of law enforcement headaches, then at the very least be informed, avoid mixing your ‘hit’ with alcohol or other drugs and make sure you keep your body well hydrated.

Your Child – The Addict

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Parents are burdened by raising their children up to be respectable human beings, to guard them, keep them safe and protect them from the dangers of life. There is a huge responsibility that comes along with raising a child. When children begin to make poor choices, parents typically feel guilty and start to blame themselves. They tell themselves they were not good parents, or they have let their children down. Parents beat themselves up over the choices their children make. Although parents do make some mistakes in raising their children, ultimately, the decision to use drugs is ultimately his choice.

If you have a child who is addicted to drugs, here are some things to consider.

First ask yourself these questions: Are you an enabler? Yes, you love your kid, but do you give into things you should not because of their drug use? Do you do give in just so they or you will feel better about it? Are you allowing your daughter to continue bleeding your funds dry just because you feel guilty?

The first step to helping your child, is to understand you cannot fix this issue. This dilemma is something only your kid can fix. Many times parents like to try to fix problems for their children because it is what they have done since their children were little, but after our children grow up, they have to learn to solve problems on their own. If they have chosen to use drugs, then they are the only ones who can determine whether or not to stop using. If, as a parent, you are trying to fix your child’s drug abuse for your kid, you will only end up failing and frustrated.

Second, you must realize that addicts are liars. Even your child. It is hard to hear, but addicts do and say anything to get their drugs. It may not be conscious or intentional deceit, but their mind has become so addicted to the drug, they will do anything to obtain more of it. They are also dishonest to try to hide their addiction from you, their parent. They are ashamed of their drug use. They know you raised them differently, so they lie to hide it from you. It is best to put safety guards in place to protect yourself from your child’s lack of truth regarding his drug abuse. You can help them as much as you feel comfortable, but when you feel yourself become uneasy or questioning motives, it is time to reconsider why you are helping them. You can offer help and other services, but do not blame yourself if they choose not to follow through with your advice.

Next, remember addicts are criminals. Using drugs is illegal. There is a possibility your daughter may go to jail for her addiction. Many times parents can justify many reasons why their child should not go to jail or should not have legal trouble for their drug abuse, but if we, as parents, compare our child’s troubles with others, we are quick to persecute them and want them prosecuted, but not so willing to do so when it comes to our own child.

Furthermore, homelessness could potentially be a part of your child’s life. Sometimes the best thing we can do as parents is allow our child to suffer the consequences of the choices he has made in order for him to fully experience the effects that go along with those decisions. It is hard getting phone calls asking for help, longing to help so badly in your heart, but choosing to stand your ground and allow your child to fully experience the consequences of his decisions will aid him in the long run. Setting limits may be one of the hardest things you will ever have to do, but choosing to not enable your child will help him face the facts of his addiction. You must remind yourself and your child these choices were made by him and not you.

It is important to acknowledge that your child has hurt others in addition to you. Those people might not be as eager to forgive your child as you are willing. As parents, we love our children unconditionally, so we are inclined to forgive them over and over again, but many people do not love our child the same as we do. Therefore, they may not be as willing to forgive your child. Continue to love your child, but refrain from getting upset with others who are not in the same place as you.

Keep in mind this article is not to tell you to stop loving your child, to put down your parenting techniques or to give up on your child. It is simply meant to ask you to open your eyes and be prepared for the reality that stares you in the face every single day. It is so hard being a parent of someone who abuses drugs. Keep loving your child, but do not enable them so they continue using drugs. It is okay to set boundaries and hold your child accountable for her actions. These truths will allow you to be there for your child when she is ready to step out of her addiction as well.

Facebook Addiction Is a Real Issue

Articles, Australia, Education, International, Understanding Addiction

Hi, I’m the 21st Century & I’m addicted to Facebook


New data published by researchers at the California State University, USA suggests Facebook addiction affects the brain in a similar way to cocaine or gambling addiction.

The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Psychological Reports: Disability and Trauma, claims the brain of a human who constantly uses Facebook reacts similarly to that of an individual with a dependence on gambling or cocaine.

The researchers asked 20 university undergraduates to complete an online questionnaire and an image response analysis, to examine the symptoms similar to addiction experienced by Facebook users, including feelings of withdrawal and anxiety.

The withdrawal and anxiety side-effects experienced by regular Facebook users were similar to those experienced by individuals with a gambling or substance addiction. Although these side-effects or markers for addiction did not negatively hinder individuals in the same manner as gambling or substance abuse, the researchers cited their concern over the participants responding faster to Facebook images than road signs.

In an online article published by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the study’s co-author, Professor Ofir Turel, USA said, “This is scary when you think about it, since it means that users might respond to a Facebook message on their mobile device before reacting to traffic conditions if they are using technology while on the road.” 

Since its introduction in 2004, Facebook has witnessed staggering growth, with approximately 1.55 billion people now using Facebook worldwide. Previous research links Facebook use with anxiety, depression and reduced social skills, which should prompt Facebook users to measure their level of addiction to ensure their protection from associated health risks.

So how do you measure your addiction to Facebook?

In 2012, researchers from the University of Bergen, Norway developed the ‘Bergen Scale’ tool to measure humans’ addiction to Facebook, allowing people to measure how each statement applies to themselves on a scale of frequency (1) very rarely to (5) very often. The scale is based on the following criteria:

  1. Time thinking and planning Facebook use;
  2. The desire or urge to increase Facebook use;
  3. Using Facebook to forget about personal problems;
  4. History of failure to withdraw from Facebook;
  5. Feeling of restlessness or anxiety if prohibited from using Facebook; and
  6. The negative affects of Facebook use on your job/studies.


The tool clearly highlights the severity of one’s Facebook addiction, and allows the individual to create a plan of action to beat their obsession.

With social media becoming one of our leading sources of communication in the 21st century, people are encouraged to develop strategies to monitor and manage their use of the medium, in order to avoid the development of a dependence and associated psychological problems. It’s all about learning to manage and monitor one’s Facebook use.

Should you wish to learn more about how to beat your addiction, head to or call a DARA Thailand therapist today on +661 800 011 193.


Binge Drinking As a Young Adult May Elevate Blood Pressure

Articles, Australia, Education

Imagine you’re about to head out for a night on the town with your friends. You get ready, do your hair and make-up and habitually, have a few drinks. However, your few cursory drinks render you drunk before reaching your first destination.

This behaviour, commonly known as “binge drinking”, is no joke. Unfortunately it’s very common among young adults aged 20-to-24, and carries side-effects that are not only harmful to your heart, liver, brain and other organs, but to your blood pressure as well.

A recent study from the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (UMHRC), Canada has identified a link with young adults who binge drink and systolic blood pressure (SBP). The study found young adults who regularly binge drink have higher blood pressure which may heighten their risk of developing hypertension, and ultimately compromise heart health.

The UMHRC research reveals binge drinking is most common among 20-to-24 year olds who binge drink, on average, four times a month, during which they consume nine alcoholic beverages at each session.

Jennifer O’Loughlin, UMHRC researcher and senior study author said, “We found that the blood pressure of young adults aged 20-to-24 who binge drink was 2-to-4 millimetres of mercury higher than non-binge drinkers.”

The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, first examined 756 young adults aged 20, and then the same individuals four years later. The findings revealed 1-in-4 young adults who were binge drinkers exhibited signs of pre-hypertension, which can then progress to hypertension, heart disease and premature death.

According to a media release highlighting the study findings, issued by O’Loughlin, 85 per cent of young adults who drink heavily at 20 years of age, continue this behaviour four years later, at 24 years of age.

The ongoing study will test the same participants at 30 years of age to determine whether their drinking habits have increased or subsided, and whether their blood pressure becomes elevated.

The researchers aim to determine whether the slowing of binge drinking with age reduces the risk of hypertension, or if binge drinking as a young adult causes permanent damage to the body.

If you, or a loved one is battling a dependence on alcohol, contact DARA Thailand on +66 87 140 7788 or email [email protected] for information and support.