Resist The Urge – Don’t Step Onto The Gambling Trapdoor

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Those who fall through the gambling trapdoor will find it one long, hard struggle to clamber out.

We will consider how the betting bug first bites, what the consequences of increased stakes can mean, why trying to quit alone is not generally successful, and one form of assistance that will prevent this disorder from draining you and your complete resources.

What begins as enjoyment can soon turn to heartbreak:

Many of those who begin gambling will initially find the thrill fascinating and enjoyable. This is very often accompanied by a winning spree that encourages them to believe their new pastime offers an easy route to profit.

Whether this be ‘your’ horse passing the winning line with just a head to spare, rolling money into a slot machine and hearing the welcome ‘win’ tones declare your good fortune, or that victory against the banker while playing roulette or blackjack.

Please be assured; whatever form of gambling you choose the odds are stacked very much against you.

Millions of men and women worldwide enjoy an occasional flutter and can take it for what it is; a social occasion based on fun and enjoyment. Unfortunately, there are millions more whose betting slip or ‘chip’ spells doom, gloom and despondency.

Why such a quick turnaround in fortune?

There are several reasons that gambling can rapidly turn your fortunes around. As already mentioned, the odds are against you from the off and the choice you have in terms of gambling opportunities and platforms is immense.

Here are just 2 examples:

If it is horse racing just consider 4 meetings each day with each meeting holding 8 races. (Please rest assured many, many more meetings are held on a daily basis).

Through the eyes of those addicted to gambling this presents 32 ‘opportunities’ to win money in just one day. To wealthy bookmakers and non-gamblers this is quite sensibly seen as 32 ways to lose BIG money.

The second example relates to the tempting world of Casinos. Please do not even think on the amount of spins the roulette wheel takes in a 24-hour period it will make your head spin, or the turn of cards on a blackjack table that are steadfastly doled out to each player in turn.

There is no limit to how often you can place a bet, the only limit is when your pockets and bank balance are empty.

Add to all of this that many countries allow gambling on the internet, and that for those in countries which forbid this form of gambling there are many ways to circumvent such restrictions.

What this means is that there are 24/7/365 opportunities to place as many bets as your finances will allow.

Recoup your losses – place higher stakes:

As gamblers continue to lose their stake, the natural response is to convince themselves that the next ‘punt’ will be a successful one. To this end many place higher stakes on the next ‘certainty’.

The fact is that even if this dead cert. comes up trumps the previous losses will generally eat up any profit made. If it fails to win you are left in a deeper debt situation with no easy way out.

You have an impulse-control disorder:

Those who have seen gambling take over their life are constantly thinking about the next opportunity to claw back some of their previous losses.

Gambling addiction is an impulse-control disorder which is also known as compulsive gambling or gambling disorder. Whatever you wish to call it, in very simple terms it means that a person cannot control the impulse to gamble.

They realise their habit is resulting in negativity from a social and personal relationship point of view but simply cannot stop.

If you are suffering from this highly addictive disorder, there is little doubt you will have tried to control the length of time spent gambling and the amount of money spent on this pursuit.

The very high chances are that you will have failed to do either and returned to your potentially ruinous gambling routine.

This is not because you are weak-willed, selfish or uncaring with regard to the affect your gambling is having on the ones closest to you. It is because you have a clinically diagnosed disorder.

To treat and overcome this disorder you need professional gambling rehab assistance.

Yes, there are successful gamblers:

Yes, there are successful punters out there, but make no mistake, they are few and far between.

If you are not one of the chosen few then professional help from a well-respected rehab establishment is required.

There is absolutely no shame whatsoever in admitting that gambling currently has the better of you.

Indeed, if any shame or blame is to be laid at your gambling disorder door it should be down to the fact that you continue to deny there is a problem.

It is imperative you own up to the fact that gambling has taken over your life and you need professional assistance.

This help will allow you to confront and overcome a highly addictive habit and to get your life back on track via a gambling free lifestyle.

The Highs And Lows Of Drug Use – A Never-Ending Cycle

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

The highs and lows of drug use affect different people in different ways, but whichever way it affects you it is important to understand that continued and increased use will eventually lead to a lot more trouble than it is worth.

What’s with the high?

There can be no denying that the different street drugs available work their ‘magic’ in effective ways. Euphoric feelings, increased self-confidence, a lowering of inhibitions, bags of energy and feeling good with the world are all part of the drug taking experience while you are high.

These feelings are caused because of the effect your chosen substance has on the body and mind. While it will seem like a great idea when that rush is flooding over you it is important to understand that you get nothing for nothing in the drugs world.

Is a pleasant high guaranteed?

If only! The truth of the matter is that those paying hard earned money for any street drug do not really know what they are getting. This relates to the ingredients they contain and their potency.

This means varying degrees of highs await, but the flipside is that the lows experienced as you are coming down can be harsher and longer lasting than anything previously known.

Toxic chemicals are a constant ingredient in many synthetic drugs. Meth and ecstasy are fine examples. Those backstreet labs producing such drugs are, in the main careful not to overdo things, but it should be clearly understood that such things as drain cleaner, paint stripper and battery acid will be contained in that pill you have just popped.

Does one cracking high lead to the next?

Regular drug users will find that their mind and body quickly build a tolerance towards their drug of choice. What this means is that mentally and physically you are enjoying the experience and feeling.

Such pleasure rapidly becomes something that will not let go, and the need to feed these urges on a more regular basis is a natural progression.

It is also a fact that taking the same amount time after time will not give you the same expected high. The body and mind need more to satisfy and the only way to address this issue is to take more of the same and more often.

So, in short; yes, one cracking high can lead to the next and the next, but it also brings with it increased use as well as heightening your chances of dependence and addiction.

What’s with the low?

When you are coming down off drugs it is not a pleasant experience. Many will not have slept for extended periods and feel absolutely shattered, but the sleep they eventually succumb to is far from a comfortable, relaxing one. Hot sweats and bad dreams often accompany these very uneasy rest periods.

Others will suffer with feelings of anxiety and become fidgety and restless while depression is another huge factor.

Emotionally you are all over the place and depressive thoughts that have been simmering below the surface can rapidly rise and become magnified out of all proportion.

Pile common traits of negativity and anger on top of these, and many other unwanted feelings and a troubled life is yours.

Are the highs worth the lows?

Taking the above into account surely the lows experienced are not worth the highs and damage you are doing to yourself from a physical and mental point of view.

Individuals must make this decision for themselves, but the reality is that the more highs you chase, the more lows you will experience.

Many find themselves in a situation where their increased use means they do not want to face the deflating lows so they turn to constantly topping themselves up.

The result is dependence and addiction. This is a low that will change your life in no uncertain terms and really does not bear thinking about.

The Making Of Meth – The Breaking Of You

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Illegal drugs either originate from a plant; think cocaine or heroin, or they are synthetic. This means they are man-made.

One such synthetic chemical is methamphetamine. The finished product gives a wicked high, creates an insatiable appetite for more, and leaves users wide open to some serious health, appearance and addiction issues.

Let’s see how, where and why it is made along some facts that should frighten.

Manufacturing facilities:

Quality control certificates are not a requirement for those opening meth manufacturing facilities, nor is cleanliness or a standard ‘recipe’ to follow.

It should therefore be of no surprise to you that while there are some seriously large meth ‘factories’ around, there are many more smaller hidden laboratories and basement kitchens that take it upon themselves to produce this highly profitable product.

What’s the recipe?

There is an obvious principal behind the necessary ingredients, but the standard formulation is a mix of various forms of amphetamine or derivatives and a host of other chemicals to boost potency.

The bucks you are paying for that ‘big bang’ will often include common cold remedy pills as their basis.

The ‘meth chef’ extracts ingredients from such pills, then needs a dash of this and a pinch of that to increase potency.

As your health and wellbeing is the last thing these mixologists consider they will then combine the base substance with chemicals. Not any old chemicals though, they will use such horrendous things as battery acid, antifreeze and drain cleaner.

Potentially explosive in more ways than one:

As long as you don’t think too long and hard about what is contained in the meth you are buying, what long term damage it is doing to you physically and mentally, and you disregard the extortionate price you are paying against the cost of the actual ingredients contained, then you will get a blasting lift off that gives a very pleasant high.

In many cases the meth chefs producing the finished article are already addicted. The environment they are working in and their constant use of meth means they are often mega-high, uncaringly careless and highly disoriented.

This combination leads to frequent accidents that cause injuries such as severe burns from spillage of boiling liquid and explosions due to unbalanced preparation mixes.

Toxic Waste:

Why should toxic waste concern a regular meth user?  The truth is, it depends upon how close you are to the source of production.

One pound of methamphetamine produced can create five pounds of waste. Anyone exposed to this waste material is wide open to poisoning and associated sickness.

An example of this is that if the toxic chemicals used to produce the finished product are stored in a refrigerator containing food these chemicals will permeate whatever food is present: Eat that food, invite poisoning!

Forget photographic opportunities:

The continued use and slide into meth addiction damages your physical and mental health, it also ruins your looks. A startling example of this is:

Meth Mouth:

Those kind and considered toxic ingredients used to produce meth create unwanted appearance issues for regular users in the form of severe tooth decay.

This condition is commonly referred to as “meth mouth” and is not a pretty sight. The teeth turn black, they stain indelibly and begin to rot.

When dentists realise the extent of damage caused there is often only one option; teeth removal. Many committed meth users find their teeth and gums have been totally destroyed with the roots rotted.

Why is the market flooded with meth?

This is not a difficult one to finish on. Production is relatively easy and the ingredients used are very cheap to purchase. Couple this with the highly addictive nature of meth and it is very easy to understand why the producers and dealers see this drug as an ideal profit vehicle.

Marketing is not required, word of mouth says it all. They also have little worry that regular customers will desert them. Not because their customers will simply stop meth use, it is exactly the opposite, they cannot stop use.

Excessive Drinking

The Alcohol And Drugs Pinball – It Will Knock You From Relaxed To Rehab

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Taking part in the alcohol and drugs pinball ‘game’ is something not to be advised, yet countless people play on a regular basis.

We will consider 2 of the most popular alcohol and illegal drug combinations that will do those who dabble a lot more harm than good.

But first let’s explain:

What happens to your body when mixing alcohol and illegal drugs?

There are 2 reactions that need to be considered. These are mixing a depressant with a stimulant and mixing a depressant with a depressant.

Combining a depressant with a stimulant:

Many people mistakenly think that alcohol is a stimulant when in fact it is a depressant. When it is combined with a stimulant such as MDMA (Ecstasy) or cocaine this causes competition.

A depressant drug works by trying to slow down your brain and central nervous system, the stimulant reacts oppositely by trying to speed it up. These competing signals put immediate and strong pressure on your brain and the central nervous system.

Combining a depressant with a depressant:

An example here is combining alcohol with heroin which is a depressant drug. Both will work to slow down your central nervous system.

Dual consumption means you are increasing this slow down. The ultimate result of such a reaction is that the body will shut down completely.

Adding mix and uncertainty to a dangerous mix:

The manufacturing process of illegal drugs bears no consideration whatsoever to quality control. Users of ANY illegal drug should not fool themselves that the desired high they are buying into is anywhere near pure.

The whole raft of readily available street drugs are cut with a wide variety of other ingredients. Examples of this are cheaper drugs such as over the counter tranquilisers and toxic chemicals.

Mix such an unknown set of ingredients with alcohol and you are turning your body into a ‘cocktail shaker’ that can produce unknown reactions and a potentially harmful end result.

Reckless decisions:

Those who are under the individual influence of either alcohol or their drug of choice are inclined to make quick, reckless decisions.

This makes them far more susceptible when it comes to accepting and taking the other element of a dangerous duo.

Examples of this are those under the influence of alcohol will have far less concern about readily accepting a gram of coke to pick them up, while those high on ecstasy and dancing with gay abandon will not think too long or too hard about downing whatever alcohol is put in front of them.

The excessive use of either alcohol or illegal drugs is opening the door to huge potential dependency issues, a combination of both really is asking for trouble in many ways.

Cocaine and alcohol:

This is an extremely popular, but very dangerous combination. The two create a partnership that increase the chances of a heart attack, it can lead to fits, and in extreme cases sudden death.

The interaction of the two drugs can produce cocaethylene. This is a highly toxic substance that forms in your liver.

Cocaethylene is known to increase the depressive effects of alcohol which in turn makes your reaction to cocaine that much stronger. Aggression is also increased by the presence of this substance in your system.

Another very important fact is that cocaethylene stays in your system longer than alcohol and cocaine. The lingering presence of this toxic substance means you are subjecting your heart and liver to even longer and further unnecessary periods of stress.

Alcohol and MDMA (Ecstasy):

Rather than increase the high given from ecstasy there is a possibility that alcohol will actually deaden the buzz when both are present in your system. This body and brain reaction to another very popular combo really does defeat the object.

What it does not defeat, and indeed intensifies is ‘the morning after effect. Those using such a combination will find they have a mother of all hangovers when they come down.

While this may seem an ‘unjust reward’ for your efforts it could very well turn out to be a favourable one because of the possible alternative outcomes.

Both elements of this combination can dangerously dehydrate you. Ecstasy can cause heatstroke while alcohol is a diuretic; this means fluids are lost through increased urination.

Combine the two and the amount of bodily fluids lost and not replaced can be deadly. Indeed alcohol is involved in the majority of ecstasy related deaths.

Another danger is that this draining combination increases unnecessary strain on your liver and kidneys. Feelings of nausea and resulting vomiting are a common side effect.

Don’t play the alcohol and drugs pinball:

The bottom line is that those who regularly dabble with either alcohol or drugs on an individual basis are taking risks.

To ‘play’ with both at the same time is greatly increasing your risk of serious health problems and makes it one game you should definitely avoid.

Secret Drinkers – Not Such A Secret Society

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Secret drinkers may think their secret is safe, but safe with who? Even if silence is initially maintained by your loved ones please do not think they are oblivious to your behaviour.

It is vital to understand that this is one secret you must not keep to yourself. Constant denial will lead to deeper dependence.

Is there a stereotype for those who secretly drink?

Most certainly, definitely and positively NOT! Some will live alone and drink alone, others exist in a family environment where strategically stashed bottles await to be drank and replenished on a very regular basis.

People with secret drinking habits come from all walks of life and a wide range of backgrounds.

There is no membership criteria for those who join this ‘not so secret club’. Indeed, it is, and has been well oversubscribed for many years now but continues to welcome new members into the fold without prejudice.

What leads to drinking in secret?

There are a whole variety of reasons people choose to drink alone. Some major factors include relationship difficulties, stress or pressure of work and those who are suffering from depression.

Others are affected by a deep sadness while those who are lonely see it as a way of escaping such a feeling.

Women who are secret drinkers may well have reached this stage for a fairly straightforward reason.

It is very true that many are as socially comfortable as men when it comes to regular visits and nights out at popular watering holes, but it is also a fact that many others find the comfort of home a far more appealing place to drink than visiting bars on their own.

Regular visits to a selection of nearby bottle shops is a far less daunting prospect than spending regular time in a bar.

Shame and Guilt – It can hit you twice:

A significant number of secret drinkers become best friends with a bottle out of shame or guilt.

This can be a double-edged downer. A particularly harrowing incident in their past can leave them feeling ashamed or guilty. This is regardless of whether any blame was attached to them or not.

A common response to such trauma is to drown their sorrows on an all too regular and lonely basis.

Such behaviour leads to a different type of shame and guilt. One that is based around deceit. They will constantly deny to others that there is anything to be concerned about and can maintain such false statements because they regularly reinforce and re-convince themselves that their solo drinking habits can be ceased whenever they wish.

If only! Once the demon drink gets a hold of you it presses home its advantage through constant and heavier alcohol consumption.

Drinking alone – Is it a cry for help?

The answer is a very positive ‘yes’, but that is not the answer secret drinkers want to hear. This is because they are in personal denial about the extent of their problem, they are scared and often feel ashamed or embarrassed about their situation.

While such denial is maintained their cry for help will remain a silent one.

The devastating effects of secret drinking cannot be explained too strongly. It will damage your physical and psychological health, and in many cases close relationships will suffer damage that is often beyond repair.

The longer you continue a habit of secret drinking the more depressed you will become. Depression lends itself to despair and desperate measures. Don’t let it get to you because of continued self-denial.

You are not fooling your loved ones and deep down you know very well that you are not fooling yourself.

Do not continue to stifle that cry:

Whatever your reasons are for drinking alone they must be confronted.

Be brave, stand up and admit you have an alcohol problem. Don’t be scared to seek professional rehab help. It is available, ready and waiting.

Once this initial contact is made you will feel a great weight lifted from your shoulders as well as your conscience.

Yes, it will be a tough time of your life during recovery, but the end results of coming off and staying off alcohol will become patently clear.

One thing is for sure; it will far outweigh a snatched, secret sip here, a guilty gulp there and those endless trips to the bathroom to polish off and then replenish that stashed bottle.