
Don’t Let Gambling Get The Better Of You

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Those with serious gambling problems need to understand some of the major signs that point towards addiction, why it is often referred to as the hidden addiction, and the fact that professional treatment is available and should be taken advantage of.

A compulsive desire that needs to be acted upon:

Addiction to gambling is shown by those with a compulsive desire to gamble, and while gambling, the person is unable to control this behaviour.

In effect, once a gambling spree commences it will continue despite the fact the gambler is aware of the potentially serious social and financial implications their actions can bring.

While many with gambling problems have a punt daily, this is not always the case, there are those who will go on an excessive gambling binge and then do very little until their next gambling blow-out.

What constitutes an addiction to gambling?

Unlike men and women who have a dependence upon illegal drugs or alcohol, those with gambling issues show no obvious sign of their problem. This makes it difficult for others to notice any signs that actually point to the gambler having a serious problem, but the individual with an insatiable need to place a bet is acutely aware of signs that are contributing to their ever growing problems.

If questioned it is common practice for most with gambling problems to deny any of these traits, and as long as this refusal to acknowledge key pointers is maintained the gambler will continue placing bets regardless of the consequences this action brings.

Once started, very difficult to stop:

Once a compulsive gambler begins gambling it is very difficult for them to stop. Their betting session will continue as long as it can possibly be maintained.

Time becomes irrelevant. If losing their reasoning for continuing will be that they will soon turn things around. On the other hand, if they are winning, many feel this is their lucky streak and will keep going in the expectation that winnings will continue to increase.

Increasing stakes to recoup losses:

Those who have suffered losses should accept this and walk away, but an addict is very likely to increase their stake on the next and subsequent bets in an attempt to win back money previously lost.

There may be occasions when this ‘gamble’ pays off, but often it leads to even heavier losses. It is not uncommon for someone with a gambling problem to spend all the money they have available at the time in one session.

Spending money you do not have:

If you are taking cash advances on credit cards, taking out loans, borrowing money, selling possessions, or have advanced to stealing from family members or friends to fund your gambling habit then this is a clear sign that things are well out of order and that you need to face up to your situation.

Tried and failed to stop gambling:

Many people with a gambling problem make a concerted effort to stop, but the urge becomes so great that they find themselves having another punt. If you have tried to stop and want to stop but find this is not possible then you really do need to seek professional help.

Denial will delay much needed professional help:

It is well known that a major factor with any type of addiction is denial, so while a person is well aware that their gambling habit has gone far beyond the realms of acceptability they will convince themselves that this is not the case, and that given time they will have things under control.

While this denial continues it will prevent a person from seeking help. It cannot be stressed strongly enough just how important it is to admit to yourself that your gambling is out of control and you need help.

Treatment is available:

Well-established rehabilitation establishments have long experience with helping those addicted and can assist you.

The treatment, support and encouragement given will take time, and it will be no walk in the park, but the structure behind such treatment has been seen to be effective time and again.

By helping you understand the root cause of your problem, and then progressing through recovery with some serious counselling it is possible for you to rebuild your life.

Many feel that a stay as an inpatient at a rehab centre is the most positive way to go in terms of treatment.

This not only takes you out of the environment where gambling opportunities are very familiar and temptation is everywhere, but it allows for fully focused treatment in calm and comfortable surroundings.

This type of setting and ongoing treatment gives an ideal springboard to loosen the shackles that gambling addiction has placed on you, and allow you to work on putting your life back together.


Why Bath Salts is Dangerous and Not Worth It

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

A relatively new group of drugs hit the streets a few years ago and continues to cause havoc amongst hardened users. Anyone tempted to try Bath Salts should understand the very risky game of chance they are involving themselves in.

What’s with the name?

Those who produce these chemically packed substances did so using a wide range of legal ‘ingredients’ that were packaged as a product labelled “For a soothing bath, not for human consumption”.

Increasing concern regarding the use and reactions of users has led to a clampdown and the banning of certain key ingredients, but production still continues with sales now conducted by street dealers who are always keen to add to their arsenal of illicit substances.

Countless chemicals:

Seizures of the drugs have shown that up to 80 different chemicals are used in production with the finished result coming in small foil packages.

Users generally swallow, snort or inject, and apart from exposing themselves to countless chemicals with unknown individual and joint effects they should hope emergency medical treatment is the last thing they require.

This is due to the fact that detection and treatment of exactly what is causing them problems is difficult to establish and equally challenging to treat correctly.

A class of stimulants:

This group of drugs come under the category of “cathinones”; a type of strong stimulants that create hallucinations and aggression. The most commonly included drugs in a bath salts package are Mephedrone, Methylone, Pyrovalerone and MDPV (Methylenedioxypyrovalerone).

Users come from groups with differing drug experience, but Bath Salts particularly appeal to those who are committed cocaine or meth users. This fact has been put down to the powerful highs on offer.

Due to its highly addictive qualities many individuals rapidly find themselves using the drug on a regular basis. Once taken it will quickly fuel intense cravings for more of the same.

Once a person is hooked they generally continue use despite being fully aware of the consequences they are causing to themselves and those around them. This is because the ‘pull’ of the drug is far stronger than any willpower they have to stop using.

The highs and lows on offer:

Use of this drug is certainly not for the faint-hearted. The high can last between 3 and 4 hours and common effects include a strong sense of euphoria with a sharp sense of alertness to boot.

This is often accompanied by agitation and feelings of anxiousness. Hunger will not be something that registers and many forgo sleep while under the influence. Dilated pupils, tense muscles and headaches could well be an issue. Unwanted increases in body temperature and sudden nosebleeds are all part of a Bath Salts ‘experience’.

And that was the good news! Others will react differently. This may be due to the unpredictability of contents, or because increased amounts are taken. Serious effects include hallucinations, psychotic delusions, feelings and display of aggression along with persistent thoughts and attempts at suicide.

While all of these reactions are worrying enough, there is then the possibility of some highly damaging physical problems such as liver and kidney damage or failure, loss of bowel control, and in extreme cases a spontaneous breakdown of muscle fibre that is potentially fatal.

Highly addictive and extremely dangerous:

It cannot be stressed strongly enough just how addictive Bath Salts are. Those who are looking for ‘a bit of fun’, or those in search of a different drug experience should have this strongly in mind if they are tempted to dabble.

Many have found to their cost that rumours of rapid dependency are an actual reality once regular use becomes the norm. The highly addictive properties contained in this group of drugs presents serious cravings that most users find near-impossible to resist.

The resulting mental and physical effects an addict is faced with are damaging in the extreme, and in all honesty do not bear thinking about.

There have been many high profile cases where addicts fully under the influence of Bath Salts have completely lost control. The sad and sickening result has caused them to go on uncontrolled rampages, inflict self-harm, attempt and succeed suicide, aggressively attack innocent people and take the ultimate step of actually committing murder.

PLEASE do not even entertain thoughts of usage:

No drug or associated high is worth the frightening effects that Bath Salts can have on a person. Whatever you wish to call this highly addictive group of drugs that comes packaged and named with many aliases, it is certainly NOT ‘a bit of fun’.


Once Ketamine Grips You It Will Not Let Go Easily

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Ketamine is a popular party drug, and on the face of it this very powerful dissociative anesthetic has a lot going for it.

Almost instant relaxed feelings and memorable highs are yours, but those involved with the drug need to be very careful that regular use does not creep up on them and leave dependence issues waiting in the shadows.

Potently Powerful:

Most users will snort or inject the drug although it can be ‘dropped’ in pill form or smoked. Many will be unaware that gram for gram it is more powerful than cocaine or amphetamine. This fact alone puts it right up there in the strength and addictive leagues

It is also very well placed in the ‘instantaneous effect’ division. Because once Ketamine is taken there is no hanging around. Those taking it in the most common ways have between 2 and 5 minutes before the drug starts to take effect, those injecting will feel the wave 30 seconds after the syringe is emptied.

Full-Body Buzz:

A Ketamine high only lasts around 1 hour. It begins with the initial sensation of complete relaxation. This is sometimes referred to as a full-body buzz. Floating sensations are common and reports have mentioned being detached from the body.

Hallucinations are another fairly regular experience, although these can be positive or otherwise dependent upon your frame of mind and mood. It must also be remembered that these can stay with you after the drugs anesthetic effects have worn off.

Such a combination of feelings should be enough to satisfy anyone, but there are always those who look to step things up. This is achieved by taking much higher doses. These users have actually reported feelings of being completely detached from their bodies and this effect is known as the K-Hole.

Short-Lived = Need for more:

The relatively short and intense high is a problem in waiting for those using the drug. Because effects begin to fade fairly rapidly, many answer this call with repeat hits, indeed many Ketamine users accept this repeat ritual as part and parcel of a Ket-Fuelled night out.

Use of the drug in this manner is opening an unwanted door that leads to strong cravings for more of the same long after the party is over. If you bow to these constant, nagging cravings and venture out to ‘score’ more this could very well become a regular habit. It is sure to place a strain on your bank balance, as well as increasing the possibility that Ketamine dependence is heading your way.

More of the same will simply not satisfy:

Repeated use of the drug allows your body to build up a tolerance to it. So ‘more of the same’ will not do the trick. Users very quickly find that to achieve the same effects as previously experienced they need to take larger quantities of the drug.

This cycle of increasing Ketamine abuse leads to dependence and the multitude of health and social problems that come as part of this unwanted baggage.

Kick Ketamine into touch:

If you are just stepping out onto the Ketamine trail, or are using it on an occasional basis please make a conscious and strong effort to leave it alone for good, and if necessary seek professional help to assist you.

Those who think “It will never happen to me” in terms of Ketamine dependence are mistaken. Anyone exposed to this highly powerful and addictive drug stands the risk of becoming hooked.

If your use is further down the line and cravings are increasing, then professional help is a must. It is absolutely vital that you understand there is no shame in admitting this drug currently has the better of you. One thing is for sure, you will not be the first person and certainly not the last to seek such assistance.

Various treatment options are available:

Either arrange an appointment with your doctor to discuss the situation and treatment options available, or contact a well-established rehabilitation establishment for an initial discussion with one of their fully qualified counsellors.

These rehab centres are well versed in helping those who are struggling with Ketamine use, and once initial contact is made, things can progress in terms of treatment, counselling and support.

While outpatient rehab treatment is seen as a valid option, it is also important for those heavily dependent or suffering from full-blown addiction to strongly consider a course of treatment at an inpatient rehabilitation establishment.

This form of focused treatment, care and counselling is seen by many as the best chance to face up to, work through, and overcome drug dependence and addiction issues.

Addressing these challenges in such a positive way means you are taking the most positive step possible in terms of getting your life back on track.

Xanax Withdrawal

Xanax Withdrawal – How Easy To Get In, How Hard To Get Out

Articles, Australia, Education, Treatment, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Xanax Withdrawal – There is little doubt that Xanax has its uses, there is also little doubt that it can become highly addictive. For those who feel they are now dependent upon the drug, or those nearing this state, Xanax withdrawal must be considered.

We will take a look at the drug itself, why it is so potentially addictive and steps to be considered when going down the withdrawal route.

What is Xanax?

Its generic name is Alprazolam and it is known as a benzodiazepine which means it is a member of the tranquilizer family.

Who needs it?

Xanax is used to treat adults who suffer from panic attacks, anxiety disorders and those with related psychiatric disorders.

How does it work?

In works on a chemical messenger in the brain known as GABA and helps to increase its action by rebalancing your brain chemistry.

So what is the problem?

From the above, evidence from the medical community and first-hand user experience we can see that Xanax helps those with anxiety disorders, and does so effectively.

The problem is that long term use of the drug comes with some serious issues. Three of these are:

  1. Those using Xanax often find that they need to increase their dosage over time to achieve the same calming effects.
  2. This drug is ‘famous’ for the dependence and addiction issues it can cause.
  3. In terms of Xanax withdrawal, if a person ceases use abruptly there is a strong chance they will experience severe withdrawal symptoms. This is due to the way your brain chemistry goes through the process of rebalancing itself.

In certain cases such symptoms can be life-threatening, and unsupervised withdrawal from Xanax has caused death.


The thought of having to stop using something you have become dependent on, and in many cases are addicted to is frightening.

Indeed experts have established that fear is the main reason addicts delay or deny withdrawal to any substance they are addicted to.

While this fear is understandable, it should be clearly understood that with expert professional help these fears can be explained and managed, and that you can overcome your dependence.

Self-withdrawal – Not worth the risk

It should be made very clear that there is no need or benefit for a Xanax user trying to withdraw on their own.

At best such an approach will simply compound withdrawal symptoms and make them unbearable. In all likelihood such a situation will lead to a continuation of the drug’s use and a longer addiction while at worst it could result in death!

Two sensible withdrawal options:

Due to the addictive qualities of Xanax and potential problems posed during withdrawal it is strongly advised that the addict seeks professional help during this process. Here are 2 options to consider:

Option 1 – Tapering

The first option for Xanax withdrawal we will look at is under the supervision of your doctor and is known as ‘Tapering’.

Tapering means gradually reducing the dose of Xanax by an amount, and over a certain period of time that will be determined by your doctor.

This gradual reduction and the time it takes very much depends on each individual. There is no ‘one fits all’ scenario for this withdrawal process.

While you are going through this process it is very important you visit your doctor on a regular basis, you report any unusual feelings or signs to them immediately, you try and eat as healthy a diet as possible and you avoid any other drugs use.

This tapering process is a gradual one and will take time, but it is very important to stay as positive as possible, be as patient as possible and let the process take as long as it must.

Option 2 – Rehabilitation Centre:

This option is felt by many to be the best route to take and is highly recommended for several reasons.

You will leave your normal environment and the pressures this brings with it. Such establishments offer first class treatment, support and encouragement in an environment that has been established for one purpose.

This purpose is to give you the best chance possible to beat your addiction and begin to live a normal, healthy life.

The friendly, professional staff have extensive prior experience and success in terms of treating addiction. In terms of Xanax withdrawal it is particularly important that you feel at ease during what can be a very testing period of your life.

Some of the best centres are actually known as Rehab Resorts and they have been established in an idyllic setting that will relax you and add to your strength of purpose.

Medically you will receive expert and supervised attention. In many cases the 12-step program may be used. This was originally established by Alcoholics Anonymous over 75 years ago and has been modified over time. The program has been extremely beneficial to those addicted to any substance.

Your rehabilitation program will be designed specifically for YOU. No individual is the same, this is clearly recognized by the staff and the treatment, methods and procedures of such a withdrawal program will be designed specifically with your needs in mind.

You will be in an environment that encourages you to talk about your experiences, fears and ambitions, and you will share and listen to others in a similar position. You will also be encouraged to set targets and goals, and just as importantly how to deal with any setbacks on your road to recovery.


This is an absolutely vital part of your healing process. The best Rehab Resorts will offer extensive aftercare options as part of your Xanax withdrawal program. Such aftercare will be based on whatever is more convenient to you.

They will allocate a personal counsellor and offer a variety of options for aftercare. These can include identifying and interfacing with a certified therapist close to your home who will be responsible for your aftercare while regularly updating your Rehab counsellor.

If you live in a remote area they can offer support with certified therapists via telephone and internet, or you may feel more comfortable keeping direct contact with your Rehab counsellor via Skype.

Whichever option you go for there should also be an offer to re-visit the centre for progress checks and encouragement therapy as you require.

The flexibility of aftercare options offered is something you should look closely at before deciding which Rehab Resort is right for you.

Xanax withdrawal can be achieved, it must be achieved, and YOU can do it:

If you are currently addicted to Xanax please do not think you are alone, and please do not think withdrawal is something which cannot be achieved. Professional caring help is out there and you will be welcomed with open arms.

Just as importantly, this treatment, encouragement and support will not only be for the here and now, it will include vital aftercare and support that will give you every chance of leading a happy, healthy and normal life.


The Early Warning Signs To Heed – Prescription Drug Abuse

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

There is a telling paradox relating to those who become dependent upon prescribed medication. The professionals who assess and then authorize a course of this treatment are generally the ones turned to if the patient becomes dependent upon the medicine given.

These medical professionals also have to deal with patients who are suffering from addiction to prescribed drugs caused due to excessive and unauthorized use.

High potential for dependence:

This very serious and widespread problem refers to those who use prescription drugs in ways that are not intended. We will look at this from two angles:

Those who are legally prescribed:

Patients assessed by medical professionals may be deemed to need a course of prescription medication to help with their condition. If this is the case they will be clearly advised on the recommended dosage and frequency of use.

While all patients will begin a course of treatment following these guidelines, the unfortunate fact is that many do not stick to them.

This is not because they are rebellious. It is because these powerful pills and medicines react differently from user to user. Many benefit from a course of treatment, others find themselves unable to resist taking more than the recommended dosage and do so on an increasingly regular basis.

This is due to the effects the pills and medicines are having. If this excessive use is allowed to continue then dependency can become a real issue.

Those who’s supply come from alternative sources:

There are millions of users who have experienced the effects prescription drugs can offer. This is thanks to previously approved use. Anyone from this group who want more of the same often have no justification for repeated prescriptions.

There are also many who regularly experiment with illegal substances that are keen to sample the effects offered from prescription medication.

In the vast majority of cases the drug in question will have been purchased via the thriving black market. This source appears to have an endless supply of illegal and controlled drugs available.

These pills and medicines offer a high potential for addiction due to the initial pleasant feelings and ‘highs’. Unfortunately, these feelings need to be chased

The result is that many get into a habit of taking excessive quantities over far longer periods than are legally recommended. Fairly quickly users find they cannot do without their ‘fix’.

This never ending, but rapidly expanding cycle of abuse leads to addiction and the devastating effects it brings.

One group of users with serious problems:

The numbers of people worldwide who are regularly using, dependent upon, and fully addicted to prescribed medication number millions and affect men and women of all ages.

In terms of those with dependence issues created by the purchase and use of these substances via unregulated routes there is a clear trend.

It is the younger generation that have a particular problem, and this problem continues to grow.

Examples of prescription drug abuse:

We will give two examples of the wrong way to take prescription medication The first is at the lower end of the scale but is important to understand why it is mentioned. The second example tops this type of drug abuse. It should be crystal clear as to why this route should be avoided at all costs.

Lower end abuse:

Take those who pick up a painful ache or sprain while working or playing sport. Rather than booking a doctor’s appointment they will find a family member or friend who is currently being prescribed painkillers and ‘borrow’ a few to ease their pain.

While this type of use may seem unworthy of concern it is important to understand that each person reacts differently to the medicines and pills prescribed. Potential allergy problems also need to be taken into account.

If your health professional has assessed your past and current condition and issues a prescription, they are doing so because that particular medication suits you and your current situation.

Those popping any pill they can lay their hands on to ease what they see as a temporary problem need to be aware of this. Whether they view their current condition as trivial or not, it is strongly recommended they seek a professional opinion and accept any prescription treatment offered from that. This is a far better and safer route rather than experimenting with medication supplied to others based on their needs.

Top of the tree – Out of your tree!

The most serious and concerning use of prescription medication abuse relates to those who will beg, steal, borrow and purchase these prescription pills from the thriving black-market.

They are seeking the powerful ‘highs’ offered when excessive amounts of the drugs are taken at once. There are various ways in which the pills are consumed; this includes the desperate and quite frightening method of grinding the pills into powder and either snorting or injecting them.

It goes without saying that as this type of use continues it will become a compulsion. Users will be aware of the extremely negative effects this abuse is creating, but will be unable to stop abuse without the assistance of some serious professional rehabilitation assistance.