
Much Needed Help For Those On Heroin

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

The use of heroin can destroy a person’s life and devastate those closest to them. Let’s take a look at how you can help a loved one or close friend who is a regular ‘Smack’ user and is currently unable or unwilling to stop use.

Educate yourself in order to educate them:

All heroin users are aware that this highly addictive drug is causing harm to themselves and those closest to them, but many do not understand the full extent of their actions or the potential dangers they are opening themselves up to.

If you want to help someone kick heroin it is vitally important that you arm yourself with as much knowledge about it as possible.

The simple fact is the more you know about the drug and about heroin addiction the better placed you will be to understand the problems they are facing. You will also be in a positive position to explain facts about the drug and the dangers of continued use.

It must be remembered that while this will be a difficult time for the addict it will be no walk in the park for you. Your emotions will be turned every which way. Anger and resentment will alternate with compassion and concern, so mentally you will need to be tough.

Points that should regularly be discussed:

Whether an addict wants to hear facts or not things need to be said. Here are some issues that you need to understand and that need to be openly discussed with the user:

  • The short term risks of heroin use.
  • The long term risks of heroin use.
  • Withdrawal symptoms – This should be from two angles What withdrawal symptoms should be expected, and how the person coming off heroin will react and cope with them.
  • Detox procedures
  • Types and effects of any medication that will be used through withdrawal and during recovery.
  • What type of Rehab establishment would best suit them?
  • What support groups are available and what they offer.

Harm Reduction:

If an addict is unable or unwilling to quit heroin it is important that you explain ways in which they can reduce risk while still dependent and using the drug.

Because your goal will be to get the addict off the drug as quickly as possible this matter may well go against the grain for many, but it is important to understand that patience and persuasion will be required before the user finally admits they are ready to quit.

In the meantime, explain that if they are continuing to use then they should heed the following:

1 Syringe, 1 person, 1 use:

An addict must understand that sharing needles and/or reusing them are most definite ‘No-No’s’. This temptation can be solved by ensuring they know exactly where their nearest needle exchange is and they use it.

This valuable service works by exchanging a new, clean needle for a used one. They do not issue needles without exchange. This procedure ensures the number of syringes in circulation is not being increased by those who provide this service.

Whatever your thoughts are about this type of exchange it is important to bear in mind that they do not increase illegal drug use. Their aim is to reduce the many dangers involved in sharing and reusing needles.

Filtering heroin before use:

Additives and adulterants can be extremely dangerous for a user. It therefore makes sense that the heroin they purchase should be filtered before use. Quinine is just one of several potentially toxic adulterants that are used to cut heroin.

Heroin addicts from past generations have developed ways to filter heroin and there is plenty of information available. The method that best fits with the user should be employed each and every time they ‘score’ a new batch of the drug.

Correct injection methods:

A user will reduce potential blood vessel damage and infection if they understand how to inject correctly. For example, they must be aware that the drug should not be injected directly into the arteries. As well as being painful this route of injection sends the drug away from the heart and will cause pain in a user’s fingers and toes.

Many use a tourniquet, if so, it is important that this is removed before injecting. If not there is a possibility the user will blow out a vein.

Beating heroin addiction can be achieved:

Those addicted to heroin have a huge challenge on their hands if they are to beat this addiction. At best it will blight their life, at worst it can actually cost them their life.

This is why it is so important for a loved one to persevere with help and advice that will at times fall on deaf ears.

Your continued support and encouragement can help tremendously to show those currently addicted the devastating effects this drug has. It will also allow you to explain methods of treatment and exactly how this addiction can be overcome.


Designer Drugs – Design Your Own Downfall

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

The term “Designer Drugs” is a very alluring one for substances that are anything but. Many younger users may know these as “Club Drugs”, but whatever you wish to call them they carry untold and unknown dangers.

Let’s see what they are, what they offer, and why those who take them really are swallowing a slice of the unknown.

Designer drug description:

This is a very loose term used to describe psychoactive drugs originally discovered through research and first hand experimentation on the structure and effects of existing psychoactive drugs.

From these findings different types of drugs have been created using chemicals that in the main can be legally purchased. The result is a concocted drug that produces similar effects to renowned illegal substances such as cocaine, marijuana or morphine, but chemically they are structured in a totally different way.

Many will know of Ecstasy (MDMA), Acid (LSD) and methamphetamines, but perhaps not so well known are “bath salts”. These are a group of drugs known as cathinones which are a type of amphetamine (Speed-like pills).

They generally come brightly coloured and in packages that have a whole host of innocuous sounding names.

They are also clearly labelled “not for human consumption”. While this statement is obviously ignored by many recreational drug users perhaps it should not be!

Designer manufacturing facilities – They are not:

It should come as no surprise that these drugs with such an appealing ‘umbrella’ name are made in hidden and remote locations or in rented accommodation where any deposit and monthly rental will be paid in cash.

The workers are generally addicts themselves and those involved in the production of these drugs will certainly not be seeking health and safety certification.

It is also very important for users to understand that although general guidelines for production will be followed there is not set ‘recipe’ in terms of the chemicals used or their quantities.

What this means is that drugs produced by different ‘laboratories’ and down to each different batch will vary in strength and effect. The reality here is that each time a user takes one of these drugs they have no idea how strong it will be or how it will affect them.

Three main categories:

These designer drugs are generally broken down into 3 major categories:

  • Synthetic cannabinoids – The chemicals contained mimic the effect of THC which is found in cannabis and is responsible for the ‘high’ users get. A combination of dried plant matter and these chemicals produce the finished ‘street’ product.
  • Synthetic stimulants – These belong to the “bath salts” group mentioned above and the chemicals used produce similar effects to ‘Coke’, ‘E’ and ‘Meth’.
  • Synthetic Hallucinogens – Produced with chemicals that mimic ‘E’ and LSD. The length and strength of a trip is akin to a lucky dip, although for some it should be classed as a very unlucky dip as use has cost some their lives!

Unpredictable effects:

There is no apology for repeating the fact that these designer drugs are NOT designed to a standard, across-the-board strength. This means that a user experience can vary each and every time.

Dependent upon the type of drug taken you will feel exhilarated and completely relaxed. There will be long periods where sleep is off the agenda and food is not on the menu. Many will experience a partial or total loss of memory and a general feeling of detachment from their surroundings and those in it.

The above affects will appeal to many, but please bear in mind there is also a good possibility that hallucinations, paranoia and panic attacks could well be yours while others react in an aggressive manner.

These mind changes very often accompany potentially dangerous physical effects. Think slurred speech, nausea, blackouts, seizure and worrying swings in blood pressure. While most will get through such unwanted symptoms it is important to bear in mind that they can cause coma and even death.

Difficult to administer emergency treatment:

If the unfortunate situation arises where you need to seek medical assistance things are not straightforward. Because you do not know exactly what chemicals have been taken medical staff need to carry out a series of tests to establish traces of different chemicals and levels of toxicity.

Some chemicals are far easier for them to trace than others, and various chemicals do not show on the standard screening procedures the majority of emergency departments have in place. This means there is a high possibility that essential treatment will be delayed until the true cause of your problems is established.

Designer drugs – Not designed with your safety in mind:

Please understand that dabbling with these drugs is akin to gambling with your mental and physical health. In the short term you may well only suffer a bad trip or an extended visit to an emergency medical facility.

But, no long term studies have yet emerged as to any potential lasting damage these chemicals are causing you.

Those considering use, or ‘novices’ will no doubt have heard ‘amazing’ stories of how good these drugs are, and may well be ‘right up for it’ in terms of experimentation, but for your own peace of mind and health please resist the temptation.


Heroin Paraphernalia – Things To Keep A Lookout For

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

For the millions of people who have never developed a taste for recreational drugs the attraction will be alien to them, and while they may not be well-versed in the different drugs available and their effects it is guaranteed they will have heard of Heroin.

This drug is one of the most publicized and feared illegal substances on the planet thanks to its highly addictive properties.

Later in the piece we will take a look at some of the common ‘tools’ users will have in their lockers, but let’s start with a quick explanation of what heroin is and the reason it and similar drugs were introduced as solutions to addiction problems that ultimately made matters worse.

What is heroin?

This highly addictive and illegal drug is made from the resin of poppy plants. Other drugs in the same class made from this resin are opium and morphine.

The pod of a poppy flower contains a milky, sap-like opium that is extracted and refined to produce opium. It is then further refined into different forms of heroin.

Trying to square the circle of ‘poppy plant’ addiction:

During the mid-1800’s opium addiction was a huge problem in the United States. Medical authorities went in search of a solution and chose a supposedly less powerful and ‘non-addictive’ treatment for those addicted to opium.

This solution was morphine. Fairly rapidly it was found that addiction to morphine was an even bigger problem than opium addiction.

In the early 1900’s the medical authorities turned to another ‘non-addictive’ drug to help those with morphine addiction, this was to use a drug that was first manufactured in Germany in 1898; Heroin.

Unfortunately, heroin proved to be even more addictive than morphine, so to counter heroin addiction yet another ‘non-addictive’ substitute was tried. This was methadone.

Yes, you have guessed it! This methadone solution yet again proved that the treatment drug was even more addictive than the drug which originally caused addiction.

There is a moral there somewhere, but we will leave that for you to decide!

Heroin Paraphernalia:

While the drug is smoked it is most common for regular users to inject. Here are some of the ‘tools’ used, and if you suspect a loved one is indulging these could very well be key indicators.

It is important to understand that these items can be stored easily in a fairly small locked box or container and will generally be kept in the user’s bedroom or bathroom.


Let’s start with the blindingly obvious:


As we mentioned, injecting is by far the most popular method of use, so finding a syringe and hypodermic needle in the possession of someone who has no medical reason to possess one should raise major red flags.

‘Gear’ to complement the needle:

The syringe and needle will generally be kept company by a spoon, some type of filter; examples are a cotton bud tip, filter from a cigarette or perhaps a micron filter. If using the type of heroin that needs heating there will be several lighters around, and quite often a candle.

To help locate a vein more easily a belt, cord or rope is often used. Taking the arm as an example, the user would simply tighten the restraint around the arm and the reduced blood supply this causes will quickly show up veins.


There are a couple of common methods for those who smoke heroin:


Many who smoke heroin use glass pipes with bulbous ends, or metal pipes that are similar to those used by Methamphetamine users. Other makeshift ‘pipes’ can be made from household items, so do keep an eye out for anything ‘pipe’ shaped around the house.

Aluminium foil:

Heroin can be smoked using 2 pieces of aluminium foil. This is not such a common method, but if your rolls of kitchen foil start to disappear then it could be a sign the user is smoking the drug in this way.

Two pieces of foil are used. One acts as a board to hold the heroin over a flame; this will be a flame from a candle or a lighter, then another piece of foil is shaped into a ‘straw’ to inhale the vapours. Rolled bank notes or empty plastic cases from ballpoint pens can also be used as the inhaler.

Drug containers:

Heroin is often packaged in small, self-sealable plastic bags that could well be decorated with colourful artwork or specific logos, or coloured balloons that are semi-inflated but not tied.

What to do if you suspect use:

While the natural reaction of many will be to fly off the handle, this is really not the initial approach to take.

What you need to do is learn as much as possible about the drug, its effects, ways of use and methods of treatment that can help a user kick their habit.

This will be a very difficult time for the user and yourself, but with knowledge as well as advice from rehab specialists you are increasing the chances of helping those dependent upon the drug.

By understanding and explaining what heroin is doing to their body, why it is doing it, and what short as well as long term damage they are causing themselves will give you a head start in helping them understand the seriousness of the situation.

From this position it is hoped they can then be convinced that professional rehab treatment is urgently required and that you will support


Chipping – Using Heroin Without Being Addicted

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Heroin is a legend amongst the many illegal drugs men and women the world over use on a regular basis.

It is also right up there with the most feared drugs in the world in terms of its addictive qualities and the damage it does to people’s lives, yet there are some users who claim ‘Horse’ can be enjoyed on a regular basis without the shadow of addiction ever being cast.

These people are known as ‘chippers’, so let’s take a look at what ‘chipping’ is all about, and also put some counter arguments as to why such an approach to heroin use is at best a risky pastime.

What is Chipping?

This is the term given to people who use heroin on an intermittent basis. The fundamental ‘rule’ of chipping is to set a schedule and only use the drug based on the strict agreement you have made with yourself.

Examples of such schedules are using the drug once or twice a week only, or being on it for 8 hours every 3 days.

The principal behind such schedules is that if this timetable is adhered to the user is confident they are not, and will not become addicted to the drug.

The reasoning behind this type of heroin use:

There are many who claim this type of ‘rule enforced’ heroin use work and that they are taking just enough of the drug to enjoy it, but not enough to become addicted, or to feel any withdrawal symptoms when their ‘Smack Session’ experience has faded into the glowing past.

Many maintain that chipping should be done in the same environment on each occasion and it is important they are mentally ready for the experience.

This means there should be no ‘shooting up in unfamiliar galleries’ with those who are well down the heroin addiction trail, and their frame of mind should be one that prepares them for the experience they intend to enjoy.

Another factor that chippers use in their defence of this type of use is admirable, but debatable as to how achievable it actually is.

They claim that if this type of regular use starts to play on their mind and becomes ‘moreish’ then they will immediately cease use, and avoid using again until they feel the time is right.

It must be said that while the principle of the last statement sounds fine it may be much harder done than said.

As millions have found to their cost, simply walking away from heroin is not so easy in practice.

Those who disagree:

The other side of this coin are the many who state that anyone who is a chipper is really a person that is dependent upon heroin but refuses to admit it. Their argument is that if someone can do without heroin for extended periods then why do they need to keep revisiting the experience.

They will also point to the argument relating to heroin and its highly addictive qualities. If a person uses heroin on a regular basis there is a very strong chance that they will build up a tolerance to the drug. This tolerance means that over time they will need more of it to achieve the same high as previously experienced.

It stands to reason that if someone is continually increasing the amount they use that dependence and addiction become a very strong possibility.

Why take the risk?

Regardless of which side of the fence you are on regarding chipping it would seem a risky ‘game’ to play. A well-used, but very true statement is the fact that no one begins taking any recreational drug with the intention of becoming addicted.

There are millions of men and women who have found to their great cost that addiction can quickly take over a life. This is surely proof that while you certainly have no intention of becoming addicted the choice can be taken out of your hands due to the strength of cravings developed for your drug of choice.

If official statistics are to be believed, then dabbling with heroin is a very risky business. The levels of purity vary from batch to batch purchased. This leaves a user wide-open to an accidental overdose.

Health issues relating to the dilutants, adulterants, and in many cases sharing needles is another major factor.

These and many other potential problems should highlight a very important fact: Even taking into account the legendary ‘highs’ heroin can offer it does not make the risks involved worthy of seeking such an experience.


Messing With PCP Will Mess With Your Body and Mind

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Those looking for a trip with highs and hallucinations have a ‘good’ choice of substances to choose from. One that should most definitely be avoided is PCP.

As with all recreational drugs it has a host of street names and a variety of ways in which it is taken, but the potential baggage this drug carries with it really is not worth the risks.

Let’s look at some of the facts and effects as well as one major difference between it and other hallucinogens that make it a trip to pass on.

A complex mix of chemicals:

PCP or Phencyclidine belongs to the group of drugs that are dissociative anesthetics. It is produced by synthesizing a complex mixture of chemicals.

The pure form is an oily yellow substance that is normally dissolved in substances such as petroleum. For street use hydrogen chloride gas will be thrown into the mix. This turns it into a crystalline powder that is white or tan in colour and is known as PCP hydrochloride.

Different ways to take PCP:

There are a variety of ways to take the drug. Let’s start with one favoured by many:

Smoking: This is a very popular way to take the drug as it is seen to give users a better chance of controlling the effects. It is common to sprinkle the powder on marijuana, tobacco or parsley.

An alternative on the street comes in the form of “embalming fluid”. The PCP is mixed with water and this liquid is dripped onto a cigarette. As soon as the cigarette is dry it can be smoked for the desired effect.

Snorting: Most will be familiar with the term ‘Angel Dust’, this is the powder form used for snorting. Just a small amount taken produces an immediate effect.

Injecting: Not very common at all although it is reported to give a ‘full on’ effect. The problem is taking it in this way brings dangerous side effects and has been known to cause immediate death!

Pills: It is sold in capsules under various names and generally means the user is taking larger amounts of PCP. Ecstasy users take note: Your ‘Happy Pill’ is often laced with PCP. As an aside, the vast majority of Ecstasy tablets on sale nowadays contain no MDMA whatsoever which means you are being short-changed!

Why the hype about the high?

There is no argument that even in small doses PCP is a very powerful substance. Its unpredictability is also well documented. Dependent upon how it is taken the high can last anywhere between a minimum of 3 hours and up to 8 hours.

Many report being detached from reality, entering a fantasy world, and even feeling as if they are out of their body. Hallucinations then join the fray.

While this may sound all well and good to some it must be said that the experience is not always a pleasant one. It is very important for those dabbling with PCP to understand that once they have ‘brought the ticket’, that like it or not, they are on a long trip without any emergency exits.

Another important point to understand is that no two trips will be the same, and just because you have experienced good trips to date does not mean you are guaranteed a good one the next time.

Lower doses – Physical effects:

Smaller doses give feelings of sedation, loss of muscle coordination, fingers and toes often feel numb and dizziness is common. Many have a blank look about them although they cannot stop rapid eye movement.

Blurred or double vision is common. Some will have flushes, sweat profusely, feel nauseous and even vomit. There is also a likelihood of increased heart and breathing rates as well as a rise in blood pressure.

Larger doses – Physical effects:

This is when the painkilling and anesthetic effects of PCP kick-in. Heart and breathing rate as well as blood pressure drop steeply. A users uncoordinated movements make them appear drunk. Other possible effects include dizziness, loss of balance, shivering, watering eyes and a noticeable tightening of muscles.

Constant rocking back and forward or other repetitive movements can be a symptom, difficulty in seeing things straight or talking any sense is common, and for several hours during the trip straight thinking, remembering things or making decisions will all be challenges that many avoid.

High doses – Serious problems:

Those who have gone well over the top become agitated in the extreme and it is common for seizures or a coma to follow. These comas have been recorded as lasting between a couple of days and several weeks. The symptoms a user has from taking high doses are likened to those schizophrenia causes.

The final reason to stay well away from PCP:

Those in need of further persuasion to leave PCP alone need to understand one final point. PCP is unlike the majority of hallucinogens because regular or repeated use can create a user to build a tolerance for it.

Tolerance is a major reason in determining whether a drug has addictive properties or not.

So, as far as using PCP is concerned the more you use, the greater your tolerance becomes. The greater your tolerance, the more you need to satisfy those cravings. The more you take the deeper into dependence and addiction you will slide.