Beware Of Escalating Drug Dependence

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

It is quite frightening how quickly drug dependence can catch up with those who use illegal substances for recreational purposes.

Enjoyable experiences call for more of the same:

It is a natural reaction for anyone to want more of something that gives them enjoyment. In the case of illegal drugs this enjoyment is felt through the highs offered and an enhanced feeling of enjoyment which adds to the sense of occasion.

The problem with such experiences is that your body and mind quickly take to the substance(s) of choice and hanker for more.

With regular use you are building up a tolerance that demands attention. This attention comes in the form of repeated use, but the same amount taken on a regular basis eventually lessens the impact making those initial highs insufficient to fully satisfy.

The obvious answer? Load more into the pipe, draw up an extra line, or pop a couple of tabs rather than just the one.

This solution will certainly do the trick, those highs and good feelings you are chasing will come running, but at a price. That price is an ever increasing dependence upon drugs.

Signs your drug dependence is deepening:

It cannot be stressed enough just how quickly you can find yourself in a situation where drugs are not fun anymore, they are a necessity.

The once weekly ritual has turned into a couple of times each week which soon gets into a daily groove that draws your mind and body to your substance(s) of choice. Before long you find going without that much needed hit produces some very unwanted withdrawal symptoms.

These unwanted symptoms can easily be quashed: Make sure you keep topped up! Of course, the longer you continue down this route the more dependent you become.

While signs manifest themselves from a behavioural, physical and psychological point of view we will give just 4 examples of many that are most easily recognisable.

If you acknowledge any of these then it really is time to seek professional rehab assistance.


A drug user’s behaviour is a major pointer to increased use. While there are many behavioural traits that give you away. Let’s just concentrate on 4:

Increased obsession:

Those who find their dependence is growing will have increasingly obsessive thoughts about their next hit. These thoughts will take priority over everything else.

Family and social obligations will often be forgotten or disregarded because they could interfere with the all-consuming need for drugs.

Aware of the damage you are causing:

This behaviour will start alarm bells ringing to those closest to you. You will also be very much aware of the damage you are causing to them and yourself.

The problem here is that the need for, and urge to continue drug use has become too strong to abstain.

Attempting to hide use:

The greater a user’s need the more desperate they become in trying to hide their increased usage from others.

While a user strongly believes they are successfully hiding use from others this is quite the opposite. Regular disappearances from company, changes in attitude and demeanour, and rapid mood changes all point to the fact that drugs have taken control of your actions and reactions.

What needs to be realised is that those closest to you know you very well. Once your behavioural pattern changes they will be the first to notice. It must also be repeated that the only person you are really fooling in terms of how much you need that increasingly regular hit is YOU!


This is a critical pointer. Those relying more and more on drugs will proclaim loudly to anyone who cares to listen that their drug use is nowhere near as serious as others may think.

The reality is that the user knows it is far more serious than others think, but believes continued denial will help the problem go away.

It will not! What will happen is that you will become ever more dependent and eventually have to face the consequences of such action.

Do yourself and those closest to you a BIG favour:

Dependence on drugs will not go away on its own. Continuing on the increased use route will deepen dependence and rapidly turn into full blown addiction.

There is a way out, and while it will be no walk in the park it is far better than the continued slide into addiction.

Quit denying there is a problem with your drugs use and contact a counsellor at a well-established rehabilitation establishment.

These caring professionals are there to help and have seen it all before. You should feel no shame in making such contact. Indeed, you should be proud to have made such a call.

Once this contact is established a plan will be put into place that will help you to understand the reasons behind your drug use, what can be done to stop it, and a structured treatment route to a drug free future will be discussed, agreed and implemented.

Sex Addiction Sounds Intriguing. The Reality Is Very Different

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Mention the topic of sex addiction and it will generally produce sniggers, lewd comments and a strong desire by wags to spend ‘’just a short, regular time’’ in the company of a sex addict.

The reality for those suffering from this compulsive condition is very, very different.

Just what is sex addiction?

Quite the opposite to what many think. It is a condition that has men and women suffering from a compulsive need to perform continuous sexual acts.

This desire and need is very similar to the ‘hit’ an alcoholic gets from constant drinking or the high a drug addict chases.

It is a disorder that affects your physical and mental health, in the main it will eventually doom one-on-one personal relationships, and due to the risky situations those addicted to sex are putting themselves into it can be highly dangerous.

Similar to those addicted to substances a sex addict cannot control their behaviour. This is despite the fact they understand the negative consequences attached to it.

When put into such a perspective it should be clear that this condition really is no fun whatsoever.

Another disturbing fact is that many addiction professionals believe this is a far more common problem than is ever acknowledged.

Uncontrollable need = Potentially serious consequences:

Adults suffering from this condition will seek out multiple sex partners. While this may not be seen as such a serious issue, for many addicted to sex it also means that anything will do. This includes relationships with children or animals.

They are prepared to use a wide variety of objects for satisfaction, often use pornographic material excessively and feel the need to masturbate constantly.

This insatiable behaviour will shape the everyday routine of a sex addict to ensure they are getting as much sex as possible.

Experts at hiding this addiction:

Those with this condition come from the complete range of backgrounds, they can be single, have live-in lovers or be married with a family, but one thing they all have in common is their ability to hide this addiction from others.

This is often achieved through lying or ensuring their sex schedule is fulfilled in places and at times that will not raise suspicion.

Enjoying a healthy sex life does NOT indicate an addiction to sex:

Please do not think that enjoying a healthy, active and varied sex life means you are addicted to sex.

Quite the opposite, those who enjoy a whole variety of sexual acts with willing and consensual partners are simply adding to their enjoyment of life.

The line sex addicts cross is that they have a constant and compulsive need to engage in sexual acts. Their sexual appetite cannot be fully satisfied.

Indeed, they appear to have no control over immensely strong sexual impulses. These draw them on a very regular basis to whoever or whatever will meet their needs before moving on to the next conquest.

This sexual merry-go-round continues on a non-stop basis and the only hope a person has of slowing it down and eventually stepping off is to seek professional, qualified rehab assistance.

Rehab and treatment methods:

Like other dependencies, sex addiction offers no restrictions on entry, it is a disease and changes a person in many ways. But, there is one very important difference to other addictions; it is much harder to treat.

This is because unlike drink or drug addiction the sex addict cannot be expected to give up sex for the rest of their life. As we have clearly stated above, sex is a normal, healthy part of a person’s life.

Treatment for sex addiction must centre around educating the addict about what is and what is not healthy sexual behaviour. Treatment and healing is a slow, steady process that needs effort, support and understanding from all concerned.

While such treatment and counselling may take months or even years, it should be made very clear that recovery is certainly achievable, and it is a must for anyone currently struggling with this addiction.

An excellent place to begin treatment:

There are several organisations and outpatient treatment facilities available to help, but it is agreed by many that an extended stay at a quality rehab establishment is the most positive way to get the healing process fully underway.

In many cases a sex addict needs to be taken away from their daily routine and regular environment for a minimum of one month, and in all truth, the longer the better.

Quality rehab establishments provide the perfect background for healing. Experienced counsellors will work with clients to initially help them understand the damaging effects their impulses are having on themselves and those around them.

These seeds will be sown through in-depth one-to-one counselling sessions as well as honest and open group therapy discussions

From this solid base healing can continue. An extended stay at a quality rehab establishment is the perfect springboard in helping overcome this addiction.

It is also vital to remember that aftercare is an absolute, continuous, must, and that revisits to the rehab establishment should be considered on a regular basis to reinforce and continue the healing process.

Resist The Urge – Don’t Step Onto The Gambling Trapdoor

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Those who fall through the gambling trapdoor will find it one long, hard struggle to clamber out.

We will consider how the betting bug first bites, what the consequences of increased stakes can mean, why trying to quit alone is not generally successful, and one form of assistance that will prevent this disorder from draining you and your complete resources.

What begins as enjoyment can soon turn to heartbreak:

Many of those who begin gambling will initially find the thrill fascinating and enjoyable. This is very often accompanied by a winning spree that encourages them to believe their new pastime offers an easy route to profit.

Whether this be ‘your’ horse passing the winning line with just a head to spare, rolling money into a slot machine and hearing the welcome ‘win’ tones declare your good fortune, or that victory against the banker while playing roulette or blackjack.

Please be assured; whatever form of gambling you choose the odds are stacked very much against you.

Millions of men and women worldwide enjoy an occasional flutter and can take it for what it is; a social occasion based on fun and enjoyment. Unfortunately, there are millions more whose betting slip or ‘chip’ spells doom, gloom and despondency.

Why such a quick turnaround in fortune?

There are several reasons that gambling can rapidly turn your fortunes around. As already mentioned, the odds are against you from the off and the choice you have in terms of gambling opportunities and platforms is immense.

Here are just 2 examples:

If it is horse racing just consider 4 meetings each day with each meeting holding 8 races. (Please rest assured many, many more meetings are held on a daily basis).

Through the eyes of those addicted to gambling this presents 32 ‘opportunities’ to win money in just one day. To wealthy bookmakers and non-gamblers this is quite sensibly seen as 32 ways to lose BIG money.

The second example relates to the tempting world of Casinos. Please do not even think on the amount of spins the roulette wheel takes in a 24-hour period it will make your head spin, or the turn of cards on a blackjack table that are steadfastly doled out to each player in turn.

There is no limit to how often you can place a bet, the only limit is when your pockets and bank balance are empty.

Add to all of this that many countries allow gambling on the internet, and that for those in countries which forbid this form of gambling there are many ways to circumvent such restrictions.

What this means is that there are 24/7/365 opportunities to place as many bets as your finances will allow.

Recoup your losses – place higher stakes:

As gamblers continue to lose their stake, the natural response is to convince themselves that the next ‘punt’ will be a successful one. To this end many place higher stakes on the next ‘certainty’.

The fact is that even if this dead cert. comes up trumps the previous losses will generally eat up any profit made. If it fails to win you are left in a deeper debt situation with no easy way out.

You have an impulse-control disorder:

Those who have seen gambling take over their life are constantly thinking about the next opportunity to claw back some of their previous losses.

Gambling addiction is an impulse-control disorder which is also known as compulsive gambling or gambling disorder. Whatever you wish to call it, in very simple terms it means that a person cannot control the impulse to gamble.

They realise their habit is resulting in negativity from a social and personal relationship point of view but simply cannot stop.

If you are suffering from this highly addictive disorder, there is little doubt you will have tried to control the length of time spent gambling and the amount of money spent on this pursuit.

The very high chances are that you will have failed to do either and returned to your potentially ruinous gambling routine.

This is not because you are weak-willed, selfish or uncaring with regard to the affect your gambling is having on the ones closest to you. It is because you have a clinically diagnosed disorder.

To treat and overcome this disorder you need professional gambling rehab assistance.

Yes, there are successful gamblers:

Yes, there are successful punters out there, but make no mistake, they are few and far between.

If you are not one of the chosen few then professional help from a well-respected rehab establishment is required.

There is absolutely no shame whatsoever in admitting that gambling currently has the better of you.

Indeed, if any shame or blame is to be laid at your gambling disorder door it should be down to the fact that you continue to deny there is a problem.

It is imperative you own up to the fact that gambling has taken over your life and you need professional assistance.

This help will allow you to confront and overcome a highly addictive habit and to get your life back on track via a gambling free lifestyle.

How Quickly Are You Moving Up The Meth Ladder?

Articles, International, Understanding Addiction

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug. It is relatively easy to produce, very easy to sell and users quickly get a taste for it which demands feeding on an increasingly regular basis.

Drug and medical professionals have given 3 levels of classifications in terms of meth use. These will be explored to help you understand where you are on the meth ladder, but first:

Why such an appeal?

It is important to understand what the attraction is to this synthetic drug and why it is so ‘moreish’.

Pleasure, confidence and energy beyond belief are yours. This ‘meth high’ affects a person both psychologically and physically. It changes how a person feels emotionally and alters the thought process.

Such intense euphoria gives a sense of reward that is similar to when you have achieved something. These good feelings are obviously something many want to experience again and again, hence continued and increased use of meth.

Blunting unwanted memories and current problems:

Others use meth to help blunt unwanted memories and emotions they would rather forget, or to help them forget any current difficulties they are currently experiencing.

It has to be said that to an extent the drug is successful at blunting such negative thoughts, but only until the effects begin to wear off.

The problem with using meth as a crutch to forget such problems is that only temporary relief is achieved. Please be assured that the same bad memories and a realisation of current problems will come flooding back and their return is often compounded.

The obvious answer is to have another hit to ‘escape’. Because the mind and body have a strong tolerance for meth this continued cycle quickly leads to dependence.

An additional problem is that increased amounts are necessary simply to achieve the same high as previously experienced.

The Meth Ladder – Lower rungs:

This is where every meth user begins, and at this stage none will have ambitions to climb any higher.

Low-Intensity meth abuse:

In the main, entry level users will swallow or snort meth. There are several ready-made excuses that help the occasional user convince themselves that the drug will help them in certain situations.

Their intention is that this will merely be short-term use and will certainly not become a regular event.

A common example is for those who have an urgent assignment or job that needs completing within a deadline. Taking meth stimulates, it keeps you awake and ultra-alert. Such energy enables you to finish the task at hand.

Another easy excuse is in terms of weight loss. On the face of it meth is the perfect accompaniment for weight loss. While under the influence hunger takes a back-seat and the weight will begin to drop off.

The issue with both ‘excuses’ is that you are really only preparing yourself for the middle rung of a ladder that was not initially considered.

Middle rungs – Binge meth abuse:

The more ‘successful’ an occasional user finds meth, the more they will be tempted to increase use. This increased use offers higher highs that are quickly achieved by smoking or injecting the drug.

It is very true that the rush received will be far more intense, it is also true that you are now climbing the meth ladder saddled with psychological addiction.

The upper rungs of a very wobbly ladder – High-Intensity meth abuse:

This is when you rushing towards the top of the meth ladder. These users are commonly referred to as ‘Speed Freaks’. They are so hooked on the drug that any notion of coming down is absolutely unthinkable.

They will do whatever is required to make sure they get their hit, the problem is that they are now in a desperate spiral of meth use. Their efforts to maintain the same hit as previously received result in further increased use.

For those wobbling near or at the top of the meth ladder urgent rehab treatment is the only way to stop this damaging cycle.

Failure to seek professional help will eventually send them toppling of the ladder with serious physical and mental issues as their parachute.

It can all happen too quickly:

When starting at the bottom rung of the meth ladder every user thinks they have the strength and willpower to take or leave this drug.

It is vital to understand that its addictive qualities quickly get a grip on you and force you up the ladder. The more you want, the more you need, the more you will take.

The amount and regularity of use is soon so out of hand that nothing else really matters but where that next hit is coming from.

Whatever type of user you class yourself as it is important to understand that help is available. The sooner professional rehab assistance is sought the sooner you will be able to get off this unwanted ladder and stand on your own two feet.

The Highs And Lows Of Drug Use – A Never-Ending Cycle

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

The highs and lows of drug use affect different people in different ways, but whichever way it affects you it is important to understand that continued and increased use will eventually lead to a lot more trouble than it is worth.

What’s with the high?

There can be no denying that the different street drugs available work their ‘magic’ in effective ways. Euphoric feelings, increased self-confidence, a lowering of inhibitions, bags of energy and feeling good with the world are all part of the drug taking experience while you are high.

These feelings are caused because of the effect your chosen substance has on the body and mind. While it will seem like a great idea when that rush is flooding over you it is important to understand that you get nothing for nothing in the drugs world.

Is a pleasant high guaranteed?

If only! The truth of the matter is that those paying hard earned money for any street drug do not really know what they are getting. This relates to the ingredients they contain and their potency.

This means varying degrees of highs await, but the flipside is that the lows experienced as you are coming down can be harsher and longer lasting than anything previously known.

Toxic chemicals are a constant ingredient in many synthetic drugs. Meth and ecstasy are fine examples. Those backstreet labs producing such drugs are, in the main careful not to overdo things, but it should be clearly understood that such things as drain cleaner, paint stripper and battery acid will be contained in that pill you have just popped.

Does one cracking high lead to the next?

Regular drug users will find that their mind and body quickly build a tolerance towards their drug of choice. What this means is that mentally and physically you are enjoying the experience and feeling.

Such pleasure rapidly becomes something that will not let go, and the need to feed these urges on a more regular basis is a natural progression.

It is also a fact that taking the same amount time after time will not give you the same expected high. The body and mind need more to satisfy and the only way to address this issue is to take more of the same and more often.

So, in short; yes, one cracking high can lead to the next and the next, but it also brings with it increased use as well as heightening your chances of dependence and addiction.

What’s with the low?

When you are coming down off drugs it is not a pleasant experience. Many will not have slept for extended periods and feel absolutely shattered, but the sleep they eventually succumb to is far from a comfortable, relaxing one. Hot sweats and bad dreams often accompany these very uneasy rest periods.

Others will suffer with feelings of anxiety and become fidgety and restless while depression is another huge factor.

Emotionally you are all over the place and depressive thoughts that have been simmering below the surface can rapidly rise and become magnified out of all proportion.

Pile common traits of negativity and anger on top of these, and many other unwanted feelings and a troubled life is yours.

Are the highs worth the lows?

Taking the above into account surely the lows experienced are not worth the highs and damage you are doing to yourself from a physical and mental point of view.

Individuals must make this decision for themselves, but the reality is that the more highs you chase, the more lows you will experience.

Many find themselves in a situation where their increased use means they do not want to face the deflating lows so they turn to constantly topping themselves up.

The result is dependence and addiction. This is a low that will change your life in no uncertain terms and really does not bear thinking about.