Meth Mayhem – What It Does To The Body And Mind

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Meth mayhem comes in many forms. Let’s take a look at what the drug is, why you never really know exactly what your latest score contains and the trail of devastation you are potentially blazing.

What is it?

Meth is short for methamphetamine. Derived from its parent drug amphetamine it has a similar chemical structure, but offers far more pronounced effects. White in colour, it does not smell, has a bitter taste and dissolves easily in alcohol or water.

Who makes it?

You won’t find meth manufacturers advertising their wares in directories or with neon signs outside the premises. You will find basement labs and clandestine laboratories galore.

This is a cottage industry that follows no health and safety standards, while certain ingredients are common there is no set recipe, and quality control officers are not on the payroll.

If you knew what It contained would you continue use?

Those who do not care what they put into their body, or what personal physical and mental health problems they create probably do not care, but for those who do, please consider just 5 of the many ingredients that will fuel Meth mayhem:

Acetone: This is used in paint thinner and nail polish remover and is extremely flammable.

Acids: Think Hydrochloric and Sulfuric

Lithium: Used in the production of batteries. If lithium comes into contact with the skin serious burns are guaranteed.

Pseudoephedrine: A very common ingredient. It is a decongestant found in medicines for colds and flu.

Toluene: An essential component of brake fluid.

Effects and progression into rapid addiction:

Meth is an extremely addictive drug. To emphasise this, consider the fact that when taken it releases a supercharged surge of dopamine that is almost four times the level cocaine offers.

One Headlong Rush:

This is the first thing users experience when smoking or injecting meth. Common signs are a racing heartbeat, increased metabolism, increased blood pressure and a rapidly beating pulse.

These symptoms are only the beginning of meth mayhem and can continue for up to half an hour. Just to put this into perspective, that is around 10 times longer than the rush offered by taking crack cocaine.

An intense high:

Let’s be honest, this is the effect that tempts many to try and from this point of view it certainly does the trick.

Feelings of pleasure and a huge increase in confidence blend nicely with unbounded energy. Many feel superior to the company they are in; others content themselves by focussing intensely on something that in the normal scheme of things would be seen as extremely inconsequential.

This high varies tremendously between individuals, and the strength of the batch you have just scored is also a major factor. Users report highs lasting anywhere between 4 and 16 hours.

Very, Very Moreish, The binge:

Due to its highly addictive qualities, and the mistaken belief that taking more will maintain the original high many users commence a meth binge. This binge is brought on by uncontrollable urges to continue smoking or injecting the drug.

Meth Mayhem continues each time a blast is taken. Another rush is followed by another high, but both effects decrease in length and intensity as the binge continues until finally no rush or high is received. As can be imagined this continued use brings on physical and mental hyperactivity in the extreme.

While 3 to 5 days constitute a fairly common binge period it is reported that some bingers go for up to 15 days. You do not need telling that such prolonged use invites serious harm.

The end of a meth binge can also bring on:

Tweaking torment:

This is when a meth user is at their most dangerous. It comes about when taking the drug no longer provides a rush or a high. This results in severe cravings that are followed by immense feelings of emptiness. Paranoia sets in, visual and audible hallucinations are a given, and the user exists in a world which is theirs alone.

Add to this a whole host of devastating effects that include being unable to sleep for days on end, being completely convinced that (imagined) bugs are crawling under the skin, and that self-harm or harming others is common and it becomes very clear that this stage of meth mayhem is something to avoid at all costs.

Complete Crash:

The body is an incredible, complex ‘machine’, but has its limits. After such a dangerous binge it reacts by shutting down. It does so due to the vicious effects meth is causing. The user will sleep for up to 3 days solid, during which time their body appears almost lifeless.

Easy to start, extremely difficult to stop:

Meth use is very much like playing a high risk game of chance where the odds of avoiding addiction are stacked heavily against you.

As millions of men and women have already discovered and millions more will do, methamphetamine use is not a game, it is a highly addictive and destructive drug that can rapidly ruin your life.

The Big ‘H’ – Signs Of Heroin Use And Abuse

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Heroin; mythicized, idolised, demonised and downright destructive. Whatever your take on ‘Horse’ is, one thing is for sure: Once tried it will not let go easily.

Let’s take a look at the tools of the trade heroin users will leave around and the symptoms that tell others ‘Smack’ is currently walloping you.

Tools of the trade:

We will forget the substance itself for one moment, but consider some of the common paraphernalia heroin users will have hidden or lying around.

Containers often come in the form of small balloons, and dispensers in the form of cut-up straws. There will be strips of foil often marked by burns. If you find your cutlery draw light on spoons this is because they are an essential part of the heroin preparation process.

Most heroin users will take their own shoelaces before yours, but desperate times call for desperate measures, so perhaps slip-on’s are a safer option!

Shoelaces or rubber bands are used for the arms, the sinister, ever-present stack of needles speak for themselves and many hoard enough lighters (used, part-used and full) to provide a well-stocked tobacco store in merchandise.

Changes in a user, suspicious behaviour and ‘new’ friends:

If you have suspicions that a loved one or friend is using drugs this trio of alerts will serve to confirm your worst fears:

Physical changes in the user:

Take a look at those eyes, a Smack user will have pupils like pin-holes for up to 5 hours after shooting-up. Even though they are extremely familiar with their surroundings they will often appear disoriented, personal hygiene takes a back seat and if there is silence in the room you will often hear shallow breathing.

Weight loss is another common physical change with heroin users sporting a gaunt look, and while they will often wear long sleeve shirts and trousers, keep an eye out for track marks on their body. This last fact confirms without saying you have a heroin user in your midst.

Suspicious behaviour:

When heroin takes a hold the addict will often become paranoid and leave a trail of suspicion behind. Have you recently noticed a lock-box or drawer that is permanently closed in their room? If so this is where they keep their precious paraphernalia.

Are valuables or cash going missing, and is the user often seen skulking around which was never a previous trait?

New ‘Friends’

Beware of new faces on the scene, those with sleek new vehicles and sharp clothes could well be involved in the drug business, those with a pasty pallor and unkempt appearance are partners in crime in terms of heroin use.

Either way, such new friends need to be treated with caution. Do not leave valuables lying around and keep your eyes open.

Two sides to a sad story:

The Addict:

Those addicted to heroin often find their loved ones have not got the first clue as to how appealing and addictive the drug is, or how very, very pleasant that completely spaced out zone they have found is.

They also know for sure there will be no shouting from the rooftops, or even a quiet whisper that Smack has the better of them.

Denial is one weapon addicts use constantly. Initially this denial of drug use will be believed, but that will very quickly fade into disbelief due to a combination of the signs and symptoms we have mentioned above.

Those closest:

From a loved one’s perspective, they may never have tried any type of drug in their life, or at best had a fleeting fling with marijuana or popped the odd party pill.

Having to watch someone you love dearly deteriorate in front of your eyes to something you have no knowledge of is frustrating, annoying and ultimately heart-breaking.

Broaching the subject; Do’s and Don’ts

How easy it is for a non-user to fly off the handle at a loved one they suspect of drug abuse and how easy it is to give ultimatums in the heat of the moment.

While both of these and other extremely strong reactions are natural feelings, please resist the urge.

Spend time reading and researching addiction issues, understand that your situation is not unique and that millions of others face the same angst, but above all understand just how effective rehabilitation establishments can be.

When you have this information and knowledge you can then approach the user, keep calm, be firm and tell them they need help and you want to help them.

Explain there is no need for them to deny any longer, but there is a need for them to seek professional rehab assistance, and that you will be with them every step of the way.

Continue to badger and cajole, continue to gather information and seek out the best treatment.

Once decided upon support them through this tough period of their life with the burning hope that this treatment and counselling will be the beginning of the end for their relationship with the mighty big ‘H’.

Much Needed Treatment For Sex Addicts Is Readily Available

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

For those with a normal, healthy sex life the mention of a sex addict conjures up lewd images of a man or woman with a libido that is out of control.

They will consider those addicted to sex as ready to give and receive sexual favours at the drop of a hat, and for them to function on a sexual diet that offers a banquet of pleasure on an unfeasibly regular basis.

The reality for those addicted to sex is very, very different. This diagnosed illness needs long term treatment and counselling of the highest order. Such treatment is a must if an addict is to come to terms with their issues and the effect it is having on their and others lives.

Definition of a sex addict:

No, it is not ‘Dick’ the barfly who will sleep with whoever shows the slightest interest. It is an extremely worrying and concerning addiction that is characterised by compulsive thoughts, need and desires that are never far from the surface.

If not treated this addiction will gradually deepen to the point where many sex addicts find it impossible to manage their sexual behaviour.

Sometimes referred to as sexual dependency or hyper-sexuality, the term nymphomania is a fairly well known moniker for females with this problem. What may not be so well known is the term for males with this condition; it is satyriasis.

Multiple partners, multiple ways of seeking ‘pleasure’:

It goes without saying that someone who is constantly having sexual thoughts will find as many sexual partners as they can fit in. It is all about quantity, not necessarily quality.

A percentage will also look to animals or children to help satisfy their needs, while the vast majority will use porn to the extreme and any objects at hand will assist while excessive masturbation is a given.

Inpatient treatment is strongly recommended:

Men and women with this addiction are in need of long term help and counselling. It is similar to alcohol or drug addiction in the sense that the addict is always chasing their ‘fix’, but it is very different in terms of the expected ‘healing’.

Those addicted to substances make a commitment to quit use for good, this approach is not feasible in relation to sex.

A normal, healthy sex life is an important part of a person’s being. What those with sex addiction issues need to be taught and treated for is to understand what is a healthy interest in sex as opposed to what is not.

Their constant sexual thoughts and deeds need to be addressed and reduced, and they will be taught how to control such impulses during the treatment process.

Due to such intense treatment it is felt that taking a sex addict out of their standard environment and into a well-respected inpatient rehab establishment is the most effective approach.

Two proven forms of treatment:

In-depth therapy sessions are a must. These will be on a one-to-one basis as well as group therapy sessions. Frank, open discussion is the order of the day and experienced sex therapy councillors will include such treatment methods as:

12-steps programs:

Using a 12-steps program follows the same recovery methodology as that employed by voluntary organisations such as Alcoholics Anonymous. There is actually a Sex Addicts Anonymous organisation which can also help those currently addicted to sex.

As was previously mentioned, the difference between alcoholics or drug addicts and those addicted to sex is that this form of treatment will major on the sex addict learning how to refrain from, rather than give up sex completely.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Another popular and extremely effective form of treatment is CBT. This therapy will help a sex addict identify the multiple triggers which are causing these immensely powerful impulses.

Once these are established CBT then assists by teaching the addict what changes in behaviour are necessary to curb their sexual obsession. Such treatment is based around one-to-one sessions with a qualified therapist.

Sex is fun and enjoyable – Addiction to sex is not:

It cannot be stressed enough that just because a person has a healthy libido and enjoys regular and varied sex sessions how this is part and parcel of a normal, interesting and rewarding sex life.

But, if you have gone beyond this point and are obsessed with sex, increase your sexual partners as and when you can, and constantly need pornography as a backdrop to incessant masturbation then help is urgently required.

This problem will not go away on its own, indeed it will worsen as your addiction deepens.

It is felt by many sex therapists and councillors that the amount of people seeking help for this problem is simply the tip of the iceberg. Many, many more hide this addiction until their world comes tumbling down.

If you are one of these please seek urgent and much needed rehab assistance. It will do you and those closest to you the power of good.

Ya ba Is More Addictive Than You Dare Imagine

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

Variously known as Ya ba, yaba, yah bah in Thai this highly addictive drug translates into English as “Mad Drug’’.

It was originally known as Ya Ma; Horse Drug, because it was given to horses pulling heavy loads up mountains in the far northern Shan State of Thailand.

These two facts alone should warn you to stay away from this mix of methamphetamine and caffeine that is produced in tablet form.

How is it used?

Tablets are circular and generally coloured red, pink or orange. Four ways the drug is taken are by swallowing, smoking, snorting or injecting.

Those who swallow a pill will find the drug can affect them for between 8 and 16 hours. To smoke the pill, it is placed on aluminium foil, heated from below under a yellow flame, and as it melts the vapour is inhaled using a ‘paper’ straw. This high can last anywhere between 1-3 hours with a reduced intensity.

Some users crush their ‘tab’ and snort it while fewer crush it, mix it with a solvent and inject it. Those advanced addicts who do inject drugs prefer the ‘pure’ product of ice (methamphetamine) once their drug addiction has reached such a stage.

‘Positive’ effects:

One thing is for sure, those regularly using Ya ba will forfeit much needed sleep time. This drug will keep you alert and awake for extended periods. This state is further compounded by the fact the drug is extremely moreish.

‘’Once bitten twice shy” certainly does not apply when using Ya ba. One tab is never enough, then again neither are two!

Euphoria and hot flushes are common, incessant talking affects many, sitting still for long periods is not on the agenda, and any thoughts of eating take a back seat.

Negative effects:

We all know that where there is a drug high, a low must eventually follow. Ya ba offers many unwanted effects.

When a user is high increased irritability and aggression can be added to the mix, we have already mentioned insomnia, and should not forget the potential damage you are causing to smaller blood vessels of the brain. Increases are also guaranteed in terms of your breathing, blood pressure and heart rate.

Once you are completely down from your Ya ba experience many find their mood is low, they snap at others unnecessarily and feel very depressed.

Really negative effects!

Due to the highly addictive qualities of this drug many users go on Ya ba binges that can last anything from a full weekend to an incredible 10 days. Needless to say this length of continual drug taking does you no good whatsoever.

The reason for these extended sessions is because a user is continually chasing that originally high. If such thoughts are in your mind, please forget them, that initial high will not be recaptured.

Yes, you may get close to it, and yes, this will encourage yet more Ya ba to be taken, but the truth is you will simply achieve a constant state of disorientation where the clock means very little.

Binge use will bring on many unwanted problems. Body, and particularly hand tremors will be yours, high blood pressure, hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, nervousness and the inability to stay still accompany memory loss and confusion.

Those at the thick-end of a long Ya ba session often lose control completely with many turning violent without any provocation.

Where to turn if Ya ba is getting the better of you:

Coming off this drug alone is a very difficult thing to achieve. The cravings you will have are stronger than the majority of user’s willpower. It is a fact that constant thoughts and feelings of need for ‘just one more tab’ will linger longer than your decision to self-quit.

Professional rehab services are required to assist with treatment and recovery. While voluntary organisations are there to assist and perform an admirable job, it is felt by many that a stay as an inpatient in a quality rehab establishment is the most effective platform to help you come off, and stay off this highly potent substance.

There is NO shame in seeking help:

Anyone who is overindulging in Ya ba should never be ashamed to admit the fact this drug has currently got the better of them.

If it is strong enough to aid horses dragging heavy loads up mountains, it is certainly strong enough to grab and hold your attention for far longer than you wish.

Don’t let this drug destroy your life due to the fact you are too proud or scared to seek help. Professional rehab staff are there for a very good reason. They have chosen this career to assist and treat men and women addicted to substances such as Ya ba. Please let them help you. It will be a life changing decision you will not regret.

Excessive Drinking – The Road To Rack And Ruin

Articles, Australia, Understanding Addiction

Regular and excessive drinking will damage far more than your health. We will look at one serious social consequence and where those with issues should seek help.

Relationship problems:

If you are in a relationship and one partner is regularly drinking to excess, it is a sure-fire way of igniting arguments and inflaming any simmering issues.

Tiffs will begin over small issues and when drink is involved these disagreements can quickly be blown out of all proportion. Unfortunately, they can often turn violent and the rift between you and your partner continues to widen.

Common reaction to these arguments:

A very common reaction to these arguments is for the partner with a drink problem to hit the bottle again. This is done in the misplaced belief that it will help them forget unhappiness at home and ease problems.

The reality is that the only thing this solution is doing is making matters far worse for both parties.

Alcohol has a very strong pull and will certainly not argue with you as you continue to empty your glass. However, the initial good feelings will be quickly replaced with deep-seated sadness or anger at your current situation.

Returning to your partner in a state of inebriation will rekindle the argument flames and accusations from both sides will fly. Harsh words spoken in the heat of the moment will linger for a long time causing further anguish for all concerned.

Lowered inhibitions:

Drinking alcohol lowers inhibitions and an occasional drink or two for relaxation is often the perfect tonic. The problem with excessive drinking is that it lowers inhibitions and many take a ‘devil may care attitude’ while in a drunken state.

If your relationship is going through a rocky period due to alcohol consumption the odds are that satisfying sex sessions with your partner will be at best minimal, and in many cases non-existent.

This being the case there is a good chance your eyes may wander while in a drunken state. If someone takes your fancy and they are open to your advances, you could very well end up taking things further and end up sleeping with this new partner.

Please be very clear, infidelity will NOT strengthen a relationship that has problems. What it can do is completely destroy the trust between you and your current partner.

Returning home late or early the following morning is a certain way to raise home tensions even further, and if the night you spent with another partner fulfilled your sexual needs then the temptation will be to go looking for more of the same.

How long you will keep such activities secret is a moot point, but the reality is that you are dooming an already damaged relationship.

Where to seek help:

Relationship guidance is one way to go if you are having current issues with the partner in your life, but if you know the major source of your issues is excessive drinking then steps must be taken to curb it.

Trying to stop drinking on your own:

This is a very brave and direct approach; unfortunately, it is very difficult to achieve. Not because you are weak, it is because alcohol has a very strong hold over your mind and body and will not release easily.

The urge for ‘just one drink’, and various unwanted early withdrawal symptoms greatly reduce your chances of success. They are so overpowering that there is a high probability you will quickly slip back into your old routine.

While on the ‘routine’ topic, another blow to ceasing alcohol alone is that you will still be living in the same environment, you will be close to your regular watering holes or favourite bottle shops and temptation awaits at every turn.

If you are determined to go it alone then it is recommended to take up an old or new hobby, busy yourself with things around the house such as DIY or cooking, and change your social routine to avoid situations where you know alcohol will be freely available.

Rehab assistance:

This really is a sensible option with an added bonus. By admitting to yourself and your partner that drink is the major cause of problems in your relationship there is a very good chance you will find support and love in your efforts to beat the bottle.

Well-established rehab centres will be able to treat you as an outpatient, or better still opt for a residential inpatient stay.

This type of treatment will take you out of your usual environment into one that has been created with healing as its priority.

Calm, luxurious surroundings will help get you in the right frame of mind to tackle the problems you are currently having with alcohol, to push on and to overcome them.

Do you value your current relationship?

If you value your current relationship as well as your own health and happiness it is time to stop reaching for that glass with increased regularity.

It is also time to seek alcohol rehab treatment that will do you and your partner the world of good.