Accountability in Recovery

Accountability in Recovery

Articles, Australia, International, Malaysia, Understanding Addiction, United Kingdom, United States

Being accountable to someone or something is difficult. Accountability requires honesty and an openness that is often foreign to addicts. Accountability also requires you to trust someone or a group of people enough that you can be open and take reprimands or suggestions when they are necessary. The positive side is that accountability also means that others are available to celebrate your victories. Now that you understand what accountability is, why is it important for recovery?

Accountability can be a huge help in the recovery process, not just in the beginning, but throughout. While the people you choose to hold you accountable over time may change, the premise remains the same. These people are your way of staying on track. These are individuals who will tell you when things seem to be going off track and congratulate you when you are working toward your goals in a healthy manner.

Accountability to yourself and others can be a true challenge, but one you must take as part of recovery. In fact, accountability holds you to a higher standard for both honesty and your path to long term recovery. You have to answer for failures and get to share victories. If you do have a failure, and it is likely you will at some point, then those keeping you accountable can offer support as you get back on track. Additionally, accountability to others helps grow your support system over time.

As we go through recovery, and life in general, we must face many decisions and doors. Some of the doors will be readily opened while others will remain closed and unknown. How do we know if we are making the right decisions? We don’t unless we allow ourselves to live life in a purposeful manner. There are three principles to help with this type of living, one of which is accountability. The first step is to generate answers, do not wait for answers to come, make your own in life. Next set and work toward goals. You will not get anywhere in life without having goals. Finally, be accountable. Setting goals is nothing without discipline and accountability.

Accountability offers the necessary pressure to get things completed and move forward. In the realm of recovery this means you need to chart your plan and work toward goals without stopping. If you happen to fail it can be used as a learning experience and if you succeed you can set new goals. Your progress can be shared and monitored by others.

So what are you being held accountable for as part of your life and recovery? What are you willing to put out for others to hold you accountable? Are you willing to use this accountability to better your life? The choices are yours. No one can say that accountability will be easy and you must carefully choose those who are willing to be brutally honest and supportive for you. The risk will be worth it if you take advantage of the opportunity.

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