Ketamine Special K

Special K Drug and What Is It Doing To You?

Articles, Australia, International, Understanding Addiction

As with all illegal recreational substances, the Special K drug conjures up inviting images. While many claim it gives a wicked high, others experience extremely unwanted effects.

What is it?

This drug is Ketamine and is legally used as a very powerful, short acting general anaesthetic for humans and animals.

How is it taken recreationally?

It is most commonly found in powder form and snorted although it is available in tablet and liquid form.

What are the effects?

Many users report that snorting the drug brings a rush of good feeling within a couple of minutes. Those that use tablets get similar effects after around 20 minutes, while injecting produces a much quicker ‘hit’.

From there on in it is either uphill or downhill depending on the amount taken, your constitution and what sort of mood you are in. Hallucinations are common, and some users have reported “out of body experiences”. This is known as “The K Hole’.

Wicked or Wicked?

Street slang defines “Wicked” as “cool”, “awesome” and other similar meanings. The true meaning of “Wicked” is “Evil”, or when used informally it can mean “Extremely Unpleasant”.

The reason for comparing the two sayings is because the Special K drug is exactly that – Awesome for some, extremely unpleasant for others.


If you are experimenting with this drug please be very sure that you understand just how powerful it is. To put this into context, ketamine is stronger than if you were to take the same amount of Speed or Cocaine. The fact many users do not appreciate its strength is very often their downfall.

They sprinkle a little extra in that already generous line and instead of feeling Wicked, they feel Wicked!!

Let caution be the byword:

While it is very important to err on the cautious (lower dosage) side of any illegal drug, this is particularly the case when it comes to your hit of that Special K drug. Please remember, once taken there is no turning back.

Unwanted effects:

Unless you are looking to lose body co-ordination, feel numb all over, reach a state of near paralysis, find that it is impossible to speak without slurring, become utterly and totally confused, feel nauseous and in lots of cases begin to throw up violently then please bear these possibilities in mind when ‘lining up’.

Mixing is a ‘No-No’:

Sorry to be a stick-in-the-mud, but you really are asking for trouble if you decide to concoct an exotic drugs cocktail that includes ketamine. By doing so you are greatly increasing your chances of a very unpleasant trip, and just for the record; please don’t mix it with alcohol.

If you are looking for a pleasant experience from your Special K drug then do treat it with respect, after all, in the right quantities it is powerful enough to sedate a horse!

Beware of those knocks and tumbles!

Ketamine is a highly effective anaesthetic. What this means is that any knocks or tumbles you take while under the influence of the drug will more than likely not be felt. Although this is true while you are on a ketamine high, you can rest assured that such injuries will be felt and seen when you come down!

Is ketamine addictive?

The ‘good’ news is that ketamine is not felt to be physically addictive. The very bad news is that it is psychologically addictive.

It is a fairly unique drug in the sense that a ‘trip’ will only last around 1 hour if injected or inhaled. If taken in liquid or tablet form you can double that length. Even so, this is far shorter than other hallucinogens.

Such a short and intense experience makes it a popular ‘party’ drug, but the problem with its relatively short lifespan is that the temptation to go for another hit quite quickly can lead many users into ketamine binges.

Such binges can quickly turn into a daily need. This is partly due to the fact that your body quickly accepts and tolerates the Special K drug.

As sure as night follows day, daily need and use leads to dependence, and dependence can very often lead to addiction.

Steps you must take if Ketamine use is getting out of hand:

Please do not think “It will never happen to me”. Ketamine is a hallucinogenic. It messes with your mind. Your body is also very accommodating. As we have just mentioned, it readily tolerates this drug.

The 1st step you have to take may seem obvious, but it is probably the most difficult. That is to admit to yourself you have a serious problem. Once you get your head around this fact you will have taken a major step forward.

From there you will gain the confidence to seek specialist help, and while your doctor is often the first port of call you should also consider contacting a responsible rehabilitation establishment to discuss your problem.

The advantage of choosing the latter is that these centres, or rehab resorts as they are often known, are 100% geared to helping you with your problem.

It is all to do with the mind:

As we have mentioned, you will not be suffering physical addiction as such, it will be psychological addiction that is your greatest concern.

Your mental state is something that needs to be worked on, and the mind is such a complex ‘machine’ that expert, experienced help is the order of the day.

Rehab establishments can offer support, specialised programs to help you cope with the difficulties of withdrawal and gradually rebuild a Special K drug free life.

The treatment and program will be devised specifically for you. Every individual is different and will have different problems, concerns and needs. A reputable rehab clinic offers the flexibility needed to help you overcome your addiction.

Ketamine withdrawal is not an overnight fix

It would be a mistake to wrap the Special K drug in cotton wool and say that your addiction can be cured overnight. It will take time, patience, determination and inner-strength, but it has been achieved many times over, and more importantly it can be achieved by you with the help of responsible, experienced, qualified medical and counselling staff.

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